loop control with digital_ocean ansible module - ansible

Thanks to other stackoverflow users, I have managed to pull some data out of a variable registered by the digital_ocean ansible module. I attempted to use loop_control to print only part of the huge variable that is registered. Here is an extract from the role:
- name: Add droplet
digital_ocean: >
{ some parameters }
with_dict: "{{ droplets_up }}"
register: my_droplet
- debug: msg="Droplet IP is {{ item.droplet.ip_address }}"
with_items: "{{ my_droplet.results }}"
label: "{{ item }}"
I'm obviously doing it wrong here, as it prints the whole variable as well as the debug message. I don't quite understand loop_control at this point, but does anyone know if it's possible to use it in this manner with this module?

debug action has result['_ansible_verbose_always'] = True, so it will always print full item, no matter what your label is (although label: "{{item}}" doesn't change anything, try label: "{{ item.droplet.ip_address }}").
If you just need to list all your IP addresses, use map filter and single debug statement:
- name: Print droplets IP
msg: "{{ my_droplet.results | map(attribute='droplet.ip_address') | list }}"


Ansible task with switching variables

I'm trying to create ansible playbook that will use variables if they are defined without using "while:" and manually typing the undefined variables & duplicating tasks.
For example I have the below variables:
- 1:
state: present
address_type: ipv4
- 2:
state: present
jump: true
hold_true: yes
- 3:
state: present
address_type: ipv4
is_enabled: true
dhcp: none
I want to have a single task that will use the above variables on a specific module.
example of a task: (notice the with_dict)
- name: task name here
**This here will include the code for adding the variables form vars**
**So for example, for 1st dict it will include state, address_type and ip**
**for 2nd dict it will include variables state,jump,ip,hold_true**
**example: state: "{{ item.value.state }}"
with_dict: "{{ service_List }}"
Please help with missing code inside the task
It depends on the some_module use case. In particular, whether the parameters are required or not. And, if required, whether there is a default value or not. There are three options if a parameter is missing in the dictionary
The parameter is not required. Use default(omit)
The parameter is required. Use default(defaul_value_of_this_param)
The parameter is required but there is no default. The module will crash.
For example,
- name: task name here
state: "{{ item.value.state }}"
address_type: "{{ item.value.address_type|default('ipv4') }}"
ip: "{{ item.value.ip|default(omit) }}"
jump: "{{ item.value.jump|default(False) }}"
hold_true: "{{ item.value.hold_true|default(omit) }}"
with_dict: "{{ service_List }}"
In addition to this, you can use Module defaults.

Ansible when conditional with variable and item

I'm having hard time trying to figure it out what I'm doing wrong with my Ansible playbook.
I've got a bunch of tasks, which define or not some variables according to context, depending of the result, some task will be ignored or not.
For this specific case, I check if a VlanID already exists, if it doesn't then I create one, and retrieve the new VlanID from the result.
Here is the playbook :
#Tasks for portGroup_add
- name: Get all portgroups in dvswitch vDS
hostname: "{{ vcenter_server }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
dvswitch: "{{ vcenter_dvSwitch }}"
validate_certs: False
register: portGroup_infos
when: (OLD_VLANID is not defined) or (OLD_VLANID|length < 1)
#Get last VLAN ID for HDS client, and set VLANID + 1
- name: get portGroup_infos
VLANID: "{{ item.vlan_id }}"
with_items: "{{ portGroup_infos.dvs_portgroups}}"
- (portGroup_infos is defined) and (portGroup_infos|length > 0)
- item.name | regex_search("\(HDS :\s*")
While everything is working pretty well for most of the tasks, this one fires the following error :
The conditional check 'item.name | regex_search("\(HDS :\s*")' failed.
The error was: error while evaluating conditional (item.name | regex_search("\(HDS :\s*")): 'item' is undefined
Which is pretty obvious, because the dict portGroup_infos, is not defined.
In order to get the new VlanID, I'm using a "when" conditionnal , which check if in the item, the value "(HDS :" , is present.
But I don't want the task to launch if the portGroup_infos variable defined above is not set, I though I'd should use nested "when", but can't succeed.
Ansible version : 2.10.7
python version : 3.7.3
Thank you for your help.
Put both tasks into a block, e.g.
- block:
- name: Get all portgroups in dvswitch vDS
- name: get portGroup_infos
when: OLD_VLANID|default('')|length == 0

how can i loop over a variable that might have single value?

I'm writing a playbook and want to loop a role over a variable that gets its value from the user. however that value might not always be a list of items, it might be a single value and whenever that happens it throws an error.
My Task:
- name: task name
include role:
name: role name
cluster_name: '{{ item }}'
loop: "{{ list_or_not }}"
loop_var: item
...Invalid data passed to 'loop', it requires a list...
Have you tried the: "| list" filter?
Sorry cannot test at the moment.
You could test if the variable is a string, and if so, transform it into a single-item list. Something like this:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- set_fact:
list_or_not: ["{{ list_or_not }}"]
when: list_or_not is string
- debug:
msg: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ list_or_not }}"

Ansible: Access facts set by set_fact

I need to be able to set variables using tasks in Ansible. I use set_fact for this, but cannot seem to access the fact I set with this. What is wrong with the code below:
- name: kludge1
set_fact: fake_y = "{{ [] }}"
- name: Loop
msg: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ fake_y }}"
You have spaces before and after =...
- name: kludge1
set_fact: fake_y="{{ [] }}"
Avoid var= shortcut syntax. Use original YAML syntax instead, it gives less errors:
- name: kludge1
fake_y: "{{ [] }}"

Ansible script is executing but loop is failing

I am trying to write a script (adduser.yml) to create users in a linux machine which imports users list from userlist.csv file. When I executed adduser.yml, the loop failed creating only 1st user. Can someone help me understand what mistake I am doing and how to correct it?
## executed but until loop failed; check
- hosts:
count: "{{COUNT}}"
x: "1"
uname: "{{ lookup('csvfile', '{{x}} file=userlist.csv delimiter=, col=1') }}"
password: "{{ lookup('csvfile', '{{x}} file=userlist.csv delimiter=, col=2') }}"
sudo: "{{ lookup('csvfile', '{{x}} file=userlist.csv delimiter=, col=3') }}"
name: "user add"
- user:
x: "x+=1"
name: "{{ uname }}"
password: "{{ password }}"
state: present
register: x
until: "{{x > count}}"
name: "add to sudoers"
when: sudo == "yes"
dest: /etc/sudoers
There are quite some things that will not work as you expected them. First thing, your loop is defined for your first task. That means only the user task will be repeated. Neither the sudo task nor the vars definition at the top will be looped. But don't try to re-define your loop, this is not going to work with vars.
Ansible has no build-in way to read vars from a csv file other than the csv lookup which will read exactly one line. But as said, you can not combine that with a loop.
I see two options you have:
Do not use csv. Ansible is mostly bound to yaml. If you'd had a yaml definition of your users, you simply could use the include_vars module to load these vars.
If you are bound to csv, you could try to use this includecsv module. (I have no experience with it and can not tell if it actually works)
Now, let's assume you have loaded your users into a list either from yaml or from csv with mentioned module. Then you'd simply loop with with_items:
- name: "user add"
name: "{{ item['uname'] }}"
password: "{{ item['password'] }}"
state: present
with_items: users_you_loaded
- name: "add to sudoers"
when: "{{ item['sudo'] }} == 'yes'"
with_items: users_you_loaded
