#AutoConfigureAfter not working as desired - spring-boot

I have 3 spring-boot-starter projects
One of the autoconfiguration class has the following code:
#ConditionalOnClass(value = Config.class)
#AutoConfigureAfter(value = {FileGeneratorConfig.class, FileUploaderConfig.class})
public class JobConfig
FileGeneratorConfig and FileUploaderConfig are also autoconfiguration classes.
I was expecting that beans created in FileUploaderConfig will be created first. So test this I had put a break point in the method that creates bean in JobConfig and FileUploaderConfig. But the break point hits JobConfig first which makes me believe that my #AutoConfigureAfter is not working. Is that the right assumption.
Also in FileUploaderConfig i have this:
FileUtilContainer fileUtilContainer(FileUtilContainerProperties fileUtilContainerProperties){
return new FileUtilContainer(FileUtil.createDirectory(fileUtilContainerProperties.getArchive()),
and FileUtilContainerProperties:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "batch.letter.directory", ignoreUnknownFields = false)
public class FileUtilContainerProperties
but it is not creating FileUtilContainerProperties bean. Am I missing something here?

AutoConfigureAfter controls the order in which the configuration files are processed and their bean definitions are created. The order in which beans are created from those definitions is a separate concern and depends on, among other things, the dependencies that exist between your beans.


Must #ComponentScan be placed with #Configuration? (Spring Core)

I read inside many articles that #ComponentScan should be placed with #Configuration on top of a class. Here some references:
we use the #ComponentScan annotation along with #Configuration
annotation to specify the packages that we want to be scanned
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.zetcode") #Configuration public
class Application { ... } (http://zetcode.com/spring/componentscan)
The #ComponentScan annotation is used with the #Configuration
annotation to tell Spring the packages to scan for annotated
components. (https://dzone.com/articles/spring-component-scan)
I was curious to try if without #Configuration an exception would have been thrown. Surprisingly everything works fine even without #Configuration. Here the code:
public class AppConfig {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);
for (String beanDefinitionName : context.getBeanDefinitionNames()) {
I had just one sample bean which got printed.
public class Car {
This was the output of the main method:
Why does it work? and why do they tell to use it with configuration? was it an old requirement?
And even more surprisingly appConfig becomes a bean, even if it does not have any particular annotation such as #Configuration or #Component. So does that mean that anything that gets put as argument of new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext() gets turned into a bean no matter what annotation does it has or has not?
I probably miss some core spring behavior which would justify this. Any idea?
You are still using #Configuration together with #ComponentScan implicitly. By pasing the AppConfig.class as param to the context, it considers it configuration. That would explain the bean created for it as well

Spring Boot - Order of Bean creation

Is there any default bean initialization order implicitly in a Spring Boot application? I came across this question in one of my Spring Boot applications when trying to use #ConditionalOnBean annotation.
At first, I thought that Spring does not guarantee any Bean creation order when it's loading beans in #Configuration class or when it's doing component-scan to auto register #Component/#Service/.. classes.
But later, I noticed that in the Spring documentation, it mentions that,
Auto-configuration classes are guaranteed to load after any user-defined bean definitions have been added.
This somehow makes me confused,
1. What counts user defined bean and what counts auto-configuration classes? Specifically, is there any loading order between #Bean in #Configuration class and #Component/#Service directly on class level.
2. If a bean A needs dependency injection of bean B, will B always be initialized first?
3. If #Import is used for configuration aggregation in a Spring Boot application, will beans defined in the imported configuration class being initialized before component-scanned bean registration.
public class A {}
public class B {
private A a;
public class externalConfig {
public C c() {
return new C();
public class testApplication {
public D d() {
return new D();
When comes to the above code example, my question becomes the following.
1. Without #Import, will C or D always be initialized before A and B?
2. Will B always be initialized before A?
3. With #Import, will C always be initialized first, like even before D?
Not 100% sure, but:
No there is no guarantee.
A will be initialized, then B, cause you're injecting A.
Import is not guaranteeing the order, only if you have some not lazy injections
Check the DependsOn annotation (enter link description here).
I hope it helps you,

#Service/#Controller annotations creates a new bean without using #Bean annotation

I have a class which I have annotated with #Service #Scope
#Scope(value = "request", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class ProductDataModel {
private String message;
The above code seems to be creating a bean for ProductDataModel, without using the #Bean annotation.
I am using #Autowired ProductDataModel productDataModel in my code, and the dependency productDataModel is not null, when used with above piece of Code.
How come the above code is creating bean ??
Ideally, I would have expected bean to created only when I use the below code
//I am not using this piece of code in my program., for reference only
public class OSCConfig {
#Scope(value = "request", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
ProductDataModel productDataModel(){
return new ProductDataModel();
Can someone explain the difference between 2 pieces of code and when to use which one.
As #M. Deinum pointed out that we don't need to specify #Bean for each class when we declare #Service or #Controller annotation they are picked up by Spring Container if component-scanning is enabled for that package.
So good use case for using #Bean could be that
If the Class is in third party jar and you can not add #Service/#Controller annotations
If you want to add some custom logic inside the #Bean annotate methods
The #Service annotation is picked up by Spring when scanning for objects to create (as part of a package scan). It is an specialisation of the spring #Component annotation, but doesn't really add much other than providing an indication to users about its intended purpose. The #Controlller annotation is similar, but the bean created has specific characteristics.
The #Bean annotation as you have used it is also used when creating objects, and in this context it is on a method in a Configuration class, therefore the bean created is of the type returned by the method.

What is the difference between #Configuration and #Component in Spring?

#ComponentScan creates beans using both #Configuration and #Component. Both these annotations work fine when swapped. What is the difference then?
#Configuration Indicates that a class declares one or more #Bean
methods and may be processed by the Spring container to generate bean
definitions and service requests for those beans at runtime
#Component Indicates that an annotated class is a "component". Such
classes are considered as candidates for auto-detection when using
annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning.
#Configuration is meta-annotated with #Component, therefore
#Configuration classes are candidates for component scanning
You can see more here:
A #Configuration is also a #Component, but a #Component cannot act like a #Configuration.
Actually answer is not complete, is it true that:
#Component Indicates that an annotated class is a "component". Such
classes are considered as candidates for auto-detection when using
annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning.
But you do can create i.e MyConfiguration.java class then stereotype with #Component and add #Beans declaration to it. In this way it will looks as a configuration, main difference is that when annotated class with #Configuration #Bean annotated methods are proxy using CGLIB which made in code calls after the first one to return bean from context instead of execute method again and create another instance as happens when using #Component with #Bean
There is a very subtle difference between them. Let me provide a very quick outlook to this.
Consider the below scenario:
public class MyConfig {
public ServiceA aService(){
return new ServiceA();
public ServiceB bService(){
return new ServiceB(aService());
Note that ServiceB bean has a dependecy on ServiceA and this is not autowired. Instead, the way it's written implies that a new instance is created, which is not actually created by Spring. You, the programmer, did it with the new keyword instead.
So, if we do use #Configuration, then it uses CGLIB proxying, and in this situation it creates a singleton bean managed by the Spring context. If you invoke it multiple times, it returns the same bean that was created by Spring - sort of autowiring effect.
Whereas if you use #Component, it won't do this proxying and will simply return a new instance every time the method is invoked, instead of providing the Spring managed instance. (Remember that a Spring bean is something that is managed by the Spring container, and, as a developer, it's your job is to pull them in, e.g. with #Autowired.
The same #Component effect can be achieved with #Configuration(proxyEnabled= false) (This is also referred to as bean light mode processing). So, in light mode, you would end up doing something like this:
#Configuration(proxyEnabled = false) // Lite mode, same effect as #Component
public class MyConfig {
public ServiceA aService() {
return new ServiceA();
public ServiceB bService(ServiceA aServiceBean){
return new ServiceB(aServiceBean);
Refer here for a more elaborate explanation
Hope that helps! Happy Coding!
#Configuration - It is like beans.xml but Java-based bean configuration. It means class annotated with this annotation is the place where beans are configured and will be a candidate for auto-detection. In this class, methods are annotated with #Bean which return an object of the class.
public class ConfigClass {
public UserClass getObject() {
return new UserClass();
#Component - You cannot autowire (#Autowired) any class if it is not marked with #Component. It means when you want to autowire any class using annotation that class should be annotated with #Component.
public class A { .... }
public class B {
A a;
Spring Document for reference:
#Component is imported by default with #Configuration. controllers, service, and repostory are children components (along with Configuration). They are also candidate for auto-detection.
I am extending on #reus's answer.
#Configuration Indicates that a class declares one or more #Bean methods and may be processed by the Spring container to generate bean definitions and service requests for those beans at runtime.
If you look at the #Configuration class, you will see that it is meta-annotated with #Component.
public #interface Configuration
#Bean is enables us to define the dependency in any way we like, this is why the #Bean annotation goes above a methods and we manually create a bean object and return it from that method. #Component enables us to define a dependency quickly, that is why #Component goes above classes. We only inject it wherever we need.
Collectively these 3 points says that- to quickly define a bean, we can annotate the class with #Component. To define a bean as we like (support custom requirements), we can write the bean definition using #Bean inside a #Configuration annotated class.
Apart from the differences highlighted by reos.
The reason why #Configuration cannot be replaced by #Component is as below:
The difference is in how the inter bean dependency is handled.
Refer the link for a detailed explanation with example:
Difference between Configuration and Component

Spring create bean only if condition is met

Assume there are two implementations of a single interface, and these beans are declared as beans in the spring configuration xml. Now, I would need only one implementation of the interface based on the system property. And, I don't wanna create the second implementation of the bean. How can I do this? I looked at this blog but then below snippet of the code from this blog uses "new" operate to create the beans. In my case the beans are declared in the spring configuration file.
