Blocks vs delegates or blocks vs methods - methods

I have just studied blocks it is good ,easy to use,helps in inline coding and keeps thing at one place .But I am not able to understand the following two points clearly.
1)How blocks are different from methods and delegates?
2)Advantages of using blocks over methods and delegates.Where are blocks more useful than delegates and methods.
Kindly explain and help me in understanding the concepts better.Thanks in advance!

A seemingly curious question as you ask:
1)How blocks are different from methods and delegates?
2)Advantages of using blocks over methods and delegates.Where are blocks more useful than delegates and methods.
After you wrote:
easy to use, helps in inline coding and keeps thing at one place
Regardless, though I maybe misunderstanding what you are after, here some further points to your own to consider in case they are helpful:
Instance methods and delegates are both associated with an instance of an object; so there is a self with instance variables, properties and other methods all of which can be referenced and used. Both come with accompanying state.
A block, like a function, is not associated with an instance of an object.
A block however differs from a function in that it can capture values and variables (those annotated with __block) from the method/function they are defined within. So they carry some state.
As to advantages of one over the others, it is really a question of picking the appropriate one for the scenario – none is "better" and the others. Decide what you need; adding behaviour to an object (method), passing an instance/method pair to provide some functionality (delegate), providing functionality based on values in the local scope (block), etc., etc.; and use the appropriate construct.


Is there a common convension to put new methods(on top or on bottom)?

If we omit visibility modifiers(let's say all methods are public), is there any common convension to put new methods in class? I mean if I put them on bottom it's logically correct, because methods are sorted by date. If I put them on top, it's easy to see and compare what methods are added if the class is very long.
Just depends on what you and your team are comfortable with. I usually have method at the top of my class followed by fields. If there are many method that do different thing you are better off organizing them in a new class. Now without seeing any code I'm simply guessing.
No, I don't think there is.
As Kalagen said it's up to you and your team to decide it.
I would keep any methods that share similar functionality together and keep the class definition short.
The short answer in my opinion is no. Coding style might vary depending on the language you are using and the team you are working with. In addition you might have your own preference as well. I tend to add new methods close to methods that are related to it (e.g. if method1 calls method2 then method1 is above method2). Then it is relatively easy to find the method that's being called. On the other hand, most IDEs can find the method with a mouse click.
If you're using version control, you can easily see what methods were added and in which order, so sorting by date is not needed.
And as others have mentioned, keep the class small. Take a look at the Single responsibility principle. If the methods you are adding are not related to the responsibility of the class, extract them and create a new class.

Swift: Do protocols even have a real purpose?

I'm wondering why protocols are used in swift. In every case I've had to use one so far (UICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionViewDataSource) I've noted that they don't even have to be added to the class declaration for my code to work. All they do is make it such that your class needs to have certain methods in it so that it can compile. Beats me why this is useful other then as a little post it note to help you keep track of what your classes do.
I'm assuming I'm wrong though. Would anyone care to point out why to me please?
A protocol defines a blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that suit a particular task or piece of functionality. The protocol doesn’t actually provide an implementation for any of these requirements—it only describes what an implementation will look like.
So it's basically an interface, right?
You use an interface when you want to define a "contract" for your code. In most cases, the purpose of this is to enable multiple implementations of that contract. For example, you can provide a real implementation, and a fake one for testing.
Further Reading
What is the point of an Interface?
It allows flexible linkage between parts of code. Once the protocol is defined it can be used by code that doesn't need to know what will be done when the methods are called or exactly what object (or struct or enum) is actually being used. An alternative approach could be setting callbacks or blocks but by using a protocol as complete set of behaviours can be grouped and documented.
Some other code will typically create the concrete instance and pass it to the code expecting the protocol (sometimes the concrete instance will pass itself). In some cases neither the implementation of the code using it need to be aware of each other and it can all be set up by some other code to keep it reusable and testable.
It might be possible to do this in some languages by duck typing which is to say that a runtime inspection could allow a object to act in such a context without particular declaration but this is probably not possible to do at compile time in all cases and it could also be error prone if worked out implicitly.

When are controller methods called in WD4A?

Can someone explain to me when methods are called in WD4A applications? Particularly methods that are defined in the application controller (and not the view (controllers)).
I'm looking at some sample codes and there's this supply_unit method in the componentcontroller which basically reads a few values from a table and puts these in the controller context so they are available in view_2, based on a context node that was assigned a value by the user on view_1.
But I don't see at which point this method actually get's called (the application actually has more than only these two views) and how the application knows that it needs to be called so everything can be shown in view_2
SAP's standard documentation for WebDynpro is pretty good, and goes through all of this. This page (and the pages below it) describe programming controller methods in general. I would suggest taking a couple days and working through all of the WebDynpro for ABAP documentation, coding examples as you go. You'll have a much more complete understanding that way.
Methods should be implemented in the component controller (as opposed to the view controller) when the logic of that method is used (or may be used) across multiple views. For example, if you have a context node thats displayed in multiple nodes (like a list of units of measure), it makes sense to program it's supply method once in the controller, instead of in each view.
Your question seemed to be more about supply functions (SUPPLY_UNIT sounds like the name of a supply function). These are methods that are called automatically by the system the first time a context node is read. They are used to initialize contents of the node. More info can be found here.

Using an object oriented approach in Ruby

I have two classes, Class A and Class B.
I've recently noticed that they share a lot of the same code. For example:
def viewable_by?(user)
super || clinic.has_staff_member?(user) || user.system_admin? || self.person == user.person
I want to minimize the code duplicated between the classes. But in refactoring, I've found that much of it doesn't fit neatly into one class that falls cleanly in the Single Responsibility Principle. I want to put it all into a single module, but the methods will have to do with time formatting, viewing permissions, and a few other things.
As I see it, I have a few choices. (And I bet you can suggest others.) From an object oriented point of view, which approach should I go with and why?
Use one single module shared between both of the classes. It may
not have a specific single responsibility, but it does clean up the
code significantly, and keeps it all in one place.
Make tiny classes and mix in to both classes as modules. They
will all have a single responsibility, but there will be many of
them, some of which may only have one method. Seems like a waste.
Perhaps use a presenter for things like time formatting, and a
permissions module shared between both classes. Perhaps "cleaner,"
but methods are going to be everywhere.
Another possibility I haven't yet considered?
This question had previously mentioned Clinic::Appointment and Clinic::Visit classes, rather than A and B. Answers may refer to appointments and visits.
This is a neat question because it deals in a great way with the overall strucuture of your project. I understand that Appointment and Visit are separated things, and an Visit don't need to be linked to an Appointment.
For authorization methods, like viewable_by?, I recommend move all authorizations to other place - you might want to check the cancan structure, that have worked well for many Rails projects, and most likely will work well for any application, even coding an authorization system yourself. So in part, my answer for you is to use (3).
However, since not all code that is shared by the two classes are for authorization purposes, I would try to classify a set of methods, and give an answer for each class of methods you could think of. For method classes that have a similar behavior I would try to encapsulate in a module and include it (so just like (1), but in smaller parts). For example one module HasVisitors with methods like got_on_time? and was_conclusive? (well, maybe not the best examples, but you get it). When your model has a broader scope, like Authorization, that is present in most of your classes, then it is time to go to (3).
I suggest you stop and think again if you should have a Visit class apart from Appointment and it relationship, but not now. After got at home, have fun, take it off from your head, then think again next day.
Would the design be clearer if you shifted the responsibilities? e.g. user.can_view?(resource)

DDD Events and abstract base classes

I am currently working on implementing multiple events which share common properties and are basically the same: Templates. Our event provider applies several events like SomeTemplateAddedEvent and SomeOtherTemplateAddedEvent. There could possibly come more variations later, so I was thinking about implementing a base class for each TemplateAddedEvent since they all share common properties. But I am doubtful if this is the right way to go, since some people prefer events to be simple classes containing every property instead of having to dig deeper to find out what the event can provide.
I hope someone can shed some light on this subject.
Inheritance is normally used for two orthogonal reasons - to reuse functionality and to declare an "is-a" relationship between classes. It seems that you're using it for the first reason. This reason is a weaker argument because reuse can also be attained with composition. The question to ask then is whether there exists an "is-a" relationship between the events. Sometimes inheritance among events is desirable, such as when it makes sense to provide a handler for all events deriving from the base class.
Overall, I'd caution against inheritance if it is only applied to attain code reuse. If it is an appropriate statement about the domain, then it can make sense.
