Publish reusable gradle tasks - gradle

I would like to publish some common parts of build.gradle file to be reusable in different projects (using apply from: url_to_file construction). To achieve this I've created a project called gradle-common that contains those common build files, with this build.gradle file:
group 'org.example'
version '0.1.0'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
artifact source: file('files/first.gradle'), classifier: 'first'
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
artifact source: file('files/second.gradle'), classifier: 'second'
repositories {
Files after publishing in maven repository there are files like:
And my question is: how can I remove version number from published artifacts and the classfier? For me ideal files would be:

There are many different answers to your question, but I think you are trying to create something that a plugin usually does without creating a plugin.
The best way to add functionality to multiple gradle projects is to create a plugin. You can also leverage Rules which this simple tutorial doesn't show, but you can inspect some of the gradle native plugins, such as maven-publish.
To answer your question, it is not possible to publish an artifact to a maven repository without a version. You have to download it with a version (you can use my-artifact:1+ to download the latest) and then strip the version yourself.
I am also wondering how are you planning to include these files to your specific gradle files. You won't be able to use them as dependencies, since the dependency resolution happens after the scripts are read. If you are downloading them somehow before the script runs, then you probably don't need a maven repository for that.


Gradle: How do you include your own library as part of build?

I have a commons gradle project which is a shared library for all my other projects.
In the build.gradle of dependent project, I included the commons jar as following:
dependencies {
runtime files('../commons/build/libs/commons-1.0.jar')
And this builds fine with the relative path. But this feels like hard-coding a specific library. What is the standard way to achieve the builds in this case?
You can publish the common jar to Your local maven repository. But If You are developing with in a team, You should publish to a repository manager where other parties have also access to.
And in the dependent projects You simply add this common jar, like You are adding a third party library. With this way You don't have to store dependent jar files on Your version control system. When projects are developed by different parties, this way would be more convenient.
Example of using mavenlocal
// Common project build.gradle
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
version = '2.0'
publishing {
publications {
maven(MavenPublication) {
groupId = 'com.gradle.sample'
artifactId = 'project1-sample'
You can use gradle publishToMavenLocal to publish common project to mavenlocal. (Dependent projects can not use the new versions of common jar, unless You publish it to mavenlocal in this case)
// Dependent project build.gradle
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.gradle.sample:project1-sample:2.0'
Check the following link for details.

Gradle : Something like Maven Parent POM

In our company, many of the different projects use similar technology stack and will have many common features.
So, we want to maintain the common features, dependencies etc. in one common file and refer it in the other projects.
In maven, it is something like creating a separate maven project with the common dependency information and refer that in the other projects as .
I want to do something similar to the maven parent project in gradle, which can be used by all different projects.
I googled for that, but could not find a concise information on how to do that.
We are not allowed to use external thirdparty plugins.
It would be great if someone could explain it how to do that.
in gradle you can do that, but for it you need to have external plugin, otherwise it is not possible at least for now. I have achieved it in this way:
buildscript {
repositories { jcenter() }
dependencies {
classpath ''
allprojects {
apply plugin: 'nebula.dependency-recommender'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = 1.8
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencyRecommendations {
REPOSITORY_OF_YOUR_PARENT_POM.XML - any system like nexus or something else accessible for maven
YOUR_PARENT_POM_GROUP - your parent pom project group (e.g.
YOUR_PARENT_POM_ID - your parent pom id (e.g. projects-parent)
YOUR_PARENT_POM_VERSION - your parent pom project version (e.g. 1.0.1)
so, if the external dependency to netflix.nebula is fine , than you can go in this way
Gradle has many extension mechanisms for leveraging build logic located outside of the main script.
A simple thing that can be done is to use an external build script, which can be sourced from the local file system or through an URL, see the documentation on this topic.
If that solution gets too problematic, then you can move to packaging a real plugin that others can apply and potentially configure.
This will allow you to configure much more than dependencies for example.

Can I Publish Multiple Files To Nexus From Gradle In One Go?

I am using a closed source vendor application that occasionally sends me updates of jars in a zip file.
I want to refer to the zip in the Gradle build, unzip it and publish all the jars within it to my Nexus repo. I am assuming that they all have the same GroupId and that the name and version can be inferred from the file name itself.
Whilst testing out my script, I would rather not publish to Nexus and have to delete lots of test artifacts so I am using a flatDir repo for now.
So far I have this
apply plugin: 'maven'
configurations {
uploadResultArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
flatDir(dirs: 'mvn')
pom.groupId = 'com.stackoverflow.example'
zipArchives file: file('unzipdir/api-1.2.34.jar')
This suffers from multiple problems.
It requires me to manually add the files to the artifacts list
It creates a pom with dependencies from the rest of my project instead of a pom with no dependencies
I haven't parsed out the versionId yet
This solution looks like the versionId is going to be the same for all
Is there a better way to approach this?

Use gradle to upload jar to local Maven repository

This question has been asked several times, but somehow I don't get this to work. Gradle is a great tool, but its documentation is anything but great. No examples make it almost impossible to understand for someone who doesn't use it on a daily basis.
I am using Android Studio and I want to upload my module output jar to my local Maven repository.
apply plugin: 'java'
dependencies {
compile ''
apply plugin: 'maven'
configure(install.repositories.mavenInstaller) {
pom.project {
groupId 'com.example'
artifactId 'example'
packaging 'jar'
When I start a build in Android Studio, I can see on the Gradle tab that
is invoked. I also get a new jar in my build folder, but that jar is not uploaded to Maven. [The Maven repo exists and the Google appengine gradle plugin uploads its jar from another module of the same project just fine.]
What am I missing?
I suspect the problem is that you are only editing the POM (via pom.project), instead of configuring the actual Maven coordinates used for installation. Try the following instead:
// best way to set group ID
group = 'com.example'
install {
repositories.mavenInstaller {
// only necessary if artifact ID diverges from project name
// the latter defaults to project directory name and can be
// configured in settings.gradle
pom.artifactId = 'myName'
// shouldn't be needed as this is the default anyway
pom.packaging = 'jar'
PS: The samples directory in the full Gradle distribution contains many example builds, also for the maven plugin.
Peter N is CORRECT in the comments of the accepted answer, which works, but shouldn't be the accepted answer.
You should have this in your build.gradle file
apply plugin: "maven"
Then you can just do a
$ ./gradlew install
Or use the built-in task
$ ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Both methods install the artifacts in $HOME/.m2/com/example/example/version

How to publish in order to resolve latest.integration with gradle?

What I have is a maven repository (nexus) to which maven has been publishing. In each artifact version folder in my artifact repository folder there are the standard maven artifacts: a maven-metadata.xml, a jar, and a pom.xml, etc.
Now I want to resolve these using gradle. In my file if I list them as:
dependencies {
compile group: '', name: 'artifact', version: '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
Then they will resolve correctly. However, I want to use the version "latest.integration" so that I can automatically integrate the latest versions of my dependencies. When I do this though, gradle fails to resolve it.
I imagine that gradle is looking for some ivy specific files that maven is not publishing up to the repository in order to resolve latest.integration, but I am not sure. Should I go back and re-publish all of my upstream dependencies with gradle before trying to resolve down stream? It would seem that since gradle supports maven repositories under the repositories element that it should already know how to interpret "latest.integration" for that repository type.
This is my repositories section:
repositories {
maven { url "http://<server>/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots" }
Thank you for any help you can provide
latest.integration is an Ivy concept, and only works for Ivy repositories. In other words, both publication and consumption would have to happen in an Ivy-compatible manner. (Gradle is capable of this; not sure about Nexus.)
The obvious alternative is to use Maven snapshot dependencies. What do you hope to gain from using latest.integration?
