How to get websphere application server installation directory using shell script - shell

I have a WebSphere Application server (WAS) installed in the path /opt/IBM/WebSphere.
Is it possible to get the installation path using OS user wsadmin?
I need to get that installed directory path from shell script.

If you're in a profile directory (or always know where one is,) you could check variables.xml, which exists at /config/cells/(your_cell_name_here)/nodes/(node_name_here)/variables.xml for the value of WAS_INSTALL_ROOT. For example (not necessarily the cleanest):
INSTALLROOT=$(grep "symbolicName=\"WAS_INSTALL_ROOT\"" variables.xml | grep -o "value=\"[^\"]*" | cut -b8-)
There is also an installation registry, which is /opt/.ibm/.nif/.nifregistry for WAS before 8.0 and /opt/.ibm/.was.installlocations.registry for 8.0 and above, however these are created and edited by the installation wizard so they may not be 100% accurate to what's installed on the system. This developerWorks answer explains a little more about those files.


Special character fails installation of Oracle Weblogic Server 12x

I'm trying to install "Oracle WebLogic Server" on Windows 10 with
java -jar fmw_12. command run on Git Bash. Problem is my folder account name (let's say UserŃame) has special characters and I cannot change that. This is error message that I've got:
The directory path "C:\Users\User▒ame\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2022-01-05_04-13-52PM" contains invalid characters.
Unable to locate or create a temporary directory for the Oracle Universal Installer.
Are there any tricks to bypass this extraction to temp folder maybe?
I'm trying setup new local account with admin privileges but after creation I cannot log in to it... this is different problem.
You can try to set a different temp dir with this JVM property

Unable to Install WebSphere Developer Tools (WDT)

I've downloaded but I'm stuck at step 1 of section "0.5 Install WebSphere Developer Tools (WDT)" in setup.pdf where I see
Am I doing something wrong?
Double-check paragraph at 0.3 Installing Liberty and the Java Runtime and its note:
To install for windows or linux,
a. Liberty is already installed for you {LAB_HOME)/wlp
b. The IBM JRE is already installed for you
{LAB_HOME)/wlp/java [...]
c. The IBM_JRE is set to default Java in
the {LAB_HOME)/wlp/etc/server.env
If you want to override this for a specific server create a server.env
file in the usr/servers/ directory.
*Note: If JAVA_HOME is already set in your shell, then you will need to “unset JAVA_HOME”. To check, execute “env| grep –i java_home”. If
it returns with a value, then execute “unset JAVA_HOME”
Then remind that Eclipse looks for jre/jdk based on vm parameter in eclipse.ini.
In the zip file downloaded it should be
-vm ..\wlp\java\bin\javaw.exe
It should be correct, anyway you could try setting an absolute path so you are sure it doesn't care about working directory.

install weblogic on console mode without xming

I'm trying to install weblogic server on Centos 7 with following instruction of oracle about console mode. Everything will be fine till weblogic file 's extracting on my computer. I get this message about
display enviroment variable failed
I google it and found xming as solution. But is there any solution to install weblogic without xming.
You need to do a silent install as mentioned. You can find the documentation here.
Basically, you need two files:
A response file
Here, you will set some parameters like ORACLE_HOME, proxy information if needed and installation type, etc.
An oraInst.loc file
In this file, you need to do the following(from documentation):
Replace oui_inventory_directory with the full path to the directory where you want the installer to create the inventory directory. Then, replace oui_install_group with the name of the group whose members have write permissions to this directory.
After doing all of this, you can run the command as follows;
java -jar distribution_name.jar -silent -responseFile file [-options] [()*]
I uploaded my own oraInst.loc and response files here for demonstration. I strongly suggest you to read the documentation though. Good luck.

Running Tomcat from windows 10 bash shell

I installed tomcat server on windows10 bash shell. Though it says apache is running.. its not opening admin panel in browser. Browser says 'Connection can't be reached'
Have someone tried this ever before? Please share your inputs.
Thank you
I am assuming you are referring to Bash for Windows (Ubuntu) on Windows 10. Yes Tomcat server can be installed and run from Bash for Windows with no need to install Tomcat in the Windows environment.
First, you may want to check if any local server is running on Windows 10 port 8080 - the default port for Tomcat, or whatever port you are configuring Tomcat for.
Second, open BASH for Windows and install Java. I used Oracle Java JDK 8 ( and downloaded the tar.gz file.
Extract the tar.gz and copy to a standard directory like /usr/local/java or in the /opt/ directory for easy access.
Create JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME environment variables that link to your java location.
I also updated the alternatives to map java, javac, and javaws. You can use this link to assist (
Then download the tar.gz of Tomcat. Again, I used Tomcat 8.5 for my scenario and extract the files to your chosen directory.
Last, run the startup script located in the bin folder of the tomcat extracted folder. You should have a working Tomcat version.
Use the curl command to validate - curl localhost:8080
If you want to change the admin privileges, edit the tomcat-users.xml file located in the conf folder within the extracted tomcat directory.
Access to the tomcat server can also be done through the Windows system and not just through the Bash for Windows CLI.
Hope this helps!

Missing conf directory on windows 32 bit neo4j 1.9.4 community edition installation on remote connection

Im trying to follow in order to setup the server to accept external connections (org.neo4j.server.webserver.address= on conf/ according to that docs).
I downloaded the installer from here Note that this is an installer not a archive(rar, bz or whatever).
The "conf" directory does not appear. I have been working around (pass vm arguments at the startup etc but im going nowhere). Until now i have found:
C:\Documents and Settings[myuser]\Datos de
C:\Documents and
Settings\xp\Datos de programa\Neo4j Community[direcory with a logs
C:\Documents and Settings[myuser]\Mis
documentos\Neo4j\default.graphdb[directory for default graphdb i
think, here is a files, is this the files that docs tell me?]
C:\Archivos de programa\Neo4j Community[directory with
.install4j,bin,jre(i dont have java installed on system)
The bin folder on C:\Archivos de programa\Neo4j Community just contain:
- neo4j-community.exe
- neo4j-community.vmoptions
- neo4j-community-user-vmoptions.loc
- neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar
As you could see there is nothing here like the so mentioned (on docs) Neo4j.bat.
My neo4j server its running perfectly. Even i played a while with the so fun webadmin on localhost:7474. But when i needed to connect from a ubuntu pc and went to docs for help run into the misterious case of missing conf directory.
Are this docs not related to community edition or at least not to the windows 1.9.4 installer?
Right now i just need to connect from a external client, not localhost, but tomorrow i could want to fly in a cow and i suspect for that i will need the conf directory. Any help, in the particular case of remote connection to neo4j server or the general case of missing conf directory will be appreciated.
PS.I found neo4j community V1.9.4 - how to configure IP address and default database location? just a few seconds before i finished to write this. Where i could download the distribution and not the installer? In the official site dont seems to be more choices tan 32/64 bit installer???
If you want to download the distribution, you can download from here
In community version if you notice, there will be option to download "Installer" or "Binary"
just download the binary package and extract, everything (including conf folder) are inside that.
Btw, If you using the window installer, Neo4J will provide you with user-friendly GUI, if you notice, there will be "Settings.." button there for you to configure your server,
To change the server address for ex, you need to modify
Configuration will be the same, just the location of the config file is different.
