Download files from Artifactory - windows

How can I download files from Artifactory . Is it possible to download using batch script . I used CURL commands to upload then on the same way please provide suggestions to download. Appreciate your help.

You can use the JFrog CLI - a compact and smart client that provides a simple interface that automates access to JFrog products. The CLI works on both Windows and Linux.
For downloading files, take a look at the command for downloading files from Artifactory. This command allows you downloading specific files, multiple files (using wildcards) or complete folders,

Use GNU WGET from here -
Very small utillity and supports download percentage and alot of other options like overwriting, not download if file exists etc.

Hi I used the same CURL command with Ansible .But I missed to configure the remote server for Ansible .So the CURL was not working . After configuring the remote server. It was able to download Thanks a lot for the response


How to download file from jenkins artifact using wget where file name version will be changing

Using below code i am able to download srww_1.2.3.4.dmg file but file version number will change daily so i cannot hardcode filename.
How to download file without hardcoding file name.
wget "${{parameters.test_buildjob}}/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/directrs/srww_1.2.3.4.dmg" --no-check-certificate --http-user=$(USERNAME) --http-password=$(PASSWORD) --auth-no-challenge --no-verbose -O srww_1.2.3.4.dmg
Please help me.
I suggest you take a look at the ReST API of Jenkins:${{parameters.test_buildjob}}/lastSuccessfulBuild/api
Particularly, the XML or JSON form should provide you with the version number built by the job, so you can get the version number first, and then use it when calling to wget.

Fetching artifacts from Nexus to Rundeck

I'm creating a Rundeck job which will be used to rollback an application. My .jar files are stored in a Nexus repository and I would like to add an option to Rundeck where I can choose a .jar version from Nexus and then run the rollback job on this.
I have tried using this plugin:, but it doesn't seem to be working. When I am logged in to Nexus I can access the JSON file listing the artifacts from my browser, but when I am logged off the JSON file is empty, even if the Nexus server is running.
When adding the JSON URL as a remote URL option in Rundeck like the picture below, I get no option to choose from when running the job, even if I am logged in to Nexus, as shown by picture number 2. Is there a way to pass user credentials with options, or any other workaround for this?
I would recommend you to install Apache / HTTPD locally on your rundeck server and use a CGI script for this.
Write a CGI script that queries your Nexus3 service for versions available on the jar file, and echo the results in JSON format.
Place the script in /var/www/cgi-bin/ with executable bit enabled. You can test it like so:
curl 'http://localhost/cgi-bin/'
In your job you can configure your remote URL accordingly.
I find using local CGI script to be much more reliable and flexible. You can also handle any authentication requirements there.

Jmeter - How to add jmx to the docker file

I am creating a Jmeter docker file. I have my JMX file and csv files checked in to git. Could you please guide me on the command to create the jmx image.
There are at least 2 ways of doing this:
Install git client (the steps are different depending on Linux distribution you're using in Docker) and perform git clone of the repository
Use Docker COPY instruction to copy the previously cloned .jmx and csv files from the host machine
Going forward I would recommend updating the question with your Dockerfile so we could get idea regarding your approach and underlying image(s) - this way we won't have to do "blind shots" and the chance you will get the answer will be much higher.
In the meantime check out Make Use of Docker with JMeter - Learn How article, you can use it (at least partially) as the reference for building your own setup.

BASH: Get HTTP link of file

Is there a way to get a HTTP link of a file from a script?
For example:
I have a file at:
Next, I would like to get the http link of that file. For example:
I currently have nginx installed onto the remote server with a specific directory as the root of the web server.
On the server I have, you can get the server link using this:
echo "http://$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/path/to/file"
I could get the file link using the command above but this would be an issue with files with spaces in them.
I'm doing this so that I can send the link to Internet Download Manager under windows. So using wget to download files will not work for me.
I'm currently using cygwin to create the script.
To solve the spaces problem, you can replace them with %20:
path="http://$(whoami).$(hostname -f)/path/to/file"
path=${path// /%20}
echo $path

Does anyone know how to download a project from

I made an ruby web application on, the tool is very nice and it helped a lot but now I want to download ther project in my computer and I didn't found any option to do that...
You can download and upload projects by any of the following options:
Utilize Nitrous Desktop to Sync your files locally.
Upload your project to Github, and pull the project from there. Here is a guide on adding the SSH key to Github if needed.
Upload the content via SCP. To do this, you will need to add an SSH Key to your account.
Next, run this command on your local machine, replacing {PORT} with the port # assigned to your Nitrous.IO box, and also changing usw1 with the proper region found in the SSH URI of your boxes page.
To Upload:
scp -P{PORT} -r path/to/yourFolder
To Download:
scp -P{PORT} -r path/to/yourLocalFolder
I do not know the service, but apparently they offer ssh access. Then you can use scp to copy the files to your machine. Anyway, probably you should ask their support... a summary of their answer here and close the question :)
The easiest way is to store your project in a Git repository and then push this repository to an external host. You will then be able to clone your project from the external repository to any machine you want.
Personally, I use Bitbucket (Bitbucket as it is free and very easy to set up. Have a look at the tutorials there.
ok replying really late but I hope this will help anyone still looking for this. Here is how I download stuff from nitrous, no desktop utility download needed, and no ssh/scp or adding keys.
What you do is, simply make a archive for the folder you want to download by
tar -zcvf myarchive.tar.gz mydir/
now you got a *.gz file right? Whichever folder your gz file is in, be there and type:
python3.3 -m http.server 8080
you just started a cute little http server ready to serve you your download, now from the Preview menu click "Port 8080", this opens a new browser tab showing your gz file in the file listing (sample url Now you can click your gz file and it will start downloading. Once done with the download, press Ctrl+C on the terminal to terminate the http server.
This is not limited to nitrous, you can make this work on many online VMs like cloud9 etc.
