Any Way to install/import sublime/vscode color theme for visual studio 2015? - visual-studio

I am actually trying to get one color theme that I use in VS-Code for VS2015. But the theme is for sublime-text/atom. I can't find that color-theme for visual studio 2015.
I found this question here
visual studio 2015 sublime theme
Is there any way to install or import vs-code extension to visual studio 2015 ?

There are currently no ways to convert between the two theme formats. Visual Studio uses a proprietary theme style as shown here, whereas Visual Studio Code uses textmate themes as shown here
Visual Studio Format:
<Color Name="CSS String Value">
<Background Type="CT_AUTOMATIC" Source="00000000" />
<Foreground Type="CT_RAW" Source="FFD69D85" />
<Color Name="HTML Attribute">
<Background Type="CT_AUTOMATIC" Source="00000000" />
<Foreground Type="CT_RAW" Source="FF9CDCFE" />
Visual Studio Code
<string>Tag Inline Source</string>
<string>meta.tag.inline source, text.html.php.source</string>
<string>Tag Other</string>
<string>meta.tag.other,,, meta.tag.block.script, source.js.embedded punctuation.definition.tag.html, source.css.embedded punctuation.definition.tag.html</string>
<string>Tag Attribute</string>
<string>entity.other.attribute-name, meta.tag punctuation.definition.string</string>
As you can see, they are very different formats, and unfortunately there aren't tools for converting between them.

If you have a Textmate .tmtheme file, like the ones used for themes in Sublime Text, then you can convert that to a VSCode theme extension using the yo code tool as described in the documentation:
Basically, you need npm installed.
Place the .tmtheme file somewhere accessible from your terminal and do:
npm install -g yo generator-code
yo code
Follow the prompts, specifying the full file path of the theme file.
Place the resulting extension folder into %vs_code_dir%/extensions/ and restart VSCode before using your new theme.


include tmLanguage does not work correctly in Visual Studio

As you can see in Visual Studio Ansible Extension Project we have tmLanguage for Ansible grammar that include other tmLanguages as you can see below
But syntax highlighting does not work correctly, the output like below

Visual Studio for Mac Version 17.3 Preview debugger problem on physical device

Using, Visual Studio for Mac Version 17.3 Preview I get debugger problem on physical device and can't run my Xamarin app on my iPhone
It says:
warning MT1043: Failed to launch the application using the instruments service. Will try launching the app using gdb service.
Launching 'com.myapplicaion.applicationname' on the device 'Leos iPhone'
Could not find the application 'com.myapplicaion.applicationname' on the device 'My iPhone'.
It could be related to the problem with Visual Studio (Windows): Visual Studio 2022 17.2 and 17.3 cannot start debugger
Emulator works
Anyone know how I could get it to work?
Blank Xamarin.Forms project works
A new stable version was released with the problem: Version 17.0.3 (build 21), I shifted to it
I will move all files and install all Nuget packages into the new blank Xamarin.Forms project
The only hint I found was a difference in *.csproj forms file:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|AnyCPU'">
... which was missing in my project and present in the newly created project. It did not help to add it though
I found the the cause to be the Entitlements.plist. When I have it empty - the debugger works. However I need entitlements...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
I updated Xcode. Opened Visual Studio and it kept crashing, My Mac could not open other programs with Visual Studio open. I could not force quit Visual Studio.
It was stuck Restoring packages.
It said I should install version command line control: sudo xcode-select --install. Executing it said it already was installed
When verified 13.4.1 Xcode version and installing additional components. Visual Studio could be opened and run properly again.
But Im back to the original issue that debugger won't connect

Visual Studio Project to setup/install several application command line

Good Evening
I am looking for a .Net project where i can use it to install several software running command line (in silent mode)
i normal would use a batch file with wait command but i was hoping for something more sophisticated where i can output success or failed install.
appreciate your help
Visual Studio Project to setup/install several application command
I think you could install a vs extension called Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects. Please refer to this link.
You only to use Custom actions tag to install several softwares you want.
When you create the setup project, right-click on the project-->View-->Custom Actions--> right-click on the Install and select Add Custom Action to add any softwares you want to install.
Besides, just as Lex said, use Wix tool to create a msi installer project which could several install softwares. See this link.
Insatll Wix tool into VS.
And when you finish installing, create a project called Wix setup project, then modify its Product.wxs file:
<Wix xmlns="">
<Bundle Name="..." Version="..." Manufacturer="..." UpgradeCode="..." Copyright="..." IconSourceFile="..." AboutUrl="...">
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
<ExePackage Id="Dependency1" SourceFile="Dependency_package_1.exe" />
<ExePackage Id="Dependency2" SourceFile="Dependency_package_2.exe" />
//add any bundled install software
<RollbackBoundary />
<MsiPackage Id="MainPackage" SourceFile="Main_package.msi" Vital="yes" />

Visual Studio Code: How to change color of '->' and '.' operators in C?

I'm trying out VS Code, but I would like to use my Sublime color settings. I've used the 'yo code' tool as suggested by the installation instructions to import the settings as TextMate. This worked mostly, however I cannot figure out how to change the syntax of the indirection operators '->' and '.' in the C language.
I assume it should be in the field here:
Here is an example screenshot of the differences:
VS Code:

How to install SideWaffle to VS2015 Community

I downloaded the extension from here and when I doubleclicked on the vsix package nothnig happened.
I checked out the extension.manifest file in the package, and these are the supported version there:
<InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro" Version="11.0" />
<InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro" Version="12.0" />
<InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro" Version="14.0" />
When VS Community got out, you had to do this to get EF Power Tools to work, but SideWaffle uses the 2.0 manifest version and that doesn't work.
I tries adding Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community but that didn't work either. Any ideas on how to make this work?
No idea why it didn't install when I ran it, but I did find a workaround:
Open Developer Command Prompt for VS2015 and run VSIXInstaller {path to vsix file}
That did the trick.
