How can I specify custom jar name in Gradle for PlayFramework application - gradle

With regards to the play framework plugin for gradle:
In the generated executable playBinary file that is created in build/stage/playBinary/bin/, there is a line that reads:
The last part, "src.jar" seems to be determined by the root directory that your assets were compiled in. For example if you ran gradle dist from a directory named "AProject", the classpath would instead be:
Is it possible to override this name in the :createPlayBinaryJar task so that I can set this to be deterministic and agnostic of where assets are compiled?


How to get the Gradle build directory in a Java annotation processor

I am writing a custom annotation processor in Java which needs to create a file.
It seems to me the best location for that file would be in a new folder inside the Gradle's $buildDir.
For a project without modules, the environment property "user.dir" seems to hold a value I could use.
However, that environment property changes if the project has modules and the gradlew build command is executed either from inside or outside a module.
What is the best approach to actually get in Java the Gradle build directory of the module in which the annotation processor is declared ?
I do not want to create that file in the "build/generated" folder (this is what processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile(..) does).
You should do it the other way around : choose a location and set it up in your build.gradle
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.annotationProcessorGeneratedSourcesDirectory = file("your/custom/path")

Is there a simple way to access project resource files from a gradle task?

I am working on a Gradle task for a java project. The task needs to read files from a subfolder of the project’s resources directory. I was expecting to find a standard way for Gradle to access project resources but have been unable to find one. Does Gradle provide simple way to find and import resource files? Maybe through a plugin?
If you mean the src/main/resources folder, then no. That is by convention used by the Java plugin to hold resources for the actual module and not the build classpath. But if you just want to read a file in it from a task, just use normal Java, Groovy or Kotlin APIs. You don't need a plugin for that.
Here is one for Groovy:
task printMyResource {
doLast {
(The file method resolves a path to a File object relative to the project folder.)

Where to put external config files in a Kotlin Gradle project?

I use a standard Maven/Gradle project structure putting source code under src/main/kotlin and automatically collected resources under src/main/resources:
- som_file.txt
This works fine to package my distribution with the distZip task and all resources end up in a jar which is then zipped into the following structure:
I am not sure where to put external config files in my Kotlin project (e.g. db.config) which the user could edit later. Is there a correct location for external config files in Gradle project?

Corda: Import a local javascript library into a node

I'm using the J2V8 library to run some javascript functions in the cordapp, but I'm having troubles to access the js files (or refer to them) during runtime, because when the project is built the js code is copied into the build/resources folder, not reachable from any running node (as far as I know).
I realized that I need to include the js source code into the corda.jar files, produced when I run gradle deployNodes.
I tried to add the following to the build.gradle file:
jar {
baseName = 'something'
from('src/main/resources/js_library') {
include '*.js'
but it doesn't solve my problem. Do I need to extend some tasks in the net.corda.plugins in some way? Or is there a way to access the build/resource folder once the cordapp is running?
The corda.jar is the node JAR that your applications are intended to run on/against and it isn't intended to be modified for apps.
Your own CorDapp JAR should be generated automatically by the "jar" task if you're applying the correct gradle plugin (cordformation for V1, cordapp for later versions). This JAR will be on the classpath and contain all of the files in your resources directory. For example "src/main/resources/js_library" will be available in the root of the CorDapp JAR and can be accessed directly during runtime from the classloader of any of the classes in your CorDapp. See the answer here to learn how to access files within a JAR.

How do I prevent Gradle from building a non-project directory?

In the Gradle samples (included with version 2.2.1) there is a java/multiproject project.
The settings.gradle file defines the following projects:
include "shared", "api", "services:webservice", "services:shared"
Note that services is not itself a project, merely a directory which contains the webservice and shared projects.
When I run the command gradle build from the root directory, I notice that after gradle successfully builds it creates inside the /services directory a /build directory containing /lib and a /tmp directories.
Inside of /services/build/lib is a jar: services-1.0.jar which contains very little; specifically just a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file containing:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
provider: gradle
So what is causing Gradle to build a jar for this non-project? And how can I prevent this behavior in my similarly structured multiproject project?
/services isn't a project, I don't want to create anything inside /build folder at all. Yes I could just delete it, but I would like to avoid the unnecessary work of building this jar/running any tasks on this non-project in the first place.
To be honest I've no reasonable idea why gradle builds this folder. I guess that because it's a kind of a transient folder. However it can be excluded by adding the following piece of code to main build.gradle script:
project(':services').jar { onlyIf { false } }
Desired effect (services.jar elimination) can be also obtained with the following settings.gradle content:
include "shared", "api", "services/webservice", "services/shared"
File instead of project paths are included.
My guess would be that this is a combination of the next 2 gradle rules:
When you're including subprojects in the build.settings file using the include keyword according to Gradle Documentation here:
the inclusion of the path 'services:hotels:api' will result in
creating 3 projects: 'services', 'services:hotels' and
In simple words, this means that the inclusion of services::webservice will also build the services project
The bulid.gradle file in your root that applies the 'java' plugin. According to Gradle Documentation here every configuration defined in the root.gradle takes effect for all sub projects. This means that it will also hold as the default configuration for the services project. As the 'java' plugin was applied a jar will be created, but as there is no src/main folder under the services directory nothing will be compiled and the jar will include only a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file.
