D3JS Change TSV Data Column Ordering - d3.js

I've just draw a stacked-area-chart with D3JS.
This is my referral implementation
I also need to dynamically swap the ordering of the layers.
I think that there isn't a way to do it dynamically without redrawing (or is there any? :D )
Actually i'm trying to map the data to a new header column, but this implies the redrawing.
Let me show you an example:
Here is the TSV header ['date', 'columnA', 'columnB', 'columnC']
Every column, except of 'date', represent the % of area for that sample.
I would like to dynamically rearrange the area layers, but I'm pretty sure that I also need to parse again the data with a new header
eg: ,
['date', 'columnA', 'columnB', 'columnC']
-map to-
['date','columnB', 'columnC', 'columnA']
and then draw the result.
I'm doing it right? Thanks for your support, cheers.

This is the line that defines the array that will be passed to the stack() function:
var keys = data.columns.slice(1);
Right now, this is the array:
["Google Chrome","Internet Explorer","Firefox","Safari","Microsoft Edge","Opera","Mozilla","Other/Unknown"]
But you can sort it anyway you want. For instance, sorting by alphabetic order:
Which gives us:
["Firefox","Google Chrome","Internet Explorer","Microsoft Edge","Mozilla","Opera","Other/Unknown","Safari"]
Here is the result: https://bl.ocks.org/anonymous/6a339ed0731a70bb234af150ee6b4a99
Here is another one, with a random permutation (refresh the page to see diferent orders): https://bl.ocks.org/anonymous/662f99901219b8907030ec3c84363f3a
Pay attention to this: the order in the stacked area chart is now different, but the colours don't keep the same for each browser (that is, each stacked area). That's because d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10) assigns the colours in a first-come, first served basis.


create a double donut chart in a single view with two measure values in tableau

I need to create this visual in a single view in tableau. The chart contains two value, one is ytd and other one is lytd. both are measures(made by a calculated field). Need help to achieve this visual.
Let's just look at how to show two pie charts on one sheet, which isn't obvious!
In Tableau Public take the Superstore and make dual pie charts for two variables, sales and profits, including all data in each chart.
The trick is to use a new calculated variable MIN(1) ( yes, minimum of one. ) and put that up on the rows shelf. ( To be honest I have no idea at all why this works. )
Here's btProvider's youtube video that suggested this idea.
and here's a polished version what I got relatively easily
Here's a view of what the sheet looks like with Min(1) up on the rows shelf twice which produces two pie charts that can be separately defined on the Marks card.
I put my whole workbook up on Tableau Public so you can see what I did.

Group by multiple dimensions recursively in dc.js?

dc.js has been great, and now I'm trying to understand how to use it for data with multiple dimensions.
I have time series data (csv), which contains the number of people that fit a certain attribute on a given day - e.g. the number of brown-haired people age 65+. A simplified version of it looks like this (There are 5 options for hair color, 5 for age group, and about 200 dates):
Date, Hair Color, 0-18, 19-39, 40-64, 65+
1/1/21, Brown, 5, 3, 10, 2
1/1/21, Blonde, 15, 2, 4, 1
1/2/21, Brown, 2, 8, 0, 2
1/2/21, Blonde, 11, 6, 7, 4
I'd like to be able to plot the cumulative counts over time for each sub-population. The complication is that I'd like to show
A plot aggregated by hair color
(so summing over all age groups), which can then be toggled (ideally by clicking on one of the lines) to show:
A plot for a given hair color
disaggregated by age group.
(Note that in the mockups, I'm normalizing counts to show it as a cumulative percentage. I've been doing that calculation straightforwardly with valueAccessors.)
My question is: how do I create the dimensions and groups to create these plots?
I'd prefer not to create individual variables for each age group (I'd like it to be generic enough to expand to finer categories). But I'm having trouble understanding how to use reduce and filters to achieve my desired outcome.
Also, should I be doing it all as linecharts in a compositeChart, or in a series chart? There is the added wrinkle that I plan to then annotate the chart with extra trendlines added in from d3.
The series chart is a convenience class that generates a composite chart underneath.
It allows you to specify your data using a 2D key, where one component is the key to be used for the X values in the chart, and one component is another key to be used for splitting the data into multiple layers - lines, in your case. You also give it the "prototype" of the layer chart, in the form of a function that returns a partially-initialized chart.
It sounds like you are on the right track, so I won't attempt to give a complete answer, just a few hints. Please feel free to follow up in the comments, and I will edit this answer to fill in details.
Flattening the data
You will probably want to flatten your data so that there is only one value per row, i.e. structure it with an Age column and a Value column. This is a general best practice for working with crossfilter.
It's possible to work with the data as you have it, but
you won't be able to filter by age, since filtering in crossfilter is by row
aggregating across ages will be more complicated, requiring custom reductions
Using multikeys and series chart
Following the series chart example, you might define your dimension as
const colorDateDimension = cf.dimension(d => [d['Hair Color'], d.Date]);
Now any group on this dimension will aggregate by both hair color and date.
Now if you're using the series chart, you can extract the components with
.seriesAccessor(({key}) => key[0])
.keyAccessor(({key}) => key[1])
You could use the third parameter of the series chart chart function to determine the color or dash style of the layer, e.g.:
const dashStyles = {
'0-18': [3,1],
'19-29': [4,1,1,1],
// ...
.chart(function(c, _, subkey) {
return new dc.LineChart(c).dashStyle(dashStyles[subkey]);
dc.js does not natively support the kind of drill-down you are describing. It would be easier to have one chart which is by hair color and another chart which is by age. Then when no hair color is selected, the age chart will show all hair colors, and when no age is selected, the hair color chart will show all ages.
If you want drill-down as you describe, you will have to write custom code to apply the filter and swap the chart definition when a hair color is clicked. It's not terribly complicated but please ask a follow-up question if you can't figure it out - it's better to keep SO questions on a single topic.
Annotating with D3
This part is pretty simple no matter how you implement the charts.
You will implement a pretransition handler and use chart.selectAll to add the content you need. There are many examples here on SO, so I won't go into it here.
I hope this gets you started. I've answered your specific question and given some hints about other assumptions or implicit questions within your question. It will be some work to get the results you want, but it is definitely possible.

DC.js Line Chart - no line being displayed

Need to display line in a line-chart , with the ability to move the tiles, to see a max bitrate value line, to see labels and axis pointers on hover, grouped with a table and time Slider.Y dimension needs to display "bitrate total" or "bitrate Avg" (as defined in code). X dimension needs to display 15 min interval in scope of weeks.
I can upload my data into a table but not into the line graph. I can see points on the graph using .renderDataPoints() but no lines.
I checked the data - could not find any null/NaN values being returned, not using any old version of colors.
The code can be found in https://jsfiddle.net/dani2011/bu2ag0f7/8/. Tried to replace my CSV with var data but nothing is being displayed at the moment in the fiddle. The code as whole is displayed in https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/dc-js-user-group/MEslyF2RWRI
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's my go-to-answer for how to put data into a jsFiddle. Basically it's easiest to stick it in an unused tag in the HTML. bl.ocks.org / blockbuilder.org is easier for this.
Here's a fork of your fiddle with the data loaded that way:
I also had to remove the spaces from the column names, because those got d3.csv confused and caused the BITRATE calculations to fail.
There was also some stray code inside the renderlet which was failing with a complaint about dim not existing.
The main reason why data was not displaying was because the input groups were not producing usable aggregated data. Your data is very close together in time, so aggregating by week would aggregate everything.
The way to debug this is to put a breakpoint or a console.log before the chart initialization and look at the results of group.all()
In this case bitrateWeekMinIntervalGroupMove and minIntervalWeekBitrateGroup were returning an array with one key/value pair. No lines can be drawn with one point. :)
It looks like you originally wanted to aggregate by 15 minute intervals, so let's get that working.
For whatever reason, there are two levels of aggregation in crossfilter, the dimension level and the group level. The dimension will have first crack at generating a key, and then the group will further refine these keys.
Your min15 function will map each time-key to the 15-minute mark before it, but it needs data that is higher than 15 minutes in resolution. So let's put these groups on the dateDimension, which hasn't already been mapped to a lower resolution:
var minIntervalWeekBitrateGroup = dateDimension.group(min15).reduceSum(function (d) {
return +d.BITRATE
var bitrateWeekMinIntervalGroupMove = dateDimension.group(min15).reduce(
Great, now there are 30 data points. And it draws lines.
I made the dots a bit smaller :) because at 30 pixels it was hard to see the lines.
Zooming in using the range chart reveals more of lines:
There still seem to be glitches in the reduce function (or somewhere) because the lines drop to zero when you zoom in too far, but hopefully this is enough to get you moving again.
My fork of your fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gordonwoodhull/bu2ag0f7/25/

Independently jumping over full column span rows in the grid regardless of source order

I'm using singularitygs as my grid system and am really like the flexibility but I have come across a fairly unique situation and I'm not sure if singularity (or any other grid system) addresses
I have a row that span the entire column width, that breaks up the header portion and the content portion of the document. There is an element, div.b, that sits within above the full column bars next to div.a in larger layout. But on a medium sized layout and below, that element falls below the full span row. Here is the source order and the desired output, showed using a 10 column layout for simplicity.
Source Order
Large Layout
Medium Layout
Thanks in advance for any help and ++ to the creators of the grid system
Interesting use case. Honestly it’s going to be pretty hard until CSS grid layout comes out. While Singularity can handle any order horizontally, the vertical reordering like "D" and "G" stacked is going to be tricky. There might be a clever use of floats to get this working but it will probably be more hand manipulation of elements than pure Singularity magic.

How do I flip the orientation of a grid?

I'm just doing a simple Grid[datasymbolgoeshere, Frame->All] command. It's taking a list of ID numbers (e.g., {11282,11281,11280}) and placing each one in its own column. I just want to flip the orientation so all strings in a single list are placed in the same column (individual rows, one on top of another), and the next list of strings goes in the second column.
Sounds like you want
Edit -- by the way Grid assumes a multidimensional list. It won't complain if you call, eg Grid[{1,2}] but Mma cannot simplify that expression and just returns it as-is. Grid will work with a ragged array, but Transpose will complain, so you will need to pad the elements of datasymbolgoeshere to make your array rectangular.
Putting it all together, something like this should work on most inputs
Rotate[Grid[datasymbolgoeshere, Frame->All],90 Degree]
I like that the contents are still selectable.
