Is it possible to design custom web UI over HIVE? - hadoop

I am very new to Hadoop tools. So I am asking this doubt. I am using sqoop to push data from my relational DB to HDFS. Now as a next step I want to generate some reports using this data which is stored in HDFS. I have my own custom reports format.
I am aware that using HIVE I can get data from HDFS. but is it possible that I can design my own custom reports(Web UI) over this? is there any other tools I can use?
Else, is it possible to deploy an application( containing HTML GUI and java API's) on same machine and I can access it via HTTP and can see data present in HDFS?

You can use Tableau for better experience though it is paid but is the best in market,you can even customize your graph or report using tableau.You can get trial version of tableau from their site. You can use PowerBI from Microsoft which free and works well with Big data. Ambrose is created by twitter which is also having good support(I dind't tried this one).
Check Ambrose as this is what your are looking for. You can access it via HTTP url.


How to automate publishing of Power BI (PBIX) from desktop to Power BI Web with config for environment

I currently have a desktop PBIX file that I manually publish to Power BI Web.
I have to keep different version of the same PBIX file just to keep track of different sources based on environment such as Dev/QA/UAT/Prod etc
I have more than one data source for each environment i.e. in same PBIX file I have data coming from say Application Insights and REST API.
I scanned through power bi community to see how to do this but can't find relevant information. All pointers are for refreshing either the local PBIX or using Schedule Refresh option in Power BI Web.
Someone even wrote code to hit Publish code via OLE automation but that's not acceptable solution.
I would like to automate this process such that
A. I can provide the data source connection string/ credentials externally based on the environment I want to publish it to.
B. Publish the report to Power BI web using a service account instead of my own.
Our current build and deployment tool set does allow use of PowerShell/ Azure CLI etc. Hence it would be helpful if the solution uses those.
Fetching data from sql Azure won't need refresh but it's expensive.
In one of the organizations I worked for they used views on sql Azure to accomplish this task

Recover Tabular Model project/model

I have made a tabular model which is currently deployed on a SSAS server.
I made my project in my C Drive and my Drive is now dead.
Can I somehow download my model that is deployed on the Analysis Services Server?
Or its basically lost?
I tried connecting to it but it tells me that its only possible for multi-dimensional.
Thank you !
You can create a new project in SSDT and then import the deployed tabular model. When creating a new project, select the "Import from Server (Tabular)" option, connect to the SSAS instance where it's deployed, and choose the your tabular model. One thing to keep in mind is that this option does not reset any metadata, deployment targets, or connection strings.
A good practice, if not using a Git repository or any other soruce control platform, is to save the XMLA script of the cube, from the server, periodically.
Go to the Tabular Model Server and you right click and script as, and save all the necessary objects.

Multitenency in Apache Nifi

I am working on a cloud based application using Apache Nifi, for this we required to support Multitenency. But the current Nifi implementation only supports role based access for users, for a single flow.
I could understand that the flow state is saved as a single compressed XML file for a Nifi instance. So that who ever logins into that instance can view the same flow. Our requirement is to create unique flows for each user login. I tried to replicate state saving gz XML file for each users, but couldn't succeeded as the FlowService/FlowController which loads the XML file, is instantiated at the application startup and they are singleton. Please correct me, if Iam wrong with this approach. Or is there any other solution for adding Multitenant support with Nifi. I also wonder the reason behind the Nifi as a single user application.
Multi-tenant support will be introduced in Apache NiFi 1.0.0. There is a BETA release available [1]. This will support assigning permissions on a per component basis. However, the different tenants still share a canvas. There has been discussions of introducing a workspace concept that could provide visually separate dataflows.

Using Amazon S3 in place of an SFTP Server

I need to set up a repository where multiple people can go to drop off excel and csv files. I need a secure environment that has access control so customers logging on to drop off their own data can't see another customers data. So if person A logs on to drop a word document they can't see person B's excel sheet. I have an AWS account and would prefer to use S3 for this. I originally planned to setup an SFTP server on an EC2 server however, I feel that using S3 would be more scalable and safer after doing some research. However, I've never used S3 before nor have I seen it in a production environment. So my question really comes down to this does S3 provide a user interface that allows multiple people to drop files off similar to that of an FTP server? And can I create access control so people can't see other peoples data?
Here are the developer resources for S3
Here are some pre-built widgets
Let us know your angle as we can provide other ideas knowing more about your requirements
Yes. It does, you can actually control access to your resources using IAM users and roles.
You can allow privileges to parts of an S3 bucket say depending on the user or role for example:
could all have different permissions.
Hope this helps.

Saving Tableau workbooks into Hadoop

I have a group be Tableau files .twbx files that I would like to store them into Hadoop. Is there a way to store them and then access them via Tableau desktop?
Tableau Server is probably what you're looking for here.
Again, you've got a couple options. In my setup, I keep my extracts on Tableau server and then have a daily task to push them to a Git repo; that's more for backup though.
If you're looking to store the active workbooks in the S3 bucket, you can configure Tableau Server with "worker nodes" to accomplish this. See the link to the Tableau Server Admin. Guide below, it's got an entire chapter on setting up a distributed server.
Tableau Server Administrator's Guide
