Laravel blade compare two date - laravel

I would like to compare 2 dates. So I create a condition like this in my template blade:
#if(\Carbon\Carbon::parse($contrat->date_facturation)->format('d/m/Y') < $dateNow)
<td class="danger">
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($contrat->date_facturation)->format('d/m/Y') }}
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($contrat->date_facturation)->format('d/m/Y') }}
My variable $dateNow has the same format on my value in $contract->date_facturation
It add a red background on the date 25/02/2018 while the date is not less than the variable $contract->date_facturation
Do you have any idea of ​​the problem?
Thank you

The problem is that you are trying to compare two date strings. PHP don't know how to compare date strings.
Carbon::format() returns a string. You shoud convert your dates to a Carbon object (using parse) and use Carbon's comparison methods, as described on Carbon Docs (Comparison).
For your example, you should do:
// Note that for this work, $dateNow MUST be a carbon instance.
<td class="danger">
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($contrat->date_facturation)->format('d/m/Y') }}
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($contrat->date_facturation)->format('d/m/Y') }}
Also your code looks repetitive, and assuming that $dateNow is a variable with current date, you can use Carbon::isPast() method, so rewriting your code, it becomes:
#php($date_facturation = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($contrat->date_facturation))
#if ($date_facturation->isPast())
<td class="danger">
{{ $date_facturation->format('d/m/Y') }}
This makes your code less repetitive and faster, since you parse the date once, instead of twice.
Also if you want your code better, use Eloquent's Date Mutators, so you won't need to parse dates everytime that you need on your views.

You can parse both dates, change your code to:
<td class="{{ Carbon\Carbon::parse($contrat->date_facturation) < Carbon\Carbon::parse($dateNow) ? 'danger' : '' }}">
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($contrat->date_facturation)->format('d/m/Y') }}
Alternatively, you can use the date mutators. In this case you'll not need to parse dates.

Compare date in blade template
I used this method of Carbon:
#foreach($earnings as $data)
#if($data->created_at == Carbon\Carbon::today())
<tr class="alert alert-success">
More Details


How to write if else statement in laravel 8

See I can write some code in PHP I want to write the same code in laravel-8 how can I?
My PHP code
if($Runs>0 and $Balls==0){
echo $Runs*100;
}elseif($Balls>0 and $Runs==0){
echo $Balls*$Runs;
}elseif($Balls==0 and $Runs==0){
echo $Balls*$Runs;
elseif($Runs>0 and $Balls>=0){
echo $Runs/$Balls*100;
I want to write this same code in laravel-8
This is what I can do
{{ $value->runs/$value->balls*100 }}
I can't write if else condition there How can I?
You can use as like below.
#if($Runs>0 and $Balls==0)
{{ $Runs*100 }}
#elseif ($Balls>0 and $Runs==0)
{{ $Balls*$Runs }}
your else code
You can check all blade template condition in document to

Level 7 display relationship data in blade using one to many

whats wrong why in blade don't want to show the LEVEL name
return view('streams.index',compact('streams'));
Stream Model:
public function level()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Level', 'level_id');
Level Model:
public function stream()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Stream', 'level_id');
Blade Index:
#foreach($streams as $stream)
<th scope="row">#</th>
Also tried:
#foreach($streams as $stream)
<th scope="row">#</th>
#foreach($stream as $level)
Trying to get property 'name' of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\project\sms\resources\views\streams\index.blade.php)
DD result:
[{"id":3,"name":"Class A","code":"GRC0001A","uuid":"X9HG9zc7ceTlhdfF1fN1wAer1cHP1MhfuM7GHBSqNogYSo3bsGmpTl06iJQyyKp3QMrkHe1VyiTxeKFa49wC7W5BY3E3kFZkpF1D","level_id":1,"created_at":"2020-06-14T10:58:28.000000Z","updated_at":"2020-06-14T11:39:54.000000Z","level":{"id":1,"name":"YEAR 7","code":"CODE1","uuid":"X9HG9zc7ceTlhdfF1fN1wAer1cHP1MhfuM7GHBSqNogYSo3bsGmpTl06iJQyyKp3QMrkHe1VyiTxeKFa49wC7W5BY3E3kFZkpF1D","created_at":"-000001-11-30T00:00:00.000000Z","updated_at":"-000001-11-30T00:00:00.000000Z"}},{"id":4,"name":"Class B","code":"GRC0001A","uuid":"gq2kZZikN76XEa4pQWsyAZBMxjKeHBJt0a840ZMSiuHGztuhYT0G6q5WcGgp8z6BD6nx0WSrrOTvEb4iQ0ewyB9Fa1M54CAv8HS2","level_id":null,"created_at":"2020-06-14T10:58:36.000000Z","updated_at":"2020-06-14T11:39:59.000000Z","level":null}]
Your first Blade template is almost correct.
The issue is that one or more of your records has no Level assigned (level_id=null), but you're still trying to pull the name property from $stream->level, which is null.
Simply add a check for $stream->level before trying to access/print its properties. For example:
{{ $stream->level->name }}
{{ $stream->level ? $stream->level->name : 'No Level Attached' }}
{{ optional($stream->level)->name }}

Change the status automatically after the add of a revision

I have 2 forms, the first is the form motorbikes with 3 fields (matriculation, number_motorbike, status).
Then, we have the form revisions with 4 fields (date_revision_start, date_revision_end, garage, fk_motorbike)
Here in the form motorbikes the status of the number motorbike must to be automatically unavailable.
I must to work on which controller to automate the availability status of the motorbike?
Edit: 09 / 07 / 2018
Controller Motorbike
public function store(Request $request)
$bikeIdsDown = Revision::where('date_revision_start', "<", Carbon::now())->where('date_revision_end', ">", Carbon::now())->pluck('id')->toArray();
return view('motorbikes.index', compact('motorbikes', 'bikeIdsDown'));
#foreach($motorbikes as $bike)
<td>{{ $bike->martriculation }}</td>
<td>{{ $bike->number_motorbike }}</td>
#if(in_array($bike->id, $bikeIdsDown))
<form action="{{ route('motorbikes.destroy', $motorbike->id) }}" method="post">
{{ csrf_field() }}
{{ method_field('DELETE') }}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger">Supprimer</button>
To show the list of motorbikes that are unavailable, you would need to work on your Motorbike Controller. Specifically, the edit() method if you are making changes to the status manually, the create() method if you are making a new motorbike, or most likely, the show() method to just display that table you have above where it shows if they are available or not.
Now... to get the part where it displays if the bike is unavailable... I assume it is unavailable when it is down for repair (revision). Since I don't know what your relations are, we can figure this out using a simple pull from all revisions to see which bikes should be down currently. So, in one of those methods I noted above (or all of them), first let's see which bikes are down for revision, during the current time:
$bikeIdsDown = Revision::where('date_revision_start', "<" Carbon::now())->where('date_revision_end', ">", Carbon::now())->pluck('id')->toArray();
Not the most efficient, but simplest to follow hopefully.
Now that we have these unavailable motorbike ids, if we compact them and send them through to the blade page, we can determine whether to write 'available or 'unavailable' in the motorbike field. So, as you are looping through the motorbikes on the blade page, maybe something like this:
#foreach($motorbikes as $bike)
{{$bike->martriculation }} // <-- these might all be in <td> or something
#if(in_array($bike->id, $bikeIdsDown))
Hopefully this will give you the idea.

checking variable is null in laravel blade file

I have the variable $material_details->pricing=null I want to check the variable is set in laravel blade file.I have tried as
<td>price is not null</td>
but no luck .How to check the variable is set or not in laravel 5.3 blade file.
You can use either Null Coalescing or Elvis Operator
Null Coalescing Operator
{{ $material_details ?? 'second value' }} //object
{{ $material_details->property ?? 'second value' }} //Object Property
Elvis Operator (checks given value is empty or null)
{{ $material_details ?: 'default value' }} //Object
{{ $material_details->property ?: 'default value' }} //Object Property
Read on Elvis and Null coalescing operator.
Null coalescing operator:
Try following code.
// whatever you need to do here
Try this
<td>NOT NULL</td>
Or this
<td>NOT NULL</td>
Your code will only print data if the variable hold, some value.
Try something like following :
<td>price is not null</td>
You can do it by using laravel ternary operator as like below
{!! !empty($material_details->pricing) ? '<tr><td>price is not null</td></tr>' : '<tr><td>Empty</td</tr>' !!}
You can also use '#isset()' balde directive :
// $records is defined and is not null...
// $records is "empty"...
Please try this
#if($material_details->pricing != null)
<td>price is not null</td>
If are able to access your variable through {{ $material_details['pricing'] }} inside your blade file,
then this will work to check and append value:
{{ ($material_details['pricing'] == "null") ? "null value" : $material_details['pricing'] }}
To check and append elements :
#if($material_details['pricing'] != "null")
<td>price is not null</td>
You can simply use Laravel isEmpty() by chaining it to your collection on blade.
// Not Empty
More info on Laravel API website here.

Data printed twice in first iteration

I'm using laravel blade. I try to print array of data as a column in a table. then, I put a conditional expression inside the loop to avoid printing the same value in the same column. After that my data printed twice in the first iteration.Here is the code
{{ $prevKomponen = null }}
{{ $prevKegiatan = null }}
#foreach($data as $key => $value)
#if ($prevKomponen != $value['komponen'])
<td>{{ $value['komponen'] }}***</td>
{{ $prevKomponen = $value['komponen'] }}
And here is the result. Data in column 1 is also printed in column 2
Any help to address this problem ?
This must be caused by It says
"You may display data passed to your Blade views by wrapping the variable in curly braces".
So, when you hit these line:
{{ $prevKomponen = $value['komponen'] }}
It will display as output.
But, if you want to ignore it, you can add '#' symbol, just like this:
#{{ $prevKomponen = $value['komponen'] }}
'#' symbol to inform the Blade rendering engine an expression should remain untouched. Hopefully this will help you.
you have missing a td, try this snipet in your if condition
#if ($prevKomponen != $value['komponen'])
<td>{{ $value['komponen'] }}***</td>
<td>{{ $prevKomponen = $value['komponen'] }}</td>
