Distance transform of grayscale image - image

Matlab has bwdist and graydist: I was looking for something like bwdist for grayscale images, but I wasn't sure what the mask specified in graydist was.
When I'm working with the graydist function, I have tried:
T = graydist(image,image<=0)
T = graydist(image,image<=254)
I can't find an example of it being used other than that one Matlab page, but they're using different input arguments. An explanation or suggestions as to how to get the distance transform of a greyscale image in Matlab would be really helpful!


Image noise removal after hsv thresholding

I am currently trying to remove the noise on this image.
This image is obtained using cv2 hsv thresholding. Unfortunately there are a lot of random pixels and pieces that need to be filtered out. I've already tried open cv's fastNlMeansDenoisingColored function, this did not work. Is there anything else I could try?
You can try multiple things, I would try them in this order:
Blur the image before calculating the threshold
Change the threshold value
Erode&Dilate the image before calculating the threshold
Erode&Dilate afterwards is not so good:
Or going all in: use connectedComponentsWithStats and remove all components with a small area.

binary matrix to image in octave

I have a 2D binary matrix and I would like to get a grayscale image from it. Someone suggested using imwrite but the problem is that instead of black and white the colors I get are black and red. The matrix contains only zeros and ones. Any idea why this is happening or how I could get the result I want. I'm running it on OS X. This is the line where I try to create the image. Thank you.
imwrite(matrix, "image.bmp");
You have to convert your matrix to a boolean matrix.
img = logical (matrix);
imwrite (img, "image.bmp");
and for the future: A Code snippet which create some sample image would be better. See https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve

Equalize contrast and brightness across multiple images

I have roughly 160 images for an experiment. Some of the images, however, have clearly different levels of brightness and contrast compared to others. For instance, I have something like the two pictures below:
I would like to equalize the two pictures in terms of brightness and contrast (probably find some level in the middle and not equate one image to another - though this could be okay if that makes things easier). Would anyone have any suggestions as to how to go about this? I'm not really familiar with image analysis in Matlab so please bear with my follow-up questions should they arise. There is a question for Equalizing luminance, brightness and contrast for a set of images already on here but the code doesn't make much sense to me (due to my lack of experience working with images in Matlab).
Currently, I use Gimp to manipulate images but it's time consuming with 160 images and also just going with subjective eye judgment isn't very reliable. Thank you!
You can use histeq to perform histogram specification where the algorithm will try its best to make the target image match the distribution of intensities / histogram of a source image. This is also called histogram matching and you can read up about it on my previous answer.
In effect, the distribution of intensities between the two images should hopefully be the same. If you want to take advantage of this using histeq, you can specify an additional parameter that specifies the target histogram. Therefore, the input image would try and match itself to the target histogram. Something like this would work assuming you have the images stored in im1 and im2:
out = histeq(im1, imhist(im2));
However, imhistmatch is the more better version to use. It's almost the same way you'd call histeq except you don't have to manually compute the histogram. You just specify the actual image to match itself:
out = imhistmatch(im1, im2);
Here's a running example using your two images. Note that I'll opt to use imhistmatch instead. I read in the two images directly from StackOverflow, I perform a histogram matching so that the first image matches in intensity distribution with the second image and we show this result all in one window.
im1 = imread('http://i.stack.imgur.com/oaopV.png');
im2 = imread('http://i.stack.imgur.com/4fQPq.png');
out = imhistmatch(im1, im2);
This is what I get:
Note that the first image now more or less matches in distribution with the second image.
We can also flip it around and make the first image the source and we can try and match the second image to the first image. Just flip the two parameters with imhistmatch:
out = imhistmatch(im2, im1);
Repeating the above code to display the figure, I get this:
That looks a little more interesting. We can definitely see the shape of the second image's eyes, and some of the facial features are more pronounced.
As such, what you can finally do in the end is choose a good representative image that has the best brightness and contrast, then loop over each of the other images and call imhistmatch each time using this source image as the reference so that the other images will try and match their distribution of intensities to this source image. I can't really write code for this because I don't know how you are storing these images in MATLAB. If you share some of that code, I'd love to write more.

Reading data from colour terrain map

I have a question about converting a height-map that is in colour into a matrix - look here to see examples of such maps. If I were to have a terrain plot and plot it using imagesc, then I would see it as a colour map. I was wondering how I could convert an image that looks like this into its corresponding matrix.
This seems like it should be a pretty basic procedure, but I can neither work out how to do it myself nor find out how to do it online (including looking on SO).
To put it another way, the image in question is a jpeg; what I'd like is to be able to convert the .jpg file into a matrix, M say, so that imagesc(M), or surf(M), with the camera looking at the (x,y)-plane (from above), give the same as viewing the image, eg imshow(imread('Picture.jpg')).
You can use Matlab's rbg2ind function for this. All you need to choose is the "resolution" of the output colormap that you want, i.e. the second parameter n. So if you specify n as 8 for example, then your colormap will only have 8 values and your output indexed image should only have 8 values as well.
Depending on the color coding scheme used, you might try first converting the RGB values to HSL or HSV and using the hue values for the terrain heights.

Matlab rgb2hsv changes image

I am trying to convert an array of RGB values into an array of HSV values in Matlab. I am running the following code:
pic = imread('ColoradoMountains.jpg');
pic = rgb2hsv(pic);
But the image that gets written has completely different colors. I've been trying to set the color map to hsv, but I'm not sure if that even makes sense. Nothing on the internet comes up with my keywords, can someone please point me in the right direction?
You can specify the colormap that imwrite is supposed to use. Try this:
Here's the documentation for imwrite: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/imwrite.html
In Matlab you have to distinguish between an indexed image and an 3-channel image. An indexed image is a n*m*1 image where each value of the [0,1] range is associated to a colour. This association is called colour map, which could be for example a unit circle in HSV or RGB. This can be written using imwrite with the map parameter, but this is not what you want.
What you obviously want is an HSV-encoded image, which means the three rgb-channels are converted to three hsv channels. This is (as far as I know) not possible. If you take a look into the documentation of imwrite, you can see how CMYK-Encoded images are written, this is done implicit passing a n*m*4 image. Is there any of the standard file formats which supports HSV? If so I'll take a closer look at this format.
