Powershell order objects by property which is numeric string [duplicate] - sorting

I want the greatest value (mailboxSize) at the top of the file. I have a cvs as inport.
When I do the following sort cmd:
Import-Csv import.csv| Sort-Object MailboxSize,DisplayName -Descending | Export-Csv SORT.csv
I get the following result:
But I want this as a result!

When importing a CSV-file, all properties are made string-type. You have to cast the MailboxSize to an int before you can sort it properly. Try:
Import-Csv import.csv |
Sort-Object {[int]$_.MailboxSize}, DisplayName -Descending |
Export-Csv SORT.csv
You should also use the -NoTypeInformation switch in Export-CSV to avoid the #TYPE ..... line (first line in an exported CSV-file).
$data = #"
"# | ConvertFrom-Csv
$data |
Sort-Object {[int]$_.MailboxSize}, DisplayName -Descending |
Export-Csv SORT.csv -NoTypeInformation
I'm guessing the usernames are fake, but be aware that the same issue goes for DisplayName if your usernames actually was personeXX where XX is an int. Like:
persone7 27536
persone20 27536
persone13 27536
To sort them probably, you'd have to create a scriptblock for Sort-Object or create your own function to split the value and sort them correctly.


what is the error in the powershell script?

I have run the below command to get the output that when was my machine last patched but also need how to get the KB details too and how can I export in csv from SCCM.
$lastpatch=Get-HotFix | Sort-Object InstalledOn -Descending | Select-Object HotfixID, InstalledOn | Select-Object -first 1
"{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" -f $lastpatch.InstalledOn | Write-Output
When I run the below command to also get the HotfixID but I am not getting the result so can someone help me with it.
$lastpatch= Get-HotFix | Sort-Object InstalledOn -Descending | select-object -first 1 | Select-Object InstalledOn, HotfixID
"{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" -f $lastpatch.InstalledOn,$lastpatch.HotfixID | Write-Output
To include the HotfixID, you can make use of a calculated property to have the Select-Object return an object with both wanted properties into the variable $lastPatch.
Once you have that object, it is easy to export to csv:
$lastpatch = Get-HotFix |
Sort-Object InstalledOn -Descending |
Select-Object -First 1 |
Select-Object #{Name = 'InstalledOn'; Expression = {"{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" -f $_.InstalledOn}},
# Output on screen
# output to csv file
$lastPatch | Export-Csv -Path 'Path\To\lastpatch.csv' -UseCulture -NoTypeInformation

PowerShell Format-Table -AutoSize not Producing an Output File

When running the following line in PowerShell including the "Format-Table -AutoSize", an empty output file is generated:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | select FullName,Length | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-File filelist.txt
The reason I need the output file to be AutoSized is because longer filenames from the directoy are being trunacted. I am trying to pull all Filenames and File Sizes for all files within a folder and subfolders. When removing the -Autosize element, an output file is generated with truncated file names:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | select FullName,Length | Out-File filelist.txt
Like AdminOfThings commented, use Export-CSV to get the untruncated values of your object.
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | select FullName,Length | Export-CSv -path $myPath -NoTypeInformation
I do not use Out-File much at all, and only use Format-Table/Format-List for interactive scripts. If I want to write data to a file, Select-Object Column1,Column2 | Sort-Object Column1| Export-CSV lets me select the properties of the object I am exporting that I want to export, and sort the records as needed. you can change the delimiter from a comma to tab/pipe/whatever else you may need.
While the other answer may address the issue, you may have other reasons for wanting to use Out-File. Out-File has a "Width" parameter. If this is not set, PowerShell defaults to 80 characters - hence your issue. This should do the trick:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | select FullName,Length | Out-File filelist.txt -Width 250 (or any other value)
The Format-* commandlets in PowerShell are only intended to be used in the console. They do not actually produce output that can be piped to other commandlets.
The usual approach to get the data out is with Export-Csv. CSV files are easily imported into other scripts or spreadsheets.
If you really need to output a nicely formatted text file you can use .Net composite formatting with the -f (format) operator. This works similarly to printf() in C. Here is some sample code:
# Get the files for the report
$files = Get-ChildItem $baseDirectory -Recurse
# Path column width
$nameWidth = $files.FullName |
ForEach-Object { $_.Length } |
Measure-Object -Maximum |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum
# Size column width
$longestFileSize = $files |
ForEach-Object { $_.Length.tostring().Length } |
Measure-Object -Maximum |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum
# Have to consider that some directories will have no files with
# length strings longer than "Size (Bytes)"
$sizeWidth = [System.Math]::Max($longestFileSize, "Size (Bytes)".Length)
# Right-align paths, left-align file size
$formatString = "{0,-$nameWidth} {1,$sizeWidth}"
# Build the report and write it to a file
# ArrayList are much more efficient than using += with arrays
$lines = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new($files.Length + 3)
# The [void] cast are just to prevent ArrayList.add() from cluttering the
# console with the returned indices
[void]$lines.Add($formatString -f ("Path", "Size (Bytes)"))
[void]$lines.Add($formatString -f ("----", "------------"))
foreach ($file in $files) {
[void]$lines.Add($formatString -f ($file.FullName, $file.Length.ToString()))
$lines | Out-File "Report.txt"

Powershell group member ship field from AD

I have a powershell query here which look in a particular group in AD and extracts the users into a CSV. Currently it only extracts the SamAcountName and Display name. How would I get it extract the group membership of each user in that group ?
Get-ADGroupMember -identity GLS-IW-APP-QV-KPI-Full | select -Property Name,SamAccountName | Export-csv -path X:\QlikView_AD_Groups\GLS-IW-APP-QV-KPI-Full.csv -NoTypeInformation
So if you are looking to get the group membership of all users in a certain group this would be one approach. You need to add a calculated propery in your Select-Object
Get-ADGroupMember -identity GLS-IW-APP-QV-KPI-Full |
Select-Object -Property Name,SamAccountName,#{Label="MemberOf";Expression={(Get-ADUser -identity $_.SamAccountName -Properties memberof).memberof -Join ";"}} |
Export-csv -path X:\QlikView_AD_Groups\GLS-IW-APP-QV-KPI-Full.csv -NoTypeInformation
What the #{} portion does is take the SamAccountName and call Get-Aduser to extract the memberof property. Since that returns an object we concat that to a semicolon delimited string with a -Join for proper/better CSV output

Count, Sort and Group-By in Powershell

Are there any cool cmdlets that will help me do the following?
I want something in Powershell that is as simple as doing the same in SQL:
select RootElementName , count(*) from Table
group by RootElementName
order by RootElementName
I'm all XML files in a directory, finding the root element of each XML file.
$DirectoryName = "d:\MyFolder\"
$AllFiles = Get-ChildItem $DirectoryName -Force
foreach ($Filename in $AllFiles)
$FQFilename = $DirectoryName + $Filename
[xml]$xmlDoc = Get-Content $FQFilename
$rootElementName = $xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/*").Name;
Write-Host $FQFilename $rootElementName
Desired Result:
RootName Count
-------- -----
Root1 15
MyRoot 16
SomeRoot 24
I know I could could either create two arrays, or an array of objects, store the root elements in the array, and do the counts all using typical code, was just hoping that this new language might have something built-in that I haven't discovered yet.
Could I pipe the "Write-Host $FQFilename $rootElementName " to something that would behave something to the SQL I referred to above?
You can get groups and counts by using Group-Object like this:
$AllFiles | Group-Object RootElementName | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object Name, Count
In your current example, Write-Host doesn't write an object to the pipeline that we can sort or group. Write-Host only prints text to the screen to show the user something, ex. a script menu.
$DirectoryName = "d:\MyFolder\"
$AllFiles = Get-ChildItem $DirectoryName -Force | ForEach-Object {
#The FullName-property contains the absolute path, so there's no need to join the filename and $directoryname
[xml]$xmlDoc = Get-Content $_.FullName
$rootElementName = $xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/*").Name
#Outputing an object that we can group and sort
New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{
FileName = $_.FullName
RootElementName = $rootElementName
$grped = $AllFiles | Group-Object RootElementName | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object Name, Count
I'm creating an object with a FileName-property and the RootElementName so you have it if you need to retrieve the filename+rootelement for a list. If not, we could simplify this to:
$DirectoryName = "d:\MyFolder\"
$AllFiles = Get-ChildItem $DirectoryName -Force | ForEach-Object {
#The FullName-property contains the absolute path, so there's no need to join the filename and $directoryname
[xml]$xmlDoc = Get-Content $_.FullName
#Output rootelementname
$grped = $AllFiles | Group-Object | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object Name, Count

Format-List: sort properties by name

Is it possible to sort the output of the Format-List cmdlet by property name?
Suppose that I have an object $x with two properties "A" and "B", and when I run Format-List with it I get
(PS) > $x | Format-List
B : value b
A : value a
I would like to have
(PS) > $x | Format-List
A : value a
B : value b
NOTE: I should have specified from the beginning that, unlike in the example with "A" and "B" properties, the real object I have to deal with has quite a lot of properties, and new ones could be added in the future, so I don't know all the property names in advance.
AFAIK, Format-List does not provide such an option.
For your particular example this should work:
$x | Select-Object A, B | Format-List
If the property set is not fixed/known then the procedure will be more tricky with use of Get-Member and some preprocessing making sorted parameter array for Select-Object.
Here it is (let's use $host instead of $x):
$host | Select-Object ([string[]]($host | Get-Member -MemberType Property | %{ $_.Name } | Sort-Object)) | Format-List
Christopher is right, Select-Object is not absolutely needed:
$host | Format-List ([string[]]($host | Get-Member -MemberType Property | %{ $_.Name } | Sort-Object))
Nothing wrong with the accepted answer, but a really quick-and-dirty option for a one-off—that doesn't require having the collection already in a variable—might be...
... | Format-List | Out-String -Stream | Sort-Object
...which does a sort on each line of the output of Format-List.
Note that any property values that go onto the next line will be broken (and probably appear at the top of the output), but this could be fixed by the slightly-less-memorable...
... | Format-List | Out-String -Stream -Width ([Int32]::MaxValue) | Sort-Object
...at the expense of column indentation.
Of course, all object/pipeline info is lost by that Out-String call, although—considering the same is true of Format-List—you probably aren't going to care by that point.
Expanding on Christopher's idea, using get-member and format-list -Property:
$x | fl -property ($x| gm | sort name).name
The closest I can think of is to create a new psobject based off the old one but with the properties sorted e.g.:
$x | %{$obj = new-object psobject; `
$_.psobject.properties | Sort Name | `
%{Add-Member -Inp $obj NoteProperty $_.Name $_.Value}; $obj} | fl
You could get fancier and give the new psobject a typename that matches the old one, etc.
If you are dealing with a small number of properties, you can specify their order with the -Property parameter.
Here is an example:
Format-List -Property Owner, Path
If you have a lot of properties, I am not sure there is any easy way to sort them in Format-List, like Roman said.
This seems to work OK (edited so it accepts pipeline input):
function Format-SortedList
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
$properties = $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType Properties
if ($Descending) {
$properties = $properties | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending
$longestName = 0
$longestValue = 0
$properties | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Name.Length -gt $longestName) {
$longestName = $_.Name.Length
if ($InputObject."$($_.Name)".ToString().Length -gt $longestValue) {
$longestValue = $InputObject."$($_.Name)".ToString().Length * -1
Write-Host ([Environment]::NewLine)
$properties | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host ("{0,$longestName} : {1,$longestValue}" -f $_.Name, $InputObject."$($_.Name)".ToString())
$Host, $MyInvocation | Format-SortedList
$Host, $MyInvocation | Format-SortedList -Descending
I feel sure that you can achieve the desired output. I suggest that you experiment with both Sort-Object (or plain Sort) and also Group-Object (plain Group)
My idea is to place the sort, or group before | format-list
Thus $x | sort-object -property xyz | Format-List
By using Select-Object with a calculated property (#{}) and then excluding it (-ExcludeProperty) you can also order the properties as you want. This works even when you don't know what's coming upfront.
Color = 'Green'
Type = 'Fruit'
Name = 'kiwi'
Flavour = 'Sweet'
) | Select-Object #{Name = 'Flavour'; Expression = { $_.Flavour } },
#{Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $_.Name } }, * -ExcludeProperty Name, Flavour |
Flavour : Sweet
Name : kiwi
Color : Green
Type : Fruit
