Spring Actuator - metrics aggregation from docker containers - spring

I have a Spring Boot REST service application. This application uses Spring Actuator to display metrics and health information. How can I aggregate this information from two or more containers running the same application?

You need to export the metrics to a central system.
Spring Boot provides a couple of implementations of a marker interface
called Exporter which can be used to copy metric readings from the
in-memory buffers to a place where they can be analyzed and displayed.
More specifically personally I like exporting metrics to statsD
To export metrics to Statsd, make sure first that you have added
com.timgroup:java-statsd-client as a dependency of your project
(Spring Boot provides a dependency management for it). Then add a
spring.metrics.export.statsd.host value to your application.properties
file. Connections will be opened to port 8125 unless a
spring.metrics.export.statsd.port override is provided. You can use
spring.metrics.export.statsd.prefix if you want a custom prefix.
The information above is all from the Spring Boot documentation on metrics: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/production-ready-metrics.html


Micrometer Rest API

I have a non boot spring application with micrometer integrated. Right now we are pushing these metrics to the logging file using LoggingRegistry.
We want to enhance this project to expose these metrics in the Rest API(we cannot use actuator as turning ON auto configuration is causing issues in our non boot application).Is there any way to expose these metrics which are automatically provided by the micrometer in the Rest API?
Any example will be appreciated?
You can add PrometheusMeterRegistry, it is for this use case, see the docs: https://micrometer.io/docs/registry/prometheus

Spring Boot metrics for Prometheus using Micrometer or Spring Metrics

I am building a Spring Boot application and planning to use the /actuator/prometheus for data scraping by Prometheus. It seems that the main way is to use Micrometer. However, I see that there is another library, which is Spring Metrics.
What is the go to way to have custom metrics that will be scraped by prometheus?
Early in its development, Micrometer was named Spring Metrics. If you got to the project's GitHub repository (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-metrics) you will see that it redirects to https://github.com/micrometer-metrics/micrometer as the repository was moving into the micrometer-metrics organization and renamed.
In short, you should use Micrometer.

Spring Boot Actuator + Spring Boot Admin - Is there a way to define a custom management url?

Is there a way I can define the port for the management URLs (not the management.server.port) so that spring boot admin can identify the actuator URLs from the spring boot app for monitoring?
I'm running the spring boot app in a docker container and it's externally exposed on a different port using the Kubernetes NodePort.
If you are using service discovery for application lookup you could define the exposed management port in instance metadata. This metadata is used to build up the management URL.
More details documented here:
Handling is done in de.codecentric.boot.admin.server.cloud.discovery.DefaultServiceInstanceConverter
Example for Eureka:
If you are using Service Discovery, take a look into DefaultServiceInstanceConverter, try specifying the management.port property.
If you are not using Service Discovery, then take a look into de.codecentric.boot.admin.server.domain.values.Registration, you might need to use the builder apis to register your application correctly (try to set managementUrl properly). Note, you will need to do this in your client application (the one which is being monitored).

adding end points in prometheus integration

How to add/integrate rest api end points in prometheus. For eg in splunk we are monitoring micro services transactions and logs.
Lets say below spring boot:-
In one line :-how can we add above micro services end points to prometheus for motioning
When using Spring Boot 2, you can easily expose your application metrics for Prometheus. See here. You'd add spring-boot-starter-actuator and the Prometheus support with micrometer-registry-prometheus to your dependencies.
This will expose the metrics under /actuator/prometheus in the Prometheus exposition format to be scraped by your Prometheus instance.
Assumung you are using Spring WebMvc, then you'll get out-of-the-box metrics for your HTTP endpoints. (Jersey support is also provided with an extra module/dependency.)

Is there a way of collecting metrics from Spring XD to Graphite?

While reading the documentation for Spring XD I seen that it has a model for collecting metrics.
But when I looked into the code, I have seen that this is a custom implementation for Spring XD. None the less in the project dependencies there is codahale's metrics.
No it would be pretty useful to be able to add reporters (like the Graphite reporter which is also in the libs of Spring XD ) to the collected metrics.
But I wasn't able to find anything in the documentation on wether this is possible or how this should be done.
Does somebody have a hint how to do it, or if it is possible at the moment?
Spring XD runtime components (XD admin, container and single-node JVMs) use Spring Boot internally. Spring Boot supports collection of codahale's metrics:
Since the codahale metrics jars are available in $XD_HOME/lib, all these metrics are already exposed at the Spring XD management endpoint.
By default management endpoint is enabled on XD admin. You can access them:
For the container JVM, you can set the management port explicitly by setting XD_MGMT_PORT and access from '/management/metrics' endpoint.
You can refer to monitoring-management section in Spring XD wiki for more detail.
