How to export multiple data-table into single excel sheet? - datatable

How to export content of multiple datatable into single excel sheet?


Exporting kendo grid to excel shows encoded values for one column

In kendo grid after exporting to excel, the resulting sheet shows encoded values for one of the columns. I want decoded values in my excel sheet.
I am seeing this:
<p>Test</p><p>adding</p><p>note</p><p>note2</p><p>checking the value</p>

How to add hyperlink to cells in a specific column in excel export in laravel?

How to make data in cells in a specific column clickable(hyperlink) in excel export in laravel?
I have tried
this works fine but I don't want to specify cell number. I need it to work for whole column

KendoUI Grid Export just the table to PDF

I have a KendoUI Grid I want to export to PDF, but the built in export functionality exports the complete element, including styles, toolbars, and navigation buttons.
Is it possible to just export the data, in a plain old table? The Excel export functionality does something similar already, just exporting the data.
Or would I have to hide all other elements and remove all the styles manually?

Kendo Grid Footertemplate export to Excel

I have a Kendo UI Grid with footertemplate. The grid is all working fine, but if I want to export it to Excel, I also want the footertemplate to be included but in different rows. How can I make the footer in Excel to be on different rows like the grid? Thanks for the help.
If I have footertemplate with Table and 2 TR, then I export to excel I want it to 2rows. Currently it combines everything on a single cell.
I'm just new on using this site so I cannot upload any image yet.

Export all filtered rows from DataTable using Tabletool extension

I have implemented TableTool extension to export data from DataTable. But when I export data, TableTools is exporting only visible data. I want to export all filtered rows form DataTable.
