Using multiline variable in sed command [duplicate] - bash

This question already has answers here:
Sed Insert Multiple Lines
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a multiline variable that I captured from STDOUT.
I want to insert an echo command using this multiline variable to line 15 in another script (target).
TEST=`cat foo`
echo "$TEST"
sed -i "15i echo \"$TEST\" > someotherfile" target
Contents of foo :
I thought the sed command read in line feeds, which I confirmed my foo has:
user#test$ cat foo | tr -cd '\n' | wc -c
When I run my script, I see what's in $TEST, but am getting an error for the sed command:
user#test$ ./
sed: -e expression #1, char 18: unknown command: `o'
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

GNU sed is assumed, as implied by the syntax used in the question.
# Read contents of file 'foo' into shell variable $test.
# \-escape the newlines in $test for use in Sed.
sed -i "15i echo \"$testEscapedForSed\" > someotherfile" target
Your problem was that passing multi-line strings to sed functions such as i (insert) requires the newlines embedded in those strings to be \-escaped, so that sed knows where the string ends and additional commands, if any, start.
A (nonstandard) parameter expansion is used to replace all newlines in $test with themselves prefixed by \, using ANSI C-quoted string $'\n' to generate actual newline chars.
Also note:
I've renamed TEST to test, because all-uppercase shell-variable names should be avoided.
I've used modern command-substitution syntax $(..) in lieu of legacy syntax `...`.
$(<foo) is a slightly more efficient - although nonstandard - way of reading the content of a file at once.

awk 'NR==15{print;system("cat foo");next} 1' Input_file
No need to get the complete file into a variable, we could simply print it whichever line of Input_file you want to print it.
line=15; sed -e "${line}r foo" target
Or (in script mode)
cat script.ksh
sed -e "${line}r foo" target
Where you could change the number of line where you want to insert the lines from another file.

The i command in sed inserts the lines of text that end with a newline, up until a line that doesn't end with a backslash. The a and c commands are similar. Classic sed doesn't like the first line to appear on the same line as the i command; GNU sed isn't as fussy.
If you were writing the command manually, you'd need to write:
echo "apples\
carrots" > someotherfile
At issue now is "how do you want to create this given the file foo contains the list of names?". Sometimes, using sed to generate the sed script is useful. However, it can also be intricate if you need to get backslashes at the ends of lines which are subject to an i (or a or c) command, and it is simpler to circumvent the problem.
echo "15i\\"
sed -e '1s/^/echo "/' -e 's/$/\\/' -e '$s/\\$/" > someotherfile/' foo
} | sed -f /dev/stdin target
GNU sed can read its script from standard input using -f -; BSD (macOS) sed doesn't like that, but you can use -f /dev/stdin instead (which also works with GNU sed), at least on systems where there is a /dev/stdin.

Interesting issue.
As already mentioned the whole story for sed to be able to insert multiline text in another file is that this new multiline text must have actually literral \n for line breaks.
So we can use sed to convert real new line chars to literal \n:
$ a=$(tr '\n' '\\' <file3 |sed 's#[\]$##' |sed "s#[\]#\0n#g")
#Alternative: a=$(sed "s#[\]#\0n#g" <(sed 's#[\]$##' <(tr '\n' '\\' <file3)))
$ echo "$a"
How this translation works:
* First we replace all new lines with a single backslash using tr
* Then we remove the backslash from the end of the string
* Then we replace all other backslashes with backaslash and n char.
Since now variable $a contains literal \n between lines, sed will translate them back to actuall new lines:
$ cat file4
$ sed "2i $a" file4
Mutliline replacement can be done with two commands:
$ a=$(tr '\n' '\\' <file3 |sed 's#[\]$##' |sed "s#[\]#\0n#g")
$ sed "2i $a" file4
sed 2i means insert a text before line2. 2a can be used in order to insert something after line2.
According to this post which seems to be a duplicate, translation of new lines to literal \n seems that can be done with just :
a=$(echo ${a} | tr '\n' "\\n")
But this method never worked in my system.
The sed operation sed "2i $a" = insert variable $a before line 2 , can be also expressed as sed "1 s/.*/\0\n$a/" = replace all chars of first line with the same chars \0 plus a new line \n plus the contents of variable $a => insert $a after line1 = insert $a before line2.


How to replace '. ' with '.\n' using MacOS sed? [duplicate]

I am trying to scrub some lists into a properly formatted CSV file for database import.
My starting file, looks something like this with what is supposed to be each "line" spanning multiple lines like below
Mr. John Doe
Exclusively Stuff, 186
Caravelle Drive, Ponte Vedra
I created a sed script that cleans up the file (there's lots of "dirty" formatting like double spaces and spaces before/after commas). The problem is the Zip with the period. I would like to change that period for a new line, but I cannot get it to work.
The command that I use is:
sed -E -f scrub.sed test.txt
and the scrub.sed script is as follows:
s|[[:space:]][[:space:]]| |g
s|\n| |g
s|[[:space:]]([0-9]{5})\.|,FL,\1\n |g
What I get is
Mr. John Doe,Exclusively Stuff,186 Caravelle Drive,Ponte Vedra,FL,33487n
If figured that the Zip+.(period) would be a great "delimiter" to use the substitution on and while I can find it, I can't seem to tell it to put a newline there.
Most of the things I found online are about replacing the newline with something else (usually deleting them), but not much on replacing with a newline. I did find this, but it didn't work: How to insert newline character after comma in `),(` with sed?
Is there something I am missing?
I edited my scrub.sed file putting the literal new line as instucted. It still doesn't work
s|[[:space:]][[:space:]]| |g
s|\n| |g
What I get is (everything on one line):
Mr. John Doe,Exclusively Stuff,186 Caravelle Drive,Ponte Vedra,FL,33487 Mrs. Jane Smith,Props and Stuff,123 Main Drive,Jacksonville,FL,336907
My expected output should be:
Mr. John Doe,Exclusively Stuff,186 Caravelle Drive,Ponte Vedra,FL,33487
Mrs. Jane Smith,Props and Stuff,123 Main Drive,Jacksonville,FL,336907
The sed on BSD does not support the \n representation of a new line (turning it into a literal n):
$ echo "123." | sed -E 's/([[:digit:]]*)\./\1\n next line/'
123n next line
GNU sed does support the \n representation:
$ echo "123." | gsed -E 's/([[:digit:]]*)\./\1\nnext line/'
next line
Alternatives are:
Use a single character delimiter that you then use tr translate into a new line:
$ echo "123." | sed -E 's/([[:digit:]]*)\./\1|next line/' | tr '|' '\n'
next line
Or use an escaped literal new line in your sed script:
$ echo "123." | sed -E 's/([[:digit:]]*)\./\1\
next line/'
next line
Or define a new line:
BASH / zsh / others that support ANSI C quoting:
And then use sed with appropriate quoting and escapes to insert the literal \n:
echo "123." | sed 's/\./'"\\${nl}"'next line/'
next line
Or use awk:
$ echo "123." | awk '/^[[:digit:]]+\./{sub(/\./,"\nnext line")} 1'
next line
Or use GNU sed which supports \n
The portable way to get a newline in sed is a backslash followed by a literal newline:
$ echo 'foo' | sed 's/foo/foo\
I guarantee there's a far simpler solution to your whole problem by using awk rather than sed though.
The following works on Oracle Linux, x8664:
$ echo 'foobar' | sed 's/foo/foo\n/'
If you need it to match more than once per line, you'll need to place a g at the end, as in:
$ echo 'foobarfoobaz' | sed 's/foo/foo\n/g'
Add a line after a match.
The sed command can add a new line after a pattern match is found. The "a" command to sed tells it to add a new line after a match is found.
sed '/unix/ a "Add a new line"' file.txt
unix is great os. unix is opensource. unix is free os.
"Add a new line"
learn operating system.
unixlinux which one you choose.
"Add a new line"
Add a line before a match
The sed command can add a new line before a pattern match is found. The "i" command to sed tells it to add a new line before a match is found.
sed '/unix/ i "Add a new line"' file.txt
"Add a new line"
unix is great os. unix is opensource. unix is free os.
learn operating system.
"Add a new line"
unixlinux which one you choose.

Replace line with multi-line file

Trying to replace a line with a multi-line file. I can easily do this with a single-line file or multi-line string (see below).
sed -i "3s/.*/$(echo "${NEW_STRING}")/" tmp.txt
# Outputs...
# line 1
# line 2
# apple
# banana
# carrot
# line 4
# line 5
# ...
# etc
However, when I change the code to use a multi-file, such as replace.txt, I receive the following error:
sed: -e expression #1, char 10: unterminated `s' command
FILE=`cat replace.txt`
sed -i "3s/.*/$(echo "${FILE}")/" tmp.txt
apple size=8, align=2, ..., etc.
banana size=64, align=8, ..., etc.
carrot size=92, align=4, ..., etc.
Note broken_script.bash works if I delete replace.txt to be a single-line (i.e. just ++++).
Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Why doesn't this work with a multi-line file as the replacement text (i.e. like the single-line file or multi-line string)?
To replace lines with the contents of a file, you can use the r command:
sed -e 3rreplace.txt -e 3d tmp.txt
As asked in a comment, sed -e 3d -e 3rreplace.txt does not work because the d command immediately returns to the top of the program after reading the next line and never executes the r command.
First of all: Drop the echo part. You can use the variable directly.
Back to the actual problem:
The difference is how you encode the newline. In the first command you wrote \n do denote a newline. That \n is not interpreted by 'bash', but directly sent to sed. In the second command, the file content is sent to sed, including literal newline characters. For a file with the two lines line1 and line2 the command sed sees is
sed cannot handle such multi-lined commands.
Non-sed solution:
As it seems, you just want to replace the third line of one file with the content of another file. This can be done with
cat <(head -n 2 file1) file2 <(tail -n +4 file1)
head -n2 file1 prints the first two lines of file1.
tail -n +4 file 1 prints all lines of file1 starting at line 4.
<(command) is called process substitution and emulates a file containing the output of command.
cat concatenates the three "files".
sed can do this with some quote juggling
$ seq 5 | sed -e '/3/{r replace.txt' -e 'd}'
apple size=8, align=2, ..., etc.
banana size=64, align=8, ..., etc.
carrot size=92, align=4, ..., etc.
for in place replacement you need to provide file
$ sed -i -e '/3/{r replace.txt' -e 'd}' file
of course test first or take backup.

sed - remove line break if line does not end on \"

I have a tsv.-file and there are some lines which do not end with an '"'. So now I would like to remove every line break which is not directly after an '"'.
How could I accomplish that with sed? Or any other bash shell program...
Kind regards,
This sed command should do it:
sed '/"$/!{N;s/\n//}' file
It says: on every line not matching "$ do:
read next line, append it to pattern space;
remove linebreak between the two lines.
$ cat file.txt
$ sed '/"$/!{N;s/\n//}' file.txt
To elaborate on #Lev's answer, the BSD (OSX) version of sed is less forgiving about the command syntax within the curly braces -- the semicolon command separator is required for both commands:
sed '/"$/!{N;s/\n//;}' file.txt
per the documentation here -- an excerpt:
Following an address or address range, sed accepts curly braces '{...}' so several commands may be applied to that line or to the lines matched by the address range. On the command line, semicolons ';' separate each instruction and must precede the closing brace.
give this awk one-liner a try:
awk '{printf "%s%s",$0,(/"$/?"\n":"")}' file
kent$ cat f
"a long
text with
many many
kent$ awk '{printf "%s%s",$0,(/"$/?"\n":"")}' f
"a longtext withmany manylines"
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed ':a;/"$/!{N;s/\n//;ta}' file
This checks if the last character of the pattern space is a " and if not appends another line, removes a newline and repeats until the condition is met or the end-of-file is encountered.
An alternative is:
sed -r ':a;N;s/([^"])\n/\1/;ta;P;D' file
The mechanism is left for the reader to ponder.

sed replace line with multiline-variable

I'm trying to replace a single line in a file with a multiline string stored in a variable.
I am able to get the correct result when printing to screen, but not if I want to do an in-place replacement.
The file has form:
*some code*
*some code*
*some code*
I want the resulting file to be:
*some code*
*some code*
line number 1
line number 2
line number 3
*some code*
The code I tried was:
new_string="line number 1\nline number 2\nline number 3"
# Correct output on screen
sed -e s/"string_to_replace"/"${new_string}"/g $file
# Single-line output in file: "line number 1line number 2line number 3"
sed -i s/"string_to_replace"/"${new_string}"/g $file
When trying to combine -i and -e options, the result is the same as when only using -i.
I'm using GNU sed version 4.1.5 on CentOS (connected to it through ssh from Mac).
Although you have specifically asked for sed, you can accomplish this using awk by storing your multiline variable in a file using the following
awk '/string_to_replace/{system("cat file_with_multiple_lines");next}1' file_to_replace_in > output_file
In sed you can double quote the command string and let the shell do the expansion for you, like this:
new_string="line number 1\nline number 2\nline number 3"
sed -i "s/string_to_replace/$new_string/" file
Inlining a multi-line string into a sed script requires you to escape any literal newlines (and also any literal & characters, which otherwise interpolates the string you are replacing, as well as of course any literal backslashes, and whichever character you are using as the replacement delimiter). What exactly will work also depends slightly on the precise sed dialect. Ultimately, this may be one of those cases where using something else than sed is more robust and portable. But try e.g.
sed -e 's/[&%\\]/\\&/g' \
-e '$!s/$/\\/' \
-e '1s/^/s%string_to_replace%/' \
-e '$s/$/%g/' <<<$replacement |
# pass to second sed instance
sed -f - "$file"
The <<<"here string" syntax is Bash-specific; you can replace it with printf '%s\n' "$replacement" | sed.
Not all sed versions allow you to pass in a script on standard input with -f -. Maybe try replacing the lone dash with /dev/stdin or /dev/fd/0; if that doesn't work, either, you'll have to save the generated script to a temporary file. (Bash lets you use a command substitution sed -f <(sed ...) "$file" which can be quite convenient, and saves you from having to remove the temporary file when you are done.)

Concise and portable "join" on the Unix command-line

How can I join multiple lines into one line, with a separator where the new-line characters were, and avoiding a trailing separator and, optionally, ignoring empty lines?
Example. Consider a text file, foo.txt, with three lines:
The desired output is:
The command I'm using now:
tr '\n' ',' <foo.txt |sed 's/,$//g'
Ideally it would be something like this:
cat foo.txt |join ,
the most portable, concise, readable way.
the most concise way using non-standard unix tools.
Of course I could write something, or just use an alias. But I'm interested to know the options.
Perhaps a little surprisingly, paste is a good way to do this:
paste -s -d","
This won't deal with the empty lines you mentioned. For that, pipe your text through grep, first:
grep -v '^$' | paste -s -d"," -
This sed one-line should work -
sed -e :a -e 'N;s/\n/,/;ba' file
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat file
[jaypal:~/Temp] sed -e :a -e 'N;s/\n/,/;ba' file
To handle empty lines, you can remove the empty lines and pipe it to the above one-liner.
sed -e '/^$/d' file | sed -e :a -e 'N;s/\n/,/;ba'
How about to use xargs?
for your case
$ cat foo.txt | sed 's/$/, /' | xargs
Be careful about the limit length of input of xargs command. (This means very long input file cannot be handled by this.)
cat data.txt | perl -pe 'if(!eof){chomp;$_.=","}'
or yet shorter and faster, surprisingly:
cat data.txt | perl -pe 'if(!eof){s/\n/,/}'
or, if you want:
cat data.txt | perl -pe 's/\n/,/ unless eof'
Just for fun, here's an all-builtins solution
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a data < foo.txt ; ( IFS=, ; echo "${data[*]}" ; )
You can use printf instead of echo if the trailing newline is a problem.
This works by setting IFS, the delimiters that read will split on, to just newline and not other whitespace, then telling read to not stop reading until it reaches a nul, instead of the newline it usually uses, and to add each item read into the array (-a) data. Then, in a subshell so as not to clobber the IFS of the interactive shell, we set IFS to , and expand the array with *, which delimits each item in the array with the first character in IFS
I needed to accomplish something similar, printing a comma-separated list of fields from a file, and was happy with piping STDOUT to xargs and ruby, like so:
cat data.txt | cut -f 16 -d ' ' | grep -o "\d\+" | xargs ruby -e "puts ARGV.join(', ')"
I had a log file where some data was broken into multiple lines. When this occurred, the last character of the first line was the semi-colon (;). I joined these lines by using the following commands:
for LINE in 'cat $FILE | tr -s " " "|"'
if [ $(echo $LINE | egrep ";$") ]
echo "$LINE\c" | tr -s "|" " " >> $MYFILE
echo "$LINE" | tr -s "|" " " >> $MYFILE
The result is a file where lines that were split in the log file were one line in my new file.
Simple way to join the lines with space in-place using ex (also ignoring blank lines), use:
ex +%j -cwq foo.txt
If you want to print the results to the standard output, try:
ex +%j +%p -scq! foo.txt
To join lines without spaces, use +%j! instead of +%j.
To use different delimiter, it's a bit more tricky:
ex +"g/^$/d" +"%s/\n/_/e" +%p -scq! foo.txt
where g/^$/d (or v/\S/d) removes blank lines and s/\n/_/ is substitution which basically works the same as using sed, but for all lines (%). When parsing is done, print the buffer (%p). And finally -cq! executing vi q! command, which basically quits without saving (-s is to silence the output).
Please note that ex is equivalent to vi -e.
This method is quite portable as most of the Linux/Unix are shipped with ex/vi by default. And it's more compatible than using sed where in-place parameter (-i) is not standard extension and utility it-self is more stream oriented, therefore it's not so portable.
POSIX shell:
( set -- $(cat foo.txt) ; IFS=+ ; printf '%s\n' "$*" )
My answer is:
awk '{printf "%s", ","$0}' foo.txt
printf is enough. We don't need -F"\n" to change field separator.
