How to find where the memcached on Mac OS is installed? - macos

How to find the location of the installed Memcached server on mac, which is installed using the MacPorts tool?
I want to restart the Memcache server, in verbose mode.
This Memcache server is automatically getting restarted, even though I killed it.

Memcached from MacPorts installs a launchd plist file. If that is loaded, launchd will always restart memcached when it notices it is terminated (this is default launchd behavior).
Use sudo port load memcached/sudo port unload memcached to activate/deactive this launchd plist.
If the plist is unloaded, you can manually start memcached using the binary. You can find the binary using port contents memcached | grep -E /s?bin/.


Changing default Apache version on Mac OS

A security sweep of my network (using Nessus) revealed that my mac is running a version of Apache (2.4.46) with a few critical vulnerabilities. I've been told I need to upgrade to at least 2.4.47. I'm having issues getting MacOS to use the upgraded version over the default one:
The default httpd is located at /usr/sbin/, which is read only even as root. As far as I'm aware upgrading the default Mac OS version is not a possibility.
Installed a newer version of Apache (v2.4.48) using Homebrew. The homebrew version is located in /usr/local/bin/httpd and as long as /usr/local/bin is before /usr/sbin in the env path it should be the preferred version.
Running httpd -v in the terminal returns v2.4.48, but the vulnerability scan is still picking up the old version of Apache
What am I missing? Why is the OS picking up the old version? Do I simply have to wait for Apple to patch it? Is it even possible to upgrade /usr/sbin/httpd?
Two things here, how to set the default apache version, and whether your machine is vulnerable.
firstly, you can have multiple versions of apache installed, and even running simultaneously (listening on different ports). Installing homebrew apache, doesn't necessarily start the server automatically, or deactivate the default (apple) apache install.
You can see which versions of apache are running on your system by using the ps command, for example on my machine:
$ ps auxw | grep httpd
_www 782 0.0 0.0 34153280 1476 ?? S 26May22 0:00.83 /usr/sbin/httpd -D FOREGROUND
and check the version:
$ /usr/sbin/httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.4.53 (Unix)
The apple httpd service is started by launchctl, and you can stop the apple httpd service from automatically starting up as follows:
$ sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
To automatically start homebrew apache on system startup (assuming you have already installed it - brew install httpd), run brew services start httpd
Remember that the apache configuration files will be in a different location - apple conf file is /etc/apache2/httpd.conf, whereas homebrew's is in /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf. Also the default port may well be different - apple defaults to port 80 whereas homebrew httpd listens on port 8080 by default.
Secondly, does this security issue actually matter? By default apache listens on all network interface, but unless you need to access the web server from another machine, it is safer to configure it to only listen on localhost. You can do this in the httpd.conf file, as follows:
This page has a good walkthrough of the various steps:

Cannot permanently disable httpd on Mac 10.14 Mojave after upgrade

I'm running Mojave on a Mac Pro. Prior to this version of the OS I used Apple's Server app to manage Apache/httpd. Now I can't seem to permanently kill or stop httpd. Something keeps it alive and restarts it even when I do the following as root...
launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist: Could not find specified service
apachectl stop
/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist: Could not find specified service
apachectl -k stop
httpd (no pid file) not running
If I 'killall httpd' it just comes back. If I kill the main root httpd process in Activity Monitor, it comes right back. Restart the computer, it's still running.
I just want to permanently kill httpd so I can do an alternate installation, possibly with brew or on another machine. I don't want it running and I don't understand what keeps relaunching httpd on me.
The command you mentioned first works for me. I just added 'sudo'
local:~ mac$ sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
The solution explained in Answer 1 did not work for me when Mojave was installed.
I had to use this:
sudo launchctl unload -w /Applications/

Lost control over my MariaDB installation

I installed MariaDB on my mac with Macports but lost control over it, mysteriously. I can list the processes and I can login using a user with no privileges. But if I try to stop the database using the usual macports command (sudo port unload mariadb-10.1-server) I get the following error:
/opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.mariadb-10.1-server/org.macports.mariadb-10.1-server.plist: Could not find specified service
I've tried installing and uninstalling but this doesn't change. How can I do a fresh install of MariaDB on my mac?
Perhaps you inadvertently installed another version of mariadb-server? You can check with:
port echo active |grep mariadb-
It is also possible that the server was started without using launchd and so can't be stopped with the command you were using. You can check with:
sudo launchctl list |grep macports
'org.macports.mariadb-10.1-server' will be in the list if it is running under launchd.
I've deleted the directory where this installation was and reinstalled from Macports. That solved the problem. Could not start on port 5432

I'm using In the menubar it gives the error " Could not start on port 5432." Similarly if I try to start the server from the terminal, I get:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
I also ran pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start
and got the output server starting but still get the same errors when connecting to psql.
If you are running your server on a macOS machine and installed Postgres through Homebrew, you can stop the current instance like this:
brew services stop postgresql
Then click the Elephant in the native menu-bar at the top of the screen and it should successfully startup.
You can stop the process by finding the PID with
lsof -i :5432
and then killing it with
kill -9 <PID>
If you've installed Postgres via another method (for example, from and it's starting automatically at startup, you can prevent that Postgres from starting via the following:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.edb.launchd.postgresql-X.X.plist
sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.edb.launchd.postgresql-X.X.plist
TIP: use tab to autocomplete after the com.edb.launchd part to figure out what version is loading.
Restart and you should be good to go.
I was just having this exact issue. When I ran which psql it was pointing at the Postgres client tools installed with Lion:
Using a hint from Frank Wiles I ran ps auxw | grep post to confirm that postgres was running and that it was running on the right port, that also showed me the path:
So I edited by .bash_profile to export that directory. On first effort I added it to the end of the path. When I ran echo $PATH I could see that usr/bin was the first thing in the path, and which psql still gave the /usr/bin path. At that point a friend guided me in the right direction:
export PATH="/Applications/${PATH}"
Start a new terminal window, then run which psql -- it should point to the location and psql should fire up the postgres shell. Works fine now.
I have tried just about every solution to this problem that is out there. For me it always happens when my MacBook's battery dies, even if the computer is already sleeping. I was poking around in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Postgres/var-9.4 and I discovered another file that I had not seen before. I deleted it, and now everything is back up and running! I am running the version, not the brew version.
Steps I took:
Make sure is not running.
Run rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Postgres/var-9.$X/
If you don't have a var-9.$X directory, just run rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Postgres/
Get back to developing cool stuff.
This command is a one-liner that instantly kills all PostgresSQL processes.
sudo kill -kill $(sudo lsof -t -i :5432)
This fixed all my problems on Mac OSX Mojave 10.14.1.
You my have another instance of postgres running, that is the only application interested in this port. You should use netstat and ps to determine this. Then stop the instance and uninstall it, you mayhave installed enterpiseDb for example, that is what I did.
I generally face this issue on my mac, and this fixes it for me always
rm /usr/local/var/postgres/
brew services restart postgresql
Hope this is helpful
I had a similar problem where I could not connect to the even though the app itself said that it is running on port 5432.
I am not sure why, but even when I quit the app and checked that no postgres processes was running with ps -a. these files existed:
My solution was to delete these files and then start the again.
This is what worked for me:
$ sudo pkill -u postgres
Props to this resource:
It can also happen that the PID is taken.
This ocurred to me when the Computer suffered an unexpected reboot.
If so, you must go to:
˜/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-9.4
You can check that path in Preferences dialog.
And then, just remove the pid file
sudo rm
And the server starts up right away.
When trying to open the Postgres app was getting that same error regarding post 5432 (on Mac OSX 10.10.5)
I did:
$ lsof -i | grep LISTEN
Saw which PID was running postgres at that port, did:
$ killall {pid} and then $ brew uninstall postgres
After that, restarted my Mac, and ran:
$ lsof -i | grep LISTEN again just to make sure. Saw no postgres running anywhere and was able to open the Postgres app without getting that warning.
Then I reinstalled postgres with $ brew install postgres
(I also tried this one time when the above approach didn't work and I could not kill any of the PID)
$ ps auxw | grep post
Saw a slew postgres processes, which I then sudo kill <PID>
Everything working fine now.
For those using mac, this code worked for me like charm.
sudo pkill -u postgres
At a guess, something else had taken port 5432 so the app chose to run on 5433 instead.
Why not just connect to Pg on port 5433, if that's where it's running? You have a /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432 socket file, so you can connect with psql -p 5433 for UNIX domain socket connections. It'll also be listening on the same port with TCP/IP, so you can use psql -h localhost -p 5433 for TCP/IP and have your apps connect to port 5433 instead of 5432.
Change your .psqlrc to set the new port as default and you can forget it isn't on the default port.
I had similar problem when trying to use postgresql with rails. Updating my Gemfile to use new version of gem pg solve this problem for me. (gem pg version 0.16.0 works). In the Gemfile use:
gem 'pg', '0.16.0'
then run the following to update the gem
bundle install --without production
bundle update
bundle install
Mine failed to start up suddenly, and when I checked I saw:
FATAL: could not create shared memory segment: Cannot allocate memory
DETAIL: Failed system call was shmget(key=5432001, size=3874816, 03600).
HINT: This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared memory segment exceeded available memory or swap space, or exceeded your kernel's SHMALL parameter. You can either reduce the request size or reconfigure the kernel with larger SHMALL. To reduce the request size (currently 3874816 bytes), reduce PostgreSQL's shared memory usage, perhaps by reducing shared_buffers or max_connections.
The PostgreSQL documentation contains more information about shared memory configuration.
It turns out Postgres wouldn't start up because I had Wireshark (and X11) running. It worked fine after I quit Wireshark.
Good luck!
I resolved this problem by
Identifying what was running on port 5432 by using "netstat" in the CL, which was postgreSQL not Postgres
I located the directory that contained postgreSQL, which was root/Library/PostgreSQL
I ensured an instants of the application wasn't running via Activity Monitor
Then I deleted the folder and rebooted! Everything was fine!
Somehow I totally forgot that this socket file will be hidden because of the dot. Make sure you use ls -A /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432 if you are checking to see if the socket is actually there.
You most likely has a PostgreSQL installed, deleted it and installed it again. PostgreSQL typically used port 5432 but if not available, increases to the next available one, in this case 5433. So, you probably chose this port on your second install.
I think you should check file:
and adjust rows below for your expected port number:
postgresql 5432/udp # PostgreSQL Database
postgresql 5432/tcp # PostgreSQL Database
After this you should restart your computer (simplest way).
I had the same issues:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
In my case it was a corrupt host file on my mac. I was missing: localhost
A quick easy way to check is to open terminal and type:
ping localhost
scutil -r localhost
More info here
Hope it helps.
Netstat, ps aux, etc ... none showed 5432 in use. Checked /Library. Found PG9.6 old install still there. Did rm -rf and bang. Version 11 works fine.
I was losing my mind over this problem! i kept running
lsof -i | grep 5432
and nothing was showing up!
finally i ran it using sudo and a potgres client showed up.
so if anyone else has tried the lsof and went nowhere, try it with sudo.
sudo lsof -i | grep 5432
and then
sudo kill <the_pid_from_postgresql_found_from_lsof>
The same problem just happened to me. I had running since a while. When I updated Mac OS X to 10.8.5, after the mandatory reboot it was not working anymore. I tried several things, including updating to and neither after another reboot it was working.
I had to open the file /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var/postgresql.conf and to:
uncomment line unix_socket_permissions = 0777
uncomment and adapt line unix_socket_directory = '/tmp'
After a restart, was running like a charm.
A file named "" (in my $PGDATA directory) were preventing postgresql to start. It was a zombie file, placed there 10 days ago and when I brutally shut down the computer (pulling the plug, literally), no clean up process had the opportunity to remove that file.
beside all the helpful answers, you might also want to take a look at official page instructions :
I had this same issue and mine was caused by some configuration issues I was having. Clearing the user configurations and reinstalling postgres in brew worked for me!
brew uninstall postgresql
rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres
I ran the following:
psql --version then brew services stop postgresql#<VERSION>
finally, start your Postgres app on your Mac.

Unicorn, RVM and Mac OS X Leopard

I am trying to set up a small web server on my old mac mini G4 at home using the technologies mentioned in the title. I have learned that to serve anything on port 80, the server has to be started with sudo. Since I am using RVM to manage my Ruby Gems, I use rvmsudo to start the server.
I have created a user for running the server, and I can start the server by logging in via SSH and typing 'rvmsudo unicorn -p 80'. But of course when I close the connection the process is terminated, so this is obviously not the way to go.
What is the 'right' way to set up a server on Mac OS Leopard? Keeping in mind that I would like to keep using RVM to manage my gems. I would also like the server to start running automatically when the computer is booted.
you could use the tool GNU screen
and detach the screen, so the processes will continue running.
alternatively, you could try if this command does the trick:
rvmsudo unicorn -p 80
