Application instances in Codeigniter - codeigniter

I have created an Application in Codeigniter which list courses on a web interface, let users register via mobile app, see or download free courses, pay for the paid categories to watch or download courses listed in that category. So far it works like a charm. My manager suddenly landed on this thread Two application instance in CodeIgniter and has now come up with an idea that we should separate users for each categories and platforms. What our management is currently insisting is that copy and paste each installation in different sub-folders, copy databases, flush old data, change path variables and database name and fire up each app individually.
You can imagine for a developer how hard it is to digest this kind of solution. I want to ask, if there is a way to instantiate complete CI application by creating some mother class and than passing some parameters to constructors like categories ids etc and do things dynamically. Is it possible to create instances of entire Codeigniter application?


Is there a Joomla (3.x) development API for creating and managing custom user groups?

I just started with Joomla 3.x and I'm writing a component for Joomla v3 which is supposed to create new usergroups for creating 'groups'- the design requirements being:
An organisation may set up a group to offer access to some set of services -including communication but also also other types of services - to their members
(the other services is the reason why I believe the community and forum joomla extensions are not suitable- they mostly focus at fora and social media services, not the services I will implement.)
Other persons/members of the organisation may register to this group, which allow him/her to access these services
ps: it is also possible for person to set up a personal account and get access to the set of services. This person may also join one or more groups at a later stage
How to do code the creating of new usergroups? I noticed a possible suggested solution at How to create custom User Group Programmatically in Joomla 3.x, but I struggle to understand how to use the suggested JTableUsergroup class because of the limited documentation at Does creating an instance of JTableUsergroup results in the creation of a new customer user group?
Another question: how to add users to a customer usergroup? The only hint I found was at - using the method addUserToGroup of class JUserHelper.
Many of the Joomla development concepts are well document but I could not find one for managing custom user groups...
Appreciate your help;-)
First, overall, the best consistent documentation of Joomla APIs is in the docblocks for the classes. Then to be honest what I do a lot of times is to search for where in the core the API is used. There are some great pieces of narrative documentation in the wiki, but on the whole I always start with the docblocks which are very complete. However in this case it's pretty simple.
You need to do something along the lines of
$newrow = JTable::getInstance('Usergroup');
//code to add your data
$newtable->save(); // Shortcut for check, bind, store
However, if I were you I would look carefully at UsersModelGroup because there are a lot of other things that should normally happen in this process such as running the user plugins. So I might include and extend that model (which manages the table class) rather than going to the table class directly. In fact your whole component might even be able to extend almost all of the users component or it might also be possible that you could do what you want with plugins rather than reinventing the whole thing.
In terms of assigning users to groups that is trickier because of some legacy things in the code. I think the setter followed by a $user->save() ($user being a JUser instance) is probably the way to go when adding to groups. What I probably would do is to write a custom JFormField that would manage opt-in groups because the core usergroup field includes everything. You could extend that and exclude the groups that you want to have only managed by admin.

CanJs application structure

I am new to canJs. Looking for a good application structure for building a canjs app. I would like to separate the Model, controller and view/template logics to separate folders. The todo app available in canjs site is a simple one which has everything written on a single file. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Justin Meyer always says "The secret to building large apps is to NEVER build large apps. Break up your applications into small pieces. Then assemble those testable, bite-sized pieces into your big application."
Let's assume that I have 2 models in CRUD app, so we can break the app into small apps lets say accounts app, transactions app, each app is broken into small testable pieces so the adviced structure:
in this example accounts and transaction are traditional controller that listen to can.route to update the state of the app; list, edit ...etc are views that are extended from control too but they listen just for their events (Single responsability principal) the communication between the different controllers and views is made by can.Map and can.compute (Observer pattern) to make them decoupled, take a look here and here this can be helpful too.
Previous answer is quite good but you can do it automatically by using yeoman.
You can also use yoeman to create your canjs application structure automatically.
All you need to do is in your terminal type this commands:
npm install -g yo
yo canjs
and write the directory and app name it will be asked during the app creation.
If you want to add AMD support then type Y when you have been asked for requirejs.
For more information visit yeoman website

how can manage session on different web application from one website in mvc

I am working on classified ads project this project consist on 3 different solutions (website)
in Visual studio 2010
1. Classified Ads (main project include all type of ads)
2. Property Ads ( for property ads)
3. Auto-mobile Ads (for Auto-mobile Ads)
I have manage all login and session management in main solution (1.Classified Ads)
so now I want to manage session for other two solution (2,3) on the base of main solution (1)
mean if user login from main solution (website) then user can access other two solution with this session that I created in main website.
How can I do this? and what will be best solution to manage these different website ? Session is working only for one user inside single application. So there is no built-in way to do that.
I suppose that you can use SqlServer Session State and dig ASP.NET table structure in database. Base on that knowledge it could be possible to manually relate IIS to the same table records. Anyway it is very tricky way and there is no proof that it will be working in a future (table structure could be changed but developers in any time)
BTW you can implement your own session provider - this way you will always know what and where located and how to deal with it.
Here is a small example of custom session provider implementation
And here is another one (you can download the source code there via Download Class File link)

Possible to use one codebase for a subdomain for multiple sites?

I don't even know if this is even possible, but I thought I'd ask.
I am creating a small CRUD application but I have multiple sites. Each site would use the CRUD. The application would have common CRUD methods and style, but each individual site would apply different forms. I want to avoid creating multiple CRUD applications that varied only in specific content (just different forms).
I want to have something like this:
I can create a subdomain for each individual site no problem. But is it feasible to point all the subdomains to one MVC application directory? And if it is possible any suggestions for how I might go about restricting users from website1 from seeing website2 or website3 content? Is that something "roles" could take care of (after authenticating user)?
There are a lot of websites that do this, not just with MVC. Some content farms point * to a single IP and have a wild card mapping in IIS.
From there, your application should look at the URL to determine what it should be doing. Some CMS systems operate in this manner, using the domain as a key to deciding what pages to load.
I've built a private labelable SAS application (Software as a Service) that allows us to host all of our clients in a single application. Some clients have customizations to pages or features. We are able to handle that by creating custom plugins for each client that over-ride the Controllers or Views when needed.
All clients share a common code base and aside from each clients custom theme/template they are the same. Only when a client had us customize one feature did we need to build out their plugin DLL. Now, this is advanced stuff so it would require heavy modifications to your code base but in the end if it's what your application needs it is 100% possible.
First - the easy part is having one web site for all three domains. You can do that simply with DNS entries. No problem. All three domains should point at the same ip.
As far as the content, you could do that in a number of ways. I think your idea of roles is pretty solid. It also leaves open the possible of a given user seeing content from both site1 and site2, if that would ever be necessary.
If you don't want to force users to authenticate, you should look at other options. You could wrap your CRUD logic and data access logic into separate libraries and use them across three different sites in IIS. You could have one site and display content based on the request URL. There's probably a lot of other options too.

Advise needed - which Rapid Application Development Framework using PHP and MVC meets this specific need?

we are a parents initiative who runs a small kindergarden / child nursery and we set out to build a basic web based documentation and reporting application for our nursery.
After spending a week doing research on the various PHP MVC frameworks, I have a few questions that I could not answer myself - even after having a closer look (installed on local machine) at CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter, YII and Joomla.
The goal is to build a web application where site managers, staff and parents (roles) can log in to do simple tasks, depending on their role (hence I need a RBAC). Site managers will for example be able to add staff to the database, staff will be able to add children and do some documenation on children (select a child and enter details on special needs etc.). Parents should be able to update information about who is picking up the child, or inform the staff if a child will not come in at a certain date.
Now, since this is all basic CRUD with only a few tables underneath, tables connected via some foreign key constraints, I would like the framework to generate CRUD skeletons for me.
And since I need to manage roles and limit access to certain pages, I would like a basic user management out of the box.
Plus, PHP and MySQL and MVC are set - otherwise I would have used Oracle Apex as I have some experience with that.
So, I looked at a vast amount of PHP frameworks and found the following to be promising:
CodeIgniter (with Bonfire plugin)
YII framework with GII
BUT none of the frameworks I looked at seemed to fit my need:
creating CRUD skeleton pages based on my ERD with foreign keys (MySQL InnoDB) / Scaffolding
offering a basic user management out of the box with up to date security measures in place (passwords stored using phpass or salted hashes & md5, user registration, defining roles and limiting tasks to roles/users).
If somebody could suggest a PHP Framework that comes with those two requirements build in, I would be very happy to hear about it. THANK YOU very much in advance!!
(I really liked CodeIgniter because it was simple to set up and lightweight, I liked the Bonfire user management plugin but was disappointed when I found out they sacked scaffolding in the lasted release
And I liked Joomla for its user management, but found it quite hard to get started on component development, plus no scaffolding).
You should check FuelPHP and its ORM, Oil and Auth packages. It's really great. If you liked CodeIgniter, you'll probably love Fuel.
