How can I get the extents of a text without drawing it? - squib

I want to draw text in one of two places depending on whether or not it will fit in the first place. I need the extents to figure that out. My brute force idea is to draw it in the first place with #0000 color, and then check if it fit, and then draw it with the real visible color in that place or the other place. Is there a better way?

At this point you can't. Drawing text is going to be unpredictable with all of the formatting stuff, wrapping, aligning, etc. The only way that Pango provides it is after the fact.
Your solution, as yucky as it is, is the best one I've got.
If there are people know more of Pango who can do this - I would be all ears.
(Full disclosure, I am the Squib dev).


Organic shape that fills up space with Paper.js

I'm aware my question is maybe somewhat lazy. But I hope someone could maybe give me head start with my idea, or can provide me with an existing code example that points me in the right direction.
I want to create an organic shape/blob that more or less fills up existing space, but wraps around typographical elements. Whenever these elements move around, the shape should adjust itself accordingly. I was looking at Paper.js where examples like and make it seem like this should be possible.
You can use the path.subtract() boolean operation, along with the path.smooth() function to smooth your shape with the type of smoothing of your choice.
Here is a demo sketch. You can also try to smooth the rectangles ; and maybe randomly add points on your curves or randomly displace all segment handles.

How can I achieve non-overlapping circles/icons on a d3 time scale?

I am placing icons with a fixed diameter/radius on a line using d3.scaleTime. This works well except for the case in which dates are close to one another, leading to an unwanted overlap.
In that specific case, I would want the icons to "relax" and not touch.
My code rather complex, including animations etc. — so I drew the problem here:
These are my attempts:
I looked at d3-force for collision prevention, but I was not quite sure how to merge such an approach with an existing time scale. Could this be helpful? However, it may occur that the icons then do not align on a horizontal straight line anymore, which is a disadvantage, because I do not want them to spread vertically.
I also thought about calculating overlaps and then manually adjusting the data so that the overlap does not occur. That, however seems a bit more complex because I would have to somehow recursively find the best position for every icon.
Could interpolation help me? I thought there must be something like "snap to grid", but then two icons could snap to the same position, couldn't they?
Which d3 concept makes most sense to solve this problem?

Image detection: locate specific parts of image by colors/shape

I'm trying to figure out how i can detect parts of an image based on color and/or shape.
Ideally what i want to achieve is that:
given a lot of pictures which are similar in some way
they always contain several identical but a non-trivial shape (e.g.
variations of finger nails, not just simple squares or circles)
figure out these interesting areas somehow, so i can detect the color of these areas
Assume that i have a lot of these images of fingers, i would like to detect which color the nails have. This is a nice example of how finger nails are "quite the same shape" and are "quite similar in color".
In the end i should be able to figure out these interesting areas such that i only get the blue nails (== shape) in a picture and nothing else.
What would be the best way to do this?
I thought of the following things which might help me, however i'm unsure on how to do this properly.
edge detection
detect colors in a given image using color quantization
cut out some nail shapes and match them to the picture (but too intensive and too many variations to collect?!)
imagemagick is a tool i can use which supports everything i need for this (i think)
Preferrably i would like to do this using node.js

Generating a Nice Looking Starfield Pattern

I'm trying to generate a scrolling starfield for a game with C++ and SDL. I'm using a simple, naive algorithm that just creates a lot of white pixels on black backround. However, this "starfield" looks too unnatural - probably because of the random number generator's poor quality (I use the rand() function).
Are there any special algorithms for generating starfields that look more or less realistic?
There's always this classic. Highlights:
[...] imagine the stars to be points in 3D space, all of them moving towards the viewer, along the Z-axis. At each time step, the 3D coordinates of the stars will be projected onto the screen, and displayed.
For a smoother effect, we can make the stars black when they first appear (so you don't notice them) then get brighter as they get closer.
There are two ways the sense of vastness can be modeled. The first is simply to model a huge area of space, which is impractical to say the least. The second is to make the stars move with a range of velocities.
I found this useful tutorial a while ago on creating a 'realistic' star field. It's not C++, but it should be easily adaptable once you get the idea.
You could use Lloyd's algorithm to relax the random points and make them semi-random. I read this idea in a map generator but it probably can be used do create an eventually distributed star field too.
You probably don't want it to be truly random. You will end up with blobs of pixels in some places when you really want individual pixels scattered around. Your best bet would probably be to code a smaller section and then just repeat it over and over to get the full starfield look.

Drawing lines in win32/GDI with a custom pen style?

I have a need to do some drawing using win32/GDI (Native, not .NET), and I've run into the following problem:
I need to draw lines that are "styled." For example, in the attached image, the line marked "A" is a straight line as far as my application data is concerned, it just needs to be drawn with the additional zigzag as a style. Of course, this is easy to do programatically, but it gets more complicated when the line can be at any angle ("B") or even a bezier curve ("C").
Now, I could do this all programatically, painstakingly doing the math to put a zigzag around each line possibility, but that will take a lot of time and, more importantly, be rather error prone.
Is it possible to just give windows/GDI a "style" to apply to the line, perhaps a bitmap like the one marked "D", and have it use that as a pen to draw the lines? If not, is there a more flexible and less error-prone way of doing this than writing a bunch of specific drawing code for each of the "styled" lines?
*Apparently first timers can't post images. Examples can be found at
This is not possible in Win32 GDI. You will need to do the math yourself.
It should be noted however, that you can obtain the points used to make up the line or curve which should make it substantially easier.
See this "Hit-Testing" tutorial for an example.
For a bezier curve you would use Path Functions:
For straight lines you could use:
As far as I know there's nothing in GDI or even GDI+ that would support this. The only line options you have are dash-patterns, compound-pens, dash caps, end caps, and fill brushes.
You might be able to trick one of those functions into drawing something vaguely akin to your wiggles for straight splines, but it definitely won't work for curved splines.
It shouldn't be too hard to do this however. Sure, it will take a day or so, but all you have to do is write a line and bezier interpolator, divide the curves into equal segments, find the tangents at all those segments and alternate left and right. You'll end up with an array of points which can be drawn very quickly as a polyline.
There's nothing that'll do this automatically. You'll have to write some code. You might want to look at the LineDDA API in GDI. It might simplify the math your code will need.
ExtCreatePen(), maybe? I don't know for a fact if it supports zigzagging...
