Big O Complexity of Algorithm - ruby

This method seeks to express num as a product of elements in arr.
For e.g method1(37,[1,3,5]) returns [2,0,7]
// arr is an array of divisors sorted in asc order, e.g. [1,3,5]
def method1(num, arr)
newArr =, 0)
count = arr.size - 1
while num > 0
div = arr[count]
if div <= num
arr[count] = num/div
num = num % div
count = count - 1
return newArr
Would really appreciate if you could give me some help to derive the complexity of the algorithm. Please also feel free to improve the efficiency of my algorithm

Here's a refactored version of your code :
def find_linear_combination(num, divisors)
results = do |divisor|
q, num = num.divmod(divisor)
results if num == 0
puts find_linear_combination(37, [5, 3, 1]) == [7, 0, 2]
puts find_linear_combination(37, [1, 3, 5]) == [37, 0, 0]
puts find_linear_combination(37, [5]).nil?
With n being the size of divisors, this algorithm clearly appears to be O(n). There's only one loop (map) and there's only one integer division inside the loop.
Note that the divisors should be written in descending order. If no linear combination is found, the method returns nil.
If you want to sort divisors, the algorithm would be O(n*log n). It could also be a good idea to append 1 if necessary (O(1)).

Here's what you can do:
def method1(num, arr)
newArr =, 0)
count = arr.size()-1
while num>0
div = arr[count]
if div <= num
arr[count] = num / div
num = num % div
count = count + 1
return arr
ar = { rand(1...10000) }
t1 =
method1(37, ar)
t2 =
tdelta = t2 - t1
print tdelta.to_f
Now double the array size:
ar = { rand(1...10) }
And double again:
ar = { rand(1...10) }
So an n doubles, the duration roughly triples. Since O(3n) == O(n), the
whole algorithm runs in O(n) time, where n represents the size of the input


Can someone explain the mathematics behind this solution

A question asks:
Take a sequence of numbers from 1 to n (where n > 0).
Within that sequence, there are two numbers, a and b.
The product of a and b should equal the sum of all numbers in the sequence excluding a and b.
Given a number n, could you tell me the numbers excluded from the sequence?
My plan was to get the sum of the range, then create an array using the combination enumerator to get all of the possible pairs of the range, then check if the product of the pair equals the sum of the range minus the sum of the pair. This solution worked, but took way too long:
def removNb(n)
arr = [*1..n]
sum = arr.inject(:+)
ab = []
[*(n/2)..n].combination(2).to_a.each do |pair|
if pair.inject(:*) == sum - pair.inject(:+)
ab << pair
ab << [pair[1],pair[0]]
Here is a solution that I found:
def removNb(n)
res = []
total = (n*n + n) / 2
range = (1..n)
(1..n).each do |a|
b = ((total - a) / (a * 1.0 + 1.0))
if b == b.to_i && b <= n
return res
but can't understand how it works. I understand the equation behind the total.
You could form a equation
a * b = (sum of sequence from 1 to n) - (a + b)
from this statement
the product of a and b should be equal to the sum of all numbers in
the sequence, excluding a and b
sum of sequence from 1 to n (denote as total) = n(n+1)/2 = (n*n + n) / 2
Reorder above equation, you get
b = (total - a) / (a + 1)
The remaining work is to test if there exist integer a and b matching this equation
The code returns an array of all pairs of numbers in the sequence that have the desired property. Let's step through it.
Initialize the array to be returned.
res = []
Compute the sum of the elements in the sequence. The sum of the elements of any arithmetic sequence equals the first element plus the last element, multiplied by the number of elements in the sequence, the product divided by 2. Here that is total = n*(1+n)/2, which can be expressed as
total = (n*n + n) / 2
range = (1..n) is unnecessary as range is not subsequently referenced.
Loop through the elements of the sequence
(1..n).each do |a|
For each value of a we seek another element of the sequence b such that
a*b = total - a - b
Solving for b:
b = (total - a)/ (a * 1.0 + 1.0)
If b is in the range, save the pair [a, b]
if b == b.to_i && b <= n
Return the array res
This method contains two errors:
If [a,b] is added to res, it will be added twice
[a,a] could be added to res (such as n=5, a=b=3)
I would write this as follows.
def remove_numbers(n)
total = n*(n+1)/2
(1..n-1).each_with_object([]) do |a,res|
next unless (total-a) % (a+1) == 0
b = (total-a)/(a+1)
res << [a,b] if (a+1..n).cover?(b)
For example,
remove_numbers 10
#=> [[6, 7]]
remove_numbers 1000
#=> []
Out of cursiosity:
(2..10_000).map { |x| [x, remove_numbers(x).size] }.max_by(&:last)
#=> [3482, 4]
remove_numbers 3482
#=> [[1770, 3423], [2023, 2995], [2353, 2575], [2460, 2463]]

increment an integer split in an array recursion

Imagine you have integers split into arrays like 100 -> [1, 0, 0]
How do you write a recursive function that increments the long integer. eg incr([9, 9]) -> [1, 0, 0]?
I know how to do it non recursively.
This is a sample implementation of #Mbo's algorithm in Python:
def addOne(a, ind, carry):
if ind<0:
if carry > 0:
a.insert(0, carry)
n = a[ind] + carry
a[ind] = n%10
carry = n/10
addOne(a, ind-1, carry)
n = int(raw_input("Enter a number: "))
a = []
if n == 0:
while n>0:
n = n/10
a = list(reversed(a))
print "Array", a
# performing addition operation
print "New Array", a
Note: I am sending 1 as the carry initially, because we want to add 1 to the number.
Sample Input/Output
Enter a number: 99
Array [9, 9]
New Array [1, 0, 0]
function Increment(A[], Index)
if Index < 0
A = Concatenation(1, A)
if (A[Index] < 9)
A[Index] = A[Index] + 1
A[Index] = 0
Increment(A, Index - 1)
Increment(A, A.Length - 1)
You might do with the following JS function, which is even a tail call optimized recursive one.
var arr = [7,8,9],
brr = [9,9,9];
function increment(a,r = []){
return a.length ? (a[a.length-1] + 1) % 10 ? (a[a.length-1]++,a.concat(r))
: increment(a.slice(0,a.length-1),r.concat(0))
: [1].concat(r);
Please keep in mind that for easy readability purposes i have used increment(a.slice(0,a.length-1),r.concat(0)) however best would be to do the job like increment(a.slice(0,a.length-1),(r.push(0),r)) which would boost the speed of incrementing a 10K 9 items array i.e. [9,9,...9] from ~1800msec to ~650msec. Also instead of [1].concat(r) you may choose use (r.unshift(1),r) which has a slight performance boost on FF (figures below 600msec) but may be not so in Chrome, yet more over you will not be creating a new array but pass a reference to r.

Combine and sort 2 arrays

This question was asked somewhere else, but I just wanted to check if what I did was applicable given the rspec circumstances:
Write a method that takes two sorted arrays and produces the sorted array that combines both.
Do not call sort anywhere.
Do not in any way modify the two arrays given to you.
Do not circumvent (2) by cloning or duplicating the two arrays, only to modify the copies.
Hint: you will probably need indices into the two arrays.
combine_arrays([1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Can you just combine the two arrays into a single array and then run a typical bubble sort?
def combine_arrays(arr1,arr2)
final = arr1 + arr2
sorted = true
while sorted do
sorted = false
( - 2).each do |x|
if final[x] > final[x+1]
final[x], final[x+1] = final[x+1], final[x]
sorted = true
p combine_arrays([1,3,5],[2,4,6]) => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Here is a variant which relies solely on Ruby's enumerators. The result is short and sweet.
# merge two sorted arrays into a sorted combined array
def merge(a1, a2)
[].tap do |combined|
e1, e2 = a1.each, a2.each
# The following three loops terminate appropriately because
# StopIteration acts as a break for Kernel#loop.
# First, keep appending smaller element until one of
# the enumerators run out of data
loop { combined << (e1.peek <= e2.peek ? e1 : e2).next }
# At this point, one of these enumerators is "empty" and will
# break immediately. The other appends all remaining data.
loop { combined << }
loop { combined << }
The first loop keeps grabbing the minimum of the two enumerator values until one of the enumerators runs out of values. The second loop then appends all remaining (which may be none) values from the first array's enumerator, the third loop does the same for the second array's enumerator, and tap hands back the resulting array.
Sure, you can do that but you are overlooking a real gimmee - the two arrays you are given will already be sorted.
def combine_arrays(A1, A2)
retVal = Array.CreateInstance(System::Int32, A1.Length + A2.Length - 1)
i = 0
j = 0
while i < A1.Length | j < A2.Length
if i < A1.Length and self.A1(i) < self.A2(j) then
self.retVal(i + j) = self.A1(i)
i += 1
self.retVal(i + j) = self.A2(j)
j += 1
return retVal
This is based on the same logic as Dale M's post, but in proper ruby:
def combine_arrays(arr1,arr2)
[].tap do |out|
i1 = i2 = 0
while i1 < arr1.size || i2 < arr2.size
v1 = arr1[i1]
v2 = arr2[i2]
if v1 && (!v2 || v1 < v2)
out << v1
i1 += 1
out << v2
i2 += 1
combine_arrays([1,3,5], [2,4,6])
Take a look at this one:
def merge(arr1, arr2)
arr2.each { |n| arr1 = insert_into_place(arr1, n) }
arr1.empty? ? arr2 : arr1
def insert_into_place(array, number)
return [] if array.empty?
group = array.group_by { |n| n >= number }
bigger = group[true]
smaller = group[false]
if bigger.nil?
number > smaller.last ? smaller << number : smaller.unshift(number)
(smaller << number) + bigger

Merging two sorted arrays - why does this NOT work?

I am learning ruby and was given the following assignment:
given two sorted arrays like the following we must merge them into one sorted array.
array_1 = [5,8,9,11]
array_2 = [4,6,7,10]
merge(array_1, array_2)
=> [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
Given this brief description, implement the merge method that takes two arrays and returns
the properly sorted array containing the items from each array.
I wrote this answer:
def merge(arr1, arr2)
i = 0
k = 0
merged_arr = []
until k = arr2.count
while arr1[i] <= arr2[k]
i += 1
k += 1
My instructor sent out a solution, which I understand, however I don't understand why my answer does NOT work. Can someone please explain the faulty logic? Thank you!
Here is the (correct) solution:
def merge(array_1, array_2)
i = 0
k = 0
merged_array = []
while i < array_1.count
while k < array_2.count && array_1[i] > array_2[k]
merged_array << array_2[k]
k += 1
merged_array << array_1[i]
i += 1
print merged_array.inspect
k = arr2.count assigns the value of arr2.count to k and evaluates to k, so until k = arr2.count is never executed.
you also need to consider the unequal length of arr1 and arr2, your instructor's solution was only right if arr1.length >= arr2.length, but if arr1.length < arr2.length, then the elements from the extra length was lost in the solution.

Ruby coding: List out all factors of numbers from 1-100

Write a function that prints out all the factors for each of the numbers 1 through 100.
Really amateur coder but here's my attempt so far.
def factors_numbers(n1,n2)
(n1..n2).each do |n|
factors = []
factors << 1 ##every number has a factor of 1
factors << n ##every number is a factor of itself
i = 1
while i < n
new_number = n % (n-i)
if new_number == 0 #if 0, divisible and that means two numbers are factors
factors << new_number
factors << (n-i)
i += 1
return factors
Here is an improved version of your code:
def factors_numbers(n1,n2)
all_factors = {}
(n1..n2).each do |n|
factors = []
(1..Math.sqrt(n).floor).each do |i|
remainder = n % i
if remainder == 0 #if 0, divisible and that means two numbers are factors
factors << i
factors << n/i
factors = factors.sort.uniq
puts "Factors of #{n}: #{factors.join(',')}"
return all_factors
Do you want unique factors? That is, in the range 1-100, should I get the number 1 a hundred times, or only once?
The easiest way to do this is by leveraging the "inject" Enumerable method.
def find_all_factors_between(n1,n2)
(n1..n2).inject([]) do |factors, num|
factors + (1..num).inject([]) { |arry, test| num % test == 0 ? arry + [test] : arry }
One final thing to note is that Ruby has implicit returns; that is, as long as the output of the last line of your method is your factors variable, you don't have to say return factors.
And my entry would be:
def find_all_factors_between(n1, n2)
factors = -> (n) { (1..n).select {|i| n % i == 0} }
(n1..n2).each { |n| puts "Factors of #{n}: #{factors.(n).join(', ')}" }
Well, if you wanted to do it with enumerables, there's always
def factor_numbers(rng)
factors = do |n|
(1..Math.sqrt(n).floor) # search numbers <= square root
.select { |d| n % d == 0 } # find factors <= square root
.flat_map { |x| [x, n / x] } # combine with factors >= square root
.sort # order from least to greatest
.uniq # remove dupes (basically the square root)
Hash[] # rng = keys, factors = values
puts factor_numbers(1..100)
It's not the most efficient, but my point is just that many of the for/while constructs you'd see in languages like C or JavaScript can be expressed in other ways in Ruby.
(n1..n2).each{|x| print "#{x}: #{(1..x).select{|y| x % y == 0}}\n"}
That oughta do it :)
edit: Implemented Cary Swoveland's suggestion
def factor_nums(n1,n2)
all_factors = {}
(n1..n2).each do |n|
factors = []
(1..n).each do |i|
remainder = n % i
factors << i if remainder == 0
all_factors[n] = factors
return all_factors
