Sonarqube 6.2 - multilanguage setup, show coverage per language - continuous-integration

We do have an pretty old code base, where at the moment everything is handled within (frontend/backend) - to improve our quality, we setup a multilanguage project, now instead of analyzing just Java, we also analyse SCSS, HTML, JS, Xml,...
Well so far everything is running smooth, and working as expected, I am just curious if there is a way to show "coverage per language"? We do have a lot of Java Tests but no JavaScript tests, and it would be pretty neat, to have an overview of "how much tested" the different languages are!
There is also some kind of business value related to this! As the Coverage is now not separated into Integration and Unit tests, it is now also factoring the coverage of the JavaScript files into the overall coverage -> which we can argument easily, but we lose some kind of comparability :D

This is not available synthetically within SonarQube. If it's really important to you, you'll need to use the web services to pull the data and do the calculations externally.


GUI testing coverage

I have two questions. My first question is: Do applications exist which measure the coverage of GUI testing for web applications (not code, but the coverage of GUI components on web page)?
My second question is:
Is GUI testing with Selenium for example necessary if we have tests for javascript as well?
Thank you in advance.
You can write your custom application to find all dom elements using, store this in some place and after completing your test automation framework run this utility to make sure that none of the elements are missing.
GUI test is required to make sure that all your integration points b/w several backend API are working. Also we will be sure that non of the UI elements are break over UI and all your business use cases are working as expected. Mostly UI testing is done for Acceptance Testing and we can show to the customer that all there use cases are working as expected. Later in the next release you can make sure that you are not breaking any UI code. UI testing gives us confidence while releasing to end users.

Sharing Specflow Feature Files with Multiple Applications

My goal is to be able to write core testing that I can use within a unit testing framework as well as UI testing with selenium.
For simple test like:
Scenario: Add two numbers
Given I have entered 50 into the calculator
And I have entered 70 into the calculator
When I press add
Then the result should be 120
I would create both unit tests to prove that my core API would pass as well as a Selenium test that would prove my UI is doing the correct thing as well.
I briefly tried to find anyone doing something similar through Google, but couldn't find any examples. So I guess my question is, has anyone here done anything similar?
On approach I had thought of was simple adding the feature files to a project or directory and using the add existing item as link as the solution.
Update: Adding feature files to a common directory and adding them as a link appears to be working great. The feature bindings regenerates for each project the feature file was included in so I can run unit tests in one and Selenium UI tests in the other.
First, lets start with why you might want to do this. Its laziness of the good kind.
The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer. Also hence, this book. See also impatience and hubris. (p.609)
Larry Wall, Programming Perl
Except it isn't, because we aren't going to reduce our overall energy expenditure.
When you are using SpecFlow, the easy part to keep up to date is the plain text. You will find yourself refactoring the [Binding]s again and again, but the scenarios tend to be quite easy to work with, and need very little revision once they have been agreed.
In addition the [Binding]s are global. Load them in from any assembly and they are available to the SpecFlow runner. In respect of what you are trying this actually makes things harder as you need to put effort in to keep the UI bindings from being mixed up with the non-UI bindings.
Also consider the way that SpecFlow actually runs the tests from feature files. It's a two stage process.
When you save the .feature file the SpecFlow VS plugin generates a .feature.cs file.
When you run your test engine (e.g. NUnit) it ignores the plain text and uses compiled code from .feature.cs
So if you start using linked .features I have no idea if the SpecFlow plugin will generate .feature.cs for both instances of the file. (If you try this please let us know)
Second lets consider the features themselves. I think you will constantly finding yourself compromising your tests to make them fit the other place they are used. Already in the example you have given you have on the screen. If you are working with just the core API then there won't be a screen, so do we change this to fit better in a non-UI scenario?
Finally you have another thing to consider, just how useful will your tests be. If you have already got a test that tests the Core API, then what will it mean to run same test via Selenium. All you will really test is the UI layer. In my current employment we have a great number of regression tests that perform this very kind of testing, running up a client that connects to a server and manipulating the UI to get the desired scenarios enacted. These are the most fragile tests we have due to their scale. They constantly break and we basically have to check our entire codebase to find the line that broke them. Often something like 10-100 of them break just for a one line change. If these tests weren't so important to the regression cycle then the effort in maintaining them would just be too much. In my own personal projects I tend to remove these tests completely and instead with UIs, I avoid testing the View layer. With WPF MVVM, I execute Commands and test for results in ViewModels. If somebody then decides the TextBox should be a ComboBox or that it will work better in mauve, then my testing is isolated.
In short, there is a reason you can't find anything about this on Google :-)
In general (see, one should limit the number of automated tests that test the UI directly, and prefer tests that start at the presentation layer (just below the view layer), or below.
SpecFlow is agnostic; the tests can be implemented using e.g. Selenium at the UI layer or just MSTest or NUnit at any of the layers below.
However having said that I appreciate that you will have situations where you are doing ATDD and want to implement SpecFlow scenarios to match each of the acceptance criteria. Some of the criteria will be perfectly fine to test at a lower architectural level, but one or two of them may be specific to the GUI-- for example testing Login and ensuring that the user is redirected to the home page after successful login. If using Angular2 or React routing (see, that redirect is likely done in the GUI layer itself.
I don't have a perfect answer yet, but as a certified SpecFlow trainer, I have a vested interest in this! The way I am currently leaning is to use a complementary tool like CucumberJS for the front-end specific tests (such as testing React router redirects) and SpecFlow for tests at lower architectural layers. Our front-end uses Node.JS/Express and our backend is .NET Core. The idea is that the front-end tests mostly use the front-end only with mocked out AJAX calls to the backend (see sinonjs), and the back-end tests use EF Core with the in-memory option (see So the tests all run fast.
Of course, you still need a few tests that actually go all the way through, but those are different-- we should call those integration tests. I do not believe that acceptance tests need to be integration tests. That way, you have a suite of acceptance tests from doing ATDD, plus a relatively small set of integration tests that test all the way front-to-back. The integration tests run more slowly and require more maintenance, so you separate them out into a different part of the CI/CD build chain.
I hope this makes sense. It is not so much solving the problem as avoiding the problem.

Hudson/Jenkins source code metrics?

Are there any useful plugins for source code metrics for Hudson/Jenkins?
I'm looking for total lines of code, total number of tests, classes, etc. with graphing.
Does anything like this exist?
Are you using Java? If so, SONAR should certainly be your first port of call. It does a lot on it's own and also wraps up all the major Java analysis tools, such as:
Out of the box, you'll get metrics on:
Potential Architectural & Design issues
Unit test coverage (uses cobertura)
Lines of code\packages\classes etc
Potential bugs
Code duplication
Adherence to code formatting standards
(plus many more)
It allows you to traverse from the high level analysis through to the source code it relates to. It will be easier if you're using Maven for your build though...
There is a Hudson plugin. And it's free.
Try CCCC ( It does code counting, module counting (classes), etc., and the plugin also graphs it for you. (for C, C++)
Incidently, what language are you looking at?
There's also CLOC (Count lines of Code) which will tell you how many lines of each language you have, although I can't seem to find a link for it.
You don't specify which language you are using, but Redsolo's awesome blog post Guide to building .NET projects using Hudson shows you how to use FxCop and NUnit on Hudson to give some of what you are looking for. The Violations plugin used also supports Simian, CPD, PMD and PyLint.

Test Automation Framework

I was wondering what would be a good UI to specify test cases.
Currently we use macros with excel to specify our test cases and generate an xml out of it and export it to the script generator.
Excel is good and really flexible and allows testers to enter their test cases very quickly.
However the xml generated is sometimes not well formed and the system has a huge learning curve.
I want to change the UI from excel to something else that would allow testers to enter test cases quickly and provide flexibility.
A nice TDD tool is SLIM/FitNesse. It is a wiki system which allows to enter special tables and/or commands which trigger test methods. These test methods can be written in Java and .NET (other languages might be supported). Also there are various plug-ins for doing DB testing or Selenium web tests. Here is a first tutorial video.
I've used Test Link for this sort of task. It's an opensource php project.
You might check out Fitnesse, which does a similar thing.

What are the best features of Visual Studio Team System?

Microsoft has a lot of stuff in there, but I'm wondering what features of Visual Studio Team System people really like and really use.
I'm specifically thinking about Team System as opposed to plain old Visual Studio.
What makes it worth the price?
I use the Development version of VSTS2005 and evaluating 2008. My top picks:
Coding guidelines -- rules enforcement part
My favorite
Integrated Testing Environment: I know a lot of people prefer other test frameworks but having the integration is just sweet.
Some of the best features come from adding Team Foundation Server:
Continuous integration builds can be set up to run unit tests on every build
Code coverage figures can be gathered based on the unit test run
Reports of build success, unit test success, code coverage %, etc. can be produced daily
Code check-in can mark a work item (bug report) fixed, or can start the workflow to do so
It not only gives the developers a better idea what's going on with their code, and of how to fix it (unit tests, code coverage, code analysis), it also gives Management an overall picture of the same, without having to come around and bug the developers individually.
I like the line-by-line blame, profiler (as mentioned), but more importantly, I like the reports it produces, such as defect rates over time.
However, even though there are plenty of features that I like, I certainly don't think it provides good value for money.
