Full authentication is required to access this resource - performance

I am getting the following error while searcing for an entity after successful login
Full authentication is required to access this resource unauthorized
I tried to correlate the items in response headers (VCAP_ID, JSESSIONID) but nothing works. I also observed that the
Please provide resolution.

First of all try adding HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan
Double check your correlation post processors using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination to ensure that all variables are properly extracted. The latter one allows inspecting request and response details as well and has i.e. RegExp Tester mode allowing validating your Regular Expressions against server response without having to re-run the request
If after all you won't fell comfortable with handling dynamic parameters in JMeter you can try out an alternative option of JMeter scripts recording which is capable of exporting the recorded test in "SmartJMX" mode automatically detecting and handling any dynamic values. See How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% article for more details.


Page Redirect ErrorPage.aspx

I am executing performance tests in the Jmeter. However, I am an issue in response data. It's showed the following message:
Meantime, the page contains two IDs that is changed each iteration on the page. I've configured and controlled those IDs through regular expression. I do not get because this message is being displayed. This is displayed in all requests.
Has someone any tip to overtake this issue?
Make sure that the JMeter Variables which are coming from the Regular Expression Extractors really contain the anticipated values, you can do this using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
If the variables have the values perform the further cross-check of the network footprint of your JMeter test and the real browser.
Capture the request(s) which is being sent by the browser using browser developer tools (or maybe even better a sniffer tool like Fiddler or Burp)
Do the same for the request(s) which is(are) being sent from JMeter
Compare everything:
Request body
all should be the same (apart from dynamic parameters which need to be correlated)
Given JMeter will be sending the same request as browser does - you will get the same response.

Apache Jmeter is not giving any error even we gave wrong credentials

I am new to JMeter. I am using it for load testing for Microstrategy web dossiers. I am loading the users from CSV Config file. I have generated steps using Badboy software and exported as Jmeter file. I have added variables for userID and password. I have enabled "Retrieve all Embedded Resources". When I ran the testing. I observed that its giving same response even if password is wrong. taskProcs are giving connection closed error. I have searched with dossier ID in both the cases , I am able to see the request and response same even if password is wrong. Can you help me how to identify whether the credentials matched or not ? I would like to throw error when password didn't match ? I thought of adding Response Assertions but responses are same.
JMeter automatically treats HTTP Response Status codes below 400 as successful. So if HTTP Request sampler returns status 200 (or any other between 100 and 399) it's treated as success.
JMeter doesn't perform any checks for content, if you need to add explicit pass/fail criteria basing on the response body, presence or absence of certain text, sampler execution time, etc. you need to add a relevant Assertion and put the anticipated success criteria into the assertion.
First JMeter doesn't generate any error codes or error messages itself, what it actually do is working as client and giving back what application sends to JMeter.
I think first you have to make sure application works correctly, then check whether Jmeter scripts work correctly. For that add debug sampler before the API request and check whether variables username, password has evaluated correctly from the csv.

Unable to get security token for Jmeter

I am trying to do some basic performance testing on an app I look after.
I am using Jmeter and done the steps recorder and the same as following Jmeter tutorials on youtube, but I am getting stuck when I need put the variable into the X-CSRF-Token
The issue is I cant find X-CSRF-Token in the captured steps. Is it using some other form of authentication? Any suggestions for me as to other methods would be great.
If the post doesn't make much sense, I don't really have an in-depth knowledge of Jmeter or testing.
To find where the token appeared:
clear browser history
record your scenario using jmeter recording template
then in the view result tree located un HTTP(s) Test Script recorder, use the search field to find the first response in which it appears. You’ll need to add an extractor in the corresponding sampler
you ‘ll then be able to inject it using ${varName}
Depending on your server configuration this X-CSRF-Token can come in:
In the response HTML body
In the response headers, inspect HTTP Header Manager for any hard-coded values
As a HTTP Cookie (which is basically a header as well, however it will be much more convenient to get it from the HTTP Cookie Manager rather than from response headers)
So make sure to inspect all the tabs of the first request in the View Results Tree listener as this X-CSRF-Token guy can hide anywhere.
You can try an alternative way of recording a JMeter test, it can export test in "SmartJMX" mode with automatic detection and correlation of any dynamic parameters including but not limited to CSRF tokens so theoretically it can make your life easier, check out How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% guide for more information and technical details.
If you need further help you will have to provide more details, like full dump of 2 requests along with responses. You can use a sniffer tool like Wireshark or Fiddler to capture it.

Response message: Unauthorized in Jmeter

I'm new to using Jmeter tool.
I have recorded my application using blazemeter (v3.1) and then trying to run that .jmx file in Jmeter, however I am running into an authorization issue and the script fails to run.
I have also tried setting my "HTTP Authorization Manager" with username, url, password but it does not help. If anyone can, please guide me on this Issue. Thanks.
As per 4 Things You Should Never Do with Your JMeter Script article:
Don’t run the script exactly as you recorded it
After recording your script, there is still some work to do before you run it. It’s necessary to correlate variables, parameterize and add elements, to faithfully simulate users.
There are too many ways of possible authentication implementation in your application, most probably you need to send some dynamic value along with credentials which can be fetched from the previous request.
Record your test scenario 2 times and compare recorded requests. Be careful as differences might be in response headers and URL, not only in response data. It makes sense to add View Results Tree listener directly to HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder - this way you will be able to see what data is captured by JMeter and amend its configuration so simulated request would look exactly like the request from the real browser.

E commerce load test with complete flow

I'm trying to do a load test of e commerce site with complete flow from product search, login to add to cart and submit. Product search and anonymous order is working fine but when I'm trying to run script for registered user it's not working. How can I fix this?Click here to download script
Your "download" link is broken or expired or whatever.
Most probably your request doesn't work for authorised users due to missing or improperly working correlation. Modern web applications cannot be just recorded and replayed as they widely use dynamic request parameters mostly for security reasons. So if this is the case your test needs to look as follows:
Open Login Page (usually GET request)
Extract dynamic parameters using one of matching JMeter Post-Processors and store them into JMeter Variables
Perform Login (usually POST Request) providing not only credentials, but also dynamic parameters values from the first request
Also make sure you add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan - it represents browser cookies and automatically deals with cookie-based authentication
You might want to try an alternative way of recording a JMeter test - using cloud-based proxy which is capable of exporting recorded tests in "SmartJMX" mode with automatic correlation of any dynamic parameters detected. Check out How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% article for more information.
