Stack to deep using Merge Sort - ruby

I'm trying to implement merge sort on my own using recursion.
def merge_sort(a,i,j)
if i < j
def merge(a,i,j,k,l)
# No implementation yet
The problem is my implementation results in the stack going too deep. I shouldn't be getting this error message for such a small array. The array I'm trying to sort is just five elements.
b = [5,4,3,2,1]
p merge_sort(b,0,b.size - 1) # => results in 'stack to deep' message

Here's a step in the right direction that's made a bit more Ruby-like in how it's more forgiving, plus as a bonus has actual names instead of mathematical shorthand:
def merge_sort(arr,from = nil,to = nil)
from ||= 0
to ||= arr.length
if (from < to)
part = from + (to - from) / 2
merge_sort(arr, from, part)
merge_sort(arr, part + 1, to)
merge(arr, from,part, part+1, to)
def merge(a,from,j,k,l)
# No implementation yet
b = [5,4,3,2,1]
The mistake came about from not properly defining the partition point. In the original code for an array of length 5 the cut point would be 2, and when that's further divided, the cut point is 2/1 or 1, not 2+(5-3)/2 or 3 as it should be. From there it all went crazy because it was doing the math wrong and kept calling itself for no reason.

My problem was my mid-point formula was off throwing the recursion into an infinite loop recursing until the stack overflowed. Instead of
j / 2 + 1
It should have been
(i+j) / 2 + 1
tadman got the formula right in his re-versioning


Stack level too deep in recursion for largest palindrome product question (Project Euler)

I'm trying to implement a recursive solution to the largest palindrome product problem
What I'm trying to do is start both numbers at 999 and iterate down to 100 for num1 and then restart num1 at 999 and iterate num2 down by 1.
The goal is basically to mimic a nested for-loop.
def largest_palindrome_prod(num1 = 999, num2 = 999, largest_so_far = 0)
prod = num1 * num2
largest_so_far = prod if prod > largest_so_far && check_pal(prod)
if num2 == 100
return largest_so_far
elsif num1 == 100
largest_palindrome_prod(num1 = 999, num2 -= 1, largest_so_far)
largest_palindrome_prod(num1 -= 1, num2, largest_so_far)
#I know this function works, just here for reference
def check_pal(num)
num = num.to_s if num.is_a? Integer
if num.length < 2
num[0] == num[-1] ? check_pal(num[1..-2]) : false
rb:10:inlargest_palindrome_prod': stack level too deep`
I'm getting this error which is referring to the else statement in the largest_palindrome_prod function, but I can't figure out wast could be causing the stack error.
You don't have an infinite recursion bug. The stack is just running out of space because of the size of your input. To prove this, you can run your same function with the range of 2-digit numbers, instead of the 3-digit ones. It returns fine, which shows that there is no flaw with your logic.
How to get around this? Two options.
Option 1: You could simply not use recursion here (just use a regular nested loop instead)
Option 2: Keep your same code and enable tail call optimization:
# run_code.rb
RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_option = {
tailcall_optimization: true,
trace_instruction: false
require './palindrome_functions.rb'
puts largest_palindrome_prod
# => 906609
Note, for a reason I don't fully understand, the tail call optimization must be enabled in a different file than the code being run. So if you simply moved the compile_option line to the palindrome_functions.rb file, it wouldn't work.
I cant really give you a full explanation of tail call optimization (look it up on Wikipedia) but from my understanding, its a heavy optimization for recursive functions that only works when the recursive call is at the end of the function body. Your function meets this criteria.
#maxpleaner has answered your question and has shown how you can use recursion that avoids the stack level error. He also mentioned the option (which I expect he favours) of simply looping, rather than employing recursion. Below is one looping solution. The following method is used in the search1.
def check_ranges(range1, range2 = range1)
range1.flat_map do |n|
[n].product((range2.first..[n, range2.last].min).to_a) { |x,y| x*y }.
find do |z|
arr = z.digits
arr == arr.reverse
Let's first find the largest palindrome of the product of two numbers between 960 and 999 (if there are any):
#=> nil
There are none. Note that this calculation was very cheap, requiring the examination of only 40*40/2 #=> 800 products. Next, find the largest palindrome that is equal to the product of two numbers between 920 and 999.
#=> 888888
Success! Note that this method re-checks the 800 products we checked earlier. It makes more sense to examine only the cases represented by the following two calls to brute_force:
check_ranges(960..999, 920..959)
#=> 888888
#=> 861168
The first call computes 40*40 #=> 1600 products; the second, 800 products.
Of course, we have not yet necessarily found the largest product that is a palindrome. We do, however, have a lower bound on the largest product, which we can use to advantage. Since
#=> 889
we infer that if the product of two numbers is larger than 888888, both of those numbers must be at least 889. We therefore need only check:
check_ranges(889..999, 889..919)
#=> 906609
#=> 824428
We are finished. This tells us that 906609 is the largest product of two 3-digit numbers that is a palindrome.
The question does not ask what are the two numbers whose product is the largest palindrome, but we can easily find them:
(889..999).to_a.product((889..919).to_a).find { |x,y| x*y == 906609 }
#=> [993, 913]
#=> 906609
Moreover, let:
a = (889..999).to_a.product((889..919).to_a).map { |x,y| x*y }.
a.index { |n| n == 906609 }
#=> 84
tells us that only the largest 84 elements of this sorted group of 111*31 #=> 3441 products had to be examined before a palindrome (906609) was found.
All of this needs to be organized into a method. Though challenging for a newbie, it should be a good learning experience.
1. It would be useful to test which is faster, arr = z.digits; arr == arr.reverse or s = z.to_s; s == s.reverse.
#maxpleaner already answered, #Cary Swoveland already showed one brute force way using ranges and product. I'd like to show another brute force using a nested loop, easier to follow (IMO):
n = 9999
res = [0]
bottom = 10**(n.digits.size - 1)
n.downto(bottom) do |k|
k.downto(bottom) do |j|
# puts "#{k}, #{j}"
res = [k, j, k * j] if check_pal(k * j) && k * j > res.last
#=> [9999, 9901, 99000099]
I guess it can be optimized further, for example, using
n.downto(n*99/100) do |k|
k.downto(k*99/100) do |j|
Returned [99979, 99681, 9966006699] in 0.7 seconds.
Not required, but this increases the speed:
def check_pal(num)
word = num.to_s
word.reverse == word

How could I DRY this while loop?

I need to DRY this code but I don't know how.
I tried to dry the if condition but I don't know how to put the while in this.
def sum_with_while(min, max)
# CONSTRAINT: you should use a while..end structure
array = (min..max).to_a
sum = 0
count = 0
if min > max
return -1
while count < array.length
sum += array[count]
count += 1
return sum
Welcome to stack overflow!
Firstly, I should point out that "DRY" stands for "Don't Repeat Yourself". Since there's no repetition here, that's not really the problem with this code.
The biggest issue here is it's unrubyish. The ruby community has certain things it approves of, and certain things it avoids. That said, while loops are themselves considered bad ruby, so if you've been told to write it with a while loop, I'm guessing you're trying to get us to do your homework for you.
So I'm going to give you a couple of things to do a web search for that will help start you off:
ruby guard clauses - this will reduce your if-else-end into a simple if
ruby array pop - you can do while item = array.pop - since pop returns nil once the array is empty, you don't need a count. Again, bad ruby to do this... but maybe consider while array.any?
ruby implicit method return - generally we avoid commands we don't need
It's worth noting that using the techniques above, you can get the content of the method down to 7 reasonably readable lines. If you're allowed to use .inject or .sum instead of while, this whole method becomes 2 lines.
(as HP_hovercraft points out, the ternary operator reduces this down to 1 line. On production code, I'd be tempted to leave it as 2 lines for readability - but that's just personal preference)
You can put the whole thing in one line with a ternary:
def sum_with_while(min, max)
min > max ? -1 : [*(min..max)].inject(0){|sum,x| sum + x }
This is one option, cleaning up your code, see comments:
def sum_with_while(range) # pass a range
array = range.to_a
sum, count = 0, 0 # parallel assignment
while count < array.length
sum += array[count]
count += 1
sum # no need to return
#=> 165
More Rubyish:
Rule 1: Choose the right algorithm.
You wish to compute an arithmetic series.1
def sum_with_while(min, max)
max >= min ? (max-min+1)*(min+max)/2 : -1
sum_with_while(4, 4)
#=> 4
sum_with_while(4, 6)
#=> 15
sum_with_while(101, 9999999999999)
#=> 49999999999994999999994950
1. An arithmetic series is the sum of the elements of an arithmetic sequence. Each term of the latter is computed from the previous one by adding a fixed constant n (possibly negative). Heremax-min+1 is the number of terms in the sequence and (min+max)/2, if (min+max) is even, is the average of the values in the sequence. As (max-min+1)*(min+max) is even, this works when (min+max) is odd as well.

How do I interpret this pseudocode in Ruby?

I don't quite understand how to "initialize a multidimensional array to equal 1" as the initial for loops seem to suggest here. I haven't learned to properly read pseudocode, and I don't fully understand how this program works.
function countRoutes(m,n)
grid ← array[m + 1][n + 1]
for i = 0 to m do
grid[i][0] ← 1
end for
for j = 0 to n do
grid[0][j] ← 1
end for
for i = 1 to m do
for j = 1 to n do
grid[i][j] ← grid[i − 1][j] + grid[i][j − 1]
end for
end for
return grid[m][n]
end function
Thanks for your help!
This isn't hard to translate.. Ruby uses = instead of left arrow for assignment, and def instead of function to define a subroutine (which it calls a method instead of a function), but that's about it. Let's go through it.
function countRoutes(m,n)
That's beginning a function definition. In Ruby we use a method instead, and the keyword to define such a thing is def. It's also convention in Ruby to use snake_case for multiword names instead of camelCase:
def count_routes(m, n)
Now to create the grid:
grid ← array[m + 1][n + 1]
Ruby arrays are dynamic, so you don't normally need to specify the size at creation time. But that also means you don't get initialization or two-dimensionality for free. So what we have to do here is create an array of m+1 arrays, each of which can be empty (we don't need to specify that the sub-arrays need to hold n+1 items). Ruby's Array constructor has a way to do just that:
grid = do [] end
Now the initialization. Ruby technically has for loops, but nobody uses them. Instead, we use iterator methods. For counting loops, there's a method on integers called times. But the pseudocode counts from 0 through m inclusive; times also starts at 0, but only counts up to one less than the invocant (so that way when you call 3.times, the loop really does execute "three times", not four). In this case, that means to get the behavior of the pseudocode, we need to call times on m+1 instead of m:
(m+1).times do |i|
grid[i][0] = 1
As an aside, we could also have done that part of the initialization inside the original array creation:
grid = do [1] end
Anyway, the second loop, which would be more awkward to incorporate into the original creation, works the same as the first. Ruby will happily extend an array to assign to not-yet-existent elements, so the fact that we didn't initialize the subarrays is not a problem:
(n+1).times do |j|
grid[0][j] = 1
For the nested loops, the pseudocode is no longer counting from 0, but from 1. Counting from 1 through m is the same number of loop iterations as counting from 0 through m-1, so the simplest approach is to let times use its natural values, but adjust the indexes in the assignment statement inside the loop. That is, where the pseudocode starts counting i from 1 and references i-1 and i, the Ruby code starts counting i from 0 and references i and i+1 instead.
m.times do |i|
n.times do |j|
grid[i+1][j+1] = grid[i][j+1] + grid[i+1][j]
And the return statement works the same, although in Ruby you can leave it off:
return grid[m][n]
Putting it all together, you get this:
def count_routes(m, n)
grid = do [1] end
(n+1).times do |j|
grid[0][j] = 1
m.times do |i|
n.times do |j|
grid[i+1][j+1] = grid[i][j+1] + grid[i+1][j]
return grid[m][n]
The notation grid[i][j] ← something means assigning something to the element of grid taking place on i-th line in j-th position. So the first two loops here suggest setting all values of the first column and the first row of the grid (correspondingly, the first and the second loops) to 1.

Merge sort infinite recursion

I haven't started the merge process yet. So far I've only focused on dividing the array over and over again until only 1 number is left in the array. Below is my code showing how I implemented this so far.
def mergesort(list)
mid = list.length / 2
left = list[0, mid]
right = list[mid, list.size]
until left.size <= 1 || right.size <= 1 do
test(mergesort(left), mergesort(right))
print left
print right
def test(left, right)
sorted = []
left.length / 2
right.length / 2
# print sorted
My problem is the loop will not break. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm also open to resources to help me solve this problem better. I would like some guidance in solving this issue that has arise.
Your looping is infinite. left and right are not changed later in a deeper step so they both remain bigger than 1.
until left.size <= 1 || right.size <= 1 do
test(mergesort(left), mergesort(right))
How to fix this
One of the concepts that merge-sort uses is recursion
Those sorting algorithms use the stack instead, because it should work for any size. You should implement your end condition in your recursive method. For example:
def mergesort(list)
return list if array.size <= 1 # end condition
mid = list.length / 2
left = mergesort list[0, mid]
right = mergesort list[mid, list.size]
print left
print right
# TODO merge left and right
As you can see we first do a merge sort on the first half recursively until the size of the array is smaller or equal to 1. Followed by the right part.

More ruby-like solution to this problem?

I am learning ruby and practicing it by solving problems from Project Euler.
This is my solution for problem 12.
# Project Euler problem: 12
# What is the value of the first triangle number to have over five hundred divisors?
require 'prime'
triangle_number = ->(num){ (num *(num + 1)) / 2 }
factor_count = ->(num) do
prime_fac = Prime.prime_division(num)
exponents = prime_fac.collect { |item| item.last + 1 }
fac_count = exponents.inject(:*)
n = 2
loop do
tn = triangle_number.(n)
if factor_count.(tn) >= 500
puts tn
n += 1
Any improvements that can be made to this piece of code?
As others have stated, Rubyists will use methods or blocks way more than lambdas.
Ruby's Enumerable is a very powerful mixin, so I feel it pays here to build an enumerable in a similar way as Prime. So:
require 'prime'
class Triangular
class << self
include Enumerable
def each
sum = 0
1.upto(Float::INFINITY) do |i|
yield sum += i
This is very versatile. Just checking it works:
Triangular.first(4) # => [1, 3, 7, 10]
Good. Now you can use it to solve your problem:
def factor_count(num)
prime_fac = Prime.prime_division(num)
exponents = prime_fac.collect { |item| item.last + 1 }
exponents.inject(1, :*)
Triangular.find{|t| factor_count(t) >= 500} # => 76576500
Float::INFINITY is new to 1.9.2. Either use 1.0/0, require 'backports' or do a loop if using an earlier version.
The each could be improved by first checking that a block is passed; you'll often see things like:
def each
return to_enum __method__ unless block_given?
# ...
Rather than solve the problem in one go, looking at the individual parts of the problem might help you understand ruby a bit better.
The first part is finding out what the triangle number would be. Since this uses sequence of natural numbers, you can represent this using a range in ruby. Here's an example:
(1..10).to_a => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
An array in ruby is considered an enumerable, and ruby provides lots of ways to enumerate over data. Using this notion you can iterate over this array using the each method and pass a block that sums the numbers.
sum = 0
(1..10).each do |x|
sum += x
sum => 55
This can also be done using another enumerable method known as inject that will pass what is returned from the previous element to the current element. Using this, you can get the sum in one line. In this example I use 1.upto(10), which will functionally work the same as (1..10).
1.upto(10).inject(0) {|sum, x| sum + x} => 55
Stepping through this, the first time this is called, sum = 0, x = 1, so (sum + x) = 1. Then it passes this to the next element and so sum = 1, x = 2, (sum + x) = 3. Next sum = 3, x = 3, (sum + x) = 6. sum = 6, x = 4, (sum + x) = 10. Etc etc.
That's just the first step of this problem. If you want to learn the language in this way, you should approach each part of the problem and learn what is appropriate to learn for that part, rather than tackling the entire problem.
REFACTORED SOLUTION (though not efficient at all)
def factors(n)
(1..n).select{|x| n % x == 0}
def triangle(n)
(n * (n + 1)) / 2
n = 2
until factors(triangle(n)).size >= 500
puts n
n += 1
puts triangle(n)
It looks like you are coming from writing Ocaml, or another functional language. In Ruby, you would want to use more def to define your methods. Ruby is about staying clean. But that might also be a personal preference.
And rather than a loop do you could while (faction_count(traingle_number(n)) < 500) do but for some that might be too much for one line.
