Dompdf: Can i import pdf as background - dompdf

i have a pdf form that i need to be able to import as a background then use Dompdf to overlay html/text.
can this be done?

Dompdf is a library for converting HTML -> PDF. I'm no expert on that particular library but as far as I can tell it doesn't do things like overlaying html/text.
PDF cannot be imported into HTML because it isn't an HTML format and it isn't an image. There might be a parser library somewhere (e.g., but without your own fairly extensive work you wont get that PDF document to be displayed in HTML.
HOWEVER, you CAN use something like this, it'll show your PDF document as the background, create a div that covers the screen just above the PDF document to make it non-interactive, then you can put all your contents above that. Note that there will be controls showing on the sides which as far as I know can't be prevented since they're provided by the browser when displaying a PDF file (you could use some fancy JS/CSS to prevent it I'm guessing but I don't know exactly how off the top of my head).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>PDF as background</title>
<iframe src="" style="width: 100vw; height: 100vh;position:absolute;top:0;z-index:0;"></iframe>
<div style="position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:1"></div>
<div id="content" style="position: absolute;top:50%;left: calc(50% - 4cm);z-index:2">
<h1 style="font-size:20px;background:#00ff00;">I am on top of the PDF document!</h1>


How to embed (old) Tweets into a Presentation?

In a presentation, I would like to create a Twitter Timeline with a few selected tweets. In the best case it should look as natural as if someone went to Twitter on his own computer or saw it on his smartphone.
I am using LateX Beamer for the rest of the slides, but I am flexible if it is another software that allows to export a PDF/Image that I could include in LateX.
(There are a lot of tools on how to integrate live Tweets in PowerPoint / Keynote , but I want to do it for historical tweets and will be offline during the presentation.)
I was trying the following:
- Simply take screenshots of the tweet and arrange them within LateX or PowerPoint. Looks ok but not super nice, and quite cumbersome to do.
Since it is possible to extract an html of a tweet to embed on a homepage, I thought of doing this for the presentation. Unfortunately, I don't know much of html / reveal.js presentations.
Has anybody found a good solution for a similar problem?
I started reveal.js and found the following plugin:
I was then trying to apply it and followed the intros to reveal.js and also saved the source code of the plugin into my plugin folder for reveal.js. However, it does not work (=Returning a blank page in the html). Can anybody point me to my error? (I am completely new to reveal.js / html so sorry if it is basic?)
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Reveal.js 3 Slide Demo</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reveal.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/theme/default.css" id="theme">
<!--Add support for earlier versions of Internet Explorer -->
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="lib/js/html5shiv.js"></script>
<!-- Wrap the entire slide show in a div using the "reveal" class. -->
<div class="reveal">
<!-- Wrap all slides in a single "slides" class -->
<div class="slides">
<!-- Each section element contains an individual slide -->
<div class="tweet" data-src=""></div>
<script src="lib/js/head.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/reveal.min.js"></script>
// Required, even if empty.
// ...
dependencies: [
// ...
{ src: 'plugin/embed-tweet/embed-tweet.js' },
// ...

Wkhtmltopdf Snappy - Set Page Borders for all Pages

I am using Laravel-Snappy for generating pdfs with wkhtmltpdf. I want to add a border in all pages that are created in the pdf file. At the moment, I have added this to the css:
body.pdf {
border: 1px solid #000;
My pdf html is like this:
<title>{{ $title }}</title>
<body class="pdf">
With the above css, the border shows fine if it is a single page pdf. However, when it has multiple pages, the border breaks at the bottom of the first page and no more border shows from page 2 onwards after the page-break. I also read the documentation and I dont think there is an feature to add borders using setOption().
Is there a way to resolve it so the border appears in all pages when pdf is generated?
Please take look at here, you can find all available options available including border.
You didn't mentioned how you used page break.
I am using this way
page-break-after: always;
page-break-inside: avoid;
Working fine for me

Convert markdown to html with a table of contents using Redcarpet

My goal is to convert a markdown document to html, with a table of contents at the top. I saw that Redcarpet has a HTML_TOC option, which is really nice. But when I use it, it only renders the TOC, it does not include the rest of the document.
renderer = true)
markdown =
html = markdown.render(
How do I render both the TOC and document itself in the same html page?
The only thing I can think of is to render two separate html objects, then combine them. But that is a little messy because I'd have to parse out the head/body tags properly before combining them. Is there a better way?
The only thing I can think of is to render two separate html objects, then combine them.
That would be exactly what you need to do. As a reminder, Markdown does not render a complete HTML document anyway. You only get an HTML fragment. For example a simple Markdown document:
A simple Markdown document.
gets rendered as the following HTML fragment:
<p>A simple Markdown document.</p>
However, for a complete, valid HTML document you need (at least) the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<p>A simple Markdown document.</p>
Considering that you need to generate all of that anyway, how is it "messy" to obtain the TOC and the body separately?
In fact, in more sophisticated systems, the TOC may be in a sidebar or something. Therefore, using a templating system, the TOC can be passed to a template separately anyway, where it is then placed in a container which separates it from the document body for positioning and styling by CSS.
The exact template syntax might vary depending on which tools you use, but perhaps something like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>{{ page.title }}</title>
{{ page.toc }}
<div id="body">
{{ page.body }}
Of course, you don't have to use a template, but is certainly is a "clean" way to generate a document.

DomPDF not showing images when center-aligned

I have multiple forms with tinyMCE textareas that saves content to the database in order to generate a PDF with the content from the database. The user can input text or images to the textarea.
Whenever the user center-align the image with TinyMCE, it doesn't show in the PDF. It doesn't give me any errors, it simply doesn't show. If I go back to the form and right-align the image, it shows again, but the users of the system required full control of the interface.
does anyone knows what could be causing this?
I'm aware of this bug however none of the suggestions I found there fixes my issue.
I'm using Laravel-dompdf
This is a sample of the view that is being used by DOMPDF, the image is contained within product description.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>{{Lang::choice('page_elements/general.proposal', 2)}}</title>
<style type="text/css">
<div class="product_section">
<div class="text-block">{{($proposalProduct->description)}}</div>
This is a sample of what the product description (formatted by TinyMCE) is returning.
<p>This is a sample product, using images and tinyMCE.</p>
<p><img style="-webkit-user-select: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="" /></p>
Thanks for the help.

What are the differences between using an iframe and ajax to include the contents of an external page?

I have been reading up on this, and it seems that if you use ajax you can only bring in content that resides on the same domain whereas with an iframe you can bring in content from any domain. Is that the case? What other differences are there?
Bear in mind they're two completely separate technologies.
A (i)frame really loads a complete HTML page in area into the browser. Whether the page is on the same or another domain, for pure viewing, doesn't matter.
Ajax only describes a system to facilitate JavaScript to talk with (and with current security restriction across browser, only with) the server from which you document within which you generated the JavaScript call from.
The (i)frame technology loads and renders a complete HTML page from any URL given. Certain security restrictions accessing other documents from other domains with JavaScript still apply.
With Ajax, it's only meant to use purely JavaScript to talk to the originating server (send some data) and usually get some data back. In JavaScript. What this data is and what you do with it, is up to you. Whether you insert it into the DOM (Document Object Model), exchange parts or load a new page is up to you.
To a certain degree you have all freedom you want. You can have an (i)frame on a page, still make a Ajax call and decide to load another URL into the (i)frame. Or use the Ajax return value to generate new HTML dynamically inside the (i)frame. Or outside, in another document.
The security restrictions applying in this case is called "same origin policy".
Quite simply, an iframe is like a regular frame, but it doesn't split the browser window up into sections, it sits right inside a page and is affected by the scrollbar.
Ajax, on the other hand, uses javascript to do partial loads of a page, allowing small amounts of data to be loaded from the server without needing to do a complete postback. For example, Youtube uses Ajax when you post comments, vote, queue videos to play, etc. They do this so that your video isn't interrupted and restarted by a complete page postback.
Besides these differences mentioned by others, there are others as well.
iframe loads an entire html/php page, whether it is from the own server or other external server. Usually, it has a fresh <html>, <head> and <body> tag as well. Ajax only loads part of the html/php page.
Besides, Ajax pulls the CSS (and maybe, even javascript codes) from the parent file, but in case of Iframe, it cannot pull the same.
E.g this is the master file coding.
<!doctype html>
.gappu {background-color:black;color:red;}
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="../AllJqueries/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <!-- Use your own jQuery file -->
$.ajax({url:"slave1.php?bare=true", success:function(data){
}); /* End of Main Jquery */
<title>Ajax vs Iframe</title>
<div class="myDomain"></div>
<div>Iframe below</div>
<iframe width="100%" height="500px" src="slave1.php"></iframe>
Now, we also have another file, named as slave1.php
if(isset($_GET['bare'])) $bare = $_GET['bare'];
else $bare = false;
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
.gappu {background-color:blue;color:yellow;}
<!-- You can remove the above style later, and see the difference. The parent style will not apply for iframe -->
<title>Inside the Iframe</title>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="gappu">Hi, welcome to this demo</div>
<?php if(!$bare): ?>
<?php endif;
In case of Ajax call, the line Hi, welcome to this demo will be in black background and red color, since it is borrowing the css from the parent. But in iframe, it will be in blue background and white color, which is defined in slave1.php. You can remove the style from slave1.php, and you will find plain text printed in iframe format.
Hope this helps. Cheers.
Vijay Srinivas
