How to execute a shell script in maven - shell

I am trying to incorporate a shell script in my maven build. This is what I want:
Transfer unit tests to a server, run the tests on the server, transfer the output of the tests back to the maven build, maven then parses the test results and continues/fails based on the output. (I know this is a weird way but because there are no testing plugins for the chosen programming language on maven, this is the most efficient way of introducing unit tests).
I have written a shell script on the server, which does run the tests and places the outputs in a /testOutput folder on the server. But I have 2 problems:
How would I be able to run the shell script, located on the server, using maven and how would I be able to run it with sudo?


Run Surefire tests in Maven with HTML output & a nonzero exit code on failure

I'm working on a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline for various Dockerized Java apps, using Maven to build them. The first step of the pipeline builds the app and pushes it to our registry. The second step is supposed to run unit tests and ensure they all pass before allowing the pipeline to continue to the deployment stage.
The problem I'm having is finding a way to invoke Maven which does what I want. What I need the test step to do is:
Execute the tests once with Surefire
Print to STDOUT or STDERR the test results (so they are visible in the job log)
Output XML test reports which will be uploaded to Gitlab as job artifacts (which will be parsed by Gitlab to populate the test results in the web GUI)
Output an HTML test report which will be uploaded to Gitlab as a job artifact (to give a downloadable, human-readable, all-in-one summary of the test results)
Exit with a nonzero return code if and only if any tests failed (so that the pipeline job will be marked as failed in the Gitlab pipeline)
1-3 are handled automatically by Surefire. The problem is 4 & 5; I'm using the Surefire-report plugin to generate the HTML report, but I can't find a way to invoke it which does what I want:
If I invoke mvn 'test' 'surefire-report:report', then, if any tests fail, Maven exits with a nonzero exit code but the HTML report is not generated.
I think this is because, in the case of a failed test, Maven considers the test goal to have failed and exits without running the surefire-report goal at all
If there are no failed tests, then the surefire-report goal does run and the report is generated, but a report that's only generated when everything passed is of limited use.
If I invoke mvn 'surefire-report:report' or mvn 'surefire-report:report' 'test', then, if any tests fail, an HTML report is still generated, but the return code is 0.
I think this is because Maven considers the surefire-report goal to be successful as long as it successfully generates a report, and then considers the test goal to be redundant because it already ran the tests in order to generate the report
My current workaround is mvn 'surefire-report:report' && mvn 'test', which works, but also runs the tests twice (or at least prints their results to STDOUT twice), and also requires the Docker container in which the tests are run to use a shell script instead of running a single Maven command
Someone suggested mvn 'test' ; result=$? ; mvn 'surefire-report:report-only' && exit ${result}, which seems to work, but I'd much rather have a single command rather than a shell script

How to run tests in a folder in maven

I am using spring-boot. I have my tests segregated in the following manner
When I run a mvn test or package everything inside tests folder are running. I want to run the test within individual folders. Intellij is able to run unit, integaration and endtoend separately.
I saw posts for running tests within a package. All my different test folders have the same package structure. So filtering by test packages will not help me.
If intellij is able to run the folders individually, I think I am just missing the command to run it from the cmd line. Please advise.

How to run script shell before building on Jenkins

(Jenkins newb-newb-newbie here)
Hi there.
I have a Maven project, deployed on Jenkins . In this project, I have an integration test, which depends on a .Net server in order to be run correctly.
The problem is, when I'm trying to build my project on Jenkins, the integration test fails, because the .Net isn't launched...
I need to execute a shell script (for launhing the .Net server) before building my project.
So my question is : how can I launch a script of my project before building from Jenkins?
Theres a build step Execute Windows batch command which you could use to start your server.
You might have to use START to have it launched in a separate process, so your build continues without waiting for the server process to finish, and you might need to put in some delay in case your server needs some time to settle before your tests can run.
You might also need to kill your server after your tests are done, you might be able to use tasklistand taskkill in another Execute Windows batch command build step, and some batch magic to do this.

Bamboo Script Task using inline bat commands failing

Im new to Bamboo and just trying to run this two lines of code in the script task.
cd C:\apache-jmeter-2.11\bin\
jmeter-n.cmd Test.jmx​
It is failing and it is showing this message on the logs.
Failing task since return code of [c:\Program Files\Bamboo\temp\TEST-16-ScriptBuildTask-4637676047487491491.bat] was -1 while expected 0
Is path to JMeter correct?
Does Test.jmx script live in JMeter's bin directory
Do you have "java.exe" in your PATH environment variable? Does Bamboo pick it up?
Can you look into "C:\apache-jmeter-2.11\bin\Test.log" file to see whether they are errors there. If there is no such a file one of points 1-3 isn't met.
Are you aware of Bamboo JMeter Plugin?
By the way, Bamboo is capable of executing Ant or Maven tasks and JMeter test can be kicked off using these build systems as well.
Automated Performance Testing using Maven and JMeter
JMeter Maven Plugin
5 Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI

Having a shell script refer to XCode build paths

I have a shell script that runs lcov (test coverage) on an iOS project that I have Hudson. Hudson's copy of this project is derived from a Git repository. The way that I have set up now is that whenever the repo is updated or if someone manually builds the project in Hudson, Hudson would automatically run the app, and then run my shell script after the build is done. lcov can only be run after the app is not only built, but automatically run with some functional test tools. So, I cannot run the shell script as part of the build process, through XCode. It must be run after the app finishes building and running.
However, I would like to use this project in multiple Hudson jobs. Unfortunately, in each Hudson job, the iOS project is named differently. I would like to refer to the build path with some sort of environmental variable, but I don't know how to. Does anyone have any tips as to how to find that?
If I understand you correctly this is really a Hudson question. You can set "global variables" in your Hudson config and then invoke shell scripts, batch files, ant builds etc. You can also set them dynamically on each invocation of your Hudson job. Not sure exactly how to help you in your specific environment without more info.
