How to build a project with AspectJ plugin which also has dependencies on querydsl plugin - maven

I have Aspects defined in project A which can be referred from project B without any compilations issues because project A has project B as dependency. However project B needs AspectJ plugin so that aspects can be weaved via compilation/build.
Issue : My project B is using com.mysema.querydsl plugin to generate Q files for database entities. When I compile using AspectJ in eclipse (command clean aspectj:compile install) it does NOT auto generate these Q files and thus the compilation fails and weaving is not processed, overall build fails.
I have tried so many combinations of adding this dependency in AspectJ plugin but nothing works.
Please refer the pom part below:
<!-- AspectJ Maven Plugin -->
<!-- <aspectLibraries>
</aspectLibraries> -->
<!-- <phase>generate-sources</phase> -->
<!-- AspectJ Maven Plugin -->
What should be done here? I really dont want to create individual aspects in each project. All in all how to build projects with aspectj plugins which have querydsl plugin code references?


Adding jar created using ant build with antrun plugin to maven build dependencies

I am having multiple projects which are using ant for build management. Now we have created a new project which uses Maven for build management.
Since the new project which uses maven has dependency on projects which are built using ant.
I was able to integrate the build of individual projects in the current maven build using maven antrun plugin
<ant antfile="../project1/build.xml" inheritAll="false">
<target name="dist"/>
<ant antfile="../project2/build.xml" inheritAll="false">
<target name="dist"/>
The issue which I am facing now is that when the build for project1 and project2 are complete I want the jar generated using ant dist target to be used as dependency in the current maven build.
maven build for current project is breaking since it looks for project1 and project2 jars at compilation time but they are missing. I want the builds for project1 and project2 to be triggered within the current maven build and dependencies not to be added using external command line mvn:install:install-file
Any suggestions/solutions will be highly appreciated.
This is not possible.
All dependencies of a Maven build need to exist before the build starts. They are resolved at the very beginning of the build.

Maven Assembly Plugin jar-with-dependencies -> No Dependencies in Jar

The following reference mentions the descriptor Reference jar-with-dependencies. Afaik it is a predefined assembly, which includes all jar dependencies into a single big self-contained jar file. This is great if you have multiple dependencies and need to copy your project to another machine because you don't need to update/delete obsolete libraries separately.
I added the maven-assembly-plugin to my pom, and the MyTool.jar-with-dependency.jar is created. I expected that the jar contains all external dependencies, but it is the same as the normal MyTool.jar and does not contain any dependencies like apache.commons or apache.logging.
The important detail is that the dependencies scope is set to provided. Without this it works as expected. But I use the scope later on with the maven-dependency-plugin to copy all dependencies in the provided scope to a specific directory.
<plugin> <!-- This is the plugin I added. -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
I use Apache Maven 2.2.1 (rdebian-14).
How can I include the dependencies from the provided scope? Or is there an other solution?

Linkage failure when running Apache Flink jobs

I have a job developed in Flink 0.9 that is using the graph module (Gelly). The job is running successfully within the IDE (Eclipse) but after exporting it to a JAR using maven (mvn clean install) it fails to execute on the local flink instance with the following error
"The program's entry point class 'myclass' could not be loaded due to a linkage failure"
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/flink/graph/GraphAlgorithm
Any idea why is this happening and how to solve it?
It looks like the code of flink-gelly did not end up in your jar file.
The most obvious reason for this issue is the missing maven dependency in your project's pom file. But I assume the dependency is present, otherwise developing the job in the IDE would be impossible.
Most likely, the jar file has been created by the maven-jar-plugin, which is not including dependencies.
Try adding the following fragment to your pom.xml:
<!-- We use the maven-shade plugin to create a fat jar that contains all dependencies
except flink and it's transitive dependencies. The resulting fat-jar can be executed
on a cluster. Change the value of Program-Class if your program entry point changes. -->
<!-- Run shade goal on package phase -->
<!-- add Main-Class to manifest file -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<!-- A profile that does everyting correctly:
We set the Flink dependencies to provided -->
Now, you can build the jar using mvn clean package -Pbuild-jar.
The jar file will now be located in the target/ directory.
You can manually check whether the jar (zip) file contains class files in /org/apache/flink/graph/

Maven: How do I include a dependency in test phase and exclude it in integration-test phase?

I'm using Maven 3.0.3.
Is it possible to include a dependency for my test phase only, and then another dependency for my integration-phase only? When these two dependencies are included together
I get a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme.<init> error when running my Selenium integration tests. When the GWT dependency is excluded, the Selenium tests run. I still need the GWT dependency for the test phase, tho.
With respect to the answers given, the one I liked best was simply adding a "classpathDependencyExcludes" to my failsafe-plugin execution ...
That ensured that the problematic dependency (in this case gwt-dev), would not appear when running the integration-test phase.
Use profiles. A profile allows you to add dependencies depending on the arguments of the -P command line option.
Different dependency sets in Maven profiles are the only way to achieve this, since the "test" scope encloses both "test" and "integration-test" phase.
I would suggest to have separate project(s) with test cases

how to exclude GWT dependency code from OSGI bundle generated by MAven+BND?

I have several Maven modules with Vaadin library dependency in the root pom.xml file.
I'm trying to build a set of OSGI bundles (1 per Maven module) using Maven+BND.
I added this to my "root" pom.xml file:
unfortunately, the resulting JAR files (bundles) include GWT ( classes. This
1) makes the bundles huge, with lots of duplicated dependencies.
2) generated thousands of build warnings about "split packages".
QUESTION: how to prevent adding GWT classes into my Jar files?
I tried setting "scope" of GWT to "provided", setting "type" to "bundle", and even optional=true - didn't help.
here's the part of my root pom.xml, which is responsible for Vaadin/GWT stuff:
<!-- <Bundle-Activator>com.alskor.publicpackage.MyActivator</Bundle-Activator>-->
<!-- Compiles your custom GWT components with the GWT compiler -->
<!-- Version 2.1.0-1 works at least with Vaadin 6.5 -->
<!-- if you don't specify any modules, the plugin will find them -->
<extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
<!-- Updates Vaadin 6.2+ widgetset definitions based on project dependencies -->
<!-- if you don't specify any modules, the plugin will find them -->
The wildcards in your Export-Package and Private-Package statements strike me as exceedingly dangerous. It's possible that the GWT packages are being dragged in because of the *.impl.* pattern in Private-Package.
Also you should never use wildcards in Export-Package: exports should be tightly controlled and versioned.
use mvn dependency:tree to see where the gwt dependency comes from
Add an <excludes/> element with an appropriate <exclude/> to the dependency in question to suppress it.
I've had similar problem, as final war file exceeded almost 90MB !
One of the culprit was aforementioned jar, so I did this :
