How to put div in every 5th row laravel - laravel

I would like to put another code of div in every 5th row. Something like:
#foreach ($vip_ads as $key=>$ad)
#if($key%30==0) {
#foreach ($ads as $key=>$ad)
#if($key%30==0) {
My laravel version is 4. So I can't use new loop->iteration function. The problem is that it doesn't give a new block to a div. Everything in one line, meanwhile I need to close 5th row (6 columns total 30 elements) and put a new div, after that continue with the given $key value until it gets for example 60. And the next problem is that I could have less than 10 values in $vip_ads, but in total it has to be 30 for both $vip_ads and $ads. Sorry, for my english. Example of this can seen at

I use only laravel 5.x but your code is not bad, be carefull your key have to be numeric, or add $i=0; before with php and $i++ in the loop
#foreach ($vip_ads as $key=>$ad)
<?php $id=0;?>
#foreach ($vip_ads as $ad)
<?php $i++;?>
Edit :
Use something like bootstrap with col-md-3 for ad_template (A) and col-md-12 for div (-----) it will look like this :


How do I use a row count in an #if in a Laravel view?

I am brand new to Laravel and I'm running Version 6.
I want my view to display a button if one of my MySQL tables has rows that meet a specific condition but I'm having trouble figuring out how to code it - and even WHERE to code it - within my Laravel application.
My MySQL table is called diary_entries and various users of the system will contribute zero to n rows to it. Each row of the table contains a user id called client. When a given user goes to the Welcome view, I want the view to determine if that user currently has any rows in the diary_entries table. If he does, I want to display a button that will take him to another page where the entries can be displayed or edited or deleted.
I think I want to construct an #if that counts the number of records for that user; if the count is greater than zero, I want to display the button, otherwise the button is not displayed.
The problem is that I can't figure out how to code this. I've looked at the examples in the Eloquent section of the manual but they aren't particularly clear to me. I found a note near the top that said the count() function expects a Collection as an argument and that the result of an Eloquent statement is always a Collection so I guessed that I just have to execute an Eloquent query, then apply count() to the resulting Collection. But every variation of that idea which I've tried has thrown exceptions.
Here was the guess that seemed most logical to me:
<div class="content">
<img class="centered" src="/images/sleeping-cat.jpg" alt="sleeping cat" height="250">
<div class="title m-b-md">
<h1> Sleep Diary </h1>
<h3>{{Auth::user()->name }}</h3>
#if (count(App\DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name) > 0))
<a class="btn btn-primary"> View / edit existing sleep diary entries </a>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/diaryEntries"> Create a new sleep diary entry </a>
This is obviously wrong because it throws an exception so how do I make it right? Does the building of the collection have to move into the Controller? If so, how do I invoke the method and see its result? Or can I do something like I have already done but just adjust the syntax a bit?
I've imitated Sehdev's suggestion but I get this error:
$count is undefined
Make the variable optional in the blade template. Replace {{ $count }} with {{ $count ?? '' }}
Here is my welcome view:
<div class="content">
<img class="centered" src="/images/sleeping-cat.jpg" alt="sleeping cat" height="250">
<div class="title m-b-md">
<h1>Sleep Diary</h1>
<h3>{{ Auth::user()->name }}</h3>
#if ($count) > 0))
<a class="btn btn-primary">View/edit existing sleep diary entries</a>
<p><a class="btn btn-primary" href="/diaryEntries">Create a new sleep diary entry</a>
And this is the relevant function from DiaryEntryController:
public function countEntriesOneUser()
$count = DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name)->count();
view("welcome", compact("count"));
Should the compact function be returning $count instead of count? I can't find the compact function in the manual with the search function so I'm not clear what it does or what the proper syntax is. I just tried changing the last line of the function to
view("welcome", $count);
but that produced the same error.
Try this,
$count=\App\DiaryEntry::where('client', Auth::user()->name)->count();
<p><a class="btn btn-primary">View/edit existing sleep diary entries</a></p>
Using App\DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name) directly on your blade template is a bad practise.
You can execute your question in your controllers method and then pass the result on your view file
Your function
function test(){
$count = DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name)->count(); // get the total no of records using count
view("index", compact("count")) // pass your count variable here
then you can directly use $count in your #if condition
Your blade template
#if ($count > 0)
<p><a class="btn btn-primary">View/edit existing sleep diary entries</a></p>

How can I filter the data of foreach?

I have this design:
I need to say: last post that I add it put it in the head of design then other put them down.
My shut :) Html and foreach code:
#if ($user->projects->count() > 0)
<section class="latest section shadow-sm">
<div class="section-inner">
#foreach ($user->projects->sortByDesc('id')->take(1) as $project)
<div class="item featured text-center ">
// head post
#foreach ($projects_last->sortByDesc('id') as $project)
<div class="item row">
// other post
Code of controller for $projects_last:
$projects_last = $user->projects;
return view('frontend.user_profile',compact('user','projects_last'));
I have the problem with when I say if the #if ($user->projects->count() > 0) do not show any thing but still show me the <h1>Projects</h1> even it is empty!
And if you have any suggest to making my code better pls do it with thankful :)
To iterate Collections you have to get them. So you have to use get() to get the results.
#foreach ($user->projects->sortByDesc('id')->take(1)->get() as $project)
#foreach ($projects_last->sortByDesc('id')->get() as $project)
You can see here the documentation: Laravel query documentation
Note: if you want to get just one element in your first foreach loop you can use first() instead of take(1). You code will be like that:
#php($first_project = $user->projects->sortByDesc('id')->first())
#if (!is_null($first_project))
// Use $first_project as $project variable

modulus with remainder laravel

I am trying to setup columns of 4 from a laravel array which works correctly. The problem is how do you handle remainders? With my loop I end up with 2 extra divs that are empty at the end of my output. I have 10 items that i'm looping over which would give me a remainder of 2.5 Here is my code.
<div class="serviceListingColumn">
#foreach($serviceListings as $serviceListing)
#if ($serviceListing->service_category == $services->title)
<li class="serviceListingItem">{{$serviceListing->service_name}}</li>
#if($loop->iteration % 4 === 0)
<div class="serviceListingColumn">
I would suggest chunking the original array into groups, then just looping those. Easier for the template logic.
// Use the Collection's group() functionality in your controller.
// Use collect() if it isn't a Collection already.
$array = collect($array)->chunk(4);
// Your template then doesn't need to worry about modulus,
// and can focus on displaying the chunked groups.
#foreach ($array as $group)
<div class="serviceListingColumn">
#foreach ($group as $serviceListing)
<li class="serviceListingItem">{{ $serviceListing->service_name }}</li>

I want to count in if statement in foreach loop laravel 5.6

As I am new to Laravel so facing this problem and tried it in other ways but it is not working.
Here my blade file
#foreach($products as $product)
<div class="women">
<span class="size">XL / XXL / S </span>
<p ><em class="item_price">Rs.{{$product->price}}</em></p>
#if(count($product) == 3)
<div class="clearfix"></div>
Why this is not working
#if(count($product) == 3)
<div class="clearfix"></div>
Or how can I count the product in iteration and compare the count number in if statement?
You can use loop variable like this.
Instead of:
#if(count($product) == 3)
<div class="clearfix"></div>
you should use:
#if($loop->iteration == 3)
<div class="clearfix"></div>
But it's quite possible that you might need it after every 3 elements (3, 6, 9 and so on), so maybe better solution would be:
#if($loop->iteration % 3 == 0)
<div class="clearfix"></div>
You example didn't work because $product is just an object so count($product) will not have expected value. Also if you used count($products) (notice trailing s) it won't work because count of products is the same in each loop iteration.
If you have more or less than 3 products, your if statement is never going to show. What you're looking for is the third item in the products array, which you can do like this:
#foreach($products as $key => $product)
<div class="women">
<span class="size">XL / XXL / S </span>
<p><em class="item_price">Rs.{{$product->price}}</em></p>
#if($key == 2)
<div class="clearfix"></div>
To get the index of the loop, use
#foreach ($athletes as $key=>$athlete)
// Some html goes here
{ { ++$key } }
add if condition to key
let me know how it goes
The array count will always be the same, inside or outside of the loop.
If you want to make a decision based on the current iteration, ex. "on every third product put a clearfix div", then apply the condition to the key if the key is numeric.
Blade provides a loop variable with an iteration property (starts at 1) to help with this, see here
Example for every third product:
#foreach($products as $product)
#if ($loop->$loop->iteration%3 == 0)
<div class="clearfix"></div>
Example for the third product only:
#if ($loop->$loop->iteration == 3)
<div class="clearfix"></div>

Laravel data best practices

I'm new at Laravel and I want to know what best practices are for that :
I have a bunch of item I got with my query. It returns me something like that :
[{"id_equipement":24,"id_typeequipement":5, "imgequipement":xxxx},
{"id_equipement":30,"id_typeequipement":8, "imgequipement":xxxx}]
I have now 15 div to fill (see image below). One div represents one type and I want to know how to check if my first record goes to my second div background image, my second record goes to my third div...
I don't really know how to split in order to check...
Here is my html code:
<div class="item-frame-vertical" id="item-hat">
<div class="item-inner-frame"
style="background-image: url({{ asset('images/item_display/headgear.png') }})"></div>
<div class="item-frame-vertical" id="item-necklace" data-target="lol">
<div class="item-inner-frame"
style="background-image: url({{ asset('images/item_display/amulet.png') }})"></div>
<div class="item-frame-vertical" id="item-chest">
<div class="item-inner-frame"
style="background-image: url({{ asset('images/item_display/breastplate.png') }})"></div>
How can I check :
If the first record is type "5", it belongs to my 8th div
I was intending to do 15 query and give my controller 15 array and check for each div if there is a single record but I'm not sure this is the best way to do it because I must make 15 queries...
The way I'm doing it, I feel that I have to go through my result 15 times with a foreach and then check the type like :
#foreach ($entries as $entry)
if($entry->type_equipement == 5)
$img = $entry->img_equipement;
$img = images/item_display/breastplate.png
<div class="item-inner-frame" style="background-image:
url({{ asset('$img') }})"></div>
To be more precise... If I have the :
record with 'id_typeequipement' 5 I must change the background of the div 'item-hat' by 'img_equipement' from my record
record with 'id_typeequipement' 7 I must change the background of the div 'item-chest' by 'img_equipement' from my record
and this, for 15 div
