Azure ServiceBus TopicClient SendAsync implementation in own wrapper - async-await

what is the proper implementation of SendAsync method of Azure ServiceBus TopicClient?
In the second implementation, will the BrokeredMessage actually be disposed before the SendAsync happens?
public async Task SendAsync<TMessage>(TMessage message, IDictionary<string, object> properties = null)
using (var bm = MessagingHelper.CreateBrokeredMessage(message, properties))
await this._topicClient.Value.SendAsync(bm);
public Task SendAsync<TMessage>(TMessage message, IDictionary<string, object> properties = null)
using (var bm = MessagingHelper.CreateBrokeredMessage(message, properties))
return this._topicClient.Value.SendAsync(bm);
I would like to get most from await/async pattern.

Answer to your question: the second approach could cause issues with disposed objects, you have to wait ending of SendAsync execution before you can release resources.
Detailed explanation.
If you call await, execution of a method will be stopped at the same moment and will not continue till awaitable method is not returned. Brokered message will be stored in a local hidden variable and will not be disposed.
If you don't call await, execution will continue and all resources of brokered message will be freed before they are actually consumed (as using is calling Dispose on object at the end) or in the process of consumption. This definetely will lead to exceptions inside SendAsync. At this point, execution of SendAsync is actually started.
What await does is “pausing” any current thread and waits for completion of task and it's result. And that's what you actually need. Purpose of async-await is to allow execution of some task concurrently with something else, it provides ability to wait for a result of concurrent operation when it is really necessary and further execution isn't possible without it.
First approach is good if every method to the top is an async method too. I mean, if caller of your SendAsync is async Task, and caller of that caller and so on to the top calling method.
Also, consider exceptions that could raise, they are listed here. As you can see, there are so-called transient errors. This is a kind of errors that retry can possibly fix. In your code, there is no such exception handling. Example of retry pattern could be found here, but mentioned article on exceptions can suggest better solutions and it is a topic of another question. I would also add some logging system to at least be aware of any non transient exceptions.


MVC ActionResult trigger Async Task before return View()

I'm trying to achieve something like this:
public ActionResult PostData()
// 1. Need to trigger an async operation for some long processes
// Trying to trigger SideProcess() async controller
// Return to view to allow user do other stuff without waiting for above process to complete
return View("Listing", "Users");
public async Task<ActionResult> SideProcess()
Can I use async task method like above? Because I definitely have to call PostData() first on a button click. Otherwise most likely I have to use a different method.
You can, by not await-ing the result. This has some drawbacks though. (E.g. what happens if an error occurrs?)
It is better to run the async operation in via Task.Run() in such cases, since unhandled exceptions will trigger the TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException and don't mess with your controller action.
I tend to use Hangfire for such problems in all of my projects and never had an issue. I would recommend and prefer it over the above solution. Comes with very handy oob features for managing BackgroundJobs (including a dashboard, automatic retry mechanisms and many more) while beeing testable too.
Doing that, you won't have any guarantees that your long running process will finish. ASP.NET was purposely not built for that.
But if you have to queue some background work, use HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem.
Beware of the remarks:
Differs from a normal ThreadPool work item in that ASP.NET can keep track of how many work items registered through this API are currently running, and the ASP.NET runtime will try to delay AppDomain shutdown until these work items have finished executing. This API cannot be called outside of an ASP.NET-managed AppDomain. The provided CancellationToken will be signaled when the application is shutting down.

Using yield in nested object in Kotlin sequence

I want to stream result objects captured by Spring JDBC RowCallbackHandler using via a Kotlin Sequence.
The code looks basically like this:
fun findManyObjects(): Sequence<Thing> = sequence {
val rowHandler = object : RowCallbackHandler {
override fun processRow(resultSet: ResultSet) {
val thing = // create from resultSet
yield(thing) // ERROR! No coroutine scope
jdbcTemplate.query("select * from ...", rowHandler)
But I get the compilation error:
Suspension functions can be called only within coroutine body.
However, exactly this "coroutine body" should exist, because the whole block is wrapped in a sequence builder. But it doesn't seem to work with a nested object.
Minimal example to show that it doesn't compile with a nested object:
// compiles
sequence {
// doesn't compile
sequence {
object {
fun doit() {
yield(1) // Suspension functions can be called only within coroutine body.
How can I pass an object from the ResultSet into the Sequence?
Use Flow for asynchronous data streams
The reason you can't call yield inside your RowCallbackHandler object is twofold.
The processRow function isn't a suspending function (and can't be, because it's declared in and called by Java). A suspending function like yield can only be called by another suspending function.
A sequence always ends when the sequence { ... } builder returns. Even if you and I know that the query method will invoke the RowCallbackHandler before returning from the sequence, the Kotlin compiler has no way of knowing that. Yielding sequence values from functions and objects other than the body of the sequence itself is never allowed, because there's no way of knowing where or when they will run.
To solve this problem, we need to introduce a different kind of coroutine: one that can suspend itself while it waits for the RowCallbackHandler to be invoked.
Unfortunately, because we're talking about JDBC here, there may not be much to gain by introducing full-blown coroutines. Under the hood, calls to the database will always be made in a blocking way, removing a lot of the benefit. It might well be simpler not to try and 'stream' results, and just iterate over them in a boring, old-fashioned way. But let's explore the possibilities all the same.
The problem with sequences
Sequences are designed for on-demand computation, and are not asynchronous. They can't wait for other asynchronous operations, such as callbacks. The sequence builder's yield function simply suspends while waiting for the caller to retrieve the next item, and it's the only suspending function a sequence is ever allowed to call. You can demonstrate this if you try to use a simple suspending call like delay inside a sequence. You'll get a compile error letting you know that you're operating in a restricted coroutine scope.
sequence<String> { delay(1000) } // doesn't compile
Without the ability to call suspending functions, there's no way to wait for a callback to be invoked. Recognising this limitation, Kotlin provides an alternative mechanism for streams of on-demand values that do provide data in an asynchronous way. It's called a Flow.
Callback flows
The mechanism for using Flows to provide values from a callback interface is described very nicely by Roman Elizarov in his Medium article Callbacks and Kotlin Flows.
If you did want to use a callback flow, you'd simply replace sequence with callbackFlow, and replace yield with sendBlocking.
Your code might look something like this:
fun findManyObjects(): Flow<Thing> = callbackFlow {
val rowHandler = object : RowCallbackHandler {
override fun processRow(resultSet: ResultSet) {
val thing = // create from resultSet
jdbcTemplate.query("select * from ...", rowHandler)
close() // the query is finished, so there are no more rows
A simpler flow
While that's the idiomatic way to stream values provided by a callback, it might not be the simplest approach to this problem. By avoiding callbacks altogether, you can use the much more common flow builder, passing each value to its emit function. But now that you have asynchrony in the form of coroutines, you can't just return a flow and then allow Spring to immediately close the result set. You need to be able to delay the closing of the result set until the flow has actually been consumed. That means peeling back the abstractions provided by RowCallbackHandler or ResultSetExtractor, which expect to process all the results in a blocking way, and instead providing your own implementation.
fun Connection.findManyObjects(): Flow<Thing> = flow {
prepareStatement("select * from ...").use { statement ->
statement.executeQuery().use { resultSet ->
while ( {
val thing = // create from resultSet
Note the use blocks, which will deal with closing the statement and result set. Because we don't reach the end of the use blocks until the while loop has completed and all the values have been emitted, the flow is free to suspend while the result set remains open.
So why use a flow at all?
You might notice that if you do it this way, you can actually replace flow and emit with sequence and yield. So have we come full circle? Well, sort of. The difference is that a flow can only be consumed from a coroutine, whereas with sequence, you can iterate over the resulting values without suspending at all. In this particular case, it's a hard call to make, because JDBC operations are always blocking.
If you use a sequence, the calling thread will block as it waits to receive the data. Values in a sequence are always computed by the thing consuming the sequence, so if the sequence invokes a blocking function, the consumer's thread will block waiting for the value. In a non-coroutine application, that might be okay, but if you're using coroutines, you really want to avoid hiding blocking calls inside innocuous-looking sequences.
If you use a flow, you can at least isolate the blocking calls by having the flow run on a particular dispatcher. For example, you could use the built-in IO dispatcher to perform the JDBC call, then switch back to the default dispatcher for any further processing. If you definitely want to stream values, I think this is a better approach than using a sequence.
With all this in mind, you'll need to be careful with your use of coroutines and dispatchers if you do choose one of these solutions. If you'd rather not worry about that, there's nothing wrong with using a regular ResultSetExtractor and forgetting about both sequences and flows for now.

What does an await Task.Yield do when in a Xamarin Forms OnAppearing?

My OnAppearing code looks like this. I don't understand what this is added for:
`await Task.Yield()`
Can someone explain what this does?
protected override async void OnAppearing()
Utils.SetState(Settings.mode.Text(), vm.Mode);
vm.CfsLabel = Settings.cfs.Text();
ContentPageStack.IsVisible = true;
if (!openedOnce)
// can someone explain what the following line
// is doing here in the code. What's the Task
// that it refers to and what does Yield do?
await Task.Yield();
await scroll.ScrollToAsync(0, 0, false);
openedOnce = true;
if (App.devIsUser)
Analytics.TrackEvent(VersionTracking.CurrentVersion + " - On Appearing - home page");
In this particular case, await Task.Yield does nothing useful. It is probably a misguided attempt to process Win32 messages like WM_PAINT. I.e., a "poor man's DoEvents".
await Task.Yield is used to force asynchrony. It's a way of forcing await to behave asynchronously, returning to the caller. It also immediately queues the remainder of the method to run.
The reason this doesn't work as a "poor man's DoEvents" is because the Win32 message queue is prioritized. So this is what the await Task.Yield actually does in this particular instance:
Queues the continuation of the async method to the current context (the UI SynchronizationContext), which places the continuation into the Win32 message queue.
Returns from the async method. Since this is an event handler, this returns to the Win32 message processing loop.
The Win32 message process loop pulls the next message from its queue. Since the queue is prioritized, it will always skip over regular Win32 messages and take the continuation message.
The loop processes the message, which runs the continuation of the async method, so the event handler resumes executing right where it left off.
I think the Microsoft docs give you a clear picture of what it does, When you read about Task.Yield its says:
Creates an awaitable task that asynchronously yields back to the current context when awaited.
A context that, when awaited, will asynchronously transition back into the current context at the time of the await. If the current SynchronizationContext is non-null, it is treated as the current context. Otherwise, the task scheduler that is associated with the currently executing task is treated as the current context.
What this basically means is when you use await Task.Yield in an async method it will force the method to complete asynchronously. And if there is a Synchronization Context available it will execute the remainder of the method's execution back to that context.
Note: The synchronization context that is present on a UI thread in most UI environments will often prioritize work posted to the context higher than input and rendering work. For this reason, do not rely on await Task.Yield(); to keep a UI responsive.

NIFI Processor won't call the #OnStopped or #OnDisabled functions

I have a NIFI-Processor that subscribes to a few tags on a OPC UA server.
I'm struggling to find a way to terminate the subscription. My plan was to just keep it running until I decide to stop the processor.
I tried defining functions for #OnStopped, #OnUnscheduled and #OnDisabled, but they never get called when I stop or disable the processor.
I'm on NIFI 1.7 so I can terminate the processor's thread, but my #OnStopped, #OnUnscheduled and #OnDisabled functions still don't get called.
Does terminating the thread mean that the thread won't return from onTrigger in a fashion that allows calling the above mentioned lifecycle methods?
EDIT: As requested, my method with annotation:
private void OnStopped() {
getLogger().info("Subscriptions cleared - stopped");
Your method has to have public visibility, otherwise the scheduler (which uses reflection) can't find it to invoke it.

async and await: are they bad?

We recently developed a site based on SOA but this site ended up having terrible load and performance issues when it went under load. I posted a question related this issue here:
ASP.NET website becomes unresponsive under load
The site is made of an API (WEB API) site which is hosted on a 4-node cluster and a web site which is hosted on another 4-node cluster and makes calls to the API. Both are developed using ASP.NET MVC 5 and all actions/methods are based on async-await method.
After running the site under some monitoring tools such as NewRelic, investigating several dump files and profiling the worker process, it turned out that under a very light load (e.g. 16 concurrent users) we ended up having around 900 threads which utilized 100% of CPU and filled up the IIS thread queue!
Even though we managed to deploy the site to the production environment by introducing heaps of caching and performance amendments many developers in our team believe that we have to remove all async methods and covert both API and the web site to normal Web API and Action methods which simply return an Action result.
I personally am not happy with approach because my gut feeling is that we have not used the async methods properly otherwise it means that Microsoft has introduced a feature that basically is rather destructive and unusable!
Do you know any reference that clears it out that where and how async methods should/can be used? How we should use them to avoid such dramas? e.g. Based on what I read on MSDN I believe the API layer should be async but the web site could be a normal no-async ASP.NET MVC site.
Here is the async method that makes all the communications with the API.
public static async Task<T> GetApiResponse<T>(object parameters, string action, CancellationToken ctk)
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseApiAddress);
var formatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();
httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(action, parameters, ctk)
.ContinueWith(x => x.Result.Content.ReadAsAsync<T>(new[] { formatter }).Result, ctk);
Is there anything silly with this method? Note that when we converted all method to non-async methods we got a heaps better performance.
Here is a sample usage (I've cut the other bits of the code which was related to validation, logging etc. This code is the body of a MVC action method).
In our service wrapper:
public async static Task<IList<DownloadType>> GetSupportedContentTypes()
string userAgent = Request.UserAgent;
var parameters = new { Util.AppKey, Util.StoreId, QueryParameters = new { UserAgent = userAgent } };
var taskResponse = await Util.GetApiResponse<ApiResponse<SearchResponse<ProductItem>>>(
return task.Data.Groups.Select(x => x.DownloadType()).ToList();
And in the Action:
public async Task<ActionResult> DownloadTypes()
IList<DownloadType> supportedTypes = await ContentService.GetSupportedContentTypes();
Is there anything silly with this method? Note that when we converted
all method to non-async methods we got a heaps better performance.
I can see at least two things going wrong here:
public static async Task<T> GetApiResponse<T>(object parameters, string action, CancellationToken ctk)
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseApiAddress);
var formatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();
httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(action, parameters, ctk)
.ContinueWith(x => x.Result.Content
.ReadAsAsync<T>(new[] { formatter }).Result, ctk);
Firstly, the lambda you're passing to ContinueWith is blocking:
x => x.Result.Content.ReadAsAsync<T>(new[] { formatter }).Result
This is equivalent to:
x => {
var task = x.Result.Content.ReadAsAsync<T>(new[] { formatter });
return task.Result;
Thus, you're blocking a pool thread on which the lambda is happened to be executed. This effectively kills the advantage of the naturally asynchronous ReadAsAsync API and reduces the scalability of your web app. Watch out for other places like this in your code.
Secondly, an ASP.NET request is handled by a server thread with a special synchronization context installed on it, AspNetSynchronizationContext. When you use await for continuation, the continuation callback will be posted to the same synchronization context, the compiler-generated code will take care of this. OTOH, when you use ContinueWith, this doesn't happen automatically.
Thus, you need to explicitly provide the correct task scheduler, remove the blocking .Result (this will return a task) and Unwrap the nested task:
httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(action, parameters, ctk).ContinueWith(
x => x.Result.Content.ReadAsAsync<T>(new[] { formatter }),
That said, you really don't need such added complexity of ContinueWith here:
var x = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(action, parameters, ctk);
return await x.Content.ReadAsAsync<T>(new[] { formatter });
The following article by Stephen Toub is highly relevant:
"Async Performance: Understanding the Costs of Async and Await".
If I have to call an async method in a sync context, where using await
is not possible, what is the best way of doing it?
You almost never should need to mix await and ContinueWith, you should stick with await. Basically, if you use async, it's got to be async "all the way".
For the server-side ASP.NET MVC / Web API execution environment, it simply means the controller method should be async and return a Task or Task<>, check this. ASP.NET keeps track of pending tasks for a given HTTP request. The request is not getting completed until all tasks have been completed.
If you really need to call an async method from a synchronous method in ASP.NET, you can use AsyncManager like this to register a pending task. For classic ASP.NET, you can use PageAsyncTask.
At worst case, you'd call task.Wait() and block, because otherwise your task might continue outside the boundaries of that particular HTTP request.
For client side UI apps, some different scenarios are possible for calling an async method from synchronous method. For example, you can use ContinueWith(action, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()) and fire an completion event from action (like this).
async and await should not create a large number of threads, particularly not with just 16 users. In fact, it should help you make better use of threads. The purpose of async and await in MVC is to actually give up the thread pool thread when it's busy processing IO bound tasks. This suggests to me that you are doing something silly somewhere, such as spawning threads and then waiting indefinitely.
Still, 900 threads is not really a lot, and if they're using 100% cpu, then they're not waiting.. they're chewing on something. It's this something that you should be looking into. You said you have used tools like NewRelic, well what did they point to as the source of this CPU usage? What methods?
If I were you, I would first prove that merely using async and await are not the cause of your problems. Simply create a simple site that mimics the behavior and then run the same tests on it.
Second, take a copy of your app, and start stripping stuff out and then running tests against it. See if you can track down where the problem is exactly.
There is a lot of stuff to discuss.
First of all, async/await can help you naturally when your application has almost no business logic. I mean the point of async/await is to do not have many threads in sleep mode waiting for something, mostly some IO, e.g. database queries (and fetching). If your application does huge business logic using cpu for 100%, async/await does not help you.
The problem of 900 threads is that they are inefficient - if they run concurrently. The point is that it's better to have such number of "business" threads as you server has cores/processors. The reason is thread context switching, lock contention and so on. There is a lot of systems like LMAX distruptor pattern or Redis which process data in one thread (or one thread per core). It's just better as you do not have to handle locking.
How to reach described approach? Look at disruptor, queue incoming requests and processed them one by one instead of parallel.
Opposite approach, when there is almost no business logic, and many threads just waits for IO is good place where to put async/await into work.
How it mostly works: there is a thread which reads bytes from network - mostly only one. Once some some request arrive, this thread reads the data. There is also limited thread pool of workers which processes requests. The point of async is that once one processing thread is waiting for some thing, mostly io, db, the thread is returned in poll and can be used for another request. Once IO response is ready, some thread from pool is used to finish the processing. This is the way how you can use few threads to server thousand request in a second.
I would suggest that you should draw some picture how your site is working, what each thread does and how concurrently it works. Note that it's necessary to decide whether throughput or latency is important for you.
