Concatenating data from Kendo Datasources in to a new array - kendo-ui

I'm trying to concat the selected items from 2 grids in to an array for further processing but I don't want to affect any change in either data source and this is proving problematic as the first data source seems to (after the concat) contain the items I pull from the first ...
var allItems = JSLINQ("kendoGrid")
the source code for the concat function in JSLINQ is doing this ...
Concat: function (array) {
var arr = array.items || array;
return new JSLINQ(this.items.concat(arr));
this.items is from what I can tell the value of ""kendoGrid")"
and i'm trying to build a new array with the items in ""kendoGrid")" which I then intend to filter based on selection criteria.
does anyone have any experience with this / a means to say "I want a copy of the data item from the source that's not connected to the source"?
The base functionality here relies on having a standard JS array, it seems that kendo returns an observable array object (specific to kendo, and missing the concat function).
The implementation above results in an exception on the concat call (because it doesn't exist), so I rewrote the function to something like this ...
Concat: function (array) {
//var arr = array.items || array;
//return new JSLINQ(this.items.concat(arr));
var retVal = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.items[i]));
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(array[i]));
return new JSLINQ(retVal);
That results in the duplicate problem I mentioned above.
So it seems that the error I have here is something to do with observable array, but I don't know how to get a "detatched item" / "array" from the data source.

Ok so it turns out the toJSON() method on an observable array turns the observable array in to an array (odd naming, but hey this is kendo right!)
In short, by manipulating my call input to the JSLINQ method to include this I then have normal JS behaviour as I would expect ...
var allItems = JSLINQ("kendoGrid")


Sorting an observable array, which has queried data returned by breezeJS

The above image is of observableArray which is coming while queryinq database using breezeJS (using EntityManager).
My question is that
how do we sort this observable based on some criteria i.e.,
(object.attributeName) ?
So that this array is sorted based on some attribute name and we can simply use the observable within foreach bindings and use them in sorted way because I don't wanna query all the time (locally or from server) to get data in sorted order.
So make a computed
var orderDirection = ko.observable(1);
var orderField = ko.observable("id");
var orderedObsArr = ko.computed(function(){
var oDir = orderDirection();
var oField = orderField();
var newArr = originalObsArr().slice(0);
return oDir * (a[oField] > b[oField] ? 1 : -1);
return newArr;
so to change to a sort by name descending, you simply change:
and your computed dependent orderedObsArr will be updated.
See this pen for a working example.

Angular.js - Data from AJAX request as a ng-repeat collection

In my web app i'm reciving data every 3-4 seconds from an AJAX call to API like this:
$http.get('api/invoice/collecting').success(function(data) {
$scope.invoices = data
Then displaying the data, like this:
The problem is that every time i do $scope.invoices = data ng-repeat rebuilds the DOM area which is presented in the jsfiddle, and i lose all <input> values.
I've tried to do:
deep version of jQuery.extend
some other merging\extending\deep copying functions
but they can't handle the situation like this:
On my client a have [invoice1, invoice2, invoice3] and server sends me [invoice1, invoice3]. So i need invoice2 to be deleted from the view.
What are the ways to solve this problem?
Check the ng-repeat docs Angular.js - Data from AJAX request as a ng-repeat collection
You could use track by option:
variable in expression track by tracking_expression – You can also provide an optional tracking function which can be used to associate the objects in the collection with the DOM elements. If no tracking function is specified the ng-repeat associates elements by identity in the collection. It is an error to have more than one tracking function to resolve to the same key. (This would mean that two distinct objects are mapped to the same DOM element, which is not possible.) Filters should be applied to the expression, before specifying a tracking expression.
For example: item in items track by is a typical pattern when the items come from the database. In this case the object identity does not matter. Two objects are considered equivalent as long as their id property is same.
You need to collect data from DOM when an update from the server arrives. Save whatever data is relevant (it could be only the input values) and don't forget to include the identifier for the data object, such as data._id. All of this should be saved in a temporary object such as $scope.oldInvoices.
Then after collecting it from DOM, re-update the DOM with the new data (the way you are doing right now) $scope.invoices = data.
Now, use underscore.js _.findWhere to locate if your data._id is present in the new data update, and if so - re-assign (you can use Angular.extend here) the data-value that you saved to the relevant invoice.
Came out, that #luacassus 's answer about track by option of ng-repeat directive was very helpful but didn't solve my problem. track by function was adding new invoices coming from server, but some problem with clearing inactive invoices occured.
So, this my solution of the problem:
function change(scope, newData) {
if (!scope.invoices) {
scope.invoices = [];
jQuery.extend(true, scope.invoices, newData)
// Search and update from server invoices that are presented in scope.invoices
for( var i = 0; i < scope.invoices.length; i++){
var isInvoiceFound = false;
for( var j = 0; j < newData.length; j++) {
if( scope.invoices[i] && scope.invoices[i].id && scope.invoices[i].id == newData[j].id ) {
isInvoiceFound = true;
jQuery.extend(true, scope.invoices[i], newData[j])
if( !isInvoiceFound ) scope.invoices.splice(i, 1);
// Search and add invoices that came form server, but are nor presented in scope.invoices
for( var j = 0; j < newData.length; j++){
var isInvoiceFound = false;
for( var i = 0; i < scope.invoices.length; i++) {
if( scope.invoices[i] && scope.invoices[i].id && scope.invoices[i].id == newData[j].id ) {
isInvoiceFound = true;
if( !isInvoiceFound ) scope.invoices.push(newData[j]);
In my web app i'm using jQuery's .extend() . There's some good alternative in lo-dash library.

How to remove from an List Object in c#

I have an Action method in my controller which returns a List Object
Public ActionResult GetCats(long Id,string strsortorder,string dltIds)
var Result=objrepo.GetCats(Id);//this method returns me List of Result
My array looks like this:
var Result=[{CatId:1015,CatName:Abc},{CatId:1016,CatName:Acd},
What I want to do is:
Using two more parameters in my Action Method "strsortorder" and "dltIds"
that have a list of ids like this:
From this the "Result" returned from my method , I want to remove the records which are in "dltids" and the remaining array should be sorted in the order which I have in "strsortorder";
In the end the new object should look like this:
var NewResult=[{CatId:1021,CatName:Abc},{CatId:1015,CatName:Abc},
Can any one help me in acheiving this in linq or any other way?
I want to avoid any type of loop or froeach here for max extent, I know it can be done by looping but I want to avoid this since the result can sometimes contain large amounts of data.
I realized you can use an ArrayList instead of a Dictionary and it would be faster. I think Dictionary is clear how it works but here is the "better" implementation using array list:
var excludeList = dltIds.Split(",".ToCharArray());
ArrayList sortList = new ArrayList(strsortorder.Split(",".ToCharArray()));
var NewResult =
Result.Where(item => ! excludeList.Contains(item.CatId.ToString()))
.OrderBy(item => {
if (sortList.Contains(item.CatId.ToString()))
return sortList.IndexOf(item.CatId.ToString());
return sortList.Count;
Original answer below:
Public ActionResult GetCats(long Id,string strsortorder,string dltIds)
var Result=objrepo.GetCats(Id);//this method returns me List of Result
var excludeList = dltIds.Split(",".ToCharArray());
int orderCount = 0; // used in the closure creating the Dictionary below
var sortList = strsortorder.Split(",".ToCharArray())
.ToDictionary(x => x,x => orderCount++);
// filter
var NewResult =
Result.Where(item => ! excludeList.Contains(item.CatId.ToString()))
.OrderBy(item => {
if (sortList.ContainsKey(item.CatId.ToString()))
return sortList[item.CatId.ToString()];
return sortList.Count();
How this works:
First I create lists out of your comma separated exclude list using split.
This I create a dictionary with the key being the ordering ID and the value being an integer that goes up by one.
For the filtering I look to see if an item is in the exclude array before I continue processing the item.
I then do a sort on matching against the key and the dictionary and returning the value -- this will sort things in the order of the list since I incremented a counter when creating the values. If an item is not in the dictionary I return one more than the maximum value in the dictionary which must be the count of the items. (I could have used the current value of orderCount instead.)

Get all rows not filtered from jqGrid

I have local data in a grid. How can I get all of the rows or IDs that are not removed after a user uses the filter toolbar? I need to get all filtered rows, regardless of pagination.
For example, say I begin with 50 rows in the grid. The user uses the filter toolbar and the set of rows decreases to 10 rows. How can I get those ten rows?
There are no direct way to get the information which you need. Internally jqGrid uses $.jgrid.from to filter local data. The main code which uses $.jgrid.from in inside of addLocalData. To get results which you need without studying all the code I suggest to use the fact that all filtered data will be returned by select method of $.jgrid.from (see the line of code). My suggestion is to catch the data before the data will be cut to the page size.
To do this I suggest to use sub-classing: overwriting of the method select method of $.jgrid.from. I demonstrate the technique in the examples created for the answer and this one.
In your case the code will be
var oldFrom = $.jgrid.from,
$.jgrid.from = function (source, initalQuery) {
var result =, source, initalQuery),
old_select =; = function (f) {
lastSelected =, f);
return lastSelected;
return result;
Now the variable lastSelected will save the array of elements which are results of the last sorting or filtering operation. Because $.jgrid.from is global the data are not connected to the grid. If you have more as one grid on the page it will be uncomfortable. One can fix the small disadvantage with the following line in the code of loadComplate of every grid:
loadComplete: function () {
this.p.lastSelected = lastSelected; // set this.p.lastSelected
In the way we introduce new jqGrid parameter lastSelected which will have close structure as data parameter, but will hold only last filtered data.
The following code will display the ids of filtered data in alert message
$("#getIds").click(function () {
var filteredData = $grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'lastSelected'), i, n, ids = [],
idName = $grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'localReader').id;
if (filteredData) {
for (i = 0, n = filteredData.length; i < n; i++) {
alert("tolal number of filtered data: " + n + "\n" +
"ids of filtered data:\n" + ids.join(', '));
I used parameter because property name used for local data are typically id or _id_. The _id_ will be used in case of data loaded from the server if one uses loadonce: true option.
The demo demonstrate the approach. If one filter for example only the data from FedEx and then clicks on "Show Ids" button one will see information about all filtered and not only about the data displayed on the current page:
UPDATED: free jqGrid provides new lastSelectedData option. See the demo in the list of demos.
You colud use afterSearch option of the search toolbar:
var filteredIDs = new Array(); //Global variable
$("#"+gridId).jqGrid("filterToolbar", { stringResult:true, searchOnEnter:false,
filteredIDs = $("#"+gridId).getDataIDs();
If you want to get the filtered rows instead the filtered IDs, use getRowData() instead of getDataIDs().
All, I found another answer which is far easier to include
loadComplete: function (gridData) {
var isSearchPerformed = $grid.getGridParam("postData")._search;
if (isSearchPerformed) {
All you want is below:
$.each($grid.getRowData(), function( index, value ) {
a.push(value["COLUMN_NAME"]); //Get the selected data you want

LINQ: Field is not a reference field

I've got a list of IQueryable. I'm trying to split this list into an array of IQueryable matching on a certain field (say fieldnum) in the first list...
for example, if fieldnum == 1, it should go into array[1]. I'm using Where() to filter based on this field, it looks something like this:
var allItems = FillListofMyObjects();
var Filtered = new List<IQueryable<myObject>(MAX+1);
for (var i = 1; i <= MAX; i++)
var sublist = allItems.Where(e => e.fieldnum == i);
if (sublist.Count() == 0) continue;
Filtered[i] = sublist;
however, I'm getting the error Field "t1.fieldnum" is not a reference field on the if line. stepping through the debugger shows the error actually occurs on the line before (the Where() method) but either way, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I'm farily new to LINQ so if I'm doing this all wrong please let me know, thanks!
Why don't you just use ToLookup?
var allItemsPerFieldNum = allItems.ToLookup(e => e.fieldnum);
Do you need to reevaluate the expression every time you get the values?
Why not use a dictionary?
var dictionary = allItems.ToDictionar(y => y.fieldnum);
