Safe Exam Browse Request Hash - windows

I'm currently doing a audit of some Safe Exam Browser features as part of my master thesis, and I started looking into the browser request hash that is used to ensure that people use the safe exam browser in the LMS our university has opted for. As an attempt I just created my own SEB config file (on my mac), and I managed to compute the correct browser request hash from the key I got from said config file. If I re-open the same file in the SEB config editor it still presents me with the same hash (so I can get it again later).
However, the SEB config file I got from the LMS system we use, when I open that and copy the config key, I am unable to generate the correct browser request hashes (using the same code). Does this has to do with OSX vs Windows somehow? Or is there some other mechanism that I don't know about?
Originally asked at the Safe Exam Browser forums.


Are my source codes I uploaded to Heroku open to others?

I am using Heroku to host my web server. Is my source code there available or open to others as there are some private information in my source codes? If it is, how can I prevent that? I looked at some questions before, but it wasn't clear.
Your code pushed to Heroku stays private, however it is a bad idea to store sensitive data (tokens, passwords, IDs) in the source code.
Heroku best practises is to use Config Var to define secrets, these are injected into your application at runtime as environment variables (which you can access programatically - depending which language you use)

What is a good framework for deploying a portable HTML/JavaScript Windows application?

I need to deploy an application onto some Windows machines for purposes of data collection from a group of people (i.e. the application will be used to gather responses to a series of survey questions). The process is interactive, alternating between displays of text and images with specific timing requirements. I have put together a prototype application using HTML and JavaScript that implements the survey. However, there are some unique constraints on the deployment environment that have me stuck:
While the machine is Internet-connected, the client requires that the survey application must run fully local to the PC that it runs on. Therefore, sending the survey results to a remote server is not permissible. Obviously, saving to a local file from a Web browser is typically not permitted for security reasons.
Installation of applications onto the machines that will run the survey is not permitted.
The configuration of the machines is not known specifically a priori, but I can assume some recent version of Windows with IE8+.
The "no remote access" requirement was a late comer, and has thrown a wrench into the plan of just writing a simple Web application that could post results to an HTTP server. I'm now looking for the easiest way forward. Two main approaches come to mind:
Use a GUI framework that provides a control that can display HTML/JavaScript; running a full-blown application on the PC would allow me to save the results to the filesystem. I've never done this, but it seems like in this day and age it shouldn't be too difficult. This would allow me to reuse much of my existing prototype implementation, but I would need some way of transferring the results (which would be stored in a JavaScript data structure) outside of the Web control to where the rest of the application could access it.
Reimplement the entire application using some GUI framework (I've used PyQt successfully before, although not on Windows). This approach is obviously less desirable than #1 due to the lack of reuse. However, it may be necessary if #1 isn't feasible.
Any recommendations for the best way to go? Ideally, I'm looking for a solution that can be run in a "portable" manner from a USB thumbdrive or similar.
Have you looked at HTML Applications (HTA)? They work in IE5+ and can use Windows Scripting Host to write to local drives and UNC shares...
Maybe you can use a portable web server with a scripting language on the server side. Mongoose, for example, you can run PHP, CGI, etc. .. scripts. Then, simply create a script to save a file to your hard drive. And let the rest of the application in the same manner.
Use a script to start the web server, and perhaps a portable web browser like K-Meleon to start the application This is highly configurable. Or start the system explorer to your localhost URL.
The only problem may be that the user has to modify the firewall for the first time you run the server?

Downloading large files to PC from OAS Server

We have an Oracle 10g forms application running on a Solaris OAS server, with the forms displaying in IE. Part of the application involves uploading and downloading files (Word docs and PDFs, mainly) from the PC to the OAS server, using Oracle's webutil utility.
The problem is with large files (anything over 25Megs or so), it takes a long time, sometimes many minutes. Uploading seems to work, even with large files. Downloading large files, though, will cause it to error out part way through the download.
I've been testing with a 189Meg file in our development system. Using WEBUTIL_FILE_TRANSFER.Client_To_DB (or Client_To_DB_with_Progress), the download would error out after about 24Megs. I switched to WEBUTIL_FILE_TRANSFER.URL_To_Client_With_Progress, and finally got the entire file to download, but it took 22 minutes. Doing without the progress bar got it down to 18 minutes, but that's still too long.
I can display files in the browser, and my test file displayed in about 5 seconds, but many files need to be downloaded for editing and then re-uploaded.
Any thoughts on how to accomplish this uploading and downloading faster? At this point, I'm open to almost any idea, whether it uses webutil or not. Solutions that are at least somewhat native to Oracle are preferred, but I'm opn to suggestions.
This may be totally out to lunch, but since you're looking for any thoughts that might help, here are mine.
First of all, I'm assuming that the actual editing of the files happens outside the browser, and that you're just looking for a better way to get the files back and forth.
In that case, one option I've used in the past is just to route around the web application using Apache, or any other vanilla web server you like. For downloading, create a unique file session token, remember it in the web application, and place a copy of the file, named with the token (e.g. <unique token>.doc), in a download directory visible to Apache. Then provide a link to the file that will be served via Apache.
For upload, you have a couple of options. One is to use the mechanism you've got, then when a file is uploaded, you just have to match on the token in the name to patch the file back into your archive. Alternately, you could create a very simple file upload form separate from your application that will upload the file to a temp directory via Apache, then route the user back into your application and provide the token in the URL HTTP GET-style or else in a cookie.
Before you go to all that trouble, you'll want to make sure that your vanilla web server will provide better upload and download speed and reliability than your current solution, but it should.
As an aside, I don't know whether the application server you're using provides HTTP compression, but if it does, you should make sure it's enabled and working. This is probably the best single thing you can do to increase transfer speed of large files, assuming they're fairly compressible. If your application server doesn't support it, then most any vanilla web server will.
I hope that helps.
I ended up using CLIENT_HOST to call an FTP command to download the files. My 189MB test file took 20-22 minutes to download using WEBUTIL_FILE_TRANSFER.URL_To_Client_With_Progress, and only about 20 seconds using FTP. It's not the best solution because it leaves the FTP password exposed on the PC temporarily, but only for as long as the download takes, and even then the user would have to know where to find it.
So, we're implementing this for now, and looking for a more secure but still performant long term solution.

Windows Registry best practices

In what way is the Windows registry meant to be used? I know it's alright to store a small amount of user preferences, but is it considered bad practice to store all your users data there? I would think it would depend on the data set, so how about for small amounts of data, say, less than 2KB, in 100 or so different key/value pairs. Is this bad practice? Would a flat file or SQLite db be a better practice?
I'm going to take a contrarian view.
The registry is a fine place to put configuration data of all types. In general it is faster than most configuration files and more reliable (individual operations on the registry are transacted so if your app crashes during a write the registry isn't corrupted - in general that isn't the case with ini files).
Marcelo MD is totally right: Storing things like operation percentage complete in the registry (or any other non volitile storage) is a horrible idea. On the other hand storing data like the most recently used files is just fine - the registry was built for just that kind of problem.
A number of the other commenters on this post talking about the MRU list have discussed the problem of what happens when the MRU list gets out of sync due to application crashes. I'm wondering why storing the MRU list in a flat file in per-user storage is any better?
I'm also not sure what the "security implications" of storing your data in the registry are. The registry is just as secure as the filesystem - the registry and the filesystem use the same ACL mechanism to protect their data.
If you ARE going to store your user data in a file, you should absolutely put your data in %APPDATA%\CompanyName\ApplicationName at least - that way if two different developers create an application with the same name (how many "Media Manager" applications are there out there?) you won't have collisions.
For me, simple user configuration items and user data is better to be stored in either a simple XML configuration file, a SQLLite db, or a MS SQL Server Compact db. The exact storage medium depends on the specifics of the implementation.
I only use the registry for things that I need to set infrequently and that users don't need to be able to change/see. For example, I have stored encrypted license information in the registry before to avoid accidental user removal of the data.
Using the registry to store data has mainly one problem: It's not very user-friendly. Users have virtually no chance of backing up their settings, copying them to another computer, troubleshooting them (or resetting them) if they get corrupted, or generally just see what their software is doing.
My rule of thumb is to use the registry only to communicate with the OS. Filetype associations, uninstaller entries, processes to run at startup, those things obviously have to be in the registry.
But data that is for use in your application only belongs in a file in your App Data folder. (whiever one of the 3+ App Data folders Microsoft currently wants you to use, anyway)
As each user has directory space in Windows already dedicated to storing application user data, I use it to store the user-level data (preferences, for instance) there.
In C#, I would get it by doing something like this:
Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
Typically, I'll store SQLite files there or whatever is appropriate for the application.
If your app is going to be deployed "in the enterprise", keep in mind that administrators can tweak the registry using group policy tools. For example, if firefox used the registry for things like the proxy server, it would make deployment a snap because an admin can use the standard tools in active directory to set it up. If you use anything else, I dont think such things can be done very easily.
So don't dismiss the registry all together. If there is a chance an admin might want to standardize parts of your configuration across a network, put the setting in the registry.
I think Microsoft is encouraging use of isolated storage instead of the Windows registry.
Here's an article that explains how to use it in .Net.
You can find those files in Windows XP under Documents & Settings\\Local Settings\ App Data\Isolated Storage. The data is in .dat files
I would differentiate:
On the one hand there is application specific configuration data that is needed for the app to run, e.g. IP addresses to connect to, which folders to use for what sort of files etc, and non trivial per user settings.
Those I put in a config file, ini format for simple stuff, xml if it gets more complex.
On the other hand there is trivial per user settings (best example: window positions and layout). To avoid cluttering the config files (which some users will want to edit themselves, so few and clearly arranged entries are a must), I like to put those in the registry (with conservative defaults being set in the app if no settings in the registry can be found).
I mainly do it like istmatt sais: I store config files inside the %APPDATA% folder. Usually in %APPDATA%\ApplicationName, I don't like the .NET default of APPDATA%\CompanyName\ApplicationName\Version, that level of detail and complexity is counterproductive for most small to medium sized applications.
I disagree with the example of Marcelo MD of not storing recently used files in the registry. IMO this is exactly the volatile sort of user specific information that can be stored there.
(His example of what not to do is very good, though!)
To me it seems easier to think of what you should NOT put there.
e.g: dynamic data, such as an editor's "last file opened" and per project options. It is really annoying when your app loses sync with the registry (file deletion, system crash, etc) and retrieves information that is not valid anymore, possibly deadlocking the user.
At an earlier job I saw a guy that stored a data transfer completness percentage there, Writing the new values at every 10k or so and having the GUI retrieve this value every second so it could show on the titlebar.

Is there some sort of secure local storage on Windows?

I was thinking of making a small tool. It is not important what the tool will do. The important thing, is that the tool will need to store some sensitive information on the user's HDD. EDIT: The information that will be stored is USER'S information - I'm not trying to protect my own content, that I distribute with the app.
I understand that I need to encrypt this information. But then, where do I safely store the encryption password? It's some sort of an infinite recursion...
So, is there a way, to encrypt information on windows, and have windows securely manage the passwords? When I say windows I mean Windows XP SP2 or later.
I should also note, that users on the same system must not have access to other users information (even when they are both running my application).
I'm looking for both - .NET 2.0 (C#) and native (C/C++) solutions to this problem.
is there a way, to encrypt information on windows, and have windows securely manage the passwords?
Using from .NET:
Historically, Protected Storage (available in XP, read-only in vista+):
You should consider using DPAPI for this purpose. It will encrypt your data with a special (internal) symmetric key which is on per-user basis. You don't even need to ask for passwords in this case, because different users on the system will have different keys assigned to them.
The downside of it might be that you can't recover the data if the user is deleted/Windows reinstalled (I believe that this is the case, not quite sure though). In that case encrypt the data with a "self-generated" key derived from the password and store the password in registry/file encrypted using DPAPI.
You can use the native encryption facility. Set the encrypt attribute on your folder or file (from the property page, click on the "advanced" button). Then you can set the users that can access the file (by default this only includes the file creator). The big advantage of this solution is that it is totally transparent from the application and the users points of view.
To do it programmatically: using the Win32 API, call EncryptFile() on the directory where you want to store your sensitive per-user data. From now on all newly created files within this dir will be encrypted and only readable by their creator (that would be the current user of your app). Alternatively you can use the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED flag on individual files at creation time. You can check encryption info from the explorer on the file's property page, and see that app-created files are correctly encrypted and restricted to their respective users. There is no password to store or use, everything is transparent.
If you want to hide data from all users then you can create a special app-specific user and impersonate it from your app. This, along with ACLs, is the blessed technique on Windows for system services.
You might want to look at Isolated Storage, which is a way of storing settings and other data on a per-application data automatically.
See an example and MSDN.
This is an alternative to storing normal settings in the registry, a better one in a lot of cases... I'm not sure how the data is stored to file however so you'd need to check, you wouldn't want it to be accessible, even encrypted, to other users. From memory only the app. that created the storage can open it - but that needs checking.
From memory when I last used this, a good approach is to write a "Setting" class which handles all the settings etc. in your app. This class then has the equivalent of Serialize and DeSerialize methods which allow it to write all its data to an IsolatedStorage file, or load them back again.
The extra advantage of implementing it in this way is you can use attributes to mark up bits of the source and can then use a Property Grid to quickly give you user-edit control of settings (the Property Grid manipulates class properties at runtime using reflection).
I recommend you look at the Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block. Check this blog post. Windows has a built in Data Protection API for encrypting data, but the Crypto Application Block makes it more straightforward.
Um, what you're trying to achieve is exactly what DRM tried to achieve. Encrypt something then give the user the keys (however obfuscated) and the crypto. They did it with DVDs. They did it with Blu-Ray. They did it with iTunes.
What you are proposing to do will never be secure. Your average lay person will probably not figure it out, but any sufficiently motivated attacker will work it out and discover the keys, the algorithm and decrypt the data.
If all you're doing is encrypting user data then ask the user for their password. If you're trying to protect your internal data from the user running the application you're S.O.L.
Erm hash the password? You don't need to store the real deal anywhere on the machine just a hashed password (possibly salted too). Then when the user enters their password you perform the same operation on that and compare it to the hashed one you've stored on disk.
