Shell script to add values to a specific column - shell

I have semicolon-separated columns, and I would like to add some characters to a specific column.
to the second column I want to add '#', so the output should be;
I tried
awk -F';' -OFS=';' '{ $2 = "#" $2}1' file
It adds the character but removes all semicolons with space.

You could use sed to do your job:
# replaces just the first occurrence of ';', note the absence of `g` that
# would have made it a global replacement
sed 's/;/;#/' file > file.out
or, to do it in place:
sed -i 's/;/;#/' file
Or, use awk:
awk -F';' '{$2 = "#"$2}1' OFS=';' file
All the above commands result in the same output for your example file:

#atb: Try:
awk -F";" '{print $1 FS "#" $2 FS $3}' Input_file
Above will work only when your Input_file has 3 fields only.
awk -F";" -vfield=2 '{$field="#"$field} 1' OFS=";" Input_file
Above code you could put any field number and could make it as per your request.
Here I am making field separator as ";" and then taking a variable named field which will have the field number in it and then that concatenating "#" in it's value and 1 is for making condition TRUE and not making and action so by default print action will happen of current line.

You just misunderstood how to set variables. Change -OFS to -v OFS:
awk -F';' -v OFS=';' '{ $2 = "#" $2 }1' file
but in reality you should set them both to the same value at one time:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} { $2 = "#" $2 }1' file


How to match a unique patter using awk?

I have a text file called 'file.txt' with the content like,
If the pattern is test, then the expected output should be one and similarly for the other two lines.
This is what I have tried.
pattern=test && awk '{split($0,i,":"); if (i[1] ~ /'"$pattern"'$/) print i[2]}'
This command gives the output like,
and pattern=test_test && awk '{split($0,i,":"); if (i[1] ~ /'"$pattern"'$/) print i[2]}'
How can I match the unique pattern being "test" for "test" and not for "test_test" and so on.
How can I match the unique pattern being test for test and not for test_test and so on.
Don't use a regex for comparing the value, just use equality:
awk -F: -v pat='test' '$1 == pat {print $2}' file
awk -F: -v pat='test_test' '$1 == pat {print $2}' file
If you really want to use regex, then use it like this with anchors:
awk -F: -v pat='test' '$1 ~ "^" pat "$" {print $2}' file
If you want to use a regex, you can create it dynamically with pattern and optionally repeating _ followed by pattern until matching a :
If it matches the start of the string, then you can print the second field.
awk -v pattern='test' -F: '
$0 ~ "^"pattern"(_"pattern")*:" {
print $2
' file
Or if only matching the part before the first underscore is also ok, then splitting field 1 on _ and printing field 2:
awk -v pattern='test' -F: ' {
split($1, a, "_")
if(a[1] == pattern) print $2
}' file
Using GNU sed with word boundaries
$ sed -n '/\<test\>/s/[^:]*://p' input_file

Need to prepend a string to a column and to add another column with it

I have a file with 2 lines
I need a to output like below. Basically, I want to add the string "xyz" to col 1 and to add "xyz" as a new col 2
This is what I used
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="fs-"$1}{print value OFS $0}' /tmp/b.log
I get
I tried
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="fs-"$1}{print value OFS $0}' /tmp/b.log|awk -F" " '{$2="fs" $0;}1' OFS=" "
In addition to the awk's updating fields ($1, $2...) approach, we can also use substitution to do the job:
sed 's/^[^|]*/xyz-&|xyz/' file
If awk is a must:
awk '1+sub(/^[^|]*/, "xyz-&|xyz")' file
Both one-liners give expected output.
Could you please try following.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"} {$1="xyz-"$1;$2="xyz" OFS $2} 1' Input_file
OR as per #Corentin Limier's comment try:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"} {$1="xyz-" $1 OFS "xyz"} 1' Input_file
Output will be as follows.
I would use sed instead of awk as follows:
sed -e 's/^/xyz-/' -e 's/|/|xyz|/' Input_file
This prepends xyz- at beginning of each line and changes the first | into |xyz|
Another slight variation of sed:
sed 's/^/xyz-/;s/|/&xyz&/' file

Add string to columns in bash

I have a comma-delimited file to which I want to append a string in specific columns. I am trying to do something like this, but couldn't do it until now.
And I want to append 'some_string' to columns 3 and 4:
I was trying something similar to the suggestion solution, but to no avail:
awk -v OFS=$'\,' '{ $3="some_string" $3; print}' $lookup_file
Also, I would like my string to be added to both columns. How would you do this with awk or bash?
Thanks a lot in advance
You can do that with (almost) what you have:
pax> echo 're1,1,a1e,a2e,AGT
re12,4,b1e,b2e,ACGTACT' | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}{$3 = "pre3:"$3; $4 = "pre4:"$4; print}'
The begin block sets the input and output field separators, the two assignments massage fields 3 and 4, and the print outputs the modified line.
You need to set FS to comma, not just OFS. There's a shortcut for setting FS, it's the -F option.
awk -F, -v OFS=',' '{ $3="some_string" $3; $4 = "some_string" $4; print}' "$lookup_file"
awk's default action is to concatenate, so you can simply place strings next to each other and they'll be treated as one. 1 means true, so with no {action} it will assume "print". You can use Bash's Brace Expansion to assign multiple variables after the script.
awk '{$3 = "three" $3; $4 = "four" $4} 1' {O,}FS=,

awk delete all lines not containing substring using if condition

I want to delete lines where the first column does not contain the substring 'cat'.
So if string in col 1 is 'caterpillar', i want to keep it.
awk -F"," '{if($1 != cat) ... }' file.csv
How can i go about doing it?
I want to delete lines where the first column does not contain the substring 'cat'
That can be taken care by this awk:
awk -F, '!index($1, "cat")' file.csv
If that doesn't work then I would suggest you to provide your sample input and expected output in question.
This awk does the job too
awk -F, '$1 ~ /cat/{print}' file.csv
-F : "Delimiter"
$1 ~ /cat/ : match pattern cat in field 1
{print} : print
A shorter command is:
awk -F, '$1 ~ "cat"' file.csv
-F is the field delimiter: (,)
$1 ~ "cat" is a (not anchored) regular expression match, match at any position.
As no action has been given, the default: {print} is assumed by awk.

awk - split only by first occurrence

I have a line like:
one:two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
and I want to use awk to get $1 to be one and $2 to be two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
I know I can get it by doing sed before. That is to change the first occurrence of : with sed then awk it using the new delimiter.
However replacing the delimiter with a new one would not help me since I can not guarantee that the new delimiter will not already be somewhere in the text.
I want to know if there is an option to get awk to behave this way
So something like:
awk -F: '{print $1,$2}'
will print:
one two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
I will also want to do some manipulations on $1 and $2 so I don't want just to substitute the first occurrence of :.
Without any substitutions
echo "one:two:three:four:five" | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,":");print $1 " " substr($0,st+1)}'
The index command finds the first occurance of the ":" in the whole string, so in this case the variable st would be set to 4. I then use substr function to grab all the rest of the string from starting from position st+1, if no end number supplied it'll go to the end of the string. The output being
one two:three:four:five
If you want to do further processing you could always set the string to a variable for further processing.
rem = substr($0,st+1)
Note this was tested on Solaris AWK but I can't see any reason why this shouldn't work on other flavours.
Some like this?
echo "one:two:three:four:five:six" | awk '{sub(/:/," ")}1'
one two:three:four:five:six
This replaces the first : to space.
You can then later get it into $1, $2
echo "one:two:three:four:five:six" | awk '{sub(/:/," ")}1' | awk '{print $1,$2}'
one two:three:four:five:six
Or in same awk, so even with substitution, you get $1 and $2 the way you like
echo "one:two:three:four:five:six" | awk '{sub(/:/," ");$1=$1;print $1,$2}'
one two:three:four:five:six
Using a different separator you can get first one as filed $1 and rest in $2 like this:
echo "one:two:three:four:five:six seven:eight" | awk -F\| '{sub(/:/,"|");$1=$1;print "$1="$1 "\n$2="$2}'
$2=two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
Unique separator
echo "one:two:three:four:five:six seven:eight" | awk -F"#;#." '{sub(/:/,"#;#.");$1=$1;print "$1="$1 "\n$2="$2}'
$2=two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
The closest you can get with is with GNU awk's FPAT:
$ awk '{print $1}' FPAT='(^[^:]+)|(:.*)' file
$ awk '{print $2}' FPAT='(^[^:]+)|(:.*)' file
:two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
But $2 will include the leading delimiter but you could use substr to fix that:
$ awk '{print substr($2,2)}' FPAT='(^[^:]+)|(:.*)' file
two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
So putting it all together:
$ awk '{print $1, substr($2,2)}' FPAT='(^[^:]+)|(:.*)' file
one two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
Storing the results of the substr back in $2 will allow further processing on $2 without the leading delimiter:
$ awk '{$2=substr($2,2); print $1,$2}' FPAT='(^[^:]+)|(:.*)' file
one two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
A solution that should work with mawk 1.3.3:
awk '{n=index($0,":");s=$0;$1=substr(s,1,n-1);$2=substr(s,n+1);print $1}' FS='\0'
awk '{n=index($0,":");s=$0;$1=substr(s,1,n-1);$2=substr(s,n+1);print $2}' FS='\0'
two:three:four five:six:seven
awk '{n=index($0,":");s=$0;$1=substr(s,1,n-1);$2=substr(s,n+1);print $1,$2}' FS='\0'
one two:three:four five:six:seven
Just throwing this on here as a solution I came up with where I wanted to split the first two columns on : but keep the rest of the line intact.
Comments inline.
echo "a:b:c:d::e" | \
awk '{
split($0,f,":"); # split $0 into array of fields `f`
sub(/^([^:]+:){2}/,"",$0); # remove first two "fields" from `$0`
print f[1],f[2],$0 # print first two elements of `f` and edited `$0`
a b c:d::e
In my input I didn't have to worry about the first two fields containing escaped :, if that was a requirement, this solution wouldn't work as expected.
Amended to match the original requirements:
echo "a:b:c:d::e" | \
awk '{
print f[1],$0
a b:c:d::e
