My beanstalk tube has 344 current-jobs-ready and current-jobs-urgent - beanstalkd

I'm having an issue where there are
current-jobs-urgent: 344
current-jobs-ready: 344
I checked it 10 minutes later and it is still at 344.
Does this mean my Beanstalk is backed up?

It means you don't have any worker setup correctly to process them.


DMGR Console is very slow, what could be the possible reasons?

Dmgr console of development environment is very slow, we checked from all aspects but unable to find the exact reason.
Dev WebSphere is running in AIX server which has 20 GB of RAM initially, we even increased the RAM to 8 GB but still facing the slowness with 28 GB of RAM.
And we have 10 different JVMs running in 10 differnt clusters in Dev which shares the RAM like below
JVM1 1 Gb JVM2 2 JVM3 2 JVM4 1 JVM5 2 JVM1 1 JVM1 1 JVM1 1 JVM1 2 JVM1 2 DMGR 2 Nodeagent 256 MB
So total of 17.6 GB (of 28) is used for RAM, but still we facing slowness in DMGR while
1.) Navigating
2.) Giving Node Synchronisation
3.) Starting of the DMGR
4.) And we have 24 applications running in Dev with 4 to 5 applications has 330 MB of size deployed in some JVMs having 2GB of RAM (will it this could be one of the reason?)
What could be the possible reason for this dmgr slowness? Can anyone tell me
A low max JVM heap size on the dmgr JVM can cause the interactive bits of the console to act mysteriously slow.
You can change the heap size pretty easily:
In the navigation panel, click System Administration > Deployment
Manager > Process definition.
Under Additional Properties, click
Java Virtual Machine. Type 1024 in the Maximum Heap Size field.
the changes to the master repository.
Restart all servers, node
agents, and the deployment manager.
We removed hosts from the virtual hosts that are no longer used/not on the network anymore. This seems to have helped.

Why SolrCloud slows down when one instance killed?

I am using SolrCloud (version 4.7.1) with 4 instances and embedded ZooKeeper (test environment).
When I simulate failure of one of the instances, the indexing speed goes from 4 seconds to 17 seconds.
It goes back to 4 seconds after the instance is brought back to life.
Search speed is not affected.
Our production environment shows similar behavior (only the configuration is more complex).
Is this normal or did I miss some configuration option?
It is due to having Zookeeper embedded in Solr cluster.
Please try with external zookeeper. This setup give the expected results.

GCE Highmem Instance Slow

I am connecting to a CentOS booted from a persistent disk created from here. The instance is a n1-standard instance but I'm having some serious performance issues.
I can SSH into the instance just fine, however commands take a long time to run. I tried to just run a simple ping command to and it took 2 minutes and 36 seconds to start the command. The CPU usage is next to none as there isn't really anything going on within the instance except an Apache installation that isn't doing anything yet. My internet connection is just fine, and other instances work just fine. I've even deleted the instance and started over from scratch.
Is there something wrong with the image CentOS is being created from or is this just a problem I'm having? What steps can I take to narrow down the problems?

Creating AMI takes so long

I'm creating an AMI for a server with 100G files. It's been like an hour and it's still not finished. (The AMI still says pending) Is there something wrong with it? What should I do?
Just to let other people know, this process could take very, very long. My 100 GB AMI takes like 2.5 hours to create and the progress bar jumps from 0 to 100 directly after that. So don't worry.
This answer pertains to a retirement situation where there is potentially a hardware failure for an instance with a EBS root volume. In this situation, AWS recommends creating an AMI of the instance to be retired, and starting a new instance from this AMI. In my situation, the instance was not responding before starting the AMI creation process.
The AMI creation step failed to complete after >8 hours.
I next tried stopping the instance. This also failed to complete in >10 minutes, so I tried force stopping the instance (by issuing the stop command again). The force stop did complete after a few minutes. After the instance was stopped, the AMI creation succeeded in <10 minutes.
This AWS forum message seemed relevant to my case:
It fully depends on the disk size that is attached to the es2 instance.
But one can check the progress of the AMI backup job by checking the EBS snapshot, as it will also take a snapshot of the attached EBS. Once taking a snapshot is completed, it will show Available(100%), before that it will show Unavailable(X%). Once it's become Available(100%), AMI backup will complete.
Here are some image of the snapshot progress.
Snapshot progress

Why is my Amazon EC2 instance "pending"?

I've been evaluating several cloud compute providers, Amazon EC2 among them. I started an instance with a Windows image, and ever since then it's been "pending", for more than 30 minutes now.
Is this a typical amount of wait for an instance to start? This would be highly undesirable for my purpose. Perhaps I started it incorrectly? I couldn't find any info on what "pending" means on Amazon - does anyone here know?
Pending means the instance is being created, if it has been like that for 30 minutes something went wrong, typicaly I wait for 3 minutes.
I would just create another instance and when the pending one is over, terminate it.
you would probably waste 12.5 cents tho...
I recently faced the same issue. After reaching out to AWS support, they provided a workaround which worked well.
You can use the AWS CLI to stop the instance, instead of AWS console. Although an instance stack in Pending state cannot be managed through AWS console, using the AWS CLI allows you to stop it and start it again. The following command should allow you to stop the instance and force it move to the "Stopped" state:
aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids <You instance Id>
You can find more information about how to install and use AWS CLI here:
