Laravel 5.3 and VueJS 2 Authenticating - laravel

Im using Laravels default auth to lock down some paths in the routes/api.php file.
Route::get('/projects', 'ProjectController#index')->middleware('auth:api');
I log the user in via a PHP form (not via a http request via Vue).
This creates the session and when I submit a HTTP request via Vue I can see that the header includes the Cookie and X-CSRF-Token however I keep getting a 401 {"error":"Unauthenticated."}
In my config/auth I have api driver set as 'token' (have tried changing this to 'session' but that did work :/)
From my understanding and what I have read online I should be able to use the default Laravel auth functionality to accomplish API calls from Vue HTTP requests.
.then(response => {
this.projects = response.body;
.catch (err => {
I've read about methods of authenticating by generating an JWT token and storing that in local storage when the user logs in. Is this the method I should use or should I be able to accomplish it with the default Laravel Auth middleware?
Hope my questions make sense, any help/advice would be appreciated.

The auth:api middleware doesn't use cookies, it uses api_token param, which can be passed via get or Bearer <token> header. Just use web middleware.
I suppose you need to access the same route in two ways - for API users and for browser users. So why don't you create two routes for one action?
// api group with /api prefix
Route::get('/projects', 'ProjectController#index')->middleware('auth:api');
// web group
Route::get('/projects', 'ProjectController#index')->middleware('web');


Laravel Jetstream/Sanctum API authentication

I have been working with Laravel since version 5.X up to version 8.X but always use it for backend API (never used blade template), and always pair it with VueJS on the front-end using JWT authentication (also never messed with any other authentication method).
Now with Laravel 9 and Vue 3, Im trying to use native Laravel Jetstream that uses SANCTUM and Vue+Inertia JS, and I'm quite lost with the authentication process. with JWT method, once the user succesfully login on the browser, all api request to Laravel will be authenticated using Authoraziation header. but this seems a different case with Sanctum.
After deploying and installing Jetstream and completed all the set-up. I created a user and loggedin with that user details. and I notice few things, there is a default API route
Route::middleware('auth:sanctum')->get('/user', function (Request $request) {
return $request->user();
when I tried to directly access my.domain/api/user I notice it was redirected to GET /login
then redirected again to GET /dashboard
I then created a test api route using below
Route::get('test', function( Request $req) {
dd( [
'test' => $req->all(),
'user' => auth()->user(),
'request' => $req
] );
and I notice this request is not authenticated even when the cookies is present on the request as Im when I'm alraedy logged-in on the same browser, the auth()->user() is null.
I tried adding auth:sanctum middleware
Route::middleware('auth:sanctum')->get('test', function( Request $req) {
dd( [
'test' => $req->all(),
'user' => auth()->user(),
'request' => $req
] );
but having sanctum middle behave the same as the api/user where if i open api/test directly on the browser, it gets redirected to GET /login then redirected again to GET /dashboard and I'm quite lost at this point. I tried reading the docs and it says I have to do a separate authentication for this that would issue an API token and I was thinking I might better be going back with using JWT auth as it seems a lot easier to deal with.
So my question is; How can I authenticate an API end-point without having to redirect it to /login then /dashboard if the user is already logged in on my application using default sanctum authentication.
My goal is just to simply create /api/test that will be automatically authenticated if user already loggedin on the same browser and return the data I set on its return value and not doing any redirects.
Appreciate any help
I have got the same issue with laravel8
Jetstream and inertia vue3.
Am looking for the solution since 3 days posting messages on discord, searching on YouTube and more but nothing.
When i make an api call from your SPA to laravel, i got UNAUTHENTICATED response.
on postman you need put
Accept = application/json
this tells your application know how works with Json
and go stop redirect to "Login"

How Laravel middleware auth:api detect token from cookie?

I just trying to makes my auth flow more secure using a cookie on Laravel 5.7
Here my code
* auth logic
return response()->json(["status" => "logged in"], 200)->cookie('token', $token, $lifetime);
Then the cookie will be saved on the browser and will be used on every request.
On header with Axios
And I validate the auth using default middleware
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:api']])
But the auth:api did not recognize it, I can make custom middleware by manually detect the cookie, but I can't use the auth()->user() function on it.
Is there any solution for this?
From your sample code I believe your app is built on a stateless architecture where you have your JavaScript client and laravel api.
Now I am a bit confused as to why you do not want the client storing the token, if you just want to escape cross site scripting vulnerability (XSS) then you have to prepare to deal with cross site request forgery (CSRF) if you store the token in the browsers cookie.
Regarding the middleware not being able to find the token, by default the middleware is configured to lookup tokens in the request header (specifically the Authorization header) so if you decide to store it in the cookie, you have to find a way to change the token lookup in the api middleware which unfortunately I have not done before in laravel.
APIs don't generally store and send cookies. Therefore the api token authentication guard will not look for the token in a cookie. There are multiple options you can send it as though the easiest one in axios:
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`

How to log in from a single page react app to Laravel 7.x on another domain?

I have a single page create-react-app running on localhost:3000 and I want to log in to a laravel 7.x instance running on myapp.loc (vhost).
Eventually I would like a single page running on with laravel running on
I'm able to log in to my laravel instance directly from myapp.loc. I've installed Laravel passport and the scaffolding, etc and can create Client IDs and Secrets, but I'm unsure if they are needed and if so, how to use them.
What I am unsure of and cannot find any documentation for, is how to log in to laraval from my SPA (running on localhost:3000). I have set my CORS headers and can connect requests that don't require auth, but I don't know how to log in or structure auth requests once logged in.
I can't find any documentation on / get requests with a focus on logging in from another domain and maintain user-based access.
Since I don't know enough to ask a concise question, there are three layers that I feel like I should be searching for an answer.
Is it possible for laravel to act as the backend for my single page app from another domain?
If so, are there documented, best practices / well worn paths for accomplishing this?
If so, what would a sample axios login and subsequent session call look like? (e.g. payload and header shape)
Yes you can, I suggest to use instead of passport because is easier to setup and it was created especially for this scenario.
You need to configure CORS using the official Laravel Package this way you will open Laravel's CORS to be able to reach it from anywhere localhost, or any domain that you can set up into allowed_origins. inside the cors.php config file according to the documentation of the package.
After configuring Sanctum/Passport and ensuring you are generating the required token for your SPA using the createToken method described in Sanctum or Passport docs, you have to save the token to connect to your protected endpoints however they recommend to use cookie SPA based authentication but that's not strictly necessary.
Create an API Service
In this example I will create an API Service to encapsulate API calls
import axios from 'axios';
const URI = 'https://yourlaravel.api/api/';
axios.defaults.headers.common = { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' };
const ApiInstance = axios.create();
const API = {
login: (user) => {
return`${URI}login`, user);
getUser: () => {
return ApiInstance.get(`${URI}user`);
setUser: (user) => {
return`${URI}user`, user);
Send A Login Request to your login endpoint and save the token
import API;
//save the token
Fetch data from your protected endpoints using the token
//Set the default authorization header when you have an access token
axios.defaults.headers.common = {'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`}
//Get your data
//Post something
All those things are possible, you just need to set up cors and you are good to go. For auth you can use passport or your own custom app key setup, it all depends on what you are trying to achieve. I suggest reading up about RESTfull apis, that would be a good start.
In order to perform a handshake between FE and BE on FE you would have a login form submission of which will send e request to BE (backend api) and if login is success you send back a key which then FE should store. Any future requests from FE should append that key in the header to gain access to authorised areas.
There should be plenty of information on this subject (RESTfull Api & Token authentication) on google.

Using Sanctum with regular Laravel authentication

I have a simple web app using regular authentication for all of my web routes. There are just a few places in my app where I want to be able to call a few API routes from Javascript. Can I setup Sanctum's SPA authentication to work without doing an SPA-style login?
I have followed the instructions server-side, and on my login page I am doing a CSRF cookie request using the axios library before the user logs-in using the standard routes. But when I try to then hit a Sanctum protected route I just get redirected to the home page.
Is it expected that Sanctum session-based auth should work with a regular app login?
I located the problem. In EnsureFrontendRequestsAreStateful is this function:
public static function fromFrontend($request)
$referer = Str::replaceFirst('https://', '', $request->headers->get('referer'));
$referer = Str::replaceFirst('http://', '', $referer);
return Str::startsWith($referer, config('sanctum.stateful', [])) ||
Str::is(config('sanctum.stateful', []), $referer);
$referer is null on my requests, so this function cannot return true. If 'referer' is changed to 'host' it works. Is this acceptable? Does it satisfy the point of the function still, that the "given request is from the first-party application frontend" or are there security implications I haven't considered?
'Referer' works when hitting the API endpoint from Javascript, but when hitting it from Postman or in a browser window the headers non-existence causes a problem. So in simple GET testing it is redirecting to login, but is working fine when called from the Axios library in a Vue component.
'Referer' works in postman too, you need only add header to your request Referer -> {{host}}. host it's postman variable or you can type it like localhost. Sanctum by default checking this referers localhost,localhost:3000,,,::1, but you can specify your own referer by adding variable to env file here.

Why does one Route fail and the other work?

I am using Laravel to serve both my website and a stateless API. I use Passport with a token set in the cookie to Authenticate the API, this is handled by Passport.
I make calls to the API using axios within vue.js
I was getting an issue with an API call that was returning Unauthorized, all other requests were fine, by playing around I have arrived at the finding that
.then(response => { console.log(; });
Route::get('/session/{code}/posts' , 'PostController#posts');
works; whereas
.then(response => { console.log(; });
Route::get('/session/posts' , 'PostController#posts');
does not (returns 401 Unauthorized).
In the first example the $code value is simply an obfuscated ID and is not related to authentication, it is a string of characters. Also, session refers to an internal Application object and is not related to the php session at all.
This is in my Routes service provider:
This sets a token in a cookie (laravel_token by default), and uses that to authenticate.
Other routes are successfully authenticating through this, when I add the variable to the route, it works!
Can anyone explain to me why the second version gives an Unauthorized response?
It appears to be the auth:api guard that makes this distinction, but I don't know where in the Laravel framework the actual check() code is.
Kindly check if your routes where a part of a prefix that has the auth:guard api activated. whereas you need to send api generated token to gain authorization.
