How to delete a queue in YARN? - hadoop

I see a queue in the yarn configuration file that I want to delete:
<description>The queues at the this level (root is the root queue).
<description>The queues at the this level (root is the root queue).
<description>The queues at the this level (root is the root queue).
Say I want to remove queue c. I remove c from the list under the line <name>yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.queues</name> so that line looks like this:
Then I go to the command line and run yarn rmadmin -refreshQueues.
But I get the following error message:
Caused by c cannot be found during refresh!`
I'm trying to delete the queue c. How do I delete it?
I noticed here it says that
Note: Queues cannot be deleted, only addition of new queues is
supported - the updated queue configuration should be a valid one i.e.
queue-capacity at each level should be equal to 100%., how do I delete a queue if I don't need it anymore?

From that page:
Administrators can add additional queues at runtime, but queues cannot be deleted at runtime.
It sounds like you cannot delete at runtime, BUT you can stop/kill the YARN, update the config file (and remove c) and run YARN with the new configuration. So if you can afford to stop/start the YARN then here is the process:
Note: Before killing the YARN Read here on the effects on the system depending on your YARN version.
Here goes the process:
Stop the MapReduce JobHistory service, ResourceManager service, and NodeManager on all nodes where they are running, as follows:
sudo service hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver stop
sudo service hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager stop
sudo service hadoop-yarn-nodemanager stop
Then Edit the config file and remove c
Start the MapReduce JobHistory server, ResourceManager, and NodeManager on all nodes where they were previously running, as follows:
sudo service hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver start
sudo service hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager start
sudo service hadoop-yarn-nodemanager start
Commands are from here

You have to stop Yarn if you want to delete a queue. Only add, update and stop is supported while Yarn is running.


Running submitted job sequentially in Google Cloud Dataproc

I created Google Dataproc cluster with 2 workers using n1-standard-4 VMs for master and workers.
I want to submit jobs on a given cluster and all jobs should run sequentially (like on AWS EMR), i.e., if first job is in running state then upcoming job goes to pending state, after completing first job, second job starts running.
I tried with submitting jobs on cluster but it run all jobs in parallel - no jobs went to pending state.
Is there any configuration that I can set in Dataproc cluster so all jobs will run sequentially?
Updated following files :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
After that restart services using this command systemctl restart hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager the above changes on master node. But still job running in parallel.
Dataproc tries to execute submitted jobs in parallel if resources are available.
To achieve sequential execution you may want to use some orchestration solution, either Dataproc Workflows or Cloud Composer.
Alternatively, you may want to configure YARN Fair Scheduler on Dataproc and set queueMaxAppsDefault property to 1.

Duration of yarn application log in hadoop

I am using the output of the yarn application command in hadoop to get to know about the details of the mapreduce job that were run by using the job name. My cluster is using HDP distribution. Does anyone know that till how long are the job status available? Does it keep track of the jobs for previous few days?
It depends on our cluster configuration. At production level setting, usually there is a history/archive server available to hold the logs for previous run. In a default yarn configuration, the log retention is set to 1 day, hence by default 1 day log is preserved.
If history server is running, its default port is 19888. Check mapred-site.xml for below entry
and yarn-site.xml

Hadoop (EMR) Cluster Fair Scheduler is completing FIFO instead of in Parallel

This is my first time attempting to configure the YARN scheduler and it is not working as I would hope. The cluster originally worked as FIFO and I am attempting to get jobs to run in parallel. I have added to the top of the yarn-site.xml
And then added the file /etc/hadoop/conf.empty/fair-scheduler.xml:
<queue name="root">
<aclSubmitApps> </aclSubmitApps>
<rule name="specified" create="true"/>
<rule name="user" create="true"/>
So after this I stopped and started the yarn resource manager, and I see Fair Scheduler on the YARN Application console! But when attempting to run multiple jobs on cluster, the AWS EMR console shows just one job running and the other two pending. Furthermore the YARN console shows only one job running in the queue root.hadoop and don't see the other jobs (which will run after that one completes).
So how can I get the jobs to run in parallel?
Setting the scheduler via the yarn-site.xml does in fact work. If you pull up the YARN resource manager, the scheduler will in fact show the change, but the issue is when submitting an AWS EMR step. EMR steps inherently run sequentially, meaning AWS will not submit the next job to YARN until the previous step completes. So one had to submit the job to directly to Yarn to see the benefits; however, EMR steps seemed to have recently changed. AWS EMR now supports parallel step execution if using EMR version 5.28.0:

Hadoop jobs fail when submitted by users other than yarn (MRv2) or mapred (MRv1)

I am running a test cluster running MRv1 (CDH5) paired with LocalFileSystem, and the only user I am able to run jobs as is mapred (as mapred is the user starting the jobtracker/tasktracker daemons). When submitting jobs as any other user, the jobs fail because the jobtracker/tasktracker is unable to find the job.jar under the .staging directory.
I have the exact same issue with YARN (MRv2) when paired with LocalFileSystem, i.e. when submitting jobs by a user other than 'yarn', the application master is unable to locate the job.jar under the .staging directory.
Upon inspecting the .staging directory of the user submitting the job I found that job.jar exists under the .staging// directory, but the permissions on the and .staging directories are set to 700 (drwx------) and hence the application master / tasktracker is not able to access the job.jar and supporting files.
We are running the test cluster with LocalFileSystem since we use only MapReduce part of the Hadoop project paired with OCFS in our production setup.
Any assistance in this regard would be immensely helpful.
You need to be setting up a staging directory for each user in the cluster. This is not as complicated as it sounds.
Check the following properties:
This basically setups a tmp directory for each user.
Tie this to your staging directory :
Let me know if this works or if it already setup this way.
These properties should be in yarn-site.xml - if i remember correctly.
This worked for me, I just set this property in MR v1:
Please go through this:
Access Control Lists
${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/hadoop-policy.xml defines an access control list for each Hadoop service. Every access control list has a simple format:
The list of users and groups are both comma separated list of names. The two lists are separated by a space.
Example: user1,user2 group1,group2.
Add a blank at the beginning of the line if only a list of groups is to be provided, equivalently a comman-separated list of users followed by a space or nothing implies only a set of given users.
A special value of * implies that all users are allowed to access the service.
Refreshing Service Level Authorization Configuration
The service-level authorization configuration for the NameNode and JobTracker can be changed without restarting either of the Hadoop master daemons. The cluster administrator can change ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/hadoop-policy.xml on the master nodes and instruct the NameNode and JobTracker to reload their respective configurations via the -refreshServiceAcl switch to dfsadmin and mradmin commands respectively.
Refresh the service-level authorization configuration for the NameNode:
$ bin/hadoop dfsadmin -refreshServiceAcl
Refresh the service-level authorization configuration for the JobTracker:
$ bin/hadoop mradmin -refreshServiceAcl
Of course, one can use the security.refresh.policy.protocol.acl property in ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/hadoop-policy.xml to restrict access to the ability to refresh the service-level authorization configuration to certain users/groups.
Allow only users alice, bob and users in the mapreduce group to submit jobs to the MapReduce cluster:
<value>alice,bob mapreduce</value>
Allow only DataNodes running as the users who belong to the group datanodes to communicate with the NameNode:
Allow any user to talk to the HDFS cluster as a DFSClient:

Hadoop 2.x -- how to configure secondary namenode?

I have an old Hadoop install that I'm looking to update to Hadoop 2. In the
old setup, I have a $HADOOP_HOME/conf/masters file that specifies the
secondary namenode.
Looking through the Hadoop 2 documentation I can't find any mention of a
"masters" file, or how to setup a secondary namenode.
Any help in the right direction would be appreciated.
The slaves and masters files in the conf folder are only used by some scripts in the bin folder like, and scripts.
These scripts are a mere convenience so that you can run them from a single node to ssh into each master / slave node and start the desired hadoop service daemons.
You only need these files on the name node machine if you intend to launch your cluster from this single node (using password-less ssh).
Alternatively, You can also start an Hadoop daemon manually on a machine via
bin/ start [namenode | secondarynamenode | datanode | jobtracker | tasktracker]
In order to run the secondary name node, use the above script on the designated machines providing the 'secondarynamenode' value to the script
See #pwnz0r 's 2nd comment on answer on How separate hadoop secondary namenode from primary namenode?
To reiterate here:
In hdfs-site.xml:
I am using Hadoop 2.6 and had to use
for further details refer
Update hdfs-site.xml file by updating and adding following property
cd $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop
sudo vi hdfs-site.xml
Then paste these lines into configuration tag
