How can i use internal database from scratch - telerik

How can i using internal database for example (sqlite) for offline app in nativescript without using any plugin.
i'm searched every were how i can installed or used sqlite or other internal database for nativescript but i didn't have any answer.

Just like you would do with any code that you need to access the native APIs
e.g. (JavaScript) Android example
var query = "select sqlite_version() AS sqlite_version";
var db = android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(":memory:", null);
var cursor = db.rawQuery(query, null);
var sqliteVersion = "";
if (cursor.moveToNext()) {
sqliteVersion = cursor.getString(0);
The API references for SQLite in Android here and that said you can now follow a basic Android database tutorial and implement it step by step in your NativeScript application using JavaScript or TypeScript
Still, the plugin could provide all that wrapped in a ready-to-go functionality so unless you are lacking something it will be easier to use the nativescript-sqlite and avoid writing native code for Android and then for iOS.


Passing values from native project to shared project Xamarin

Im currently facing an issue with using a 3rd party authenticator for my xamarin forms app. The code to execute has to be done natively in the platform project. The issue im facing is how to get the information(successful login, token, email etc) from the ios/android native project to the shared project for me to access it and continue the application. Below is an example of how the code looks below in the ios native project.
var client = new Auth0Client(new Auth0ClientOptions
Domain = "",
ClientId = "123456789"
var loginResult = await client.LoginAsync();

How do I access BlockBlobClient in Azure Storage JavaScript client library for browsers?

I'm attempting to use BlockBlobClient in a browser page to upload a file using a server-supplied sastoken / URL, similar to this C# code:
var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri(assetUploadUrl));
blob.UploadFromFile(FilePath, null, new BlobRequestOptions {RetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry()});
Although the docs suggest BlockBlobClient is available in #azure/storage-blob and should be able to upload browser data from an input[type=file] element using uploadBrowserData, I can find no reference to BlockBlobClient in the browser library source. I looked into modifying the browserify export scripts but I can't find any references in the main package source either. Also the example code suggests that using #azure/storage-blog gives you a BlobServiceClient by default:
const { BlobServiceClient } = require("#azure/storage-blob");
Is BlockBlobClient actually available in the JavaScript client library?
Okay I've figured this out, I need to use the Azure Storage client library for JavaScript, there's even a sample of doing exactly what I need to do. Now I just need to figure out how to bundle npm package files for use in Razor pages.

Syncfusion PdfViewerControl on Azure

I am utilizing Syncfusion's PdfViewerControl and PdfLoadedDocument classes to generate thumbnail images of a PDF. However, once I moved the project to an Azure App Service, the PdfViewerControl is throwing an exception when being initialized. I am curious if it is attempting to use system memory and Azure is blocking this. Below is the method GenerateThumbnails I've created and the exception is being thrown when creating a new PdfViewerControl. If anyone has a work around for this or has experienced something similar when moving to Azure, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Along with that, if someone knows of another tool to create thumbnails from a PDF in this manner that'd be very helpful as well. Thanks!
System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.'
public static List<Byte[]> GenerateThumbnails(Byte[] file)
Int32 resizedHeight;
Int32 resizedWidth;
List<Byte[]> thumbnails = new List<Byte[]>();
using (PdfViewerControl pdfViewerControl = new PdfViewerControl())
using (PdfLoadedDocument pdfLoadedDocument = new PdfLoadedDocument(file, true))
// The PDF Viewer Control must load the PDF from a PdfLoadedDocument, rather than directly from the filename because
// when loaded from the filename, it is not disposed correctly and causes a file lock.
for (Int32 i = 0; i < pdfViewerControl.PageCount; ++i)
using (Bitmap originalBitmap = pdfViewerControl.ExportAsImage(i))
if (pdfViewerControl.LoadedDocument.Pages[i].Size.Width > pdfViewerControl.LoadedDocument.Pages[i].Size.Height)
resizedHeight = (PdfUtility.TARGET_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_LANDSCAPE * originalBitmap.Height) / originalBitmap.Width;
resizedWidth = (PdfUtility.TARGET_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT * originalBitmap.Width) / originalBitmap.Height;
using (Bitmap resizedBitmap = new Bitmap(originalBitmap, new Size(resizedWidth, resizedHeight)))
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
resizedBitmap.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
return thumbnails;
Web App for Containers on Windows is now supported. This allows you to bring your own docker container that runs outside of the sandbox, so the restrictions described below won't affect your application.
There are restrictions in the sandbox that the app is running in that prevents certain API calls.
Here is a list of frameworks and scenarios that have been found to be
not be usable due to one or more of the restrictions above. It's
conceivable that some will be supported in the future as the sandbox
PDF generators failing due to restriction mentioned above:
Syncfusion Siberix Spire.PDF The following PDF generators are
SQL Reporting framework: requires the site to run in Basic or higher
(note that this currently does not work in Functions apps in
Consumptions mode) EVOPDF: See for vendor
solution Telerik reporting: requires the site to run in Basic or
higher. More info here Rotativa / wkhtmltopdf: requires the site to
run in Basic or higher. NReco PdfGenerator (wkhtmltopdf): requires
subscription plan Basic or higher Known issue for all PDF generators
based on wkhtmltopdf or phantomjs: custom fonts are not rendered
(system-installed font is used instead) because of sandbox GDI API
limitations that present even in VM-based Azure Apps plans (Basic or
Other scenarios that are not supported:
PhantomJS/Selenium: tries to connect to local address, and also uses

Get mac address and ip in Nativescript

We are implementing a server for app distribution and we need restrict the access to the apps by:
mac address
At the moment I have not found any module that can obtain this data from the device in nativescript, so i don't know if there's a plugin or how else can I achieve this.
In nativescript you can access native apis of device
so if there isn't any module/plugin for it you can use this option for accessing native apis.
for example there is solution for mac adress here
in JAVA:
WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
WifiInfo wInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
String mac = wInfo.getMacAddress();
we can write it in javascript like this:
first we should fine where is this getSystemService:
after searching in documentation of android we found:
getSystemService is in android.content.Context
for accessing context in nativescript
we can do:
import app = require("application");;
so let's write it in javascript:
we don't have types in javascript so we use var instead;
var context = android.content.Context;
var wifiManager =;
var wInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
var mac = wInfo.getMacAddress();
NOTE1 : as mentioned in above java solution link you should add this permision <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission> to app/App_Resources/AndroidManifest
NOTE2 : the above solution was for android,for ios you should find the solution with objective_c and convert to javascript with help of nativescript documentation.
NOTE3:In android 6 you might need request permision
You can also use this method to create a plugin for nativescript.

How can I save some user data locally on my Xamarin Forms app?

I have a simple Xamarin Forms app. I've now got a simple POCO object (eg. User instance or an list of the most recent tweets or orders or whatever).
How can I store this object locally to the device? Lets imagine I serialize it as JSON.
Also, how secure is this data? Is it part of Keychains, etc? Auto backed up?
You have a couple options.
SQLite. This option is cross-platform and works well if you have a lot of data. You get the added bonus of transaction support and async support as well. EDIT: In the past I suggested using SQLite.Net-PCL. Due to issues involving Android 7.0 support (and an apparent sunsetting of support) I now recommend making use of the project that was originally forked from: sqlite-net
Local storage. There's a great nuget that supports cross-platform storage. For more information see PCLStorage
There's also Application.Current.Properties implemented in Xamarin.Forms that allow simple Key-Value pairs of data.
I think you'll have to investigate and find out which route serves your needs best.
As far as security, that depends on where you put your data on each device. Android stores app data in a secure app folder by default (not all that secure if you're rooted). iOS has several different folders for data storage based on different needs. Read more here: iOS Data Storage
Another option is the Xamarin Forms settings plugin.
E.g. If you need to store a user instance, just serialize it to json when storing and deserialize it when reading.
Uses the native settings management
Android: SharedPreferences
iOS: NSUserDefaults
Windows Phone: IsolatedStorageSettings
Windows RT / UWP: ApplicationDataContainer
public User CurrentUser
User user = null;
var serializedUser = CrossSettings.Current.GetValueOrDefault<string>(UserKey);
if (serializedUser != null)
user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(serializedUser);
return user;
CrossSettings.Current.AddOrUpdateValue(UserKey, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value));
There is a new solution for this. Just use Xamarin.Essentials.
Preferences.Set(UserKey, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value));
var user= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(Preferences.Get(UserKey, "default_value");
Please use Xamarin.Essentials
The Preferences class helps to store application preferences in a key/value store.
To save a value:
Preferences.Set("my_key", "my_value");
To get a value:
var myValue = Preferences.Get("my_key", "default_value");
If you want to store a simple value, such as a string, follow this Example code.
setting the value of the "totalSeats.Text" to the "SeatNumbers" key from page1
Application.Current.Properties["SeatNumbers"] = totalSeats.Text;
await Application.Current.SavePropertiesAsync();
then, you can simply get the value from any other page (page2)
var value = Application.Current.Properties["SeatNumbers"].ToString();
Additionally, you can set that value to another Label or Entry etc.
SeatNumbersEntry.Text = value;
If it's Key value(one value) data storage, follow below code
Application.Current.Properties["AppNumber"] = "123"
await Application.Current.SavePropertiesAsync();
Getting the same value
var value = Application.Current.Properties["AppNumber"];
