How to import defined variable from raw_input in an imported file? - macos

I am fairly new to coding, and am currently learning my first language (python) using the book "Learn Python the Hard Way" but this is not a specific exercise in the book and I am just practicing while I am reading code for Exercise 23 and am currently am just trying to figure out if this is even possible...
My first file is
def func():
a = float(raw_input("Enter Your Age:"))
b = float(raw_input("Enter Your Weight:"))
c = float(raw_input("Enter Your Height:"))
age = "a"
weight = "b"
height = "c"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("This is")
print("%s is being imported to another file") % __name__
My second file is
import pr1
def func():
x = raw_input("Enter Your Race:")
y = raw_input("Enter Your Gender:")
z = raw_input("Enter Your Language:")
print "Lets find your numbers"
print "Lets find your identity"
race = "x"
gender = "y"
language = "z"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("This is")
print("%s is being imported into another file") % __name__
This is my 3rd file
import pr1
print "%s = a %s = b %s = c" % (age, weight, height)
import pr2
print "%s = x, %s = y, %s = z" % (race, gender, language)
When I run and comment out the scripts to "print" line 3 and line 7 this is what i get:
pr1 is being imported to another file
Lets find your numbers
Enter Your Age:25
Enter Your Weight:224
Enter Your Height:76
Lets find your identity
Enter Your Race:white
Enter Your Gender:male
Enter Your Language:english
pr2 is being imported into another file
and I am expecting the file to print those statement's with the previously defined variable's.
but instead it comes up with this error:
pr1 is being imported to another file
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
print "%s = a %s = b %s = c" % (age, weight, height)
NameError: name 'age' is not defined
Now when I run my last file in the command, I am expecting it to import the previous 2 files, so I can input the data I put into raw_input, and then use use it in other files... but it seems like once both files get imported and I input the data into their respective raw_input's, it seems as if the forget's the raw input and their corresponding variable's.
Please forgive me if I am totally lacking some obvious knowledge that could fix all this, but I am very new to coding and not even a month ago, I didn't even know you could create a directory in the terminal.
Thank's for reading and I would appreciate any help.

Okey, here are a couple of things.
First I will say which obvious things are wrong with your code.
After that I will show you an example of your code, using classes.
So, first:
age, weight, height are all defined in, so eiter you need to refer to them as pr1.age, pr1.weight, pr1.height, or you from pr1 import age, weight, height. Same applies for race, gender, language in
That said, you might expect to get what you inputted to be printed out. But you only assigned the characters 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y' and 'z' to those variables.
Also you print age, weight and height before you even run func() in
So second: how do we fix this. First you need to think about in which order things are happening, when you do imports. Also you need to think about, if the variables you refer to, really are set anywhere.
In this case you set your raw_input's to variables insde a function, and they will only be accessible inside that function.
This can be fixed by using globals, or by making an object. I will reccommend using object (classes).
Since you say you are fairly new to programming, classes might seem over your head now, but when you get it, it solves alot of these problems.
Also you will get to classes soon enough in Learn Python The Hard Way soon enough.
To take your code as example:
class Numbers:
def func(self):
self.age = float(raw_input("Enter Your Age:"))
self.weight = float(raw_input("Enter Your Weight:"))
self.height = float(raw_input("Enter Your Height:"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("This is")
print("%s is being imported to another file") % __name__
from pr1 import Numbers
class Identity:
def func(self):
self.race = raw_input("Enter Your Race:")
self.gender = raw_input("Enter Your Gender:")
self.language = raw_input("Enter Your Language:")
print "Lets find your numbers"
nrs = Numbers()
print "Lets find your identity"
ids = Identity()
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("This is")
print("%s is being imported into another file") % __name__
from pr2 import *
print "%s = a %s = b %s = c" % (nrs.age, nrs.weight, nrs.height)
print "%s = x, %s = y, %s = z" % (ids.race, ids.gender, ids.language)


Automated Scheduling

When running the Function with no names on the input lists, it gives everyone the approtriate time based on the varible listed. If we have the input varibale have a name it gives everyone time off instead of just that indivudual.
There are some lists associated with this as well and that part works fine.
this is the required resources:
from openpyxl import Workbook
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
import random
def add_agents_w1():
num = 4
c = ["B","C","D","E","F"]
tow1 = input("IF anyone taking time off enter 1st
person now: \n")
tow12 = input("If someone else is taking time off enter
2nd person now: \n")
for x in tl:
ws1[f"A{num}"] = x
ws1[f"I{num}"] = x
for f in c:
if x in tow1 or tow12:
ws1[f'{f}{num}'] = "OFF"
ws1[f"{f}{num}"] = s2t
num += 1

Tool/Algorithm for text comparision after every key hit

I am struggling to find a text comparison tool or algorithm that can compare an expected text against the current state of the text being typed.
I will have an experimentee typewrite a text that he has in front of his eyes. My idea is to compare the current state of the text against the expected text whenever something is typed. That way I want to find out when and what the subject does wrong (I also want to find errors that are not in the resulting text but were in the intermediate text for some time).
Can someone point me in a direction?
Update #1
I have access to the typing data in a csv format:
This is example output data of me typing "foOBar". Every line has the form (timestamp, Key, Press/Release)
In Python
Given your input csv file (I called it keyboard_records.csv)
The following code does the following:
Read its content and store it in a list named steps
For each step in steps recognizes what happened and
If it was a shift press or release sets a flag (shift_on) accordingly
If it was an arrow pressed moves the cursor (index of current where we insert characters) – if it the cursor is at the start or at the end of the string it shouldn't move, that's why those min() and max()
If it was a letter/number/symbol it adds it in curret at cursor position and increments cursor
Here you have it
import csv
steps = [] # list of all actions performed by user
expected = "Hello"
with open("keyboard.csv") as csvfile:
for row in csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=','):
steps.append((float(row[0]), row[1], row[2]))
# Now we parse the information
current = [] # text written by the user
shift_on = False # is shift pressed
cursor = 0 # where is the cursor in the current text
for step in steps:
time, key, action = step
if key == 'LeftShift':
if action == 'P':
shift_on = True
shift_on = False
if key == 'LeftArrow' and action == 'P':
cursor = max(0, cursor-1)
if key == 'RightArrow' and action == 'P':
cursor = min(len(current), cursor+1)
if action == 'P':
if shift_on is True:
current.insert(cursor, key.upper())
current.insert(cursor, key.lower())
cursor += 1
# Now you can join current into a string
# and compare current with expected
print(''.join(current)) # printing current (just to see what's happening)
# What to do when a key is released?
# Depends on your needs...
To compare current and expected have a look here.
Note: by playing around with the code above and a few more flags you can make it recognize also symbols. This will depend on your keyboard. In mine Shift + 6 = &, AltGr + E = € and Ctrl + Shift + AltGr + è = {. I think this is a good point to start.
Comparing 2 texts isn't a difficult task and you can find tons of pages on the web about it.
Anyway I wanted to present you an object oriented approach to the problem, so I added the compare part that I previously omitted in the first solution.
This is still a rough code, without primary controls over the input. But, as you asked, this is pointing you in a direction.
class UserText:
# Initialize UserText:
# - empty text
# - cursor at beginning
# - shift off
def __init__(self, expected):
self.expected = expected
self.letters = []
self.cursor = 0
self.shift = False
# compares a and b and returns a
# list containing the indices of
# mismatches between a and b
def compare(a, b):
err = []
for i in range(min(len(a), len(b))):
if a[i] != b[i]:
return err
# Parse a command given in the
# form (time, key, action)
def parse(self, command):
time, key, action = command
output = ""
if action == 'P':
if key == 'LeftShift':
self.shift = True
elif key == 'LeftArrow':
self.cursor = max(0, self.cursor - 1)
elif key == 'RightArrow':
self.cursor = min(len(self.letters), self.cursor + 1)
# Else, a letter/number was pressed. Let's
# add it to self.letters in cursor position
if self.shift is True:
self.letters.insert(self.cursor, key.upper())
self.letters.insert(self.cursor, key.lower())
self.cursor += 1
########## COMPARE WITH EXPECTED ##########
output += "Expected: \t" + self.expected + "\n"
output += "Current: \t" + str(self) + "\n"
errors =, self.expected[:len(str(self))])
output += "\t\t"
i = 0
for e in errors:
while i != e:
output += " "
i += 1
output += "^"
i += 1
output += "\n[{} errors at time {}]".format(len(errors), time)
return output
if key == 'LeftShift':
self.shift = False
return output
def __str__(self):
return "".join(self.letters)
import csv
steps = [] # list of all actions performed by user
expected = "foobar"
with open("keyboard.csv") as csvfile:
for row in csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=','):
steps.append((float(row[0]), row[1], row[2]))
# Now we parse the information
ut = UserText(expected)
for step in steps:
The output for the csv file above was:
Expected: foobar
Current: f
[0 errors at time 17293398.576653]
Expected: foobar
Current: fo
[0 errors at time 17293401.313254]
Expected: foobar
Current: foO
[1 errors at time 17293402.073046]
Expected: foobar
Current: foOB
[2 errors at time 17293403.178612]
Expected: foobar
Current: foOBa
[2 errors at time 17293404.966193]
Expected: foobar
Current: foOBar
[2 errors at time 17293405.725405]
I found the solution to my own question around a year ago. Now i have time to share it with you:
In their 2003 paper 'Metrics for text entry research: An evaluation of MSD and KSPC, and a new unified error metric', R. William Soukoreff and I. Scott MacKenzie propose three major new metrics: 'total error rate', 'corrected error rate' and 'not corrected error rate'. These metrics have become well established since the publication of this paper. These are exaclty the metrics i was looking for.
If you are trying to do something similiar to what i did, e.g. compare the writing performance on different input devices this is the way to go.

Positional Argument Undefined

I am working on a larger project to write a code so the user can play Connect 4 against the computer. Right now, the user can choose whether or not to go first and the board is drawn. While truing to make sure that the user can only enter legal moves, I have run into a problem where my function legal_moves() takes 1 positional argument, and 0 are given, but I do not understand what I need to do to male everything agree.
#connect 4
#using my own formating
import random
#define global variables
X = "X"
O = "O"
EMPTY = "_"
def display_instruct():
"""Display game instructions."""
Welcome to the second greatest intellectual challenge of all time: Connect4.
This will be a showdown between your human brain and my silicon processor.
You will make your move known by entering a column number, 1 - 7. Your move
(if that column isn't already filled) will move to the lowest available position.
Prepare yourself, human. May the Schwartz be with you! \n
def ask_yes_no(question):
"""Ask a yes or no question."""
response = None
while response not in ("y", "n"):
response = input(question).lower()
return response
def ask_number(question,low,high):
"""Ask for a number within range."""
#using range in Python sense-i.e., to ask for
#a number between 1 and 7, call ask_number with low=1, high=8
response = None
while response not in range (low,high):
return response
def pieces():
"""Determine if player or computer goes first."""
go_first = ask_yes_no("Do you require the first move? (y/n): ")
if go_first == "y":
print("\nThen take the first move. You will need it.")
human = X
computer = O
print("\nYour bravery will be your undoing... I will go first.")
computer = X
human = O
return computer, human
def new_board():
board = []
for x in range (NUM_COLS):
board.append([" "]*NUM_ROWS)
return board
def display_board(board):
"""Display game board on screen."""
for r in range(NUM_ROWS):
def print_row(board, num):
"""Print specified row from current board"""
this_row = board[num]
print("\n\t| ", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num], "|", this_row[num],"|")
print("\t", "|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|")
# everything works up to here!
def legal_moves(board):
"""Create list of column numbers where a player can drop piece"""
legals = []
if move < NUM_COLS: # make sure this is a legal column
for r in range(NUM_ROWS):
return legals #returns a list of legal columns
#in human_move function, move input must be in legal_moves list
print (legals)
def human_move(board,human):
"""Get human move"""
legals = legal_moves(board)
print("LEGALS:", legals)
move = None
while move not in legals:
move = ask_number("Which column will you move to? (1-7):", 1, NUM_COLS)
if move not in legals:
print("\nThat column is already full, nerdling. Choose another.\n")
print("Human moving to column", move)
return move #return the column number chosen by user
def get_move_row(turn,move):
move=ask_number("Which column would you like to drop a piece?")
for m in range (NUM_COLS):
def place_piece(turn,move):
if this_row[m[move]]==" ":
move= int(input("Move?"))
print ("Human:", human, "\nComputer:", computer)
Right down the bottom of the script, you call:
move= int(input("Move?"))
# ^ no arguments
This does not supply the necessary board argument, hence the error message.

mysterious "'str' object is not callable" python error

I am currently making my first python effort, a modification of some code written by a friend. I am using python 2.6.6. The original piece of code, which works, extracts information from a log file of data from donations made by credit card to my nonprofit. My new version, should it one day work, will perform the same task for donations that were made by paypal. The log files are similar, but have different field names and other differences.
The error messages I'm getting are:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../", line 196, in
convert_log(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], access_ids)
File "../", line 170, in convert_log
output = [f(record, access_ids) for f in output_fns]
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
I've read some of the posts on this forum related to this error message, but so far I'm still at sea. I can't find any consequential differences between the portions of my code that related to the likely problem object (access_ids) and the code that I started with. All I did related to the access_ids table was to remove some lines that printed problems the script finds with the table that caused it to ignore some data. Perhaps I changed a character or something while doing that, but I've looked and so far can't find anything.
The portion of the code that is producing these error messages is the following:
# Use the output functions configured above to convert the
# transaction record into a list of outputs to be emitted to
# the CSV output file.
print "Converting %s at %s to CSV" % (record["type"], record["time"])
output = [f(record, access_ids) for f in output_fns]
j = 0
while j < len(output):
os.write(csv_fd, output[j])
if j < len(output) - 1:
os.write(csv_fd, ",")
os.write(csv_fd, "\n")
j += 1
convert_count += 1
print "Converted %d approved transactions to CSV format, skipped %d non-approved transactions" % (convert_count, skip_count)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print " INPUT_FILE Silent post log containing transaction records (must exist)"
print " OUTPUT_FILE Filename for the CSV file to be created (must not exist, will be created)"
print " ACCESS_IDS_FILE List of Access IDs and email addresses (optional, must exist if specified)"
access_ids = {}
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
access_ids = load_access_ids(sys.argv[3])
convert_log(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], access_ids)
Line 170 is this one:
output = [f(record, access_ids) for f in output_fns]
and line 196 is this one:
convert_log(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], access_ids)
The access_ids definition, possibly related to the problem, is this:
def access_id_fn(record, access_ids):
if "payer_email" in record and len(record["payer_email"]) > 0:
if record["payer_email"] in access_ids:
return '"' + access_ids[record["payer_email"]] + '"'
return ""
return ""
def load_access_ids(filename):
print "Loading Access IDs from %s..." % filename
access_ids = {}
for line in open(filename, "r"):
line = line.rstrip()
access_id, email = [s.strip() for s in line.split(None, 1)]
if not email_address.match(email):
if email in access_ids:
access_ids[string.strip(email)] = string.strip(access_id)
return access_ids
Thanks in advance for any advice with this.
I'm not seeing anything right off hand, but you did mention that the log files were similar and I take that to mean that there are differences between the two.
Can you post a line from each?
I would double check the data in the log files and make sure what you think is being read in is correct. This definitely appears to me like a piece of data is being read in, but somewhere it is breaking what the code is expecting.

How to automatically turn BibTex citation into something parseable by Zotero?

I have a citation system which publishes users notes to a wiki (Researchr). Programmatically, I have access to the full BibTeX record of each entry, and I also display this on the individual pages (for example - click on BibTeX). This is in the interest of making it easy for users of other citation manager to automatically import the citation of a paper that interests them. I would also like other citation managers, especially Zotero, to be able to automatically detect and import a citation.
Zotero lists a number of ways of exposing metadata that it will understand, including meta tags with RDF, COiNS, Dublin Core and unAPI. Is there a Ruby library for converting BibTeX to any of these standards automatically - or a Javascript library? I could probably create something, but if something existed, it would be far more robust (BibTeX has so many publication types and fields etc).
There's a BibTeX2RDF convertor available here, might be what you're after.
unAPI is not a data standard - it's a way to serve data (to Zotero and other programs). Zotero imports Bibtex, so serving Bibtex via unAPI works just fine. Inspire is an example of a site that does that:
By now one can simply import bibtex files of type .bib directly in Zotero. However, I noticed my bibtex files were often less complete than Zotero (in particular they often missed a DOI), and I did not find an "auto-complete" function (based on the data in the bibtex entries) in Zotero.
So I import the .bib file with Zotero, to ensure they are all in there. Then I run a python script that gets all the missing DOI's it can find for the entries in that .bib file, and exports them to a space separated .txt file.:
# pip install habanero
from habanero import Crossref
import re
def titletodoi(keyword):
cr = Crossref()
result =
items = result["message"]["items"]
item_title = items[0]["title"]
tmp = ""
for it in item_title:
tmp += it
title = keyword.replace(" ", "").lower()
title = re.sub(r"\W", "", title)
# print('title: ' + title)
tmp = tmp.replace(" ", "").lower()
tmp = re.sub(r"\W", "", tmp)
# print('tmp: ' + tmp)
if title == tmp:
doi = items[0]["DOI"]
return doi
return None
def get_dois(titles):
dois = []
for title in titles:
doi = titletodoi(title)
print(f"doi={doi}, title={title}")
if not doi is None:
# print("An exception occurred")
return dois
def read_titles_from_file(filepath):
with open(filepath) as f:
lines =
split_lines = splits_lines(lines)
return split_lines
def splits_lines(lines):
split_lines = []
for line in lines:
new_lines = line.split(";")
for new_line in new_lines:
return split_lines
def write_dois_to_file(dois, filename, separation_char):
textfile = open(filename, "w")
for doi in dois:
textfile.write(doi + separation_char)
filepath = "list_of_titles.txt"
titles = read_titles_from_file(filepath)
dois = get_dois(titles)
write_dois_to_file(dois, "dois_space.txt", " ")
write_dois_to_file(dois, "dois_per_line.txt", "\n")
The DOIs of the .txt are fed into magic wand of Zotero. Next, I (manually) remove the duplicates by choosing the latest added entry (because that comes from the magic wand with the most data).
After that, I run another script to update all the reference id's in my .tex and .bib files to those generated by Zotero:
# Importing library
import bibtexparser
from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser
from bibtexparser.customization import *
import os, fnmatch
import Levenshtein as lev
# Let's define a function to customize our entries.
# It takes a record and return this record.
def customizations(record):
"""Use some functions delivered by the library
:param record: a record
:returns: -- customized record
record = type(record)
record = author(record)
record = editor(record)
record = journal(record)
record = keyword(record)
record = link(record)
record = page_double_hyphen(record)
record = doi(record)
return record
def get_references(filepath):
with open(filepath) as bibtex_file:
parser = BibTexParser()
parser.customization = customizations
bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file, parser=parser)
# print(bib_database.entries)
return bib_database
def get_reference_mapping(main_filepath, sub_filepath):
found_sub = []
found_main = []
main_into_sub = []
main_references = get_references(main_filepath)
sub_references = get_references(sub_filepath)
for main_entry in main_references.entries:
for sub_entry in sub_references.entries:
# Match the reference ID if 85% similair titles are detected
lev_ratio = lev.ratio(
if lev_ratio > 0.85:
if main_entry["ID"] != sub_entry["ID"]:
print(f'replace: {sub_entry["ID"]} with: {main_entry["ID"]}')
main_into_sub.append([main_entry, sub_entry])
# Keep track of which entries have been found
return (
def remove_curly_braces(string):
left = string.replace("{", "")
right = left.replace("{", "")
return right
def replace_references(main_into_sub, directory):
for pair in main_into_sub:
main = pair[0]["ID"]
sub = pair[1]["ID"]
print(f"replace: {sub} with: {main}")
# findReplace(latex_root_dir, sub, main, "*.tex")
# findReplace(latex_root_dir, sub, main, "*.bib")
def findReplace(directory, find, replace, filePattern):
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(directory)):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, filePattern):
filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)
with open(filepath) as f:
s =
s = s.replace(find, replace)
with open(filepath, "w") as f:
def list_missing(main_references, sub_references):
for sub in sub_references:
if not sub["ID"] in list(map(lambda x: x["ID"], main_references)):
print(f'the following reference has a changed title:{sub["ID"]}')
latex_root_dir = "some_path/"
main_filepath = f"{latex_root_dir}latex/Literature_study/zotero.bib"
sub_filepath = f"{latex_root_dir}latex/Literature_study/references.bib"
) = get_reference_mapping(main_filepath, sub_filepath)
replace_references(main_into_sub, latex_root_dir)
list_missing(main_references, sub_references)
# For those references which have levenshtein ratio below 85 you can specify a manual swap:
manual_swap = [] # main into sub
# manual_swap.append(["cantley_impact_2021","cantley2021impact"])
# manual_swap.append(["widemann_envision_2021","widemann2020envision"])
for pair in manual_swap:
main = pair[0]
sub = pair[1]
print(f"replace: {sub} with: {main}")
# findReplace(latex_root_dir, sub, main, "*.tex")
# findReplace(latex_root_dir, sub, main, "*.bib")
