How is the | symbol read in Elm? - syntax

Consider the following example code:
-- Update the fields of a record. (It must have the fields already.)
{ person |
name = "George" }
-- Update multiple fields at once, using the current values.
{ particle |
position = particle.position + particle.velocity,
velocity = particle.velocity + particle.acceleration }
Source: Learn Elm in X Minutes
How is one supposed to read | in this example, and in Elm generally?
I'm familiar with it in set-builder notation as "where" / "such that", and in list comprehensions in Haskell it has a very similar purpose, e.g.
[ x*2 | x <- [1..10] ]
is logically equivalent to
source: Learn You A Haskell
(Obviously I'm also familiar with its use as the unary "or" operator in C-like languages)
What about something like type Msg = Increment | Decrement ?
Or, in this example when discussing Union Types:
type Boolean
= T
| F
| Not Boolean
| And Boolean Boolean
| Or Boolean Boolean

In types I read it as 'or'. In the counter example:
type Msg = Increment | Decrement
I would read it as "a Msg is Increment or Decrement". In a slightly more complex but still common example of the Result type:
type Result error value
= Ok value
| Err error
I would read "a Result is either Ok with a value or Err with an error".
In the example you give of the record update syntax, I would read it as 'with' rather than 'where'. For example:
{ person | name = "George" }
is "the person value with its name field set to "George"" (rather than "where the name = 'George'" which seems to imply that you're filtering based on what values are in person). This one is I think more ambiguous than the type case though.


How to convert global enum values to string in Godot?

The "GlobalScope" class defines many fundamental enums like the Error enum.
I'm trying to produce meaningful logs when an error occurs. However printing a value of type Error only prints the integer, which is not very helpful.
The Godot documentation on enums indicates that looking up the value should work in a dictionary like fashion. However, trying to access Error[error_value] errors with:
The identifier "Error" isn't declared in the current scope.
How can I convert such enum values to string?
In the documentation you referenced, it explains that enums basically just create a bunch of constants:
# Is the same as:
const TILE_BRICK = 0
const TILE_FLOOR = 1
const TILE_SPIKE = 2
However, the names of the identifiers of these constants only exist to make it easier for humans to read the code. They are replaced on runtime with something the machine can use, and are inaccessible later. If I want to print an identifier's name, I have to do so manually:
# Manually print TILE_FLOOR's name as a string, then its value.
print("The value of TILE_FLOOR is ", TILE_FLOOR)
So if your goal is to have descriptive error output, you should do so in a similar way, perhaps like so:
if unexpected_bug_found:
# Manually print the error description, then actually return the value.
print("ERR_BUG: There was a unexpected bug!")
return ERR_BUG
Now the relationship with dictionaries is that dictionaries can be made to act like enumerations, not the other way around. Enumerations are limited to be a list of identifiers with integer assignments, which dictionaries can do too. But they can also do other cool things, like have identifiers that are strings, which I believe you may have been thinking of:
const MyDict = {
'STRING_KEY' : 1, # uses a colon instead of equals sign
func _ready():
print("MyDict.NORMAL_KEY is ", MyDict.NORMAL_KEY) # valid
print("MyDict.STRING_KEY is ", MyDict.STRING_KEY) # valid
print("MyDict[NORMAL_KEY] is ", MyDict[NORMAL_KEY]) # INVALID
print("MyDict['STRING_KEY'] is ", MyDict['STRING_KEY']) # valid
# Dictionary['KEY'] only works if the key is a string.
This is useful in its own way, but even in this scenario, we assume to already have the string matching the identifier name explicitly in hand, meaning we may as well print that string manually as in the first example.
The naive approach I done for me, in a Singleton (in fact in a file that contain a lot of static funcs, referenced by a class_name)
static func get_error(global_error_constant:int) -> String:
var info := Engine.get_version_info()
var version := "%s.%s" % [info.major, info.minor]
match version:
return default[global_error_constant]
# Regexp to use on #GlobalScope documentation
# \s+=\s+.+ replace by nothing
# (\w+)\s+ replace by "$1", (with quotes and comma)
printerr("you must check and add %s version in get_error()" % version)
return default[global_error_constant]
So print(MyClass.get_error(err)), or assert(!err, MyClass.get_error(err)) is handy
For non globals I made this, though it was not your question, it is highly related.
It would be useful to be able to access to #GlobalScope and #GDScript, maybe due a memory cost ?
static func get_enum_flags(_class:String, _enum:String, flags:int) -> PoolStringArray:
var ret := PoolStringArray()
var enum_flags := ClassDB.class_get_enum_constants(_class, _enum)
for i in enum_flags.size():
if (1 << i) & flags:
return ret
static func get_constant_or_enum(_class:String, number:int, _enum:="") -> String:
if _enum:
return ClassDB.class_get_enum_constants(_class, _enum)[number]
return ClassDB.class_get_integer_constant_list(_class)[number]

Inline records in polymorphic variants?

The ocaml manual chapter 8 "language extensions" describes "inline records" (8.17):
The arguments of sum-type constructors can now be defined using the same syntax as records. Mutable and polymorphic fields are allowed. GADT syntax is supported. Attributes can be specified on individual fields. [...]
I am looking for that with polymorphic variants:
# type a = B of {x:int; mutable y:int} ;;
type a = B of { x : int; mutable y : int; }
# type b = `A of {u:int; mutable v:int} ;;
Line 1, characters 9-10:
Error: Syntax error
But that does not work, so right now I use an explicit auxiliary record type instead...
As I understand it now, this both takes more memory and is somewhat slower.
Can I get this cool feature with polymorphic variants, too?
In the cases of ordinary constructors, the compiler can use the type definition to distinguish between:
type t = A of int * int | B
let f = function
| A (_,y) -> y
| B -> 0
type 'a t = A of 'a | B
let f = function
| A (_,y) -> y
| B -> 0
Thus, it is possible to optimize the first
A (_,y) -> y
into "access the second field of the block` while still compiling the second case
A (_,y) -> y
to "access the tuple in the first field of the block, and then access the second field of the block".
For polymorphic variants, it is not possible to rely on the non-existing type definition to distinguish between those two solutions. Consequently, their memory representation must be uniform. This means that polymorphic variants always take one argument, and it is not really useful to label each argument of the constructor when there is only one argument.
This is why inline records cannot be combined with polymorphic variants.

What is the difference between literals and non-literals, other than the fact that non-literals go into the heap?

I am confused by the difference between literals and non-literals (the ones that go on the heap, I do not know what they are called). For example, taking the String type as an example:
We’ve already seen string literals, where a string value is hardcoded
into our program. String literals are convenient, but they aren’t
always suitable for every situation in which you want to use text. One
reason is that they’re immutable. ...
I do not understand the above, as we have already seen an example like this:
let mut a = "a"; // this is String literal here, so sitting on the stack
a = "b";
println!("a is being changed to...{}", a); // this is the same String literal sitting on the stack?
Clearly literals can be mutable in Rust. What is the difference between the two, other than the fact that literals go into the stack, while non-literals go into the heap?
I am trying to understand why I shouldn't just use mutable literals in my code, considering that the stack is faster than the heap.
// a is mutable literal
let mut a = "a";
a = "b";
// b is mutable 'non-literal'
let mut b = String::from("a");
b = String::from("b");
Clearly literals can be mutable in Rust
First, you need to understand what a literal is. Literals are never mutable because they are literally written in the source code and compiled into the final binary. Your program does not change your source code!
An example showing that you cannot modify a literal:
fn main() {
1 += 2;
error[E0067]: invalid left-hand side expression
--> src/
2 | 1 += 2;
| ^ invalid expression for left-hand side
On the other hand, a literal can be copied into a variable and then the variable can be changed, but we still are not mutating the literal 1:
fn main() {
let mut a = 1;
a += 2;
To be honest, I don't know what I would call a "non-literal". A literal is a specific type of expression, but there are other types of things in a program besides expressions. It's kind of like saying "cats" and "non-cats" — does that second group include dogs, mushrooms, sand, and/or emotions?
the fact that literals go into the stack, while non-literals go into the heap
Those two qualities aren't really directly related. It's pretty easy to have non-literals on the stack:
fn main() {
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = a + b;
All three variables are on the stack, but there is no literal 3 anywhere in the source code.
Right now, Rust doesn't allow for a literal value to have a heap-allocation, but that's a language-specific thing that might change over time. Other languages probably allow it.
In fact, you have to go out of your way in Rust to put something on the heap. Types like Box, Vec, and String all call functions to allocate space on the heap. The only way for your code to use heap memory is if you use these types, other types that use them, or types which allocate heap memory in some other way.
What is the reason we cannot use String literal data-type
There is no String literal — none. The source code "foo" creates a literal of type &'static str. These are drastically different types. Specifically, the Rust language can work in environments where there is no heap; no literal could assume that it's possible to allocate memory.
have to specifically use String::from()
String::from converts from &str to a String; they are two different types and a conversion must be performed.
Clearly, as per the example, in my code, both can be mutable
No, they cannot. It is impossible to start with let mut foo = "a" and modify that "a" to become anything else. You can change what that foo points to:
let mut foo = "a";
| |
| "a" |
| |
foo = "b";
+-------+ +---v---+
| | | |
| "a" | | "b" |
| | | |
+-------+ +-------+
Neither "a" nor "b" ever change, but what foo points to does.
This isn't specific to Rust. Java and C# strings are also immutable, for example, but you can reassign a variable to point to a different immutable string.
See also:
What does the word "literal" mean?
What's the difference in `mut` before a variable name and after the `:`?
What are the differences between Rust's `String` and `str`?

F# using match to validate parameters

I'm learning F#. I want to know best practices for validating input parameters. In my naivety I had thought I could do something like this:
let foo = match bar with
| <test for valid> -> bar
| _ -> "invalid"
of course that doesn't work due to mismatching types. So I'd like to see the patterns experienced F# programmers use for this sort of thing. match? If/then/else?
Something else?
You are having problems because you are trying to bind a value to something that could be two possible types depending upon program flow - that is incompatible with static typing.
If I have some value foo, it cannot be, for example, a string OR an int depending upon program flow; it must resolve to exactly one type at compile time.
You can, however, use a discriminated union that can represent several different options within a single type.
Here is a summary of the approaches for doing just that.
Result Type / Either
F# 4.1, which is currently available via nuget, introduces the Result type. You may find this type referred to as Either in other languages.
It is defined like this:
type Result<'T,'TError> =
/// Represents an OK or a Successful result. The code succeeded with a value of 'T.
| Ok of ResultValue:'T
/// Represents an Error or a Failure. The code failed with a value of 'TError representing what went wrong.
| Error of ErrorValue:'TError
If you are pre-F# 4.1 (which is very likely). You can define this type yourself, although you must remove the [<Struct>] attribute.
You can then make a tryParseFloat function:
let tryParseFloat str =
match System.Double.TryParse str with
| true, f -> Ok f
| _ -> Error <| sprintf "Supplied string (%s) is not a valid float" str
You can determine success or failure:
match tryParseFloat "0.0001" with
|Ok v -> // handle success
|Error err -> // handle error
In my opinion, this is the preferred option, especially in F# 4.1+ where the type is built in. This is because it allows you to include information relating to how and why some activity failed.
Option Type / Maybe
The option type contains either Some 'T or simply None. The option type is used to indicate the presence or absence of a value, None fills a role similar to null in other languages, albeit far more safely.
You may find this type referred to as Maybe in other languages.
let tryParseFloat str =
match System.Double.TryParse str with
| true, f -> Some f
| _ -> None
You can determine success or failure:
match tryParseFloat "0.0001" with
|Some value -> // handle success
|None -> // handle error
In both cases, you can readily compose options or results using the associated map and bind functions in the Option and Result modules respectively:
val map: mapping:('T -> 'U) -> option:'T option -> 'U option
val map : mapping:('T -> 'U) -> result:Result<'T, 'TError> -> Result<'U, 'TError>
The map function lets you take an ordinary function from 'a -> 'b and makes it operate on results or options.
Use case: combine a result with a function that will always succeed and return a new result.
tryParseFloat "0.001" |> (fun x -> x + 1.0);;
val it : Result<float,string> = Ok 1.001
val bind: binder:('T -> 'U option) -> option:'T option -> 'U option
val bind: binder:('T -> Result<'U, 'TError>) -> result:Result<'T, 'TError> -> Result<'U, 'TError>
The bind function lets you combine results or options with a function that takes an input and generates a result or option
Use case: combine a result with another function that may succeed or fail and return a new result.
let trySqrt x =
if x < 0.0 then Error "sqrt of negative number is imaginary"
else Ok (sqrt x)
tryParseFloat "0.001" |> Result.bind (fun x -> trySqrt x);;
val it : Result<float,string> = Ok 0.0316227766
tryParseFloat "-10.0" |> Result.bind (fun x -> trySqrt x);;
val it : Result<float,string> = Error "sqrt of negative number is imaginary"
tryParseFloat "Picard's Flute" |> Result.bind (fun x -> trySqrt x);;
val it : Result<float,string> =
Error "Supplied string (Picard's Flute) is not a valid float"
Notice that in both cases, we return a single result or option despite chaining multiple actions - that means that by following these patterns you need only check the result once, after all of your validation is complete.
This avoids a potential readability nightmare of nested if statements or match statements.
A good place to read more about this is the Railway Oriented Programming article that was mentioned to you previously.
Finally, you have the option of throwing exceptions as a way of preventing some value from validating. This is definitely not preferred if you expect it to occur but if the event is truly exceptional, this could be the best alternative.
The basic way of representing invalid states in F# is to use the option type, which has two possible values. None represents invalid state and Some(<v>) represents a valid value <v>.
So in your case, you could write something like:
let foo =
match bar with
| <test for valid> -> Some(bar)
| _ -> None
The match construct works well if <test for valid> is actual pattern (e.g. empty list or a specific invalid number or a null value), but if it is just a boolean expression, then it is probably better to write the condition using if:
let foo =
if <test for valid> bar then Some(bar)
else None
You could do something along this lines
type Bar =
| Bar of string
| Foo of int
let (|IsValidStr|_|) x = if x = Bar "bar" then Some x else None
let (|IsValidInt|_|) x = if x = Foo 0 then Some x else None
let foo (bar:Bar) =
match bar with
| IsValidStr x -> Some x
| IsValidInt x -> Some x
| _ -> None
That is you could use active patterns to check for the actual business rules and return an Option instance
Based on what the OP wrote in the comments:
You would define a type as in the post that Fyodor linked, that captures your two possible outcomes:
type Result<'TSuccess,'TFailure> =
| Success of 'TSuccess
| Failure of 'TFailure
Your validation code becomes:
let checkBool str =
match bool.TryParse str with
| true, b -> Success b
| _ -> Failure ("I can't parse this: " + str)
When using it, again use match:
let myInput = "NotABool"
match checkBool myInput with
| Success b -> printfn "I'm happy: %O" b
| Failure f -> printfn "Did not like because: %s" f
If you only would like to continue with valid bools, your code can only fail on invalid arguments, so you would do:
let myValidBool =
match checkBool myInput with
| Success b -> b
| Failure f -> failwithf "I did not like the args because: %s" f

Enums in F# for strings

I'm working on a legacy database with no systems to which I can modify. Because of type providers I decided to use F#. It's not so simple now that I'm into it. How do I structure a field in my DB that has only the following strings? It's sort of like an ENUM. I've tried the following but haven't quite gotten it.
Attempt 1
type SuspendedDriver = "SI"
type ActiveDriver = "IMPRESO"
type Applicant = "NO"
type TemporaryDriver = "TEMP"
type Uncertain = "NULL"
type DriverStatus =
| SuspendedDriver
| ActiveDriver
| Applicant
| TemporaryDriver
| Uncertain
type Driver = {
status : DriverStatus
Error FS0618: Invalid literal in type (FS0618) (ScriptTest)
Attempt 2
type DriverStatus =
| SuspendedDriver = "SI"
| ActiveDriver = "IMPRESO"
| Applicant = "NO"
| TemporaryDriver = "TEMP"
| Uncertain = "NULL"
Error FS0951: Literal enumerations must have type int, uint, int16,
uint16, int64, uint64, byte, sbyte or char (FS0951) (ScriptTest)
As mentioned in the comment, you cannot define an enum that has values erased to strings. Enums can only be integers (of various types).
Using enums in an ugly way
You could use the actual names of the enum fields and then parse them using Enum.Parse, but that's probably not good idea, because the enum cases would be fairly obscure codes. But just for the record, the following works:
type DriverStatus =
| SI = 0
System.Enum.Parse(typeof<DriverStatus>, "SI") :?> DriverStatus
Cleaner parsing into discriminated union
In practice, I would do what Sam recommends and write a function to parse the string from the database. This has the advantage that you'll need to figure out what to do with errors in the database (the value can always be something wrong):
type DriverStatus =
| SuspendedDriver
| ActiveDriver
let parseDriverStatus = function
| "SI" -> SuspendedDriver
| "IMPRESO" -> ActiveDriver
| code -> failwith (sprintf "Wrong driver code! %s" code)
Using the cool Enum SQL provider
Finally, if you happen to be using MS SQL database, then the SQL Command Provider project has a neat feature that lets you automatically import enum-like types from SQL database itself, which might actually be exactly what you need in this case.
