Is there any performance benefit of using over iterating on an array? - enums

I need to iterate on all the enum values, check if they were used to construct an int (called input) and if so, add them to a Set (called usefulEnums). I can either use streams API or iterate over all the enums to do this task. Is there any benefit of using over the traditional approach of iterating over the values() array?
enum TestEnum { VALUE1, VALUE2, VALUE3 };
Set<TestEnum> usefulEnums = new HashSet<>();
.filter(t -> (input & t.getValue()) != 0)
for (TestEnum t : TestEnum.values()) {
if ((input & t.getValue()) != 0) {

If you care for efficiency, you should consider:
Set<TestEnum> usefulEnums = EnumSet.allOf(TestEnum.class);
usefulEnums.removeIf(t -> (input & t.getValue()) == 0);
Note that when you have to iterate over all enum constants of a type, using EnumSet.allOf(EnumType.class).stream() avoids the array creation of EnumType.values() entirely, however, most enum types don’t have enough constants for this to make a difference. Further, the JVM’s optimizer may remove the temporary array creation anyway.
But for this specific task, where the result is supposed to be a Set<TestEnum>, using an EnumSet instead of a HashSet may even improve subsequent operations working with the Set. Creating an EnumSet holding all constants and removing unintented constants like in the solution above, means just initializing a long with 0b111, followed by clearing the bits of nonmatching elements.

For this short operation the for loop is going to be faster (nano-seconds faster), but to me the stream operation is more verbose, it tells exactly what is being done here. It's like reading diagonally.
Also you could collect directly to a HashSet:
.filter(t -> (input & t.getValue()) != 0)
Valuable input from Holger as usual makes this even nicer:
EnumSet<TestEnum> filtered = EnumSet.allOf(TestEnum.class).stream()
.filter(t -> (input & t.getValue()) != 0)
.collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> EnumSet.noneOf(TestEnum.class)));


Comparator.compareBoolean() the same as

How can I write this
Comparator <Item> sort = (i1, i2) ->, i1.isOpen());
to something like this (code does not work):
Comparator<Item> sort = Comparator.comparing(Item::isOpen).reversed();
Comparing method does not have something like Comparator.comparingBool(). Comparator.comparing returns int and not "Item".
Why can't you write it like this?
Comparator<Item> sort = Comparator.comparing(Item::isOpen);
Underneath Boolean.compareTo is called, which in turn is the same as
public static int compare(boolean x, boolean y) {
return (x == y) ? 0 : (x ? 1 : -1);
And this: Comparator.comparing returns int and not "Item". make little sense, Comparator.comparing must return a Comparator<T>; in your case it correctly returns a Comparator<Item>.
The overloads comparingInt, comparingLong, and comparingDouble exist for performance reasons only. They are semantically identical to the unspecialized comparing method, so using comparing instead of comparingXXX has the same outcome, but might having boxing overhead, but the actual implications depend on the particular execution environment.
In case of boolean values, we can predict that the overhead will be negligible, as the method Boolean.valueOf will always return either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE and never create new instances, so even if a particular JVM fails to inline the entire code, it does not depend on the presence of Escape Analysis in the optimizer.
As you already figured out, reversing a comparator is implemented by swapping the argument internally, just like you did manually in your lambda expression.
Note that it is still possible to create a comparator fusing the reversal and an unboxed comparison without having to repeat the isOpen() expression:
Comparator<Item> sort = Comparator.comparingInt(i -> i.isOpen()? 0: 1);
but, as said, it’s unlikely to have a significantly higher performance than the Comparator.comparing(Item::isOpen).reversed() approach.
But note that if you have a boolean sort criteria and care for the maximum performance, you may consider replacing the general-purpose sort algorithm with a bucket sort variant. E.g.
If you have a Stream, replace
List<Item> result = /* stream of Item */
Map<Boolean,List<Item>> map = /* stream of Item */
List<Item> result = map.get(true);
or, if you have a List, replace
ArrayList<Item> temp = new ArrayList<>(list.size());
list.removeIf(item -> !item.isOpen() && temp.add(item));
Use comparing using key extractor parameter:
Comparator<Item> comparator =
Comparator.comparing(Item::isOpen, Boolean::compare).reversed();

In Scala using variables in a map reduces the performance?

maybe it is a stupid question, but I have this doubt and I cannot find a response...
If I have a map operation on a list of complex objects and to make the code more readable I use intermediate variables inside the map the performance can change?
For example this are two versions of the same code:
profilesGroupedWithIds map {
c =>
val blockId = c._2
val entityIds = c._1._2
val entropy = c._1._1
if (separatorID < 0) BlockDirty(blockId, entityIds.swap, entropy)
else BlockClean(blockId, entityIds, entropy)
profilesGroupedWithIds map {
c =>
if (separatorID < 0) BlockDirty(c._2, c._1._2.swap, c._1._1)
else BlockClean(c._2, c._1._2, c._1._1)
As you can see the first version is more readable than the second one.
But the efficiency is the same? Or the three variables that I have created inside the map have to be removed by the garbage collector and this will reduce the perfomance (suppose that 'profilesGroupedWithIds' is a very big list)?
The vals are just aliases for the tuple elements. So the generated java bytecode will be identical in both cases, and so will be the performance.
More importantly, the first variant is much better code since it clearly conveys the intent.
Here is a third variant that avoids accessing the tuple elements _1 and _2 entirely:
profilesGroupedWithIds map {
case ((entropy,entityIds),blockId) =>
if (separatorID < 0) BlockDirty(blockId, entityIds.swap, entropy)
else BlockClean(blockId, entityIds, entropy)

java 8 stream interference versus non-interference

I understand why the following code is ok. Because the collection is being modified before calling the terminal operation.
List<String> wordList = ...;
Stream<String> words =;
wordList.add("END"); // Ok
long n = words.distinct().count();
But why is this code is not ok?
Stream<String> words =;
words.forEach(s -> if (s.length() < 12) wordList.remove(s)); // Error—interference
Stream.forEach() is a terminal operation, and the underlying wordList collection is modified after the terminal has been started/called.
Joachim's answer is correct, +1.
You didn't ask specifically, but for the benefit of other readers, here are a couple techniques for rewriting the program a different way, avoiding stream interference problems.
If you want to mutate the list in-place, you can do so with a new default method on List instead of using streams:
wordList.removeIf(s -> s.length() < 12);
If you want to leave the original list intact but create a modified copy, you can use a stream and a collector to do that:
List<String> newList =
.filter(s -> s.length() >= 12)
Note that I had to invert the sense of the condition, since filter takes a predicate that keeps values in the stream if the condition is true.

Good algorithm to turn stl map into sorted list of the keys based on a numeric value

I have a stl map that's of type:
map<Object*, baseObject*>
class baseObject{
int ID;
//other stuff
If I wanted to return a list of objects (std::list< Object* >), what's the best way to sort it in order of the baseObject.ID's?
Am I just stuck looking through for every number or something? I'd prefer not to change the map to a boost map, although I wouldn't be necessarily against doing something that's self contained within a return function like
GetObjectList(std::list<Object*> &objects)
//sort the map into the list
Edit: maybe I should iterate through and copy the obj->baseobj into a map of baseobj.ID->obj ?
What I'd do is first extract the keys (since you only want to return those) into a vector, and then sort that:
std::vector<baseObject*> out;
std::transform(myMap.begin(), myMap.end(), std::back_inserter(out), [](std::pair<Object*, baseObject*> p) { return p.first; });
std::sort(out.begin(), out.end(), [&myMap](baseObject* lhs, baseObject* rhs) { return myMap[lhs].componentID < myMap[rhs].componentID; });
If your compiler doesn't support lambdas, just rewrite them as free functions or function objects. I just used lambdas for conciseness.
For performance, I'd probably reserve enough room in the vector initially, instead of letting it gradually expand.
(Also note that I haven't tested the code, so it might need a little bit of fiddling)
Also, I don't know what this map is supposed to represent, but holding a map where both key and value types are pointers really sets my "bad C++" sense tingling. It smells of manual memory management and muddled (or nonexistent) ownership semantics.
You mentioned getting the output in a list, but a vector is almost certainly a better performing option, so I used that. The only situation where a list is preferable is really when you have no intention of ever iterating over it, and if you need the guarantee that pointers and iterators stay valid after modification of the list.
The first thing is that I would not use a std::list, but rather a std::vector. Now as of the particular problem you need to perform two operations: generate the container, sort it by whatever your criteria is.
// Extract the data:
std::vector<Object*> v;
v.reserve( m.size() );
std::transform( m.begin(), m.end(),
[]( const map<Object*, baseObject*>::value_type& v ) {
return v.first;
} );
// Order according to the values in the map
std::sort( v.begin(), v.end(),
[&m]( Object* lhs, Object* rhs ) {
return m[lhs]->id < m[rhs]->id;
} );
Without C++11 you will need to create functors instead of the lambdas, and if you insist in returning a std::list then you should use std::list<>::sort( Comparator ). Note that this is probably inefficient. If performance is an issue (after you get this working and you profile and know that this is actually a bottleneck) you might want to consider using an intermediate map<int,Object*>:
std::map<int,Object*> mm;
for ( auto it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it )
mm[ it->second->id ] = it->first;
std::vector<Object*> v;
v.reserve( mm.size() ); // mm might have less elements than m!
std::transform( mm.begin(), mm.end(),
[]( const map<int, Object*>::value_type& v ) {
return v.second;
} );
Again, this might be faster or slower than the original version... profile.
I think you'll do fine with:
GetObjectList(std::list<Object*> &objects)
std::vector <Object*> vec;
for(auto it = map.begin(), it_end = map.end(); it != it_end; ++it)
std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [](Object* a, Object* b) { return a->ID < b->ID; });
objects.assign(vec.begin(), vec.end());
Here's how to do what you said, "sort it in order of the baseObject.ID's":
typedef std::map<Object*, baseObject*> MapType;
MapType mymap; // don't care how this is populated
// except that it must not contain null baseObject* values.
struct CompareByMappedId {
const MapType &map;
CompareByMappedId(const MapType &map) : map(map) {}
bool operator()(Object *lhs, Object *rhs) {
return map.find(lhs)->second->ID < map.find(rhs)->second->ID;
void GetObjectList(std::list<Object*> &objects) {
assert(objects.empty()); // pre-condition, or could clear it
// or for that matter return a list by value instead.
// copy keys into list
for (MapType::const_iterator it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); ++it) {
// sort the list
This isn't desperately efficient: it does more looking up in the map than is strictly necessary, and manipulating list nodes in std::list::sort is likely a little slower than std::sort would be at manipulating a random-access container of pointers. But then, std::list itself isn't very efficient for most purposes, so you expect it to be expensive to set one up.
If you need to optimize, you could create a vector of pairs of (int, Object*), so that you only have to iterate over the map once, no need to look things up. Sort the pairs, then put the second element of each pair into the list. That may be a premature optimization, but it's an effective trick in practice.
I would create a new map that had a sort criterion that used the component id of your objects. Populate the second map from the first map (just iterate through or std::copy in). Then you can read this map in order using the iterators.
This has a slight overhead in terms of insertion over using a vector or list (log(n) time instead of constant time), but it avoids the need to sort after you've created the vector or list which is nice.
Also, you'll be able to add more elements to it later in your program and it will maintain its order without need of a resort.
I'm not sure I completely understand what you're trying to store in your map but perhaps look here
The third template argument of an std::map is a less functor. Perhaps you can utilize this to sort the data stored in the map on insertion. Then it would be a straight forward loop on a map iterator to populate a list

Scala: Mutable vs. Immutable Object Performance - OutOfMemoryError

I wanted to compare the performance characteristics of immutable.Map and mutable.Map in Scala for a similar operation (namely, merging many maps into a single one. See this question). I have what appear to be similar implementations for both mutable and immutable maps (see below).
As a test, I generated a List containing 1,000,000 single-item Map[Int, Int] and passed this list into the functions I was testing. With sufficient memory, the results were unsurprising: ~1200ms for mutable.Map, ~1800ms for immutable.Map, and ~750ms for an imperative implementation using mutable.Map -- not sure what accounts for the huge difference there, but feel free to comment on that, too.
What did surprise me a bit, perhaps because I'm being a bit thick, is that with the default run configuration in IntelliJ 8.1, both mutable implementations hit an OutOfMemoryError, but the immutable collection did not. The immutable test did run to completion, but it did so very slowly -- it takes about 28 seconds. When I increased the max JVM memory (to about 200MB, not sure where the threshold is), I got the results above.
Anyway, here's what I really want to know:
Why do the mutable implementations run out of memory, but the immutable implementation does not? I suspect that the immutable version allows the garbage collector to run and free up memory before the mutable implementations do -- and all of those garbage collections explain the slowness of the immutable low-memory run -- but I'd like a more detailed explanation than that.
Implementations below. (Note: I don't claim that these are the best implementations possible. Feel free to suggest improvements.)
def mergeMaps[A,B](func: (B,B) => B)(listOfMaps: List[Map[A,B]]): Map[A,B] =
(Map[A,B]() /: (for (m <- listOfMaps; kv <-m) yield kv)) { (acc, kv) =>
acc + (if (acc.contains(kv._1)) kv._1 -> func(acc(kv._1), kv._2) else kv)
def mergeMutableMaps[A,B](func: (B,B) => B)(listOfMaps: List[mutable.Map[A,B]]): mutable.Map[A,B] =
(mutable.Map[A,B]() /: (for (m <- listOfMaps; kv <- m) yield kv)) { (acc, kv) =>
acc + (if (acc.contains(kv._1)) kv._1 -> func(acc(kv._1), kv._2) else kv)
def mergeMutableImperative[A,B](func: (B,B) => B)(listOfMaps: List[mutable.Map[A,B]]): mutable.Map[A,B] = {
val toReturn = mutable.Map[A,B]()
for (m <- listOfMaps; kv <- m) {
if (toReturn contains kv._1) {
toReturn(kv._1) = func(toReturn(kv._1), kv._2)
} else {
toReturn(kv._1) = kv._2
Well, it really depends on what the actual type of Map you are using. Probably HashMap. Now, mutable structures like that gain performance by pre-allocating memory it expects to use. You are joining one million maps, so the final map is bound to be somewhat big. Let's see how these key/values get added:
protected def addEntry(e: Entry) {
val h = index(elemHashCode(e.key)) = table(h).asInstanceOf[Entry]
table(h) = e
tableSize = tableSize + 1
if (tableSize > threshold)
resize(2 * table.length)
See the 2 * in the resize line? The mutable HashMap grows by doubling each time it runs out of space, while the immutable one is pretty conservative in memory usage (though existing keys will usually occupy twice the space when updated).
Now, as for other performance problems, you are creating a list of keys and values in the first two versions. That means that, before you join any maps, you already have each Tuple2 (the key/value pairs) in memory twice! Plus the overhead of List, which is small, but we are talking about more than one million elements times the overhead.
You may want to use a projection, which avoids that. Unfortunately, projection is based on Stream, which isn't very reliable for our purposes on Scala 2.7.x. Still, try this instead:
for (m <- listOfMaps.projection; kv <- m) yield kv
A Stream doesn't compute a value until it is needed. The garbage collector ought to collect the unused elements as well, as long as you don't keep a reference to the Stream's head, which seems to be the case in your algorithm.
Complementing, a for/yield comprehension takes one or more collections and return a new collection. As often as it makes sense, the returning collection is of the same type as the original collection. So, for example, in the following code, the for-comprehension creates a new list, which is then stored inside l2. It is not val l2 = which creates the new list, but the for-comprehension.
val l = List(1,2,3)
val l2 = for (e <- l) yield e*2
Now, let's look at the code being used in the first two algorithms (minus the mutable keyword):
(Map[A,B]() /: (for (m <- listOfMaps; kv <-m) yield kv))
The foldLeft operator, here written with its /: synonymous, will be invoked on the object returned by the for-comprehension. Remember that a : at the end of an operator inverts the order of the object and the parameters.
Now, let's consider what object is this, on which foldLeft is being called. The first generator in this for-comprehension is m <- listOfMaps. We know that listOfMaps is a collection of type List[X], where X isn't really relevant here. The result of a for-comprehension on a List is always another List. The other generators aren't relevant.
So, you take this List, get all the key/values inside each Map which is a component of this List, and make a new List with all of that. That's why you are duplicating everything you have.
(in fact, it's even worse than that, because each generator creates a new collection; the collections created by the second generator are just the size of each element of listOfMaps though, and are immediately discarded after use)
The next question -- actually, the first one, but it was easier to invert the answer -- is how the use of projection helps.
When you call projection on a List, it returns new object, of type Stream (on Scala 2.7.x). At first you may think this will only make things worse, because you'll now have three copies of the List, instead of a single one. But a Stream is not pre-computed. It is lazily computed.
What that means is that the resulting object, the Stream, isn't a copy of the List, but, rather, a function that can be used to compute the Stream when required. Once computed, the result will be kept so that it doesn't need to be computed again.
Also, map, flatMap and filter of a Stream all return a new Stream, which means you can chain them all together without making a single copy of the List which created them. Since for-comprehensions with yield use these very functions, the use of Stream inside the prevent unnecessary copies of data.
Now, suppose you wrote something like this:
val kvs = for (m <- listOfMaps.projection; kv <-m) yield kv
(Map[A,B]() /: kvs) { ... }
In this case you aren't gaining anything. After assigning the Stream to kvs, the data hasn't been copied yet. Once the second line is executed, though, kvs will have computed each of its elements, and, therefore, will hold a complete copy of the data.
Now consider the original form::
(Map[A,B]() /: (for (m <- listOfMaps.projection; kv <-m) yield kv))
In this case, the Stream is used at the same time it is computed. Let's briefly look at how foldLeft for a Stream is defined:
override final def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = {
if (isEmpty) z
else tail.foldLeft(f(z, head))(f)
If the Stream is empty, just return the accumulator. Otherwise, compute a new accumulator (f(z, head)) and then pass it and the function to the tail of the Stream.
Once f(z, head) has executed, though, there will be no remaining reference to the head. Or, in other words, nothing anywhere in the program will be pointing to the head of the Stream, and that means the garbage collector can collect it, thus freeing memory.
The end result is that each element produced by the for-comprehension will exist just briefly, while you use it to compute the accumulator. And this is how you save keeping a copy of your whole data.
Finally, there is the question of why the third algorithm does not benefit from it. Well, the third algorithm does not use yield, so no copy of any data whatsoever is being made. In this case, using projection only adds an indirection layer.
