Start Cloudformation stacks in parallel from ansible - ansible

I am starting multiple cloudformation stacks in a "with_items" loop in ansible like this:
- name: Create CF stack in AWS
stack_name: "{{ }}"
state: "present"
template: "{{ }}.py.json"
template_parameters: "{{ item.template_parameters }}"
with_items: "{{ CF_TEMPLATE_ITEMS }}"
Can I somehow make ansible start this stacks in parallel?

Using asynchronous tasks in a fire-and-forget scheme (and waiting for them to finish in a separate task) should work since ansible 2.0:
- name: Create CF stack in AWS
async: 100
poll: 0
stack_name: "{{ }}"
state: "present"
template: "{{ }}.py.json"
template_parameters: "{{ item.template_parameters }}"
with_items: "{{ CF_TEMPLATE_ITEMS }}"
register: cf_stack_async_results
- async_status:
jid: "{{item.ansible_job_id}}"
with_items: cf_stack_async_results.results
register: cf_stack_async_poll_results
until: cf_stack_async_poll_results.finished
retries: 30


Printing the output of an async command in a loop

Below is a snippet from a playbook. How can I print a message after the command is run for each loop item. Something like.
image.pyc is now running for item1
image.pyc is now running for item2
and so on
- name: Image Server(s)
command: python3 image.pyc {{item}} "{{systemVersion}}"
register: async_out
async: 7200
poll: 0
with_items: "{{hostinfo_input.hosts}}"
In a nutshell, extremely simple, untested, to be adapted to your use case specifically in terms of error/output control:
- name: Image Server(s)
ansible.builtin.command: python3 image.pyc {{ item }} "{{ systemVersion }}"
register: async_out
async: 7200
poll: 0
with_items: "{{ hostinfo_input.hosts }}"
- name: Wait for commands to finish
jid: "{{ item.ansible_job_id }}"
register: job_result
until: job_result.finished
retries: 720
delay: 10
loop: "{{ async_out.results }}"
- name: Show async command output
msg: "{{ item.stdout }}"
loop: "{{ async_out.results }}"
- name: Good guests always clean up after themselves
jid: "{{ item.ansible_job_id }}"
mode: cleanup
loop: "{{ async_out.results }}"
async in playbooks
async_status module
debug module
Registering variables with a loop
Have a look at Ansible documentation for the debug module:
E.g.use it like this:
# playbook.yaml
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- name: Task
include_tasks: task.yaml
loop: "{{ ip_addresses }}"
# task.yaml
- name: Command "echo {{ item }}"
register: output
- name: Message
msg: |
- ip_address={{ item }}
- ouput={{ output }}
Unfortunately this does not work with async. See

Conditional task based on template parameter fails

I'm trying to use Ansible to deploy to two regions in AWS, I have it working with one region at the moment. The issue is I want to only execute my primary_region or my secondary_region depending on the parameter from the template it's using.
My main.yaml:
- hosts: primary_region
name: Create ECR
- name: "Create ECR Repository"
state: "{{ state }}"
stack_name: "{{ }}"
profile: "{{ aws_profile }}"
region: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
template_url: "{{ stack_create_ecr.template_url }}"
"{{ stack_create_ecr.tags }}"
- stack_create_ecr
when: stack_create_ecr.region == "primary_region" <-- This
- hosts: secondary_region
name: Create ECR
- name: "Create ECR Repository"
state: "{{ state }}"
stack_name: "{{ }}"
profile: "{{ aws_profile }}"
region: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
template_url: "{{ stack_create_ecr.template_url }}"
"{{ stack_create_ecr.tags }}"
- stack_create_ecr
when: stack_create_ecr.region == "secondary_region" <-- This
The template that I am using
name: cloudFormationTemplateNameOmitted
template_url: S3BucketUrl
RepoName: EcrRepoName
DevName: cloud-dev
ansible_playbook: "{{ ansible_playbook_tag }}"
region: primary_region <-- This is what I'm trying to use
Everytime I try to run my playbook I just get msg: 'argument template_parameters is of type <class ''str''> and we were unable to convert to dict: dictionary requested, could not parse JSON or key=value'
I have tried all sorts of things from putting quotes around the string in the when condition. Nothing seems to work, what am I doing wrong?
It seems you massed up with template_parameters prop. It should be a map but you provided a string:
PropName: "ansibleFile"

Loop through variables in task that has another list embedded in the variables

I am looking to loop through a list of variables. I have it looping through the of variables using with_items, however the catch is there is a list within that variables list that needs to have a different subset / number of variables that i need to iterate through as well.
I have tried different filters to include with_nested, with_subelements, and with_items. I know that they are moving towards loops as the primary driver moving forward so any solution ideally would leverage the ansible path moving forward. I am looking at having an "inner" loop or an external task that will iterate through the vlans_list and input that data as its to that point.
group Variables
- name: vNIC-A
fabric: A
mac_pool: testmac1
mtu: 1500
org_dn: org-root
redundancy_type: none
state: present
template_type: initial-template
vlans_list: ### THE PROBLEM CHILD
- name: vlan2
native: 'no'
state: present
- name: vlan3
native: 'no'
state: present
The actual task - i have issues when i have to input multiple vlans. The vnic template will have a 1 to one relationship however the vlans_list could be 1 vnic_template to many vlans.
hostname: "{{ ucs_manager_hostname }}"
username: "{{ ucs_manager_username }}"
password: "{{ ucs_manager_password }}"
name: "{{ }}"
fabric: "{{ item.fabric }}"
mac_pool: "{{ item.mac_pool }}"
mtu: "{{ item.mtu }}"
org_dn: "{{ item.org_dn }}"
redundancy_type: "{{ item.redundancy_type }}"
state: "{{ item.state }}"
template_type: "{{ item.template_type }}"
- name: "{{ }}"
native: "{{ item.1.native }}"
state: "{{ item.1.present }}"
# loop: "{{ vnic_templates | subelements('vlans_list') }}"
- "{{ vnic_templates }}"
I am starting down the road of adding an include vlan_list.yml outside of this task but no familiar with out to do that.
Actual results are
The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'item' is undefined\n\n
I need the create a single vnic template with multiple vlans defined in that list.
Another engineer i work with was able to solve the question. By the way the variables are laid out we were able to easily just change the code
Change this:
- name: "{{ }}"
native: "{{ item.1.native }}"
state: "{{ item.1.present }}"
To this:
vlans_list: "{{ item.vlans_list }}"
Full Code listed below.
- name: Add vNIC Templates
hostname: "{{ ucs_manager_hostname }}"
username: "{{ ucs_manager_username }}"
password: "{{ ucs_manager_password }}"
name: "{{ }}"
fabric: "{{ item.fabric }}"
mac_pool: "{{ item.mac_pool }}"
mtu: "{{ item.mtu }}"
org_dn: "{{ item.org_dn }}"
redundancy_type: "{{ item.redundancy_type }}"
state: "{{ item.state }}"
template_type: "{{ item.template_type }}"
vlans_list: "{{ item.vlans_list }}"
- "{{ vnic_templates }}"

Ansible - Working with block module

I'm starting out with Ansible and AWS.
I've created a playbook that launch new instance and later should attach existing volume to the new instance:
- name: launch instance
key_name: "{{ aws_vars.key_name }}"
group: "{{ aws_vars.security_group }}"
instance_type: "{{ aws_vars.instance_type }}"
image: "{{ aws_vars.image }}"
region: "{{ aws_vars.region }}"
wait: yes
count: 1
instance_tags: "{{ tags }}"
monitoring: yes
vpc_subnet_id: "{{ subnetid }}"
assign_public_ip: yes
register: destination
- name: Attach volumes
device_name: xvdf
instance: "{{ destination.instances[0].instance_id }}"
region: "{{ aws_vars.region }}"
tags: "{{ ec2_tags }}"
id: "{{ volume_id }}"
delete_on_termination: yes
with_items: "{{ destination }}"
So far, so good, everything works.
I would like to add a clean-up method, so in case there will be an error of any type in the later modules, I won't have any garbage instances.
I've understood that the idea here will be to use block module, however when I've tried working with block here, nothing really happens:
# EC2 Migrations.
- hosts: localhost,
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- name: Vars
dir: files
name: aws_vars
- name: Create instance
- debug:
msg: "Launcing EC2"
- launch_instance
- Cloudwatch
- debug:
msg: "Rolling back"
notify: stop_instance
- name: launch_instance
key_name: "{{ aws_vars.key_name }}"
group: "{{ aws_vars.security_group }}"
instance_type: "{{ aws_vars.instance_type }}"
image: "{{ aws_vars.image }}"
region: "{{ region }}"
wait: yes
count: 1
monitoring: yes
assign_public_ip: yes
register: new_ec2
- debug: msg="{{ new_ec2.instances[0].id }}"
- name: stop_instance
instance_type: "{{ aws_vars.instance_type }}"
instance_ids: "{{ new_ec2.instances[0].id }}"
state: stopped
- name: Cloudwatch
state: present
region: "{{ aws_vars.region }}"
name: "{{ }}-High-CPU"
metric: "CPUUtilization"
namespace: "AWS/EC2"
statistic: Average
comparison: ">="
threshold: "90.0"
period: 300
evaluation_periods: 3
unit: "Percent"
description: "Instance CPU is above 90%"
dimensions: "{'InstanceId': '{{ new_ec2.instances[0].id }}' }"
alarm_actions: "{{ aws_vars.sns_arn }}"
ok_actions: "{{ aws_vars.sns_arn }}"
with_items: "{{ new_ec2 }}"
You put debug task into the block. The debug module returns ok status, so:
it does not call a handler (this required changed status),
1.the rescue-section is never triggered (this requires failed status).
Thus it is expected that "nothing really happens".
You need to put your actual tasks into the block (I leave them intact, assuming they are correct):
- name: Create instance
- name: launch_instance
key_name: "{{ aws_vars.key_name }}"
group: "{{ aws_vars.security_group }}"
instance_type: "{{ aws_vars.instance_type }}"
image: "{{ aws_vars.image }}"
region: "{{ region }}"
wait: yes
count: 1
monitoring: yes
assign_public_ip: yes
register: new_ec2
- debug:
msg: "{{ new_ec2.instances[0].id }}"
- name: Cloudwatch
state: present
region: "{{ aws_vars.region }}"
name: "{{ }}-High-CPU"
metric: "CPUUtilization"
namespace: "AWS/EC2"
statistic: Average
comparison: ">="
threshold: "90.0"
period: 300
evaluation_periods: 3
unit: "Percent"
description: "Instance CPU is above 90%"
dimensions: "{'InstanceId': '{{ new_ec2.instances[0].id }}' }"
alarm_actions: "{{ aws_vars.sns_arn }}"
ok_actions: "{{ aws_vars.sns_arn }}"
with_items: "{{ new_ec2 }}"
- name: stop_instance
instance_type: "{{ aws_vars.instance_type }}"
instance_ids: "{{ new_ec2.instances[0].id }}"
state: stopped

how to get the exit status of the each task in ansible

I have 3 task in my ansible yml file as below.
- name: Instance provisioning
module: ec2
region: "{{ vpc_region }}"
key_name: "{{ ec2_keypair }}"
instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"
image: "{{ ec2_image}}"
zone: "{{ public_az }}"
- device_name: "{{ device }}"
volume_type: "{{ instance_volumetype }}"
volume_size: "{{ volume }}"
delete_on_termination: "{{ state }}"
Name: "{{ instance_name }}_{{ release_name }}_APACHE"
environment: "{{ env_type }}"
vpc_subnet_id: "{{ public_id }}"
assign_public_ip: "{{ public_ip_assign }}"
group_id: "{{ sg_apache }},{{ sg_internal }}"
wait: "{{ wait_type }}"
register: ec2
- name: adding group to inventory file
dest: "/etc/ansible/hosts"
regexp: "^\\[{{ release_name }}\\]"
line: "[{{ release_name }}]"
state: present
- name: adding apache ip to hosts
dest: "/etc/ansible/hosts"
line: "{{ item.private_ip }} name=apache dns={{ item.public_dns_name }}
with_items: ec2.instances
Now i want to check the exit status of each task whether it is success or failure.
If any one of the task fails my other task should not execute.
Please advice how to write an ansible playbook
In your first task, you have register the output to ec2.
now use fail module to stop the play if the task fails.
register: ec2
when: "ec2.rc == 1"
here rc is the return code of the command .. we are assuming 1 for fail and 0 for success.
use fail module after every task.
Let me know if it works for you ..
Register a variable in each task and then check it in the next task. See
This is already the default behavior in Ansible. If a task fails, the Playbook aborts and reports the failure. You don't need to build in any extra functionality around this.
Maybe playbook blocks and it's error handling is to help you?
if You want to check each task output if it is success or failure do this,
- name: Instance provisioning
module: ec2
region: "{{ vpc_region }}"
key_name: "{{ ec2_keypair }}"
instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"
image: "{{ ec2_image}}"
zone: "{{ public_az }}"
- device_name: "{{ device }}"
volume_type: "{{ instance_volumetype }}"
volume_size: "{{ volume }}"
delete_on_termination: "{{ state }}"
Name: "{{ instance_name }}_{{ release_name }}_APACHE"
environment: "{{ env_type }}"
vpc_subnet_id: "{{ public_id }}"
assign_public_ip: "{{ public_ip_assign }}"
group_id: "{{ sg_apache }},{{ sg_internal }}"
wait: "{{ wait_type }}"
register: ec2
- name: adding group to inventory file
dest: "/etc/ansible/hosts"
regexp: "^\\[{{ release_name }}\\]"
line: "[{{ release_name }}]"
state: present
when: ec2 | changed
register: fileoutput
- name: adding apache ip to hosts
dest: "/etc/ansible/hosts"
line: "{{ item.private_ip }} name=apache dns={{ item.public_dns_name }}
with_items: ec2.instances
when: fileoutput | changed
In your code register a variable in each and every Task if The Task has Changed to True, The Followed Task will execute otherwise it will skip that Task.
