How to return view with flash message? - laravel

What i need is this:
return view('protected.standardUser.includes.documents',compact('documents'))->with('successMsg','Property is updated .');
The i could use it like this:
<div class="alert alert-success"> {{ Session::get('successMsg') }}</div>
Any suggestion?

It looks like you're mixing two different ways of passing data to a view, which I'm guessing is the problem. The documentation seems to indicate it's a one or the other type situation. You also seem to be mixing up view()->with() and redirect()->with(), which work differently. Try this:
return view('protected.standardUser.includes.documents')->with('documents', $documents)->with('successMsg','Property is updated .');
<div class="alert alert-success"> {{ $successMsg }}</div>

I order to use session stored flash messages, need to use following code into route method.
$request->session()->flash('successMsg','Saved succesfully!');
and then do
<div class="alert alert-success"> {{ Session::get('successMsg') }}</div>
that's it

I'm new in Laravel and I was facing the same issue... I just tried as below::
\Session::flash('flash','Message info');
And it works!!

This works for me!
return view('protected.standardUser.includes.documents',compact('documents'),
['successMsg'=>'Property is updated .']);
just remove the with() and pass it in the return view()


Laravel pagination with URL parameter

I have a Laravel application. One of the pages can be reached via the following URL
As the amount of items to be shown can be quite substantial, I'm using pagination. I have the following code in my view:
#foreach($media as $media_item)
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="card">
<img class="card-img-top" src="{{ asset('storage/'.$media_item->id .'/'. $media_item->file_name) }}" ">
{{ $media->links() }}
and in the controller, I'm using:
$media = Media::paginate(5);
The pagination buttons are shown and work for the 1st one. Then when I click on the second (or third or fourth...) one, I get the following error message:
Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::links does not exist.
I see the link is trying to reach:
whereas I need:
In Laravel, how can I change the links() method to include the part after the question mark?
You must use ->appends() methods
$media = Media::paginate(5);
you can use laravel basic URLs instead of getting gallery images with URL get parameters.
something like this:
define Route like this
then using it like
in this case you don't get that error anymore

What class should be used for param thymesVar

In IntelliJ I'm using the thymesVar comment to resolve variables used in Thymeleaf expressions.
I'm wondering what should be in there to resolve the param variable.
For example, when I have this in the Thymeleaf template:
<div th:if="${param.error}" class="alert alert-danger">
<p>Invalid username and password.</p>
Then what should be the type
<!--/*#thymesVar id="loginCommand" type=""*/-->
The answer is a little late and you've probably learned it by now.
But for other readers, param.error is a String array.
So type="java.lang.String[]".
You can double check this by using th:text=${}.

How to check if used paginate in laravel

I have a custom view and in some functions, I used paginate and other functions I don't use paginate. now how can I check if I used paginate or not ?
#endif // not work
of course that I know I can use a variable as true false to will check it, But is there any native function to check it ?
This works perfectly. Check if $products is an instance of Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator then display the pagination links.
#if($products instanceof \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator )
{{ $threads->links() }}
Simple one!
Try like this
#if($products instanceof \Illuminate\Pagination\AbstractPaginator)
You need to check wheater the $products is instance of Illuminate\Pagination\AbstractPaginator. It can be an array or Laravel's Collection as well.
As of laravel 7 you can now do this:
#if( $vehicles->hasPages() )
{{ $vehicles->links() }}
The beautiful way:
#if ($products->hasMorePages())
{{ $products->links() }}
Click here to see the official documentation
Don't use a check on the base class of the variable. This could lead to problems with changing base classes in future Laravel versions. Simply check whether the method links exists:
#if(method_exists($products, 'links'))
{{ $products->links() }}
Corrected code (add "isset"):
Shorter version:
{{$products->links() ?? ''}}
It will work for paginate, simplePaginate and when there is no pagination. The solution with "$products->hasMorePages()" will not display pagination links on the last page.
Another way:
#if (class_basename($products) !== 'Collection')
{{ $products->links() }}
You can use PHP function: get_class($products) - to get full class name.
Laravel should have some function to check ->paginate() is in use.
just write paginate(0) instead of get()
Blade Template: simply use {{$products->links}}. no #if #endif needed.
laravel paginate have 2 type :
simplePaginate() will return \Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator
paginate() will return Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator
Based on the above conditions, you can try this solution :
$products instanceof \Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator ||
$products instanceof Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator
{{ $products->links() }}
Juse use below format
#if($products instanceof \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator )
#if($products->currentPage() > 1)

Laravel redirect()->with('status','My message') error

I have created a email verification on Laravel 5.2. When a user fill the registration form and is validated they return the user to login form with:
return redirect('/login')->with('status','We send a email verification, please
And this works perfect. The problem is when the user click on link verification in his inbox they activated the account and redirect to admin page but without status message. Here is the code for that in AuthController.php:
public function activateUser(Request $request,$token)
if ($user = $this->activationService->activateUser($token)) {
return redirect('/login')->with('status','You account is now activated. Please login.');
On my login.blade.php:
#if (session('status'))
<div class="alert alert-success">
{{ session('status') }}
Please, someone know why the session variable is not working?
it should work like this. in your AuthController, just change
return \Redirect::to('/login')->with('status','You account is now activated. Please login.');
and in your login.blade
#if (Session::has('status'))
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
<p>{{ Session::get('status') }}</p>
Okey i don't what happend here and why redirect()->with() is not working. I solved doing a new view called activated.blade a copy of login.blade but with a message saying: "You account is now activated. Please login." so i do this in the controller:
return redirect('/activated');

Laravel 4 view composers not working

I saw this question. I have a similar problem, but it ain't working. Laravel 4 public functions.
I have a view composer that includes some codes in base layout. Here's my composer:
View::composer(array('common.menu_addition','common.base_errors','common.view_special'), function($view)
if(Auth::check()) {
$roles = Auth::user()->type;
if ($roles == '5') {
$view->with('roles', $roles);
} else {
return Redirect::to('news/index');
When I'm not logged in, it works perfectly. But one of my files of view composer goes like this:
<div class="pull-right">
#if (Auth::check())
#if ($roles == 5)
<ul class="nav">
<a href="{{ URL::to('admin/dash') }}">
<i class="icon-eye-open">
Admin Dashboard
When I login, it won't display any site. It just says Undefined variable: roles in that view composer file.
I don't think it's possible to return a redirect like that, in your view composer. And even if you could it's a bad place to put that logic. You should create a filter and redirect away if the user doesn't have the proper authentication level.
It looks like you're not defining $roles beforehand and not passing $roles into your views.
When you're making checks against the $roles in views you need to make sure that variable actually exists. Other possibility is to change the check to something like
#if (isset($roles) && $roles == 5)
to ignore the error but that gets really messy in the long run.
So make sure to initialise view variables beforehand in the view composer and everywhere else. Laravel tries to be much more stricter about non-initialised variables than PHP in common.
