how to select multiple user Access in joomla zoo item? - joomla

I need to select multiple in joomla "access" users form field in zoo items, is this possible?
click the screenshot to see the hi-lighted area

You cannot select multiple access levels; however, you can accomplish the same concept by creating a new user access level and assigning the multiple user groups to that access group.


How do I view my subscribers/contacts who belong to a specific group?

I am very new to mailchimp but I have managed to upload my subscriber email list. I have also created various groups based on my subscribers' interests and have added the subscribers to these various groups. But I have been spending quite a bit of time trying to figure out how I might filter my contacts based on what group they are in. For example, I might just want to view only contacts who are in group "Abc" belonging to category "Xyz". But I cannot figure out how to do that.
For what it's worth, the way I added contacts to a group was to first create a bulk tag contacts operation corresponding to that group and then copying and pasting the email addresses of the contacts I wanted to add to the group. Having tagged these contacts, I then filtered the contacts on that tag, selected all the filtered contacts and then added these contacts to the group. Of course, I can filter the contents of the group just by filtering on the tag of the same name. But when new people subscribe and become members of a group, they will not automatically get tagged (and I don't want to get involved with webhooks). So I would like to get rid of these tags that have served their purpose.
Click on the Audience menu item.
Click on Manage Audience Contacts drop down. From the drop down list, select Manage contacts.
Click on the View Groups link.
Click on the View Groups button for the category you are interested in.
The category will expand to show links for all the groups within the category. If you click one of those links, just those contacts within the group will be displayed.

How to show my own products only Magento

I had set up a "Store Owner" role in Magento. Users with that role will be able to add/edit/delete products only.
What I need is some one to tell me how can I limit these users to see only their products in the list when they go to Catalog -> Manage Products ?
I want to achieve this with code editing if possible.
Also note that all users are using the same store.
This is not an "out of the box" feature in Magento Community Edition (or Enterprise), so you'll need to write some code to make this work.
In general terms you'll want to:
Add a (hidden?) attribute to the product to store the User Id of the product "owner".
Write an event observer for catalog_product_save_before which assigns the current user's User Id field to the new product owner attribute.
Rewrite the _prepareCollection or _addColumnFilterToCollection methods of Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Grid to add the product_owner attribute to the collection and filter it to just the current user.
That will ensure that the only products that appear in the grid for a given user are the products they own. However, I would also implement an observer on the controller_action_predispatch_adminhtml_catalog_product_edit and controller_action_predispatch_adminhtml_catalog_product_save events to check the product owner value on products before they're edited/saved to make sure the user hasn't tried to edit a product that doesn't appear on the grid.
If you need any further assistance with adding attributes, setting up block rewrites, or creating event observers, I'm sure those questions have already been answered on SO, this question is a bit too broad to answer at that level of detail.

Dynamic Joomla Menu depending on the database row

My database is like below
Menu I'm willing to create is as below.
What I want to do is create a Joomla menu as shown above depending on the table rows in a table. If I add a row to the table, automatically menu item should be created.
EG: there are 3 rows in the sports table. So three menu are created as shown.
How can I do it? Given that I know how to retrive data from the database. I can get the list of sports and what I don't know is how to put then as a menu.
Ok, remember that Joomla is a content management system so for things like content and menu items, it's all done through the admin backend.
So, in the admin backend, go to Menu Manager and select the menu you want to add items to. Then create a single menu item called "Sports", and set the type to "text separator". Then create you 3 sub menu items (Sports 1, Sports 2, Sports 3), set the type to whatever you wish, and set the parent to "Sports"
Hope this helps
If you are going the dynamic way then this table might not be sufficient for your menu. You will have to add another column known as Parent which indicates id of parent term.
And you can use jQuery to automatically append data fetched from database to existing menu code on the fly or dynamically.
n the Joomla framework, components are executed using menu items. If
you go in the menu manager of your Joomla installation a HelloWorld
menu item type does not yet exist. Adding this functionality is easy
in Joomla. Simply put a site/views/helloworld/tmpl/default.xml file
Read more

Setting up permissions for a multilingual joomla site

I'm building a multilingual joomla 1.7 website that will have to support up to 25 countries with each country being a website on its own, the site will be managed by different teams for each country, basically what i'm trying to achieve is, setting up the permissions system so that each team can only see content that belong to its country. now, i'm wondering how to achieve this in the following cases:
1. setting the permissions for standard joomla articles...may be using categories??
2.since i have coded a custom component for managing products on the site, how to implement the permissions in my own component.....
it's easy to implement the multilingual feature on the front-end but how about the backend in terms of access control?
any ideas, thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)
Maybe you have resolved your problem earlier but may be somebody else needs help on this.
First of all you have to create a User groups for every country (or a couple for
start, example Ireland, England).
Then you have to create a AccessLevels groups for those groups and set (select)
corresponding usergroup on it (e. ACL_Ireland / Ireland, ACL_England / England).
Then you can create a top level category for every country (ACL_Ireland, ACL_England, ...)
Users of other countries are not able to see top and sublevel categories if you set the category permission for single ACL and deny access from others.
Move to Category manager and create top level category for country Ireland.
Name it like "Ireland".
Set it permission for ACL_Ireland.
Remove all permissions from other country ACL's.
Save & close category.
Select the category from list of categories.
Select Add to root, Copy under Batch process the selected categories and click Process.
Category is copied as a new entry on category list.
Open category as editing and change name as England, save and close.
Select category England, ACL_England from Batch process the selected
categories and click Process.
Category England now have different acl-rights and can be accessed only by users in England - group.
Articles created in those categories are inherited permissions from top level category
so you are not needed to give persmissions on single articles.
Repeat this to categories of all needed countries and ACL's.
You have to also restrict access from those acl's to Users component because theycan be else change permissions by themself and see documents of other coutries.
It is necessary to design the accessing model before implementing it because it could be heady job to change permissons to all goups and acl's later.

custom menus based on roles in a pivot page application

There is a menu that has all the options. But that needs to be customised based on the role of the use.
Student will have access only to the student related stuff
Prof will have access to stuff related to him
Student + Prof will have access to both of them put together.
Is there some way like I can hide a specific grid item and display the rest of them in windows phone 7 pivot pages.
In Silverlight, you can hide elements (such as the contents fo a grid) by setting Visibility to Collapsed.
