Weka UI language configuration error while reading file - windows

in attempts to implement Machine learning into my project, i used WEKA. And to train and test it, weka process collection of data which is in Russian Language. But in process of reading it shows unreadible ('ЧÑ, о Ñ') characters. I understand that this is due to language configuration error, but i cant find a solution. Any help is apperciated
WEKA UI screenshot
i gave java 1.8, weka 3.8.
my dataset is like: "Российский ситком (ситуационная комедия) «Интерны», совмещенная адаптация «Клиники» и «Доктора Хауса»"
my folder is like:

i did stupid mistake. While loading data, there charSet field to specify language configuration. Thus, stating UTF-8 in charset resolves the issue


Validating configurations files with viper

I was looking for a configuration parser for go and https://github.com/spf13/viper seems to come highly recommended.
I am very surprised to find that configuration files are not validated by default.
Viper parses files and extracts requested values from them but I cannot find a way to detect bad configuration.
For instance I if create a (Java style) .properties file containing just "???" and nothing else. This is accepted without any error.
I can understand the philosophy that you should ignore irrelevant configuration items but I desire more rigor. I would also like to reject anything that does not match the X=Y format in a properties file.
To me this is a fatal flaw that suggests I should use a different package (or roll my own as usual).
Have I missed something? Does viper in fact support detecting and rejecting bad configuration keys?
I think the answer is no. viper does not validate java .properties files.
I posted a bug report (or feature request depending on your point of view) as https://github.com/spf13/viper/issues/790
You can try https://github.com/num30/config library which is based on Viper. It has built-in validation.

In STS 4.0 ignoring unknown property support missing

Following error shown in the problem section for unknown property
There is no easy way to fix the warning in STS4
Even after adding the quickfix, the error is not seems to be going
Description Resource Path Location Type
'IntuitAccountingAPIHost' is an unknown property. application.properties /hk-qbo-connector/src/main/resources line 8 org.eclipse.lsp4e.diagnostic
'OAuth2AppClientId' is an unknown property. application.properties /hk-qbo-connector/src/main/resources line 2 org.eclipse.lsp4e.diagnostic
'OAuth2AppClientSecret' is an unknown property. application.properties /hk-qbo-connector/src/main/resources line 3 org.eclipse.lsp4e.diagnostic
'OAuth2AppRedirectUri' is an unknown property. application.properties /hk-qbo-connector/src/main/resources line 5 org.eclipse.lsp4e.diagnostic
You should probably consider raising your problem as a bug-report or feature request on our issue tracker. It doesn't read like a 'question' to me, and so it probably doesn't belong on SO as such.
Nevertheless let me try and answer as best as I can.
Even after adding the quickfix, the error is not seems to be going
It will, once you save the additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json file where the quickfix creates new metadata for you.
I agree it is a little unintuitve that the change is not saved automatically, but I'm afraid we (STS vscode extension) don't have control over this. The changes are being applied by the Vscode language server client, and it's the client's decision to apply the changes only to 'dirty' editor buffers rather than apply them directly to the files on disk.
As to your general statement that 'In STS 4.0 ignoring unknown property support is missing'... I think you are referring to the fact that in STS3 it used to be possible to ignore problems of a given type altogether and this is no longer possible in STS4. This is true. If you like to get this kind of user-configurability back again, please consider raising a feature request on our issue tracker. SO, really isn't the place to ask for this sort of thing.
In STS 4.11, you will find this option in Window -> Preferences -> Language Servers -> Spring Language Servers -> Spring Boot Language Servers -> Yaml Editor or Properties Editor.

asp.net-web-api using culture for returning errors in different languages

I'm using ASP.NET Web API 2,
I have resx files for errors, I need to return the error in the correct language (by user culture).
My solution is
1)I created BaseApiController that all the other controllers would inherit.
2)In BaseApiController I changed the Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture for each request.
My question is if this is the correct way for doing it?
Thanks a lot!
There are lots of way doing this. It actually depends on your architecture. Your way is also acceptable. You will implement ResourceManager if you use your way. Let me give some other examples:
You can keep language code in request header and you don't need to
change Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.
You can store errors in database with language code and you can get
corresponding error with the active culture when the operation is
You can store errors in cache with language code and you can get
corresponding error with the active culture when the operation is
As you can see, there are lots of ways. As I said it depends on your architecture.
Good luck

How to read excel file tibco activities?

I have a requirement to read excel file using tibco palettes.Can any body please throw some lights regarding this. I am basically new to this tibco BW. Please tell me what steps should I follow?
I am assuming you are not referring to CSV files, for which you could use the File Read and Parse activities of BW.
If you want to parse or render a multi-worksheet workbook, you can try publicly available API's such as Apache's POI or commercial API's such as from Aspose to cut your own Java based solution. Then you can use the Java Code or general Java activities to embed and use that code.
And then there's another ready-to-use option available from us: an Excel Plugin for TIBCO BusinessWorks, if you wish to leverage all built-in features of BW (XPath mapping, etc) when parsing or rendering your Excel.
Edit 1:
As per your comment, you can also try the following steps, if you are looking for a more homegrown solution.
Based on one of the (public/commercial) libraries above you can write generic Java Code to parse each cell of each row of each sheet of the workbook. Output should be an XML string. Then create an XSD to match your output. It is at your discretion, which information of the cell you want to read from the workbook - you already are aware of the complexity of the API, I am sure.
Create a BW (sub)process that calls your code from a Java activity, use Parse XML to parse your XML string result into you XSD structure. Configure the End activity to use your XSD and map (copy) your Parse XML result into the End activity.
Then wrap this subprocess into a Custom Activity (General Activities Palette). Create a Custom Palette and now you can re-use what you did in many other BW projects. The path to the custom palettes can be found in TIBCO Designer - Edit- Preferences - General - User Directories
If you add Error Output schemas, you will also get typed error outputs from that custom activity.

Is there any tool to generate a labels.rdf file?

Examining the 404 errors for my website I noticed requests for a "labels.rdf" file. After some digging I think I understand what it is and want to create one for my website. But I don't really understand how to generate it. Is there any tool or a generic file that I can use?
RDF is not just one format, but a collection - most likely it's expecting RDF/XML.
IMHO the esiest thing to do is create the data you need in a format called Turtle (http://www.w3.org/TeamSubmission/turtle/) - there's lots of tutorials online, then convert it to RDF/XML with a tool, such as rapper (http://librdf.org/raptor/).
You will need to know a bit about the RDF data model though, and what the labels.rdf file is trying to express.
