Writing the relative path in controller - laravel

While uploading image i have this path:
public function uploadImage()
$target_dir = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\application\public\newuploads';
It worked fine.
But, when i uploaded to production server i change it to:
$target_dir = 'www.mywebsite.com\public\newuploads';
It gives me error:
jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
How can i write the relative path instead?

You should never hardcode the path. Use public_path() helper to get path to the public directory:

Never use any static path for local or live server.
Laravel provides lot of functions to do this:
Just use it like:
$target_dir = public_path()."/newuploads";
Use the same on local and live environment.
This will work.
For More Details And Laravel Helper Functions You Can Check This:

Depending on your production server, you may have a different root directory. That being said, instead of using a full folder path, you can use the public path root such as
$target_dir = '/newuploads';
That way if the underlying OS and file system changes, your site operations are intact.


Laravel location of created files

I'm attempting to modify a text file stored on the server using Larvel's File::put(filelocation,filecontents)
but I can't figure out what location this is relative to on the server. If I have a file "somestuff.json" within my LaravelApp/public folder, what location string do I use for a parameter to File::put() ?
File name for File::methods() is not relative you have to give the full file path:
File::put('/var/www/LaravelApp/public/somestuff.json', $filecontents);
But Laravel has some helpers to help you with this:
File::put(public_path().'/somestuff.json', $filecontents);
base_path(); // the base of your application LaravelApp/
app_path(); // Your LaravelApp/app
They are all in the file vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/helpers.php.

composer and site configuration files

Is it possible to install a file out of the 'vendor' directory when doing a composer install/update?
Let me elaborate a bit more if your not sure what i mean.
I have a config file(s) that are stored in /config/ini/<filename>.ini and lots of vendor modules in the vendor directory. Would it be possible to package the ini files with the vendor packages so upon installation they are written to the correct directory?
Ideally I need to be able to achieve this because i have an Authentication vendor module that will need to be installed in various different applications. Being able to do this will mean that the private key and other shared configuration options can be stored with the vendor module (in a private repo ofc).
Thanks Mike
Yes, you can. You need to create a script which is attached to post-install-cmd or post-update-cmd. That script will look in the package directories, select the issues and dump them in the correct dir.
It'll be somewhere around these lines:
use Composer\Script\CommandEvent;
class ScriptHandler
public function bundleConfigs(CommandEvent $event)
$homeDir = $event->getComposer()->getConfig()->get('home');
$vendorDir = $event->getComposer()->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir');
$files = glob($vendorDir, '/*Module/config/*.ini');
foreach ($files as $file) {
copy($file, $homeDir.'/config/ini/'.basename($file));

Changing cache_dir and log_dir with Symfony2

Because of deployment constraints, I would like to have the log and cache directories used by my Symfony2 application somewhere under /var/... in my file system. For this reason, I am looking for a way to configure Symfony and to override the default location for these two directories.
I have seen the kernel.cache_dir and kernel.log_dir and read the class Kernel.php. From what I have seen, I don't think that it is possible to change the dir locations by configuration and I would have to patch the Kernel.php class.
Is that true, or is there a way to achieve what I want without modifying the framework code?
Add the following methods to app/AppKernel.php (AppKernel extends Kernel) making them return your preferred paths:
public function getCacheDir()
return $this->rootDir . '/my_cache/' . $this->environment;
public function getLogDir()
return $this->rootDir . '/my_logs';
I was happy to find your post, but I was a little bit confused of the unhelping answers.
I got the same problem and found out that the logs are depending on the config parameter
So I just added it to my config.yml parameters:
kernel.logs_dir: /var/log/symfonyLogs
I hope it will helpfull for you even, if its a late answer.
i think the easiest way is to link the folder to another place. We have made this on the prod server but when you develop local perhaps on windows its a bit complicated to set the symlinks.
ln -s /var/cache/ /var/www/project/app/cache
something like this.
I would like to offer an alternative and that is to set environment variables to change these directories. This way it's easier to set depending on the stage. (testing, production or development)
export SYMFONY__KERNEL__CACHE_DIR "/your/directory/cache"
export SYMFONY__KERNEL__LOGS_DIR "/your/directory/logs"
Environment variables can also be set in the virtual host with SetEnv.
When reading kernel parameters symfony will look for all the $_SERVER variables that start with SYMFONY__, strip the first part and convert all the double underscores into a .
Source code
See line 568 to 608
In symfony you can override the cache (and logs) directory by extending the method in AppKernel.
// app/appKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
// ...
public function getCacheDir()
return $this->rootDir.'/'.$this->environment.'/cache';
Check out http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/configuration/override_dir_structure.html#override-cache-dir
I used the configuration solution from Dragnic but I put the paths in the parameters.yml file because this file is ignored by git. in other words, it's not synchronized from my PC to the git repository so there is no impact in the prod environment.
# app/config/parameters.yml
database_driver: pdo_mysql
kernel.cache_dir: "T:/project/cache"
kernel.logs_dir: "T:/project/logs"
Configuration: Windows7, WAMP 2.4 and Symfony 2.3.20.
But you have to know that:
Overwriting the kernel.cache_dir parameter from your config file is a very bad idea, and not a supported way to change the cache folder in Symfony.
It breaks things because you would now have different cache folders for the kernel Kernel::getCacheDir() and for the parameter.
Source: https://github.com/symfony/AsseticBundle/issues/370
So you should use it only in dev environment and if you don't want to change the content of the app/AppKernel.php file, otherwise see the other answers.
No accepted answer, and a really old question, but IĀ found it with google, so I post here a more recent way to change the cache directory, and the logs directory, (source here)
remember, short syntax for arrays require php 5.4
you can select the env to modify, and manage different cache and logs directories if you want
public function getCacheDir()
if (in_array($this->environment, ['prod', 'test'])) {
return '/tmp/cache/' . $this->environment;
return parent::getCacheDir();
public function getLogDir()
if (in_array($this->environment, ['prod', 'test'])) {
return '/var/log/symfony/logs';
return parent::getLogDir();

How do you set the upload path for the Codeigniter upload library on a local machine?

I have the following path set as the upload_path for Upload library included with Codeigniter.
$this->upload_config['upload_path'] = './uploads/working/';
This path works fine on the remote server. However, when I'm debugging locally, it fails.
I have permissions set so the directory is writeable.
I added logging to the upload library and found that it is failing this check in the library:
! #is_dir($this->upload_path)
My development machine is a MacBook Pro running 10.6.2. I'm using MAMP Pro. My directory structure looks like:
- css
- images
- index.php
- js
- uploads
- large
- normal
- small
- working
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
When uploads folder is inside /application/ you can use:
$this->upload_config['upload_path'] = APPPATH . 'uploads/working/';
But for this structure, hardcode an absolute path or use:
$this->upload_config['upload_path'] = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)). '/uploads/working/';
Notice that APPPATH contains a trailing slash but realpath will strip the trailing slash.
When all else fails, use absolute paths.

including files without having to specify $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']

Before the PHP Version update I used to be able to include files as following without specifying the document root:
<?php include '/absolute/path/to/files/file1.php'; ?>
However I now have to include the same file as following:
<?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/absolute/path/to/files/file1.php'; ?>
What php.ini setting could have overridden the former behaviour?
You need the php.ini directive include_path
See: http://us.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.include-path
Including an absolute path should be working the same way straight through PHP 5.2.9 (haven't tried 5.3, but this shouldn't change). Since you're specifying an absolute path, the include_path directive has no bearing.
Can you provide some more information? What PHP version, platform, and the error you get back from include would be a great start.
Linux: RHEL 5 PHP: Version PHP 5.2.9 Error Messages I get are: PHP Warning: require(/conf/common.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/tell-a-friend-fns.php on line 63 PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/conf/common.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/lib/php:/tmp') in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/tell-a-friend-fns.php on line 63
Okay, it looks like your application is living in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN, and you're looking for /conf/common.php, right? I don't know if your file is actually in /conf/ or if it's in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/conf/ (I assume the latter, with the information given). If it's in /conf/, then make sure that your Web server user can read that directory. If not, change your include to /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/conf/common.php.
Better yet, you might be able to do include '../conf/common.php, depending on where common.php lives in relation to your main script for the requested page.
Remember that any path given with a leading "/" is absolute in relation to the file system, not the Web server document root. Any path given without a "/" is assumed to be a relative path, relative to your executing script (not the current file). My guess is that prepending $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] to your path is changing the absolute path to a relative path. I have no idea why an absolute path would act as a relative path pre-upgrade, unless you were operating in a jailed environment (common with virtual hosts) which got removed during the upgrade.
I always use something like:
require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../subdir/somefile.php' );
It gives you a relative path from the current file, but resolves to an absolute path (by using dirname on the current file).
