Elastic Search Scoring based on the date time fields - elasticsearch

How to write the custom Scoreing function in Elasticsearch based on the date field
can any one help me to write the custom Scoreing function in Elasticsearch based on the date field?
If I give the date field as asc it will use other scoring function to calculate score and finally if use the asc i need add the score to document with has least recent days and if desc the score should be based on most recent days.

I bet what you are looking for is so-called Function Queries.
In case of date you could use field_value_factor. It will take your date value and transform it into milliseconds (Unix timestamp). So you should supply smth like:
"field_value_factor": {
"field": "your_date_field",
"factor": 1,
"modifier": "none",
"missing": 1


Elasticsearch date based function scoring boosting the wrong way

I would like to boost scores of documents based on how "recent" a document is. I am trying to do this using a function_score. Here is an example of me doing this on a field called updated_at:
"function_score": {
"boost_mode": "sum",
"functions": [
"exp": {
"updated_at": {
"origin": "now",
"scale": "1h",
"decay": 0.01,
"weight": 1,
"query": query
I would expect documents close to the datetime now will have a score closer to 1, and documents closer to scale will have a score closer to decay (as described in the docs). Therefore, I'm using the boost_mode sum, to keep the original document scores, and increase depending on how close to now the updated_at value is. (Also, the query score is useful so I would rather add than multiply, which is the default).
To test this scenario, I create a document (A) that returns a query score of about 2. I then duplicate it (B) and modify the new document's updated_at timestamp to be an hour in the past.
In this scenario, I would expect (A) to have a higher score and (B) to have a lower score. However, when I run this scenario, I get the exact opposite. (B) ends up with a score of 3 and (A) ends up with a score of 2.
What am I misunderstanding here to cause this to happen? And how would I modify my function score to do what I would like?
This turned out to be a a timezone issue.
I ended up using the explain API to look at what was contributing to the score. When doing that, I noticed that the origin set to now was actually in a different timezone to the one I was setting in the documents.
I fixed this by manually providing a UTC timestamp in the elasticsearch query rather than using now as the value.
(If there is a better way to do this, please let me know)

ElasticSearch 2.4 date range histogram using the difference between two date fields

I haven't been able to find anything regarding this for ES 2.* in regards to the problem here or in the docs, so sorry if this is a duplicate.
What I am trying to do is create an aggregation in an ElasticSearch query that will allow me to create buckets based on the difference in a record between 2 date fields.
I.e. If I had data in ES for a shop, I might like to see the time difference between a purchase_date field and shipped_date field.
So in that instance I'd want to create an aggregate that had buckets to give me the hits for when shipped_date - purchase_date is < 1 day, 1-2 days, 3-4 days or 5+ days.
Ideally I was hoping this was possible in an ES query. Is that the case or would the best approach be to process the results into my own array based on the time difference for each hit?
I was able to achieve this by using the built in expression language which is enabled by default in ES 2.4. The functionality I wanted was to group my results to show the difference between EndDate and Date Processed in increments of 15 days. Relevant part of the query is:
"aggs": {
"reason": {
"date_histogram": {
"min_doc_count": 1,
"interval": "1296000000ms", // 15 days
"format": "epoch_millis",
"script": {
"lang": "expression",
"inline": "doc['DateProcessed'] > doc['EndDate'] ? doc['DateProcessed'] - doc['EndDate'] : -1"

change _score in elasticsearch to make equal to doc's score field

I have score (integer) field in data, I'm getting data from api, and posting it directly to localhost:9200//listings/
And I want the item _score to be equal to score field in data.
For now a solution is to add ?sort=score:desc to url
One solution is to use a function_score query, where you replace the default _score using a field_value_factor score function. It goes like this:
curl -XPOST localhost:9200/listings/_search -d '{
"query": {
"function_score": {
"functions": [
"field_value_factor": {
"field": "score", <---- we use the score field instead
"factor": 1, <---- take the exact same score
"missing": 1 <---- use 1 as score if the score field is missing
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"boost_mode": "replace" <---- we're replacing the default _score
So we're basically computing the score using the score field multiplied by 1 and if any document doesn't have the score field we just assume the score to be 1 (you can change that to whatever makes more sense in your case).
According to your comment, you need the _score to be multiplied by the document's score field. You can achieve it simply by removing the boost_mode parameter, the default boost_mode is to multiply the _score with whatever value comes out of the field_value_factor function.
If you need to completely replace the default scoring mechanism to be based on your score field instead, there's a more complex way using the similarity module, where you can define another similarity algorithm solely for your score field. There is a great blog post explaining the nitty gritty details of the similarity module.

Conditional Sorting in ElasticSearch

I have some documents that I would like to sort on a date field. For documents with date equal to a specified date, example today, and all dates after that I would like to sort ascending. For dates before the specified date I would like to sort in descending order.
Is this possible in ElasticSearch? If so could you suggest any literature or an approach.
date is of type "date" and format "dateOptionalTime".
Yes this is possible in ElasticSearch using a script, either for sorting or for scoring.
My preference would be for a scoring script because 'script based score' is going to be quicker (according to the documentation).
Using a scoring script, you could use the Unix timestamp for the date field of type int/long and an mvel sorting script in the custom_score query. You might need to re-index your documents. You would also need to be able to convert the searched for time into a Unix timestamp to pump it at ElasticSearch.
The sorting script would then deduct the requested timestamp from each document's timestamp and make an absolute value. Then the results are sorted in ascending order - the lowest 'distance' is the best.
So when looking for documents dated about a year ago, it would look something like:
"query": {
"custom_score" : {
"query" : {
"params" : {
"req_date_stamp" : 1348438345,
"script" : "abs(doc['timestamp'].value - req_date_timestamp)"
"sort": {
"_score": {
'order': 'asc'
(Apologies for any mistakes in my JSON - I tested this idea in pyes)
You might need to tweak this to get the rounding right - for example your question mentions matching days, so you might want to round the timestamp generator to the nearest day.
For "full" info you can check out the Custom Score Query docs and follow the link to MVEL scripting.
For this kind of specific use cases, you should use a sorting script.
See the "script based sorting" section in the Sort documentation page.
My English is poor.
My soluation is boost.
My data is {"terms_id": [20211011,20211012,20211013,20211014],"sort_value":1} {"terms_id": [20211012,20211013,20211014],"sort_value":2} {"terms_id": [20211013,20211014,20211015],"sort_value":1}
My query is {"bool":{"must":[],"should":[{"bool":{"must":[{"terms":{"terms_id":[20211012],"boost":5}}],"must_not":[]}},{"bool":{"must_not":[{"terms":{"terms_id":[20211012]}}]}}],"minimum_should_match":1}}
My sort is {"_score":{"order":"desc"},"sort_value":{"order":"desc"}}
Result is{"terms_id": [20211012,20211013,20211014],"sort_value":2} {"terms_id": [20211011,20211012,20211013,20211014],"sort_value":1} {"terms_id": [20211013,20211014,20211015],"sort_value":1}

Histogram on the basis of facet counts

I am currently working on a project in which I am storing user activity logs in elasticsearch. the user field in the log is like {"user":"abc#yahoo.com"}. I have a timestamp field for each activity, that describes when this activity was recorded. Can i generate date histogram on the basis of number of users in a particular time period. eg the histogram entry must show the number of users on that time. I can have this implemented by obtaining facet counts, but i need to get counts on various intervals and various ranges with minimum queries. Please guide me in this regard. Thanks.
Add a facet to your query something like the following:
{"facets": {
"daily_volume": {
"date_histogram": {
"size": 100,
"field": "created_at",
"interval": "day"
"order": "time"
This returns a nice set of ordered data for the number of items per day.
I then feed this to a Google Chart (the ColumnChart works nicely for histograms), doing a conversion on the returned timestamp integer to convert it to a Date type understood correctly by the Javascript charts API.
