Search a project in SonarQube based on the github Uri - sonarqube

I would like to search for a project's line coverage using the SonarQube Web API.
The entrypoint to my search is the github repository uri.
So something like this:
Currently, I am cutting out the repo name and try to find the project using /api/projects/index?search=my-project - assuming that the github repo name should be contained in the sonarqube project name.
I pick up the project key from the response and use it with /api/measures/component to retrieve the overall_line_coverage.
We are using the SonarQube gradle plugin to create the SonarQube project. We also set the sonar.branch property. So we end up with project keys like <groupId>:<artifactId>:<sonar.branch>.
Is there a better/more robust way to do this search - especially I would like to add the sonar.branch to the query the narrow down the search result.

go to your project homepage to get the project key OR use the internal (made public in 6.3) WS api/components/search with the q parameter
use the WS api/measures/component to retrieve your project measure


SonarQube API search issues with componentKeys by directory

In the SonarQube docs it says that componentKeys can be the following:
Comma-separated list of component keys. Retrieve issues associated to a specific list of components (and all its descendants). A component can be a portfolio, project, module, directory or file.
I want to get all the issues from components of a specific directory. I have tried to use the * wildcard like this:
This doesn't seem to work, how can you search issues by a directory?
You can pass your projectKey name as ComponentKeys and pull all the issues from the project.

SonarQube - Configure Pull Request decoration with parameters

I'm using SonarQube 8.1 (Developer Edition) and Jenkins to analyse Maven projects which source code is hosted on Bitbucket.
I'm using the "Pull Request Decoration" functionality and it's working well. However, to configure this functionality, I had to set these parameters manually (through the GUI, in project page : Administration > General Settings > Pull Request Decoration) :
Configuration name
Project key
Repository SLUG
Is it possible to set these parameters through command line (e.g in mvn command, I'd expect something like mvn clean -Psonar $SONAR_MAVEN_GOAL -Dsonar.pullrequest.decoration.configurationname=<my-conf-name> -Dsonar.pullrequest.decoration.projectkey=<my-project-key> -Dsonar.pullrequest.decoration.repositoryslug=<my-repository-slug>) or throught REST API ?
Get an answer here :
No, this is not possible to define this from the scanner. Thoses are
project-level parameters, they won’t change from one analysis to the
next one, so better not pollute your scanner with static parameters.
You can indeed define them with the rest API. Have a look at the
api/alm_settings/set_bitbucket_binding entry in your web api

Jenkins project version in Nexus Repository Manager Publisher plugin

This is my current working setup:
I want to automate these variables:
Is there a way to automate the version number in this build step? E.g. extract it from the root pom.xml?
I already tried putting ${project.version} inside the version field, but that didn't work either. Which placeholder am I required to use here, as the field is a required value and cannot be left empty?
Write ${POM_VERSION} instead of 1.0.0
You can also use ${POM_GROUPID} and ${POM_ARTIFACTID} for the group and for the id of the project.

How to get a list of active branches for a project using TeamCity REST API?

I am trying to find a list of all branches for a given project. Is it possible to get this information through Teamcity REST API? I found a different answer showing how to get a list of branches for a given build configuration:
Can you use the team city rest api to fetch plan branch names?
But this way I would have to run the query for all build configurations under given project.
However TeamCity has a concept of "active" branches on a given project. I am wondering if it is possible to fetch exactly that.
Actually, it is possible now.
Implemented for 2017.1 as an experimental features:
listing of the branches for a project (merged list of all project's build configuration's branches) via .../app/rest/projects/XXX/branches?locator=policy:XXX
additional branch node fields: "active", "lastActivity" timestamp, "builds" (with locator), available via "fields" parameter of the request
added "branches" into buildType node, available only via "fields" parameter of the request
I'm using exactly this url: http://TCSERVERADDRESS/app/rest/projects/PROJECTNAME/branches and it works good for me.
TeamCtiy REST API does not support showing active branches now. You are welcome to drop a feature request in the tracker

How does one get all the artifacts as a zip using TeamCity Rest API?

The Docs show this
for getting all of your artifacts as a zip file, but that isn't using the REST API. Is there a way in the REST API do do the same thing? The Docs seem to indicate that the repository links are only there for backwards compatibility.
You can use this URL, it works for me:
I use TeamCity 9.
From the documentation:
GET <TeamcityUrl>/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/<buildLocator>/artifacts/files/<artifact relative name>
If you download the artifacts from within a TeamCity build, consider using teamcity.auth.userId/teamcity.auth.password system properties as credentials for the download artifacts request: this way TeamCity will have a way to record that one build used artifacts of another and will display that on build's Dependencies tab.
have you tried this?
I'm not sure it's documented, but it works.
If you are using it from .NET you may use the following code:
List<string> downloadedFiles = new RemoteTc()
.Connect(a => a.ToHost("tc").AsGuest())
.DownloadArtifacts(123, #"C:\DownloadedArtifacts");
The above code uses FluentTc library
