configuring CA certificates in WSO2 API Manager - amazon-ec2

I have WSO2 API manager deployed in AWS EC2 instance.
I have purchased a SSL certificate via I tried to import it via keytool command. But its not working and throwing error. It gives me
KrbException: Cannot locate default realm
How can I associate this certificate with the API Manager? I don't have a domain name for WSO2 and I access it via IP address.
Is it possible for have CA signed certificate in this case?
In case if I want a domain name for this EC2, how can I have one?

You can import the certificate inside Carbon. Log into <your_server>:9443/carbon as admin. After that go on Main -> Manage -> Keystores -> List
If you're still using the default settings you'll have the wso2carbon.jks entry here. Click on Import cert, chose your cert file and click on Import. Your certificate should be working after this.

there are several topics in this question:
I tried to import it via keytool command.But its not working and
throwing error.It gives me KrbException: Cannot locate default realm
The keytool gives you this exception? It would be useful to provide the keytool command you've used. There's not reason for that exception.
please not that the certificate CN must be the same as the fqdn (domain name) of the server (how your browser access it).
How can I associate this certificate with the API Manager?
There are two options.
Import the keypair (private key and certificate chain) into a keystore and configure the APIM to use the keystore (in the repository/conf/tomcat/catalina-server.xml)
Have a reverse proxy server (Apache HTTP, NGinx), and configure the SSL on that proxy server. This is my favorite approach .
Then you have control over who/where can access the carbon console, store and publisher.
I don't have a domain name for WSO2 and I access it via IP address. Is
it possible for have CA signed certificate in this case?
Certificate authorities don't provide IP based certificate, as they can validate ownership/control of a domain name, but not of the IP address.
You can create (and made trusted) your own CA and certificate (good for PoC, DEV environment, ..) but in long run you'll need a trusted certificate on a hostname.
In case if i want a domain name for this EC2 , how can i have one ?
You can always buy one :D For start - when having EC2 instance with a dynamic IP address, you may use some dynamic dns service (e.g. , just search for more if you wish)


NIFI is unable to connect to URL with https using invokeHTTP Processor, no certificate is required to access the site via browser(only user & pass)

NIFI is unable to connect to URL with https using invokeHTTP Processor, no certificate is required to access the site via browser(only user & pass).
The error observed is "Request Processing Failed:".
I have tried adding SSL Context with Java Truststore and nifi Keystore. But it is not working.Kindly suggest.
When using InvokeHTTP to connect to a HTTPS URL, you will need to add an SSLContextService which InvokeHTTP can use to verify the remote server. The SSLContextService will refer to a truststore which contains the public Certificate Authority. For example if connecting to stackoverflow with NiFi, you would need the CN = ISRG Root X1, O = Internet Security Research Group, C = US installed in a pkcs12 truststore, which is used by the SSLContextService. Another option is to use the truststore provided by Java, typically located at $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts, which will trust most publicly signed web domain certificates.
Please add more details of the error message if this still is not working.

How to import a third party certificate on multiple AWS instances managed by a load balancer?

I have an app which is registered with a third party Identity Provider(Azure Active Directory). I am implementing Single Sign On using SAML 2.0. For this to work, I have to import a certificate file provided by Azure and import it on my local machine in a keystore. I also need to generate a private key against the same keystore. Everything is working well on my machine.
Now i am not sure where to install these certificates on AWS. I would be having a Load balancer to create multiple instances. So my confusion is where to add this certificate so that all my instances would have this certificate installed.
you need to import your ssl certificate in AWS Certificate Manager, then you can use it to terminate ssl in your AWS Load balancer, here is a guide to import third party ssl certificate in ACM, Link

How to Get Self Signed Certificate in Ec2

I am working in Ec2 instance. I have connected my php files like But it is not secured site. So i want to convert http into
I have cloudflare ssl. When i try to add ssl certificate. It shows
com.amazonaws.pki.acm.exceptions.external.ValidationException: Provided certificate is not a valid self signed. Please provide either a valid self-signed certificate or certificate chain. Choose Previous button below and fix it.
i have enclose the image with it.
So how can i get the self signed certificate. is there any online tool available.
I think the error message your seeing has to do with this sentence:
If your certificate is signed by a CA, you must include the
certificate chain when you import your certificate.
Since it sounds like you're not yet in "production" mode, I'm guessing you're not particularly attached to your existing certificate, but just want a certificate to be able to do HTTPS on your web server (and don't really care if it's self-signed).
If you want to use AWS Certificate Manager, I think it would be easier to just let them (AWS) issue you a certificate instead of trying to import one from somewhere else. AWS doesn't charge anything for certificates.
Even if you get the certificate setup in AWS Certificate Manager, that's not going to be installed directly on your EC2 instance, but rather (most likely) on a load balancer in front of your web server, which will add a little complexity to your setup.
If all you want to do is use HTTPS on your web server, Let's Encrypt (also free) is probably a simpler option. If you are using AWS Linux 2, there are instructions for getting a certificate here -
Well, add to the points which #jefftrotman has already mentioned.
If your expectation is to just secure your IP address using HTTPS you can achieve that using the below approaches:
A SELF SIGNED certificate that you can create using OpenSSL.
You can also get an SSL certificate from a trust signing authority like (GoDaddy or VeriSign) or Let's encrypt.
The only requirement in the second point is that for getting a certificate from a valid signing authority you need to have a domain name like "" and then use this domain to get the SSL certificate.
The below details are in case you want to use AWS ACM(Amazon Certificate Manager)
If you prefer ACM, you can get the free Public SSL certificate which you can map to the IP address and your web application will be secured.
If your requirement is to add SSL certificates (like PEM files) to a web server like
NGINX or Apache then you first need to create a Private CA using in ACM and then you using this CA you will be able to create Private SSL certificates. After creating those you can export the files and add those files to the configuration file. (try to use Amazon Linux 2) ec2 image for ease.

Ambari Kerberos Wizard Trust ldaps subject alternative DNS name

I'm setting up kerberos with an existing Active Directory as KDC and having an issue communicating to the ldaps server. We have a cluster of servers for AD. let's say,, and the company just uses to connect. I've setup ldap integration with amabri for user access to the portal via the ambari-server setup-ldap, but did it without ssl and I can use ldap:// as the ldap server and it works fine. With ldaps, however, ldaps:// doesn't work. I get an error in the ambari-server.log: " No subject alternative DNS name matching found". I have imported the CA cert and each individual server's certificate into my keystore and put the ca in /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/activedirectory.pem, but I still can't get it to work for I can get it to work for and all the others individually, but I can't get it to work for the dns name. I don't have control over the certificate creation on the AD ldaps side. These certs were self-signed by the AD server and each server has it's own certificate. Is there anyway to tell ambari to accept invalid certs for the kerberos wizard, or any other way to get the broader domain name to work? Thanks in advance for any help.

Implementation of for CA certificate on Websphere 7

our customer using Websphere 7 decided to no longer use the self-signed certificates, but from now on always use some CA certificates.
I was browsing via the Security guide for Websphere environment and SSL settings, and just found this information:
A CA client must be created to connect to the CA server before
creating a CA certificate. You need to implement the interface to enable WebSphere
Application Server security to communicate with a remote CA. The class
name needs be provided as part of the CA client when it is created
I am not sure if I understand it correctly. But for the situation, where I already have some CA certificate, and I just want to import it onto our environment, do I need to implement this interface?
Does that mean, that if I need to switch from self-signed certificates on Websphere to CA certificate, our software needs some implementation change?
I would expect only importing new truststores, keystores etc. but no java implementation.
Does someone have the knowledge about this change?
But for the situation, where I already have some CA certificate, and I just want to import it onto our environment, do I need to implement this interface?
No, you don't need to implement this interface, you can just import your certificates into your environment (to trust and key stores).
This interface is required if you would like to have automatic management with remote CA e.g. if certificate expires to allow WAS to automatically connect to CA and request for new one.
