I have trouble connecting to my cloudant NoSQL database hosted on bluemix with couchrest_model library.
I have similar code written in ruby which works just fine from my computer (running locally, no rails or sinatra):
require 'couchrest'
url = "https://blah-blah#url with credentials.com"
database_name = "testdb"
db = CouchRest.database!(url+"/"+database_name)
db.save_doc('_id':"dog",:name => 'MonthyPython', :date => Date.today)
doc = db.get('dog')
The code above successfully writes data to my database. However, when I tried to do similar thing with the newest 'couchrest_model' gem, I got the
/Users/userpruser/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/http.rb:933:in `connect_nonblock': SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A: unknown protocol (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
I have viewed several pages, but with no luck. So what is the correct way to make it work with just ruby (no rails) or/and ruby+sinatra? I find this recipe http://recipes.sinatrarb.com/p/models/couchdb but I have no idea how to sed the evniroment variables and how to put it together.
Thanks for any help!
Did you try explicitly setting the port to 443 and the protocol to 'https'? See https://github.com/couchrest/couchrest_model#configuration
It looks like installing
gem install sinatra-config-file
and then requiring
require sinatra/config_file
solved my problem. Thanks to you all!
I want to build a cli ruby app which sends requests to Rails API server. I wanted to use rest-client gem to do that. Every time i use
I get the following error
SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: wrong version number (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
Is there anything i can do for it to run from the console? The code is pretty simple, I just wanted to test out the feature, so don't worry, that's not final.
I am running rails 6.0.3, ruby 2.6.3.
require "tty-prompt"
prompt = TTY::Prompt.new
require 'rest-client'
if prompt.yes? "Do you have an account ?"
email = prompt.ask('What is your email?') do |q|
q.validate(/\A\w+#\w+\.\w+\Z/, 'Invalid email address')
pass = prompt.mask('password:')
puts email
puts pass
RestClient.post "https://localhost:3000/auth/sign_in", "email: #{email},password:#{pass}"
puts response.code
RestClient.post "https://localhost:3000/auth", "email: #{email},password:#{pass}"
I would like for the cli app to send a request to API, That's it, rest-client doesn't want to cooperate with me. Thank You :D
Likely the port 3000 you access is only http:// and not https://. Accessing a plain http:// port with https:// will cause the client to interpret the servers HTTP error message (since the beginning of the TLS handshake sent by the client was not valid HTTP) wrongly as HTTPS which can result in strange errors like invalid packet length or also wrong version number.
I am trying to get a site set up on Heroku using Sinatra and PostgreSQL. It worked locally (connecting to local database), but after pushing it to Heroku and changing my PG.connect to reflect that, I get an Internal Server Error the moment a page tries to access the database.
require 'uri'
require 'pg'
uri = URI.parse(ENV['DATABASE_URL'])
def db(uri)
connection = PG.connect(uri.hostname, uri.port, nil, nil, uri.path[1..-1], uri.user, uri.password)
I am pretty sure these are parsing correctly, because ENV['DATABASE_URL'] displays the full postgres://user:password#host:port/database information that I'm expecting, and if I do the same in IRB uri.hostname, ui.port, etc all return what's expected .
This is my first time trying to get a site working on Heroku, so I am not even sure how to troubleshoot this. (And I googled for about all of yesterday.)
Results for heroku pg:
Plan: Hobby-dev
Status: Available
Connections: 0/20
PG Version: 9.4.2
Created: 2015-05-30 19:24 UTC
Data Size: 17.7 MB
Tables: 5
Rows: 9320/10000 (In compliance, close to row limit)
Fork/Follow: Unsupported
Rollback: Unsupported
And all the tables show up when when I do heroku pg:psql <database> from the cli.
Some answers I've seen said to add database.yml to my root app directory, so:
adapter: 'postgresql'
database: '<database>'
username: '<username>'
There's probably something simple I'm missing, but I haven't seen a complete guide for Sinatra/PSQL on Heroku - nothing that goes specifically into setting up and connecting to your database. (Everything seems Rails-related.)
In your database.yml file you need to specify the correct host for the host entry. You are passing what is stored in DATABASE_URL (something like postgres://user:password#host:port/database) but it should just be the host.
You will also need to specify a port if it isn't the default for PostgreSQL.
Edit: should also point out if you plan to store the host (or anything else - you definitely should for username and password) in an environment variable you'll need to wrap it, e.g. <%= ENV['HOST'] %>, not just ENV['HOST'] (i.e. how you have in the database.yml excerpt above)
I downloaded the postgres.app for my Mac OSX machine. I have a rails app that has connected and used the postgres DB that came with the postgres app.
Now I am writing a pure Ruby test script (Not Rails, pure Ruby, not even Active Record) to try to connect to the postgres database instance. These are the steps I followed to set this up
1) ran this command on the terminal:
gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/pg_config
2) Added this code to the test script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#encoding: utf-8
require "pg"
#conn = PG.connect(
:dbname => 'oData',
:user => 'am',
:password => '')
#conn.exec("CREATE TABLE programs (id serial NOT NULL, name character varying(255);");
I got this from this link
When I ran this script I get the following error:
/Users/am/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/pg-0.16.0/lib/pg.rb:38:in `initialize': could
not connect to server: No such file or directory (PG::ConnectionBad)
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/pgsql_socket/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
My Debug efforts:
My postgres.app is up and running.
I looked at the pg gem [documentation][2] and my syntax seemed OK.
The location of my postgres DB is entered in my bash script like so
Not sure what to do next. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
are you sure postgres is listening on a socket? are you sure the username and password is right?
I would be inclined to try something like
require 'pg'
puts PG::Connection.ping(:dbname => 'oData',:user => 'am',:password => '')
puts "trying with tcp"
puts PG::Connection.ping(:dbname => 'oData',:user => 'am',:password => '', :port => 5432)
I used active record gem to make the connection work and it was fine
Settings to connect works for me.
But that code should look like
#conn.exec("CREATE TABLE programs (id serial NOT NULL, name
This is the code I'm using to connect to the SSL site.
require 'mechanize'
a = Mechanize.new
page = a.get 'https://site.com'
I"m using using Ruby 1.9.3 and Mechanize 2.1pre1 + dependencies. On Mac the above code works and returns the page. On windows 7 running the same versions it gives me the following error:
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3
read server certificate B: certificate verify failed
Reverting to Mechanize 2.0.1 seems to solve this problem, but I then get plagued with the too many connections reset by peer problem. Thus that is not a solution.
I've tried doing a.verify_mode = false, but that does not do anything. I have read that you can turn off SSL verification by using:
open(uri,:ssl_verify_mode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
How can I turn it off in Mechanize ? Why am I only getting this error on Windows ?
The version of OpenSSL (the library used to establish secure connections with Net::HTTPS) is not able to properly find the certificate chain in your computer.
To our bad, OpenSSL was never able to use the Windows installed cert storage to validate remote servers so is failing because of that.
From your example, you can do:
a.agent.http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
To avoid the verification, however that is far from ideal (due clear security issues)
I recommend you download some cert bundles (like the ones from curl):
And modify your code to something like this:
require "rbconfig"
require "mechanize"
a = Mechanize.new
# conditionally set certificate under Windows
# http://blog.emptyway.com/2009/11/03/proper-way-to-detect-windows-platform-in-ruby/
if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /mingw|mswin/
# http://curl.haxx.se/ca
ca_path = File.expand_path "~/Tools/bin/curl-ca-bundle.crt"
a.agent.http.ca_file = ca_path
page = a.get "https://github.com/"
That seems to work, Ruby 1.9.3-p0 (i386-mingw32), Windows 7 x64 and mechanize 2.1.pre.1
Hope that helps.
Luis' answer looks fine but more generally:
You can simply do the following:
agent = Mechanize.new
agent.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
This worked on the latest version 2.8
This is just for my weekend project/study, I am very new to Sinatra and MongoDB.
I've installed the gems for mongoDB, such as: mongo, mongo_mapper and mongoid.
When I tried connecting to my database on MongoHQ from localhost, it encountered such an error:
Mongo::ConnectionFailure at /
failed to connect to any given host:port
* file: connection.rb
* location: connect
* line: 489
I found a similar thread on SO, but frankly speaking, I don't quite understand the answers...
Here is my code snippet:
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'mongo'
require 'mongo_mapper'
get '/' do
MongoMapper.connection = Mongo::Connection.new('flame.mongohq.com', 27044)
MongoMapper.database = 'notes'
MongoMapper.database.authenticate('foo', 'bar')
erb :list
I took the above code from here, but it seems not working...
Which part is wrong? Is there another way to do this? In the end this test web app will be deployed onto heroku, so I hope the solution can work with both localhost and my heroku server.
I just created a minimal code snippet to test the mongodb connection:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
db = Mongo::Connection.new("flame.mongohq.com", 27044).db("notes")
But still got the error, after timeout:
$ ruby mongodbtest.rb
`connect': failed to connect to any given host:port (Mongo::ConnectionFailure)
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongo-1.0.8/lib/../lib/mongo/connection.rb:137:in
from mongodbtest.rb:4:in `new'
from mongodbtest.rb:4
The hostname and port are according to mongoHQ documentation, so they must be right.
Thanks for the help in advance.
2nd Update:
I just tested the mongodb connection string using terminal:
mongo mongodb://flame.mongohq.com:27044/notes -u foo -p bar
Unfortunately this would get me an connection failed error, honestly, I don't know why...
I use
uri = URI.parse(ENV['MONGOHQ_URL'])
#mongo_connection = Mongo::Connection.from_uri( uri )
#mongo_db = #mongo_connection.db(uri.path.gsub(/^\//, ''))
#mongo_db.authenticate(uri.user, uri.password)
You can look up your mongo url using the heroku config --long command
Just gave this another try, this time, I was using the ip address taken from ping:
So, if I change :
db = Mongo::Connection.new('flame.mongohq.com', 27060).db("notes")
db.authenticate('fake', 'info')
db = Mongo::Connection.new('', 27060).db("notes")
db.authenticate('fake', 'info')
That will work...
I still don't understand why the domain name approach won't work, but at least I can finish this off :)