Setting spark yarn client - hadoop

I would like to make spark yarn client (link). Does it need to install hadoop ? or is it ok to install only yarn? ( by this

No Spark do not require Hadoop for running. Apache Spark is an independent project which can run on its own. If you want you can even run it without apache yarn.
Spark support 3 type of cluster manager which are mesos, yarn and standalone. if you do not have yarn installed then it can use mesos and standalone and by default it uses standalone when you do not mention any preference for cluster manager.Links which you have mentioned is fine to use but I think more better resources are available on google.


How to check the hadoop distribution used in my cluster?

How can I know whether my cluster has been setup using Hortonworks,Cloudera or normal installation of hadoop components?
Also how can I know the port number of various services?
It is difficult to identify hadoop distribution from port number, since Apache, Hortonworks, Cloudera distros uses different port numbers
Other options are to check for cluster management service agents (Cloudera Manager - agent start up script - /etc/init.d/cloudera-scm-agent , Hortonworks - Ambari agent start up script - /etc/init.d/ambari-agent, Vanilla Apache hadoop will not have any agents in the server
Another option is to check hadoop classpath, below command can be used to get the classpath.
`hadoop classpath`
Most of hadoop distributions include distro name in the classpath, If classpath doesn't contains any of below keywords, distribution/setup will be Apache/Normal installation.
hdp - (Hortonworks)
cdh - (Cloudera)
The simplest way is to run hadoop version command and in output you will see, what version of Hadoop you are having and also which distribution and its version you are running with. If you will find words like cdh or hdp then cdh stands for cloudera and hdp for hortonworks.
For example, here I am having cloudera and with hadoop version command below is output.
Here in first line Hadoop version followed by hadoop distribution and its version.
Hope this will help.
Command hdfs version will give you version of the hadoop and its distribution

Spark on yarn concept understanding

I am trying to understand how spark runs on YARN cluster/client. I have the following question in my mind.
Is it necessary that spark is installed on all the nodes in yarn cluster? I think it should because worker nodes in cluster execute a task and should be able to decode the code(spark APIs) in spark application sent to cluster by the driver?
It says in the documentation "Ensure that HADOOP_CONF_DIR or YARN_CONF_DIR points to the directory which contains the (client side) configuration files for the Hadoop cluster". Why does client node have to install Hadoop when it is sending the job to cluster?
Adding to other answers.
Is it necessary that spark is installed on all the nodes in the yarn
No, If the spark job is scheduling in YARN(either client or cluster mode). Spark installation is needed in many nodes only for standalone mode.
These are the visualizations of spark app deployment modes.
Spark Standalone Cluster
In cluster mode driver will be sitting in one of the Spark Worker node whereas in client mode it will be within the machine which launched the job.
YARN cluster mode
YARN client mode
This table offers a concise list of differences between these modes:
pics source
It says in the documentation "Ensure that HADOOP_CONF_DIR or YARN_CONF_DIR points to the directory which contains the (client-side)
configuration files for the Hadoop cluster". Why does the client node have
to install Hadoop when it is sending the job to cluster?
Hadoop installation is not mandatory but configurations(not all) are!. We can call them Gateway nodes. It's for two main reasons.
The configuration contained in HADOOP_CONF_DIR directory will be distributed to the YARN cluster so that all containers used by the application use the same configuration.
In YARN mode the ResourceManager’s address is picked up from the
Hadoop configuration(yarn-default.xml). Thus, the --master parameter is yarn.
Update: (2017-01-04)
Spark 2.0+ no longer requires a fat assembly jar for production
deployment. source
We are running spark jobs on YARN (we use HDP 2.2).
We don't have spark installed on the cluster. We only added the Spark assembly jar to the HDFS.
For example to run the Pi example:
./bin/spark-submit \
--verbose \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--master yarn-cluster \
--conf spark.yarn.jar=hdfs://master:8020/spark/spark-assembly-1.3.1-hadoop2.6.0.jar \
--num-executors 2 \
--driver-memory 512m \
--executor-memory 512m \
--executor-cores 4 \
hdfs://master:8020/spark/spark-examples-1.3.1-hadoop2.6.0.jar 100
--conf spark.yarn.jar=hdfs://master:8020/spark/spark-assembly-1.3.1-hadoop2.6.0.jar - This config tell the yarn from were to take the spark assembly. If you don't use it, it will upload the jar from were you run spark-submit.
About your second question: The client node doesn't not need Hadoop installed. It only needs the configuration files. You can copy the directory from your cluster to your client.
1 - Spark if following s slave/master architecture. So on your cluster, you have to install a spark master and N spark slaves. You can run spark in a standalone mode. But using Yarn architecture will give you some benefits.
There is a very good explanation of it here :
2- It is necessary if you want to use Yarn or HDFS for example, but as i said before you can run it in standalone mode.
Let me try to cut glues and make it short for impatient.
6 components: 1. client, 2. driver, 3. executors, 4. application master, 5. workers, and 6. resource manager; 2 deploy modes; and 2 resource (cluster) management.
Here's the relation:
Nothing special, is the one submitting spark app.
Worker, executors
Nothing special, one worker holds one or more executors.
Master, & resource (cluster) manager
(no matter client or cluster mode)
in yarn, resource manager and master sit in two different nodes;
in standalone, resource manager == master, same process in the same node.
in client mode, sits with client
in yarn - cluster mode, sits with master (in this case, client process exits after submission of app)
in standalone - cluster mode, sits with one worker
VoilĂ !

submit hadoop job on cloudera

I am wondering if we can setup a cloudera cluster on amazon and kick off a hadoop job from my local linux without ssh into amazon's node.
Is there anything like a client to do this communication?
The tips from the following tutorial really work. You should be able to put a working Hadoop Cluster in under 20 minutes, from cold iron to production ready, using just his guidance:
Hadoop Quickstart: Build a Cluster In The Cloud In 20 Minutes
Really worth checking it.
You can install an Hadoop client in your local linux and use the "hadoop jar" command with your own jar. Specify the option mapred.job.tracker in the command line and the client will push your jar to the jobtracker and duplicate it in all the tasktrackers that will be used for this job.

where is the hadoop task manager UI

I installed the hadoop 2.2 system on my ubuntu box using this tutorial
Everything worked fine for me and now when I do
I can see the management UI for HDFS. Very good!!
But the I am going through another tutorial which tells me that there must be a task manager UI running at and
on my machine I cannot open these ports.
I have already done
is something wrong? why can't I see the task manager UI?
You have installed YARN (MRv2) which runs the ResourceManager. The URL is the web address for the JobTracker daemon that comes with MRv1 and hence you are not able to see it.
To see the ResourceManager UI, check your yarn-site.xml file for the following property:
By default, it should point to : resource_manager_hostname:8088
Assuming your ResourceManager runs on mymachine, you should see the ResourceManager UI at
Make sure all your deamons are up and running before you visit the URL for the ResourceManager.
For Hadoop 2[aka YARN/MRV2] - Any hadoop installation version-ed 2.x or higher its at port number 8088. eg. localhost:8088
For Hadoop 1 - Any hadoop installation version-ed lower than 2.x[eg 1.x or 0.x] its at port number 50030. eg localhost:50030
By default HadoopUI location is as below

CDH4 installation using tarball

I have been struggling to install CDH via tarball, there is no document that describes the steps or guides through. I do have root access on the server & wish to install CDH4 via tarball in Pseudo mode. Can anyone help?. On the same server apache hadoop is also installed, i want to install this CDH, without effecting the existing apache hadoop.
It will not work..because in the end CDH4 will use the same ports which your existing apache hadoop is using..It will work ..if you shutdown your existing hadoop cluster and then start your CDH4 cluster. Or else change all the port numbers for namenode,secondary namenode,jobtracker, tasktracker and datanode and their respective web UI's port..which is kind of tedious.. It would be also helpful if you provide some error logs..So I can highlight what exactly is the problem.
