Xpath identifier for an span element with an 'i' tag inside it - xpath

Trying to find out xpath for the element for the html code mentioned below.
Xpath works with
But not with
Trying to find out xpath with span and text. How this could be done
<span class="m-t-5">
<span class="label statusopen" title="Open" onclick="javascript:toggleHistoryTab(this,'tw_831158485664530432','2302','SOLR','-1','s360-379359269');" style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none;">
<i class="fa fa-envelope-open-o"/>
In my test case, more appropriate one is to find with text "Open".

This XPath,
will select those span elements whose normalized string value is "Open" and will exclude parent span elements such as the one in your example with class="m-t-5".

If you need XPath for span element with an 'i' tag inside it you may try:
If you need even more specific XPath for span element with an 'i' tag inside it that contains text "Open":


XPath node that doesn't contain a child

I'm trying to access a certain element from by using XML but I just can't seem to get it, and I don't understand quite why.
<ul class="test1" id="content">
<li class="list">
<p>Insert random text here</p>
<div class="author">
<li class="list">
<p>I need this text here</p>
Basically the text I want is the second one but I want/need to use something similar to p[not(div)] as to retrieve it.
I have tried the methods from the following link but to no avail (xpath find node that does not contain child)
Here is how I tried accessing the text:
If you have any possible answers, thank you !
The HTML snippet posted in question shows that both p elements do not contain any div, so the expression //p[not(.//div)] would match both p. The first p element is sibling of the div (both shares the same parent element li) instead of parent or ancestor. The following XPath expression would match text nodes from the 2nd p and not those from the first one:
Brief explanation:
//ul[contains(#id,"content")]: find ul elements where id attribute value contains text "content"
/li[not(div)]: from such ul find child elements li that don't have child element div. This will match only the end li in the example HTML
/p/text(): from such li, find child elements p and then return child text nodes form such p

scrapy and xpath: get the text in a child element, if the parent element contains text

How do i get the text of a child element, if the parent element contains text with a specific string?
For example:
From the above html code, how to get only string "Ola" using xpath?
Without knowing scrapy, I would try
//li[text()[contains(.,"string2")]] select a li element that text contains string2
/span select a element span below the selected li
/text(): return the text of the selected span element
Update: This is simpler and should also work:

Xpath: select div that contains class AND whose specific child element contains text

With the help of this SO question I have an almost working xpath:
//div[contains(#class, 'measure-tab') and contains(., 'someText')]
However this gets two divs: in one it's the child td that has someText, the other it's child span.
How do I narrow it down to the one with the span?
<div class="measure-tab">
<!-- table html omitted -->
<td> someText</td>
<div class="measure-tab"> <-- I want to select this div (and use contains #class)
<span> someText</span> <-- that contains a deeply nested span with this text
To find a div of a certain class that contains a span at any depth containing certain text, try:
//div[contains(#class, 'measure-tab') and contains(.//span, 'someText')]
That said, this solution looks extremely fragile. If the table happens to contain a span with the text you're looking for, the div containing the table will be matched, too. I'd suggest to find a more robust way of filtering the elements. For example by using IDs or top-level document structure.
You can use ancestor. I find that this is easier to read because the element you are actually selecting is at the end of the path.
//span[contains(text(),'someText')]/ancestor::div[contains(#class, 'measure-tab')]
You could use the xpath :
//div[#class="measure-tab" and .//span[contains(., "someText")]]
Input :
<div class="measure-tab">
<td> someText</td>
<div class="measure-tab">
Output :
Element='<div class="measure-tab">
You can change your second condition to check only the span element:
...and contains(div/span, 'someText')]
If the span isn't always inside another div you can also use
...and contains(.//span, 'someText')]
This searches for the span anywhere inside the div.

Xpath get text of nested item not working but css does

I'm making a crawler with Scrapy and wondering why my xpath doesn't work when my CSS selector does? I want to get the number of commits from this html:
<li class="commits">
<a data-pjax="" href="/samthomson/flot/commits/master">
<span class="octicon octicon-history"></span>
<span class="num text-emphasized">
response.css('li.commits a span.text-emphasized').css('::text').extract()
CSS returns the number (unescaped), but XPath returns nothing. Am I using the // for nested elements correctly?
You're not matching all values in the class attribute of the span tag, so use the contains function to check if only text-emphasized is present:
response.xpath('//li[#class="commits"]//a//span[contains(#class, "text-emphasized")]//text()')[0].strip()
Otherwise also include num:
response.xpath('//li[#class="commits"]//a//span[#class="num text-emphasized"]//text()')[0].strip()
Also, I use [0] to retrieve the first element returned by XPath and strip() to remove all whitespace, resulting in just the number.

How to write the single xpath when the text is in two lines

How to write the single xpath for this
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 profilesky"> <div class="career_icon">
<span> Boost </span> <br/>
Your Profile </div>
I am able to write by two line using "contains" method.
.//*[contains(text(),'Your Profile')]
But i want in a single line to write the xpath for this.
You can try this way :
.//*[#class='career_icon' and contains(., 'Boost') and contains(., 'Your Profile')]
Above xpath check if there is an element having class attribute equals career_icon and contains both Boost and Your Profile texts in the element body.
Note that text() only checks direct child text node. To check entire text content of an element simply use dot (.).
You can combine several rules just by writing them one after another since they refer to the same element:
.//[contains(text(),'Boost')][contains(text(),'Your Profile')]
